
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Ooooh my 16 yr old has eaten his first beer battered fish stick. He is expanding his horizons via his stomach!!! Wooo-hoooo!! We discussed the similarities between butterfly shrimp and the white flaky texture of fish sticks. Also the fact that he is dipping all seafood products into Thousand Island dressing might be masking the flavor...but I shall not tell him that. When he was a child I told him everything was chicken. I know not the best thing, but he ate them. When he was eating pork chops I called it chicken. When he was eating ham I called it chicken...you get the picture. Between his older brother telling him he was from Jupiter, and his real parents were aliens...I am amazed he grew up normal, but intellectually-speaking he has always told me he believed he was perceived to be a wee bit on the odd side. Wonder where he got THAT from? *sighes*

    (not the Alien mom)
    From Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

    Um those ladies look strangely familiar!!!!
    pre-mental pausal.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    *Heather, it sounds like you are another day closer! Woop eeeeeee So happy for you and crossing fingers that all goes smoothly.

    *Terri, what fun to win things! I hope you have a place for your new TV? That is about the only thing that I really don’t need another one of.

    *Lisa, you have been a busy beaver. Good for you on getting back to writing while in the midst of working on the warehouse. Not to mention running!!! Go girl, go.

    *Chris, beautiful picture. You had to enjoy that walk on such a beautiful day. Thanks for sharing.

    *Z inNY, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. I do think loosing gradually is a good thing as it stays off easier. I love your goal of “feel my feelings rather than eat them”. Come often and join right in.

    *Beth, good point about weighing and measuring. It is so easy to slip back into eating more than we think when we don’t measure. Bummer about that 20 pounds.

    *Pip, it’s about time you showed that pretty face. Oh and nice to see you, too. Tee hee hee I hope you both had a good weekend.

    *SusanR, welcome. I’m guessing your last name starts with R and we all of a sudden have 2 new Susans. We are happy to have you so join right in. Tell us a bit about yourself. Where you are from, family, job, etc…anything that will help us get to know you.

    *Mary, that doesn’t look like you on the ladder? Wow, I wish I had your energy.

    *Irish, love your Dust Busters.

    *Joyce, I hope you won’t have a problem with the phone money. Why does life have to get so complicated? (((Hugs)))

    *D in KS, welcome. Maybe you can find a new hobby for the holidays besides baking. I used to do Christmas cookies but actually didn’t bake any last year, which was my first Christmas on this journey. You can do this. It’s just another step in the journey. We make changes all the time so just look for a way to change something so it works for you. You have great goals. Good luck.

    *Ann in PNW, welcome to you, too. We are happy to have all you new ladies in this supportive group. Come often and join in whenever you feel like it.

    *Sylvia, I think the bowls look great. I didn’t realize it was a different charity. How nice that the kids will do their own this year. Nice for you. Love the 7 Witches!!!

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I was good at the Moose meeting and just had one tiny bite of cheese and some fruit. There were lots of great looking homemade dishes that did tempt. I did have Fried Fish filet for dinner but had saved most of my calories. It also gives me a bit extra when I don’t have any evening cocktail, like the past two nights. I have to leave early in the morning to take my friend to the doctor so I’m heading off to bed. Still not used to the time change. Good night my friends.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    10,000 steps
    79 minutes of dog walking
    102 minutes riding the exercise bike

    :* Tonight I'll try wearing the foot splint to bed for the first time. The doctor ordered them for both feet but specialist who fitted them suggested that I try one foot first and alternate feet (left one night and right the next) since I'm so concerned that they'll make it impossible for me to sleep. Also, Medicare will probably not pay for them, so one will be cheaper than two. I still haven't gotten a date for the nerve conduction test so I am still struggling along with pain and tingling and trying to stay in the moment and not imagine where this is going.


    this is a foot splint

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Checking in... awesome goals everyone.

    I like the one "I am going to weigh less on Dec 1". We all know what to do, we just need to DO it!!

    Later - one of my goals is to get 7 hours sleep on work days...

    And my computer is going to restart in 2 minutes

    in Snowy West Central Saskatchewan
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Ann in the PNW: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Congratulations to Kirby! Great run. :bigsmile:

    Sylvia: I LOVE the seven witches of Menopause. :heart: Itchy, Bitchy, Sweaty, Sleepy, & Bloated haven't been around for quite a while, but Forgetful and Psycho still show up now and then. :devil: :laugh:

    DH put up our honeycomb blinds in the living room today! He did the bedroom a couple of days ago. Now we have privacy available when we want it. Yay! The painter who is supposed to repaint the exterior and interior trim called & said he would come on a dry day. It rained off & on today but we didn't get the problems with rain filled streets that some places did.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did about 15 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec and then took the extremepump class

    Exercised, senior bowling, then ceramics and then mahjongg. Pretty rushed. Want to see DWTS

    Mary - I never got to the cheesecake. But then again, the calorie count is high so I probably won't be making it again. However, the tofu pie....I'm thinking that 1/2tsp of gelatin for the entire pie might work. Cute pic

    Welcome everyone new

    Jenna - good goals

    Peach - welcome back!

    SRR - welcome to another North Carolinean. What part are you in?

    We're supposed to go up to Jess' this weekend and just found out that they're doing renovations to the hotel and the fitnes center is closed. I'll have my laptop with me so maybe I can do some DVD's while I'm there

    Heather - keeping fingers crossed for you

    DJ - the weather has been really weird. First it was raining cats & dogs, tonight it's just misting. You did great at the Moose

    Terri in Milwaukee - I can't think of anything else that Denise has repeatedly mentioned as her "something old". I honestly don't understand why, after she even mentioned it to Pete, he still went out and bought her a wedding/engagement ring. He said he wanted to get her something that showed how much he loved her. He could have gotten her something else and let her have what she asked for. But I'm really not going to pursue it. The rings are here, should she decided she'd prefer mine. But to be honest, she's not the kind of person who will say "I'd rather have my mother's"

    pip - Kirby did real well.

    Sylvia - loved the witches

    Michele in NC
    who is sorry this is so short -- off to watch DWTS
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm pooped!

    I walked with my friend, took the kids to school, went to run an errand in Joplin, then came home to clean house and bake a cake for hubby's birthday. Then waited around for the heating and air guy. Then picked up all three kids and brought them to our house. My son was not having a good day health wise, so he opted out of coming over for the birthday dinner. So once we got home, I set the kids down to work on homework while I started making dinner. They can't function for two seconds without either asking for my attention or fighting with each other. When hubby got home all five of us took all three dogs out for their walk. That was actually fun. Then I served the dinner and the kids played for a while before I took them home. I don't know why they wear me out so badly, but they do. I loaded the dishwasher before we left to take them home, so at least I don't have that hanging over my head. Now I'm ready for bed and it's only 8:00.

    Thanks for your kind comments about my bowls. These are for an event in another town, not ours. That one won't be till October of 2016. The teacher here is going to have the students make their own bowls for that one. That will free me up to make my own stuff. I'm embarrassed to admit that for these free bowls I don't go to too much trouble. They aren't really anything special. But they will all have my contact information fired into the bottom, so I don't want anything too crummy. Some potters use these events to clear out their seconds, or give junky pots that don't have their names on them. I'm thinking of it as more of a promotional tool. I'm toying with the idea of putting a qr code on the bottom.

    Irish Terri and Heather and anyone else in the UK - have you seen the new show that's like a cook-off competition except it's potters making pots? It's on BBC2, I think. The Great Pottery Throw Down. I hope I'll be able to watch it on line.

    Welcome to the new ladies! Keep coming back and let us know how you are doing. This thing really works if you stick with it. I've lost 130 pounds so far and this thread has been a huge part of that. Just 30 pounds to go.

    Good night ladies.


    Wow!!!!!!!! You should be proud!!!! Any advice , did you do it with healthy eating , surgery, food plan?? Thanks for sharing. Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member

    Lol!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chris - great place for a walk!

    DJ - that is definitely me on the ladder. I've got a couple of layers of clothes on and my DH shirt. It was barely over 53 degrees out but warm enough to paint! I was shaking and so was the ladder! From the cold. I also had to hold the paint pan with one hand and paint with the other. Moving the ladder wasn't an easy task either.

    Sylvia - happy birthday to your DH!

    Barbie- I hope you wake up with no pain! I'm so sorry you are going through this! (((hugs)))

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Is there a way I can view my posts? DJ said something about the phone money and for the life of me I can't remember what in the world it was. Maybe I am one of those witches!

    I made some chili Saturday night that wasn't up to snuff of what my usual chili is. Charlie didn't eat much but his appetite is the pits these days. Anyway I have been having a half serving for lunch and i think it is getting better with age. I wish that was the way with me. Well looks aren't everything.

    Got to talk to my oldest daughter. I guess it help I put in a message last night to CALL ME. She says I can feel free to call her any day on her lunch hour but sometimes she is real busy and sometimes she isn't. Sometimes they are working on big projects and working overtime. She said that if she couldn't talk she would just tell me that. At least I could hear her voice when she said she couldn't talk. Sometimes I want to push social media out the window so I can actually hear a voice.

    DD and I talked about what I should get my talented 9 year old grand daughter for her birthday (would be nine). We decided on an erector set. But most of them are of cars and such. I know it may sound feminist but I would like to buy something that a girl would like. If I bought an erector set, my son in law would be more interested. But this young girl does not conform to any feminine mold. She loves dresses but loves to shoot her bow and arrows, darts, ride horses. Sorry Katla. She just isn't into girly things like she used to be. So I guess I'll get her an erector set to make a fire truck. But with her origami, she makes things that come out of the book then makes up her own animals and other things. So with this set, I hope she would put that very creative mind to work and make things on her own. She is a funny young lady. Loves ballet and the opera but loves archery and guns.

    Loved the DWTS tonight. I really thought Bindi would give her Dad as the person she idolized but she gave Grace Kelly. I approved of the person who went home. At this stage of the game, all of them who are sent home are good performers.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Is there a way I can view my posts? DJ said something about the phone money and for the life of me I can't remember what in the world it was. Maybe I am one of those witches!

    I made some chili Saturday night that wasn't up to snuff of what my usual chili is. Charlie didn't eat much but his appetite is the pits these days. Anyway I have been having a half serving for lunch and i think it is getting better with age. I wish that was the way with me. Well looks aren't everything.

    Got to talk to my oldest daughter. I guess it help I put in a message last night to CALL ME. She says I can feel free to call her any day on her lunch hour but sometimes she is real busy and sometimes she isn't. Sometimes they are working on big projects and working overtime. She said that if she couldn't talk she would just tell me that. At least I could hear her voice when she said she couldn't talk. Sometimes I want to push social media out the window so I can actually hear a voice.

    DD and I talked about what I should get my talented 9 year old grand daughter for her birthday (would be nine). We decided on an erector set. But most of them are of cars and such. I know it may sound feminist but I would like to buy something that a girl would like. If I bought an erector set, my son in law would be more interested. But this young girl does not conform to any feminine mold. She loves dresses but loves to shoot her bow and arrows, darts, ride horses. Sorry Katla. She just isn't into girly things like she used to be. So I guess I'll get her an erector set to make a fire truck. But with her origami, she makes things that come out of the book then makes up her own animals and other things. So with this set, I hope she would put that very creative mind to work and make things on her own. She is a funny young lady. Loves ballet and the opera but loves archery and guns.

    Loved the DWTS tonight. I really thought Bindi would give her Dad as the person she idolized but she gave Grace Kelly. I approved of the person who went home. At this stage of the game, all of them who are sent home are good performers.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce I got my son an Erector set when he was that age that built a rugged remote controlled car,,,he was delighted, hope your GD enjoys hers. Your an excellent Grandmother who can think outside the box! Lucky GKS
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it through pg 5. Speeding to catch up but it won't be tonight.

    Penny- I would definitely make an exception for a Sling.

    Heather - I think any of us that have experienced cancer can identify with the fear of it returning.
    Hope you feel better soon.

    Carol -your "Good-bye " walk looks glorious.

    Barbie - Love your pic of Sasha and Bernie.

    Irish Terri - You are an inspiration. Enjoy your Writing class.

    Miriam - The explanation of pants/trousers had me LOL

    Sylvia - Count me in as loving the flower bowl.

    Terri - Congrats on winning a TV

    Halloween was busy on our block. 77 kids and then we turned off the lights and went to my sister's. I ate a popcorn ball and it was delicious but definitely not what I should be doing.
    Today my DGD informed "Suckers are for sucking on that is why they are called suckers, my Grandma" Well, now that's cleared up.
    Yesterday I went to the Skate Canada Gala and so very glad I did. I almost didn't say yes. The price of $50 for the cheap seats seemed extravagant. It was well worth it. I went with my cousin's wife whom I have never spent great amounts of time with. We both enjoyed it and after we talked about some of the holidays we have been on. Nice afternoon.
    Today I thinned my closet with help from DD. We also packed away summer things. Out and about to the Halloween stores. Went with her to drop DGS at guitar, DGD at dance, pay some bills, etc. Tonight I worked on taming my paper dragon. A productive day but time to end it.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    oops almost forgot to post my goals
    1. Log food and exercise every day
    2. walk 3x/wk minimum
    3. Say yes more often
    4. Increase fruit/veggie intake
    5. Check blood sugar daily
    6. Enjoy Life
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies~
    had a good nights sleep.. and am trying to get back on track.. I will start back up slow and work my way back into this,have been doing alot of reading and think eating vegetarian will be the best for me.. for my kidneys especially, and if my dad who is 87 and in pretty darn good shape .. then I should be able to do it too.
    I am a sugar addict and have to get that under control..
    so nice to see all the new friends xoxox welcome welcome.. we are a most awesome bunch of ladies if I do say so myself.. :)
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Morning all - thanks for all your welcomes.

    Hopefully one day, I'll get to know you enough to be able to respond better. Have just spent 20 mins reading from yesterday and now have to get back to work after a quick update.

    Day 2 of no alcohol done.
    Gym planned for after work tonight
    Should have put oil on nails last night but will do tonight.
    Weighed this morning so I know what the damage is precisely - 62.2 kilos (140 lbs). I know in some people's eyes that's not excessive, but all the extra weight sits around the top of my hips and stomach, and as I am short waisted it makes me look very chunky. Also very uncomfortable around the bra area! Plan is to get back to 54/55 kilo (about 122lbs) Aim for this month to get to 60.something - even if it is 60.9!! Height is just under 5ft 4.

    Love the witches - past most of that fortunately, but struggle to sleep. It has always been a problem, but even more now.

    Lost weight last year mainly by cutting out potatoes, bread and pasta, and eating lots of meat fish and veg. Still ate sweet potatoes and rice a few times a week. I rarely logged on MFP - maybe once a week or so to check if my general pattern was OK. I don't snack, and I found that I could eat more if I stayed away from the bread etc. I still had some now and then with a cheat meal. No alcohol for about 5 months then very little for another 5 months. After I let it in my life again on a more regular basis it was no surprise that the pounds came back but I haven't had that "feeling" that I was committed to losing it again.

    I have that feeling now so...fingers crossed it stays. I have to say that cutting out the white starchy foods was easy. I don't feel that they made me bloated or anything, but I didn't miss them and as I love meat I was able to eat more of it. I also topped up my protein with a protein shake as I was (am) doing quite heavy weight training.

    Anyway, that's all for now. Must work!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Mary Happy Belated Birthday! :flowerforyou: It was Monday.

    Working today.

    Remembering to vote, too!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    No time to read the posts right now but wanted to say Good Morning. I’m off to take my friend to the doctor and will catch up when I get home. It’s raining and expected to do so all day. Not sure if I’ll make line dancing this afternoon as my knee is still giving me a bit of trouble. I think of you all much of the time, especially when it’s time to eat, and hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
  • annpnw
    annpnw Posts: 3 Member

    Lost weight last year mainly by cutting out potatoes, bread and pasta, and eating lots of meat fish and veg. Still ate sweet potatoes and rice a few times a week. I rarely logged on MFP - maybe once a week or so to check if my general pattern was OK. I don't snack, and I found that I could eat more if I stayed away from the bread etc. I still had some now and then with a cheat meal. No alcohol for about 5 months then very little for another 5 months. After I let it in my life again on a more regular basis it was no surprise that the pounds came back but I haven't had that "feeling" that I was committed to losing it again.


    Jenna, this sounds so familiar - for me, it's what I call the trilogy - bread, cheese, or a fine glass of wine. If I can keep those in their place (and not in my mouth) I stay healthy, but those three take me down the slippery slope. I also have something in my head I call 'the switch" - when the switch is turned on, I'm not tempted in the slightest, but one or two "trilogy" items and boom - they're kind of like gateway drugs for me. You'd think I'd recognize it after years of repeating the pattern, and I'm slowly getting to the point where I accept that this is just the way it is for me. Hey I'm rather short, from a not-skinny family - did I really think I was one of those people who could eat anything and never gain weight? Not going to happen. A new/old favorite mantra is helping me lately: The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result. I'm beginning to see that as an empowering belief (I can do this), rather than another reminder of how 'duh' I can be sometimes.
    Hang in there, Jenna - thanks for sharing that.