Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have to admit I have defenitley let things slide lately. While the scale bounces around in a 5 pound range and I got smaller clothes part of me wonders were I would be if I had shown more consistency this last month. Oh well any day is a good day to recommit so here I go. After I get done here it will be off to walk the dogs and then off to the gym. I have to get it all done this morning because my hubby. and I are meeting with the bank this afternoon to see about re financing our truck. When we bought it the payments were very high but it was all part of a year long plan to get us in the right spot to get financing to buy a house nest year. We are trying to get this done today because he got called back to the boat to steam it back to Washington, though they are paying him well for that, and then it will be go go go at shipyard to get it ready to go back out in January. Ty everyone for the kind words about the job. I should hear something today or tomorrow. Well I guess I better get busy. Have a great day everyone:) :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good Morning.

    @Laurie~ I hope the meeting went well last night.

    @Karen~ Snow?! My sister texted me a picture last week (she lives in CO) and they received around 6” of snow. I told her, “Very pretty glad it’s there and not here!” :lol:

    @Tammy~ Yep, you’re getting that runners high—great feeling isn’t it? I’m so glad you’re getting enjoyment out of running.

    @Niki~ I think we’ve all noticed a sluggish thread in recent months. I know several of us have had a lot going on—family/work responsibilities, injuries, illness, surgery, etc. I know that Robin (our fearless leader) had computer issues, not sure if it’s been fixed yet or not. Personally, I have a lot going on at work (plus I’m still healing from surgery in October)—it seems when I think of posting, something crops up so time gets away from me. I feel like I don’t have much to contribute right now either, healing from my surgery is frustrating—every time I feel like I’m making progress I take two steps back, hate to spread my misery onto others. :frowning: I miss some of our regulars, too, and the activity this thread used to have—hopefully it will be more active soon.

    AFM~ Just got back from following up with surgeon, in last cast! :smiley: There is a lot of swelling, but the tendon itself is strong. Orders are to start taking an anti-inflammatory at night. I go back in two weeks & they’ll put me in boot—I’ll start physical therapy around the same time.

    My nephews had a huge scare on the way home from school on Tuesday; the bus they were riding in went off the side of the road and down a 30-40 foot embankment rolling in the process. The driver has been charged with “careless driving causing bodily injury.” Where they live is very hilly with lots of twists and turns, no guardrails (not that it would have contained a school bus). Luckily, they both escaped without a scratch—but I’m sad for what 5-10 year-olds had to endure. My sister always offered to drive them to school, but they were so intrigued by the bus and wanted to ride with their friends that they always took the bus—not anymore. They told my sister they were over it and wanted her to drive them. I'm just glad they are okay.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Kah thank goodness your nephews are okay. That is super scary. I am happy to hear the ankle is healing up nicely. I had a little scare myself yesterday. I was driving home after dropping my daughter off at the shop to pick up her car and a truck in front of me hit his brakes and had 2 propane tanks coming flying out the back right at me and the other traffic. Luckily I was able to swerve and avoid them. Then I was telling my hubby about it and he said I was really luckier then I realised because there was a very real cahnce they could have exploded on impact with the road. It was defeniltey a little adventure for the day.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2015
    jtconst wrote: »
    Kah thank goodness your nephews are okay. That is super scary. I am happy to hear the ankle is healing up nicely. I had a little scare myself yesterday. I was driving home after dropping my daughter off at the shop to pick up her car and a truck in front of me hit his brakes and had 2 propane tanks coming flying out the back right at me and the other traffic. Luckily I was able to swerve and avoid them. Then I was telling my hubby about it and he said I was really luckier then I realised because there was a very real cahnce they could have exploded on impact with the road. It was defeniltey a little adventure for the day.

    I think your hubs is right, how scary! I'm so glad you were able to swerve out of the way!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... I have not done any work on my project today and feel bad about it, because it's probably the last nice day we will be having where working either in the 3-season porch or the garage would be pleasant. However, last evening my right shoulder, all the joints in my fingers, and my knees were hurting so much that I needed to put that special cream on them ... Breeze, Freeze? This morning all those joints were very stiff and i stook under a hot shower spray for about 15 minutes letting the heat penetrate my sore muscles and tendons. So .. I feel a bit down in the funk over it. This aging body of mine is rebelling over all the inattention I gave it over the years from either doing too much or not enough with it. Hopefully I can be productive after giving it a rest today.

    Today is the 3rd anniversary of my brother passing away and I decided to have one of his favorites ... rice pudding. I went to a Mediterranean restaurant that's in my neighborhood and picked up a cup of it and ate if with my salad for lunch today.

    Laurie suggested a challenge yesterday and I eagerly jumped in that I want to do it ... I've nicknamed it EEFR and as the day has not ended yet I cannot report how I've done on day 1 ... but I certainly did nothing for the first part today as I'me giving my joints that rest. Tomorrow ... Tomorrow ... you're only a day away.

    @skinnyjeanzbound ; @kah68; @jtconst; and @Lauriek70 ... I'm sorry if my Wednesday Wish sounded like I was trying to guilt anyone out because I wasn't.

    "I guess life gets in the way ... people find other things are more important than spending time writing on a motivational thread when they are busy or having serious problems at home; having a hard time of it themselves and so don't have much motivation to give; and not finding anything particularily interesting" ... You do log on and try to keep in touch and say a kind word. And it IS interesting to know what's going on.

    ... And, even if I don't always respond back about with my input about your situations I care about what is happening for you. It would be a burden for anyone to keep up with something like this thread when there are real serious life circumstances, health issues, etc. going on.

    Forgive me if I sounded scolding.

    @grandmakaye44 and @mountmary84 ... wish we three could get together for a game of cards and tea.
    @Morgori ... Tom, I'm following through on it being World Philosphy Day!

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Okay, I just tried to post and once again it went to Lala land. I really don't do well at this do I?
    I really agree that the thread is missing a certain "something" that used to be here. What that is I am not sure. I certainly don't help. I read it daily and rarely post. I am going to try to do better at that.

    @Nikion901 I think you hit the nail on the head about taking care of everything and everyone else first, and then and only then if there is any energy left we do things for self. My kids are long gone and married, so I can't blame them for that as they don't "need mommy" any longer. DH? Well, maybe. It is just something that has probably become a habit and a really hard habit to break.

    @jtconst sure am glad you weren't hurt when those tanks fell off that truck. That is scary. @kah68 I am also glad your nephews are okay and you continue to heal.

    @Lauriek70 Good challenge. I am going to try to incorporate it into my life. First, it would just be good to once again get my meals posted every day. I do it occasionally, but not often. Same with the exercise. Like Niki, if I do too much I pay and pay dearly then "rest on my laurels" for a day or two. I guess pacing ourselves is really, really important at a "certain age" ....even more than in earlier years.

    @grandmakaye44 Gosh, you have had your share lately. I sure hope the person comes through with the money. Just because he doesn't want to affect his insurance is no reason for you to suffer. You are always an inspiration to me because you always get your walk in and you are always so cheerful.

    @Morgori As always, thanks for all the inspirational readings Tom. I do enjoy them.

    @skinnyjeanzbound Keep that grading going. Sounds like the year is a little tougher. Good luck.

    AFM: My weight just "hangs" there at basically the same number....with little bounces up and down. At least it isn't a big climb. Do my exercise DVD one day then don't touch it again for a while. Why? It only takes 34 minutes.....certainly I have 34 minutes for me. It is currently in the DVD player, all by itself doing nothing. It is time to fix supper; I have 2 pork chops and a squash....I should be able to do something reasonable for us with that.

    They tell us the snow is on the way. Not my favorite idea.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Nikion901 That card game and tea with @grandmakaye44 would be great! Kind of a long distance game though......we could hardly be farther apart physically!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well good news and so so news. The so so news is my rededication is good in the logging and working out but my food has not been good last couple of days. All of my eating today was at restaurants and I did not make good choices :( The best I can say is I was still under maintenance. Now for the good news. I got my job :):) I have orientation on Tuesday and then I am off and running. I am really looking forward to starting this new chapter in my life. I am all for doing a new challenge. I need something to help hold me accountable lol. Well got to finish packing hubby. He leaves in the morning but only for about 15 days. Though I will still hardly see him when they get back to Seattle since it will be 12 hr days 7 days a week. Oh well such is our lives. Have a great night everyone :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The meeting last night was long and it did start to take a negative turn. I threatened to walk out because it was becoming a blame game with nothing productive getting done. While the conversation had to occur, it did open the door for changes that will be positive. It left me feeling very frustrated last night and today. I even did what I don't like to do and gave in to my desire for a chocolate milkshake. The problem was that I had to return a food carrier to Park Deli and it if I did not do it it today then it was going to be a week or more before I was there again. It was a decision that I made but it did give me energy for a workout and while I felt a little guilty it was not enough to stop me. I did work it off today during the workout so that was good.

    I have my 2nd 10 K this weekend and I am looking forward to it. It is around my hometown and there is a medal for the finishers so that will be cool.

    Got to run since I must go to bed and I hope to sleep well tonight.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Nikion901 and @mountmary84 wouldn't that be fun! I don't get a chance to just play a game or visit with people my own age very often! Today I did a little thing on Facebook that shows the frequency with which you used certain words during the last year. The center word on my illustration was "family". That about sums it up. I love them, and they are the center of my life, but it doesn't leave room for much else.
    I didn't get a walk this evening because I was asked to demonstrate fudge at our ladies church group (Relief Society) at 7. The demonstration when well and most of it got eaten so I didn't have to bring it home.
    Thursday truth: I am really struggling with my weight. I lost 95#, but then promptly went up 5# so I was hanging at 90# gone for a long time. Then between March and June, I gained 10#. I'm still not sure why it happened at that particular time. I'm still hanging at the high end of all that so now I have 20# to lose to get to my goal of losing 100#. It is making a difference in the way some of my clothes fit. It makes me sad, but I still find myself stress eating. I miss my needlework. Because of the arthritis in my hands, I haven't done any since last Christmas. It was such a good stress reliever and time filler.
    I'm guilty of reading this thread every day, but not contributing much. I guess I just don't feel that I have much to offer when I am slacking so badly myself. I do follow all of you closely and enjoy your successes. @jtconst congratulations on the new job. @kah68 so glad that you are healing.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    Thursday truth. I have gained 9.4 pounds in 2 weeks. I have been emotional eating. I won't go into why. I have been giving away my power, and allowing someone else to make me feel bad. I have to change the way I react to the emotions, so I can take back my power.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everybody, I know you have been saying how slow the thread has been lately but I was not reading for less than a week and had 51 posts to catch up on. I too have been slacking; today we had a Thanksgiving luncheon and I didn't even try to eat in moderation. I didn't even track, just used the "quick add" function and approximated the calories. I might have been lowballing, even tho I put down 2750 calories. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, I haven't been able to stick to my calorie goal (1320) and not getting my exercise either. I'm frustrated because my weight has been teetering around the same 5 lbs for 4 months now. I know I need to make changes but I haven't gotten a handle on it yet.
    Just want to let you know, your posts & support ARE important, ESPECIALLY for those of us that don't get to post often. You are all precious to me.
    FYI if you didn't get to see Family Feud, my family won 2 games and lost the 3rd, they won a total of $20500 split 5 ways. Not bad for 2 days work.
  • b3k4hblu3
    b3k4hblu3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! First time here! It is 2:45am and technically Friday, but I am posting a Thursday Truth anyways because I have not yet been to sleep. I am up late, again, after snacking on everything, again. Tired of feeling this way. Wanting to change. Trying to find motivation. And here I am! Need to lose 100lbs I think. Add me? :) thanks!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... back to the 'project' this morning as the shoulder seems 90% better today. The weather will be significantly cooler than yesterday but I'll bundle up.

    While reading Facebook with my morning coffee I came across a post from MFP's Hello Healthy blog that I wanted to share. It talks about something that I think is of interest to all of us. The link is below:

    It occurred to me that for the past several years this is pretty much where my focus has been during the holdiays ... maintain! I figured if I didn't gain weight between Hollaween and New Year then any weight I did lose that year would be a gain and not a get-even proposition. Hope you found the article useful if you read it.

    @GOINSTD12 ... you are so right, if you look at the thread on a weekly basis, it is a lot of reading to do ... I guess maybe my habit of going on here almost every day is affecting my viewpoint. I only got to catch the first episode of Family Feud where your family was playing. Glad they won the 20K.

    @b3k4hblu3 ... the first step in any change is being uncomfortable with where you are at. Now it's time to make one change that will lead towards the destination you want. One change at a time is all it takes, over time.

    @firststepformefal ... eating your emotions is something many of us have experience with ... for me, it came from hating myself because I couldn't control something in my life that had hurt me. I had to learn to love myself.

    @grandmakaye44 ... Being asked to do a demonstration is very telling about you, my friend ... you are a giving and caring person. Would something like crochet be less hurtful for your hands? I cannot hold a needle any longer either, but can hook still.

    @Lauriek70 ... good luck on the 10K this weekend. @jtconst ... looking forward to hearing how you are doing with the challenge. I'm doing what Laurie suggested.

    @mountmary84 ... from my single and solitary perspective, I feel a bit of envy for any woman who has her heartmate around to spend time on and with. I think that's why I have so much time to spend on here, there is no one but my cat looking for attention around here, and she takes very long naps!

    AFM, thinking of stepping back a bit this weekend from my online activities.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Beautiful Day!
    Date When Celebrated : Always November 20th
    Today is truely a Beautiful Day in every way, shape and form. The world is filled with ugliness. So, as day like today is refreshing, and eye appealing. It's filled with beautiful sights, sounds and smells.
    But, wait a minute. Just what was Beautiful Day created for? We have yet to find the creator. In addition to what we found in our research, we can only speculate as to the intent of this day.
    Here is our part fact, part speculative reasons this day was created:
    • A song by the band U2 is titled Beautiful Day.
    • The Beautiful Day monster appeared on Ed Sullivan and later Sesame Street. The monster created mayhem and chaos, in his attempt to ruin a beautiful day.
    • It's creator wanted to create and enjoy the perfect, beautiful day.
    • The Beach Boys song It's a Beautiful Day
    As for this author's choice? Well, I'm just gonna kick back and enjoy this beautiful, God given day!
    Have a lovely Happy Beautiful Day!

    The message that underlies healing is simple yet radical: We are already whole.... Underneath our fears and worries, unaffected by the many layers of our conditioning and actions, is a peaceful core. The work of healing is peeling away the barriers of fear that keep us unaware of our true nature of love, peace, and rich interconnection with the web of life. Healing is the rediscovery of who we are and who we have always been. ~Joan Borysenko


  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Not much to report tonight. It was a good day overall. Tomorrow it is suppose to be cold in the morning for the run. I am hoping that the temps are not freezing. I do have better cold weather running gear for tomorrow. The worst part is this run starts t 7am, the sun will barely be up.

    Need to go and reread the email about the race tomorrow.
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    It’s been a normal week in my life, I got a call on Wednesday that I needed to be somewhere out of town on Wednesday, woke up at 2:30 am to make my flight. Tiring week – and when I’m tired I don’t exactly have the will power to do what I’m supposed to. I went over calories on Thursday, but I hit the gym at the hotel this morning, and actually burned about 350 EXTRA calories tonight walking through the airports 
    I have less than 3 weeks left in this semester, and so far I have all As, it’s difficult working 60+ hours a week and going to school but I’ve managed it and have been working out a lot. I forgot to weigh myself when I went to the grocery store tonight, I was in a hurry to get some food and get back home after a long day of working and travelling.
    I’m sorry, I haven’t really had an opportunity this week to read through everyone’s posts I hope to do so tomorrow. Hope everyone had a wonderful week.
  • 15debcas
    15debcas Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, the name is Casey and I have decided today that I need to get to a healthy weight. Not only for myself but for my daughter who is almost 2 months old. I am 18, 5'7" and 275lbs, 6 weeks post partum emergency csection. I am very excited to have some motivation and looking for people to support me during my long road ahead. My goal weight is 150-165lbs but for now I hope to get to pre pregnancy weight 220lbs asap! :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A great 10K run this morning even through it was cold and about 41 degrees.

    I did well, ran it in about 1:19:08 based on my watch the chip time was 1:21. it was a nice course but a little hilly at the end. The first four and half miles were great. The last mile and a half were more challenging. My 5K time was the fastest yet.

    Off to a party tonight so need to go. Have a great day and I hope everyone can get outside and exercise a little.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Lauriek70 ... that's great about your run today. Hope you are having a fun night.

    @Ann_Marie_2x_MORE ... that's a heavy schedule you are keeping. Don't be concerned that you must reply to everyone, because you do not need to do that. What you do need to do is take care of yourself.

    @15debcas ...hope this thread provides some of the support and motivaion you are seeking Casey. I'm not exactly certain what you meant by '6 weeks post partum emergency csection', but I'm guesing you might be saying that you are having postpartum csection depression, which is common for woman who had to have a csection rather than a non-surgical delivery. Hope you feel better.

    AFM ... Saturday Success ... it was really more of a Friday Success but today was a 'down' day to rest my sore joints. I got the three-season porch all finished ... a big checkmark on my project list. Today, I had went out there to just stand in it and look around at how clean and organized it appeared. Of course, the garage that it's off of was a respository for a few items that will be sorted through once I am back to being able to hobble about.

    So today, since I was resting, I cooked a chicken and some vegetables in a roaster and made a small amount of vegetable barley soup. That should keep me in food for the next couple of days without having to cook or run to the store for more food stuffs.

    Now I feel the need to go do some stretches and some Barre Squats ... got to get some movement in today!