November 2015 Running Challenge



  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    06/11 - 13.5 miles
    07/11 - 10.3 km
    08/11 - 22.2 miles
    09/11 - 10. 4km
    10/11 - 13.2 miles

    10k yesterday, awful, very slow, but as decided I didn't put too much effort on it, it's either speed or distance now, butit was very demotivating to see a pace I've never run at before for that kind of 10k

    today HM, awful, super super slow, again very demotivating looking at the garmin and consequently in really bad mood, as lots of concerns in my head now - is it time for a rest? is my body telling me I need a week off?

    very windy for a week now, I run upwind for a good 80%, it is difficult to not get frustrated

    last HMs were very good, my best pace in a couple of months, no fatigue, today extremely tired, so there is no real pattern to make me understand what's clearly going on

    for my usual HM in the woods I don't think I'll be able to come home tomorrow if I'll feel like today :neutral: just need to see what happens, in the worst case I will need to walk for a good 5k if I give up :cold_sweat:

    @patrikc333 You might just be having a few off days, but did you ever take a break/reduce mileage after running Amsterdam? If not, your body's probably telling you it needs time to recover.
  • Aresende90
    Aresende90 Posts: 70 Member
    So this month started great, but I've been coughing for the past 3 weeks and have had left sided chest pain for the last 2. Finally went to the Drs for a chest X-ray because I couldn't take the pain anymore . It was negative... The Dr said I badly strained my intercostal muscles from coughing so much and now am on Abx, Muscle relaxers, and cough syrup with Codiene. Needless to say I haven't run since my last post
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1-2.65 treadmill walk
    2- rehab/ travel
    7- migraine
    8- 8.09


    Upcoming races:
    11/26/15 Turkey trot ft worth 10k
    3/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    3/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    4/24/16 OKC Memorial
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    5.4 km this morning.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Remembrance Week Profile Picture Change.
    To Honour my Grandfather ( Mother's Side ) who was Volun-Told at gun-point into the Remnants of the Austrian Army near the end of WW1.

    I changed my picture but MFP keeps posting my old Photo of a SnowWoman/Snowman that my Niece's built in my back yard. I even deleted the old photo from my photo's. Grrrr.
    Yet when I make a post on My Home it uses the new Picture ???? ???? ????.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Thanks! You always think you are safe in your own neighborhood

    @skippygirlsmom - that is so scary! I hope they catch the person. So scary. You do hear of it sometimes around here, especially on bike/running trails surrounded by woods. But she was in a neighborhood?! Oh my gosh, I'd rather deal with a bear too.

    @beachhouse758 - Our trash day is Mon and Thur, but our bear is showing up daily it seems. I'm in north Orlando area.

    I want to run in the morning, but I'm going to be up late grading, so I think I better just sleep in (5:30am, ha!) and then do strength training after work. I guess I had a long enough distraction here ... back to it.
    Have good runs everybody!
  • Chaidell
    Chaidell Posts: 121 Member
    11/1 - 2.94 miles
    11/2 - 1.32 miles
    11/3 - 2 miles
    11/4 - 0
    11/5 - 0
    11/6 - 0
    11/7 - 0
    11/8 - 0.65 miles
    11/9 - 1.8 miles
    11/10 - 1.6 miles

    Total: 10.31/30
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Thanks all for the kudos. Always nice to race in the neighborhood at a reasonably large race. Hoping to put in a solid showing at the R&R half this weekend - as the weather forecast is looking promising.

    @virkati - for my first few triathlons, I had some good success with the garmin plans (free for folks who use the garmin connect site). Still, I spend about as much time on my bike as I do running, so having that solid base mileage always helps. Regardless, their workouts are pretty handy for building up your wattage on the bike.

    Otherwise, just doing some recovery runs yesterday & this morning before resuming my speedwork tonight. Falling a bit behind on my mileage (as I missed a long run Sunday due to the triathlon), and reluctant to put much of a dent in the deficit with a race this weekend, but I'll see what I can make up afterwards. Off to vegas tomorrow, so hoping to get in some exercise before jumping on my flights.

    11/1 - 4 miles
    11/2 - 4 miles
    11/3 - 9 miles
    11/4 - 6 miles
    11/6 - 2 miles
    11/8 - 6.2 miles
    11/9 - 4 miles
    11/10 - 11 miles

    Total: 46 miles
    Target: 220 miles
    Remaining: 174 miles
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @ddmom0811 - Bears?? No thank you! Singing sounding like a wounded animal - hahahaha... I sing along my trail frightening other walkers and runners and animals but at least they know I am coming :)
    @ShanazAsiya - I am in CA and we have similar animals - rabbits, squirrels, possum and an occasional coyote. Mostly lots of birds though.
    @Stoshew71 - love the 'First Shoe Love'!
    @HonuNui - It is dry, dry, dry right now! From CA all the way through NV!
    @beachhouse758 - you just need to channel that gator encounter into your next race :) instant PR!
    @skippygirlsmom - That is SO scary about your friend's daughter! She was smart to hide and evade! Tell Skip to be safe!!

    Have you seen the article about the new cardio machine that is more like a 'running machine'? Called Zero Runner - I am hoping they get one at my gym so I can use it instead of the dreadmill when the rains finally come!

    I had one of those amazing runs this morning that I didn't want to end. My training plan called for 3 miles, I set out for 4 and well ended up just going until I knew I need to get back for meetings.. It was beautiful out - pretty much perfect running weather! Followed it up tonight with strength training. Super hard session - I am pretty sure my trainer is trying to kill me - 1 legged planks on a ball (that is hands on the floor and one foot balanced on the ball and one off) with a push-up! So glad I do 1 legged planks (on the floor) regularly so I at least just had to deal with the ball part as being the challenge!

    We are 1/3 of the way through the month and I am amazed at how well everyone is doing! Keep it up!!

    11/02.......4.84...........4.84 - + Agility
    11/03.......5.20.........10.04 - + Strength Training
    11/05.......6.23.........16.27 - + Strength Training
    11/06.......0.00.........16.27 - unplanned rest
    11/09......5.30..........32.07 - + Agility
    11/10......6.44..........38.51 - + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    11/21/15 - USA Invitational Half, San Diego, CA
    12/27/15 - Holiday Half, San Diego, CA
    02/07/15 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/15 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    06/11 - 13.5 miles
    07/11 - 10.3 km
    08/11 - 22.2 miles
    09/11 - 10. 4km
    10/11 - 13.2 miles
    11/11 - 13.4 miles

    not too bad, prob yesterday was a very bad day, coming back to work messed up my brain and my brain messed up my body

    still not very fast but decent pace

    to make you jealous, I met a nice super cute giant rat this morning, prob bigger than a rabbit :smiley:

    and a mouse

    then had fun in spotting deers/rabbits hidden behind trees/bushes with my lamp

    at a point I was moving my head while listening to music, and I made myself dizzy with the light of tha lamp :lol:

    leg is finally sorted, touching wood - 2 days in a row with no probs at all

    10k tomorrow, and lots of relax today and tomorrow as well, before my toughest HM on Friday

    @kristinegift you are right - no never reduced, but I really don't want to take days off
  • caldarium2014
    caldarium2014 Posts: 5 Member

  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    at a point I was moving my head while listening to music, and I made myself dizzy with the light of tha lamp :lol:

    That's what worries me about getting a headlamp - I'm really sensitive to motion and getting motion sick so I worry that the bouncing from running with a light will make me motion sick. But I'm going to have to try it soon with the way my work is going. I may have to start running really early in the morning.

    Got 6 miles in today. Not a great run, but the sunset was pretty and I stopped to take a couple of pictures. I did finally learn how to get them on here, but they're huge, so before I post them I need to figure out how to make them smaller. :wink:

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    edited November 2015
    ACSL3 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    at a point I was moving my head while listening to music, and I made myself dizzy with the light of tha lamp :lol:

    That's what worries me about getting a headlamp - I'm really sensitive to motion and getting motion sick so I worry that the bouncing from running with a light will make me motion sick. But I'm going to have to try it soon with the way my work is going. I may have to start running really early in the morning.

    Got 6 miles in today. Not a great run, but the sunset was pretty and I stopped to take a couple of pictures. I did finally learn how to get them on here, but they're huge, so before I post them I need to figure out how to make them smaller. :wink:


    don't worry, I was being silly (an HM at 4 in the morning could be very long and I want to find lots of distractions :smile: )

    I super recommend the petzl tikka rxp, it does not bounce too much and it's a mini sun - I spent £56 on amazon, better to invest a bit more than £10 and have something that makes the difference
  • tegantheaverage
    tegantheaverage Posts: 142 Member
    4/11 -- 5k (treadmill)
    5/11 -- 3k (road)
    6/11 -- 5k (treadmill)
    7/11 -- rest day (yoga!)
    8/11 -- 1k (road -- stopped because of pulled muscle :()
    11/11 -- 3k (road and park)

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    11/1: 22 miles LR
    11/2: 5 miles recovery style
    11/3: XT: 15 miles indoor bike
    11/4: 10 miles
    11/5: 7 miles tempo run (am), 7.2 with the Thursday crew (pm)
    11/6: Rest day
    11/7: 6 miles
    11/8: 15 miles - partly with group, partly solo
    11/9: 5 miles
    11/10: XT: 30 mins yoga
    11/ 11: 6 miles

    Took it really slow and easy this morning, which was easy to do since the ground was covered in wet leaves because it rained most of the day yesterday and partly through the night. Did yoga for my hamstrings yesterday, and my left heel felt much better today than it usually does first thing in the morning, but my right hamstring felt worse! Hmmph. Luckily, neither bothers me enough to slow me down (and some days are not even bothersome at all!), but I am going to be quite relieved when I finally take some time off and baby these aches.



    Upcoming races:
    11/14: Harrington Park 5k (USATF-NJ Women's 5k Championships!)
    11/22: Philadelphia Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ACSL3 I have simulation sickness too. Movies, car rides, light, moving trains ect. The head lamp was not bothersome for me at all. I guess that maybe because no much area is lit up. Good luck!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-0 miles
    2-3.72 miles
    3-4.86 miles-I think. Phone restarted during my run
    4-rest day
    5-sick day. was supposed to do another 4.5 but I have a hacking cough that makes breathing hard. Head colds I can run with; chest colds, not so much
    6-rest day.
    9-3.2 miles, still sick but couldn't stand it any more
    10-5.28 miles. a little slow but I'm still sick. so slow is fine
    11-yoga day

    upcoming race: 8k turkey trot with cinnamon buns at the end


  • brandy79tx
    brandy79tx Posts: 4 Member
    Day 2 - 4 miles
    52.5 to go
  • InCHarmsWay
    InCHarmsWay Posts: 103 Member
    A quick 2.75 miles last night.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited November 2015
    11/2-Strength Training
    11/3-5.0 miles
    11/4-3.2 miles+ strength training
    11/5-5.2 miles
    11/6-4.5 miles +yoga
    11/8-Another crappy day of nada
    11/9-4.5 miles
    11/10-5.1 miles+ strength training
    11/11-4.4 miles

    Gorgeous sunset run around the park lake yesterday evening and beautiful, brisk, frosty sunrise run this morning. Two of those runs that remind you why you love to run.
