Reached my goal weight (with pics :))



    TWEETIE19 Posts: 54
    Congrats on your weight loss....:drinker:
  • chrisuy
    chrisuy Posts: 39 Member
    I think you look great in both pictures. And will even go against the grain in stating that I think you after pictures look better than the before ones! :) Keep up the great work!
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    Congrats and good luck on your strength training! You know your body and where you feel most comfortable. To hell with all the negativity on here :wink:
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Oh well, should've seen this coming.
    I know I was never fat in the first place (my "before" is in my healthy range) but I just wanted to get more lean and I'm working on it. I am not a huge fan of bones myself so now that I've lowered my body fat percentage, I will focus on strength training to cover these bones with muscles. And since we all know that muscle weights more than fat, I won't mind getting a couple of lbs back with this scenario :) I just want to emphasize that I don't strive to be skinny, my goal is to be toned and losing body fat was just the first step.
    And I am 100% ok weight and health-wise, this this just how my body is naturally, I have never been really big.
    And thanks for congratulations.

    This is good to hear :-)
    And congrats on following through with your plan. Keep up the good work. Get nice and strong :-)
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Holy hell, you looked great before, but your "after" shot is AMAZING. Please excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor.
  • nicole623az
    nicole623az Posts: 14 Member
    You are underweight. You are 5'9" and weigh 123. So why would a doctor possibly recommend somebody to have a bmi of 18.2 which is under a healthy weight range? What you are doing is anything BUT healthy. I would go to a different doctor that actually cares about your wellbeing. Once again I stress, this is NOT healthy.
  • bluecutipy
    bluecutipy Posts: 35 Member
    congrats on meeting your goals.... but... i gotta tell you you looked alot better in your before pic. But yeah... congrats again!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    I don't think that people comments are necessarily negative..It's opinions...Most people are saying that they are happy she reached her personal goal.. When you post pics definitely have to ready for the good and bad around here..I have noticed that..We will not always hear what we want.. Nice job lady..
    Congrats and good luck on your strength training! You know your body and where you feel most comfortable. To hell with all the negativity on here :wink:
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    Wow... I love your before pics. You look amazing. I would kill to look like that. Your after picture, for fear of sounding negative, and it's just my opinion, is too skinny, regardless of anything, you look unhealthy.That's me just being honest. I don't mean to offend. I aim to look skinny - but your before picture is slim, healthily skinny and toned, to me.

    Though, I can't commend you enough for sticking to what you want! I'm glad you're happy. xox
  • monica2410
    monica2410 Posts: 124 Member
    Congratulations on reaching your goal! I am just starting out so I don't have any tips on maintenance. Your were a knock-out before and are a knock-out now:smile:
  • KseniaR
    KseniaR Posts: 7
    This is getting ridiculous.
    Seriously, people, what is wrong with losing fat and gaining muscle (you can change my "after" to "during" because I am far from done with toning up)? I was eating 1200-1300 net calories a day, is it unhealthy now? Do you know my body to judge?
    I can't wait to post a photo of my toned self with defined muscles so people who question my health (you know better than the doctors, obviously) can see what the fat loss was all about and point their negativity in some other direction.
    You are underweight. You are 5'9" and weigh 123. So why would a doctor possibly recommend somebody to have a bmi of 18.2 which is under a healthy weight range? What you are doing is anything BUT healthy. I would go to a different doctor that actually cares about your wellbeing. Once again I stress, this is NOT healthy.
    First and most important, I am not underweight.
    I am used to metric system so I might have made mistakes when converting, I am currently 175 cm and 57 kg (gaiedn 1 kg back, mostly muscle and I'm pretty happy with it) and BMI of 18.6 is in my healthy range.
    Secondly, I am naturally ectomorphic so I am not prone to being overweight. And you might know that healthy BMI ranges vary not only based on age/sex but also on body type(ectomorph/mesomorph/endomorph).
    Thanks for your concern but it was very unnecessary to make such statements based on a couple of pictures and with no knowledge of my body etc.
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    I'm quite shocked by this - you say 'Do you know my body to judge?' you have put yourself on a weight loss forum posted photographs of yourself 'before' and 'after' that are actually scary - your 'before' photo was on the thin side - you can hardly expect people not to comment about that - you now look as if you're not heading for - but actually experiencing an eating disorder. It wouldn't be right for people to congratulate an obvious problem going on here - normally I wouldn't get involved in such a thread but I've been in your -photographic- position in the past - and it was not a good place - I became very ill. Please reconsider your goals - you are saying 'I am not under weight' it doesn't take a set of scales to tell people that you're underweight or not - the photograph says it all. Further down the thread after you've gotten upset - people have started to back track - and say you look great - go by the first comments because they are the truthful ones.
  • KseniaR
    KseniaR Posts: 7
    edited as I see no point in keeping the conversation

    ps do not judge others, and you will not be judged :)
  • You have totally set yourself up!! If you didn't want negative comments why did you re-post this again? I've seen your Tumblr account as my daughter follows you. On there you say you started this journey because you were shocked about your weight when you stepped on the scales (you thought you were lighter). No doctor on this planet would 'advise' you to lose more weight, or be alright with it. In fact they would advise the opposite.
    You have an obsession about abs. Can't believe you have a photo of yourself on Tumblr in just your briefs!! You say on there you're against pro Ed people but your image says different. Sorry, but it's true! Good luck to ya!
  • KseniaR
    KseniaR Posts: 7
    Seeing the weight was just a trigger. It made me think about my eating habits and my physical condition (by this I mean that I did't exercise at all) - this is what I want to change. Be healthy and be fit, this is my goal. Not to have my ribs or collarbones showing - but they do show and they were when I was 10 pound heavier.
    I was not advised to lose weight (it would be ridiculous), I am saying that the fact that my current body state is totally healthy for me was confirmed by a doctor.

    But I have already said this a billion times and people don't seem to listen. I wish I could delete the photos to prevent people from the inventible desire to judge my health based on it and I believe that this is my doctor's duty.
    Thanks for good and bad responses, everyone, I don't see a point of defending myself any further because I know I'm on the right track so goodbye and good luck with your journeys, I see no point in coming to this thread any more :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Well done on reaching your goal.

    You seem to have taken a healthy and sensible approach to your fat loss and have some solid future goals.

    I am wondering if you are being given such a hard time because the sight of an ectomorph body frame is far less common on here than an endo or meso. I pretty much guarantee that if you had put up two clothed "before and after" pics the response would have been different and far more positive. I guess your photos don't phase me as much as I have dated a model in my (rather dubious) past and you don't look that much different to her frame or that of her friends.
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    Well done on reaching your goal.

    You seem to have taken a healthy and sensible approach to your fat loss and have some solid future goals.

    I am wondering if you are being given such a hard time because the sight of an ectomorph body frame is far less common on here than an endo or meso. I pretty much guarantee that if you had put up two clothed "before and after" pics the response would have been different and far more positive. I guess your photos don't phase me as much as I have dated a model in my (rather dubious) past and you don't look that much different to her frame or that of her friends.

    This isn't a forum for 'models' it's a weight loss forum for achieving healthy bodies - for eating correctly and having a healthy frame and a healthy attitude to your weight - her 'before' clothed picture is of a slim woman/girl - not a before picture of someone that has a weight problem - and I don't believe she has a healthy attitude to her weight from the posts I've read and from her blog - to be that thin and not see it is a worry - she is 19, she should be enjoying life keeping fit and healthy of course - but the fact that she is adding herself to a forum which is supposed to be for overweight people to help them become a healthy weight - seems a nonsense to me.
  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    Oh well, should've seen this coming.
    I know I was never fat in the first place (my "before" is in my healthy range) but I just wanted to get more lean and I'm working on it. I am not a huge fan of bones myself so now that I've lowered my body fat percentage, I will focus on strength training to cover these bones with muscles. And since we all know that muscle weights more than fat, I won't mind getting a couple of lbs back with this scenario :) I just want to emphasize that I don't strive to be skinny, my goal is to be toned and losing body fat was just the first step.
    And thanks for congratulations.

    This is a great goal for you! And I'm relieved that you can see the concern with so much bone protruding! Hope you've got lots of support and people who know what they are doing helping you!
    Blessings on your journey.

    I am really glad that you have been so comfortable accepting others' thoughts on this issue, so I won't reiterate the same ones. Good luck on your journey to gain lean muscle and have a healthy body!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    lovely curves. I think you looked great both before and after. Unfortunately when youre naturally hourglass/pear shaped its hard to lose weight off the places you need to without it starting to get a bit bony in other places too. Its just the pay off. I have the same problem. I think you look fab, and your legs look much trimmer. Well done x
  • cruise160
    cruise160 Posts: 55
    Ok here goes, My sister is around your stats except her waist isnt so narrow up on top and she is in the same boat. She wants to tone and lose a few inches. Shes an aspiring model and everyone around her tells her she is absoultely perfect. Shes not happy with it and seeing her in person she doesnt look extremely skinny at 5'10 120 lbs. Its what makes her comfy in her own skin and i say GO FOR IT! As long as your ultimate goal is not to drop any more weight and just get some definition I say kudos to you!!!

    Some lose extreme amounts up top and bones start sticking out but that doesnt neccessarily mean everything else is where they want it to be. I WISH I loss weight in my tummy as fast as some :-(
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