Whats the meanest thing someone said about your weight?



  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    I was the the doctor having a treatment for my back and the doctor said you know why your in pain dont ya? I said no why..He replied its like putting 2 tons on a 1 ton truck..I was so hurt and then I had to pay him...##$#%$%##$%$%#$#%
  • tvonkeman
    tvonkeman Posts: 14
    I know this is a common one, but I have been mistaken for being pregnant, I remember the woman who did it, I was finishing her pedicure and sending her on her way soon, and then she asked when I was due. I played it off and made sure she didn't feel uncomfortable and then ran to the back room once she was gone and just cried. I cried for a good long while, and my best friend was there trying to cheer me up. But it just made me feel like ****. I never want that to happen again so I'm trying to lose it :)
    Any one who wants to add me and be my friend please feel free to <3
  • lewoldt
    lewoldt Posts: 630 Member
    My girlfriend said my boobs were getting as big as hers :-(
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    The meanest thing anyoe can say about your weight is to lie and say you don't need to lose any, when you really do.
  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member
    Back when i was obese - Was once told i was nothing but a piece of lard!
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I was never obese, but I was skinny growing up; no matter what I ate I didn't gain weight (I didn't appreciate that enough at the time lol). But I was repeatedly told by "friends" that I was anorexic. It really bothered me. I would never, ever walk up to someone and tell them I think they're fat. I don't know why people think it's okay to criticize and shame someone for being thin.
  • no_russian
    no_russian Posts: 893 Member
    No one ever commented on my weight until I dropped it. My heaviest weight was 280 but I guess it doesnt look as bad when youre 6'3. I played sports in high school and was pretty athletic for my size.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Hub said I was disgusting.
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    "You could probably be pretty if..."
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Hub said I was disgusting.

    Ex-husband, right?
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    I was at the dinner table at my parents for a big family dinner. Twelve at the table and 4 at the kids table. Mom was 80ish. I was 43. The dining room is narrow and there isn't much room to walk behind the seated people along one edge of the table. Mom wanted to get by and said "Scoot in. Oh you can't!" That was a typical Dorothy Parker-esque Mom-ism.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    i've had several.

    after i lost weight the first time (70lbs), my ex-husband said "see? i told you that if you lost weight i'd ask you to marry me." he nearly got the engagement ring thrown in his face, i was so livid.

    in high school, my mother was always thin (5'4", 118ish, small frame), but i'm not built that way (5'2", was 145ish, large frame). for my whole life, she's constantly been on me about my weight and refuses to understand that i'm not built to look the way she does. fast forward 30 years, and she's now in an assisted living facility where she's gained about 200lbs so she's now much heavier than i am. yet the last time i saw her, she said "you've gained weight." i managed to scrape up a spine and say "no mom, i've actually lost a little since the last time you saw me... but you aren't exactly 118 pounds anymore are you??"

    most recently, my husband and i consulted a plastic surgeon about removing the leftover folds that remain after having kids (and honestly, i've had floopage all my life, even when relatively thin... pregnancy made it exponentially worse). the doctor did nothing but harp on my weight, all the "extra" work he'd have to do, how i wouldn't be happy with the results (he didn't even ask me what i expected to get out of it), and actually said "i'm not saying you're a candidate for bariatric surgery, but have you considered bariatric surgery?" when he and the nurse left the room, i burst into tears.

    but honestly... i think the worst thing anyone has ever said to me has been "oh losing weight is easy... just eat less." i don't lose weight on caloric deficits, and i've got anorexic tendencies that will kick in hardcore when i get told "just eat less." but who would believe that the fat chick could possibly be anorexic, right? i've added regular gym workouts to my schedule as an experiment... if i've got no results after a month (and i truly don't expect any), then i'm seeing an endocrinologist to help me determine why my body is so screwed up.
  • ohsnapitssummer
    ohsnapitssummer Posts: 581 Member
    "You have a nice smile. I bet you wish you had another nice physical feature to go with it."

    "I don't want people to know I like you. I wish you'd lose some weight.."
    And after I lost the weight, he told me "If you had the body you have now, I probably would have gone out with you then so,how about this weekend?"
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Hub said I was disgusting.

    Ex-husband, right?

    Maybe it would be easier to lose that 200 lbs than the 60 I'm perpetually working on! :grumble:
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    "You have a nice smile. I bet you wish you had another nice physical feature to go with it."

    "I don't want people to know I like you. I wish you'd lose some weight.."
    And after I lost the weight, he told me "If you had the body you have now, I probably would have gone out with you then so,how about this weekend?"

    Very sad to read. Well you've come a long way and you look wonderful. Congrats :flowerforyou:
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    my ex said all kinds of mean hurtful things to me so much so that I've blocked them out.

    when I was pregnant with my son, an older lady told me I looked like a baby whale that one stuck.

    I've gotten other mean comments from ppl (when I was big) that I have blocked out of memory that were very hurtful but like I said, tons from my ex. this is why I kinda don't believe when ppl compliment me now, it's hard to accept.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    Basically all throughout childhood, I got asked if I was anorexic or starving. I'll never forget this: In first grade, I was on the lunch line and I gave me tray to the lunch lady and asked for a snack. She never gave it to me, she just asked if my parents starved me or if I ate at all. Then she gave me this note to give to them. I was really embarrassed, and I never told them about this or gave them the note.
  • laviFt
    laviFt Posts: 1 Member
    Me and some close friends were staying in a hotel together for a convention and we had a long day we were all tiered so we all went back to the hotel for a nap. (take in mind we were all broke by the end of the day and we all pitch in for food)I awoke to one of my friends talking to another friend about what they were going to do about food (I was laying in bed ,the covers over my face )one of my friends says "I want food ,but everyone only has a little bit of money and I don't know how much (My name ) eats." As if the amount I eat will cost them more money.That hurt so much .I mean that was one of my closest friends and when I got up I acted like I didn't hear that.The rest of the day I didn't want to eat anything at all .She offered me food and I turned it down just hearing those word Eco in my head.I was really sad. :(
  • raychulj22
    raychulj22 Posts: 140 Member
    When I was curvier, some random dude at the grocery store called me a fat *kitten*. When I was very thin, my friends and family made cracks about my bones stabbing them when I huged them (I've never been that thin). When I was lean and muscular, they said I looked like a dude. It doesn't matter what I look like, someone is always going to have something negative to say about my body.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    edited November 2015
    Well before I realized how much I let myself go someone told me they wouldn't marry me until I lost weight. That one hurt...