Fall Weight Loss Challenge



  • yatta_n_2000
    yatta_n_2000 Posts: 9 Member
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    SW 200.2
    CW 191.2
    GW for challenge is 185

    9lbs lost

    CW 187
    13.2lbs lost :D

    Wow!!! Great job!!!

    Thank you! I must have still been retaining yesterday, because I weighed again today and I was at 186. Wow!

    Still very impressive. I am going to look at your success so far as my motivation to keep pushing
  • taylorashley48
    taylorashley48 Posts: 1 Member
    Hii my current weight is 130lbs and my goal weight is to get to 110lbs
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    edited November 2015

    The end of our FALL WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENG is only TWO days away and many of you have stuck it out! Way to go! Now is NOT the time to stop, but to continue toward your motivated goals.

    For those who still have struggled with the process of getting to where you'd like to be and struggle endlessly on the same ol’ issues, the same ol’ problems day after day; today is your day to recognize that you need to rise up on this occasion and make a difference for others around you. Our stuggles with weight control, self image or anything that keeps us down has purpose and meaning. Yes you heard me right! It has purpose beyond ourselves! Each of us carries a profoud and unfathomable call on our lives to make a difference for others (not just ourselves)! It could be that our struggles with what seems like our inabilities to accomplish goals, may be exactly why we have been selected to carry this call. We have the opportunity to walk in a strength that is not our own and walk with confidence into unpredictable and outrageous lives that will be filled with courage and help others in similitude circumstances. How can we do it? By leaning on a Higher Strength. It's how I get through each day and it's how I can continue goals that are reachable and attainable even when they seem far away. Let's do this for ourselves and for those around us. All the best in the future to each and everyone of you!
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  • threadmad
    threadmad Posts: 190 Member
    Last week!
    SW 182
    GW 167

    CW 167.1 - I missed it by .1 lb! Must have been that leftover Halloween candy. But since I lost 14.9 lbs, I'm happy!

    Overall, 25 lbs down, 32 to go.
  • hollarts
    hollarts Posts: 13 Member
    SW 146.9
    CW 144.0 - 10/5
    CW 142.3 - 10/12
    CW 142.2 - 10/19
    CW 140.7 - 10/26
    CW 143.7 - 11/2
    CW 142.9 - 11/9
    CW 140.5 - 11/16
    CW 141.4 - 11/23
    CW 140.5 - 11/30
    GW 137.9 by 11/30
    Change for week= .9 loss
    Total loss= 6.4

    Missed goal by 2.6 lbs.
  • caednkat
    caednkat Posts: 38 Member
    caednkat wrote: »
    SW for this challenge- 290
    Current weight - 277.6
    Goal weight - 274

    Probably won't make it to my lofty goal by the end of the month but I'm thrilled with as far as I have made it. That puts me at 75lbs lost total since I started my journey in March.
    My body has a pattern of dropping several pounds and then holding steady for a few weeks no matter what I do. I didn't check in last week but I had lost 5lbs in one week. 1lb this week.

    Well... weighed in this morning. I took last week off from exercise because of time. I didn't track my food but I was mindful mostly to control my blood sugar.

    Current weight - 272.8
    Goal weight - 274 :)
    Starting weight for this challenge - 290

    That puts me at 80.2 lbs lost since I started my healthy life in March 2015. I'm thrilled today! What a great way to end November!!!
  • sairsyfairy
    sairsyfairy Posts: 62 Member
    SW: 235
    CW: 218
    GW for Nov 30th: 219 ACCOMPLISHED

    10/5 Weigh in: 233.0
    10/12 Weigh in: 231.8
    10/20 Weigh in: 233.0
    10/26 Weigh in: 231.2
    11/2 Weigh in: 226.6
    11/9 Weigh in: 225.6
    11/16 Weigh in: 221.6
    11/23 Weigh in: 218.0
    FINAL WEIGH IN 11/30: 215.2

    Weekly Loss: 2.8lbs
    Total Challege Weight Loss: 19.8lbs

    I am absolutely thrilled at my accomplishment for this challenge. I thought my initial goal of 219 was gonna be tough, and at times it was. However I am .2 away from my UPDATED goal of 215. This challenge was awesome and kept me going through the months of October and November. Everyone who participated should be proud of themselves, regardless of what the scale shows! You got through till the end!!!
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    rune1990 wrote: »
    Sure I'll play! Hopefully it will inspire me to get off my duff and enjoy this beautiful fall weather :)

    So I will start tomorrow, as Wednesday is my 'official' weigh in day! And 8 weeks puts me at November 25. I'm sorry, I never mean to be difficult!! :blush:

    CW- 190.6 (weight in is tomorrow, I will have to update!)
    Would like to loose no less then 1.5 LBS per week, so

    Wow now that would be awesome!!!

    Well I have indeed been enjoying the gorgeous fall days outside, walking my butt off. It has been fantastic! And it is something I'm going to keep doing all winter long too.

    My final miniGW goal was 178 and I weighed in yesterday at 177.8.

    180's? what 180's! haha, I love this.
  • jayjay_90
    jayjay_90 Posts: 83 Member
    Last week I mentioned I hit my goal weight for this challenge of 156, a week ahead of schedule. Today's weigh in was only a loss of .4lb but I'm quite pleased with my progress having lost 8.4lb over the course of this challenge :smile:

    Great job everyone! Let's keep the momentum going through the new year ya? :)
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    For this fall challenge I started at 196 pounds. My goal was to lose 15 pounds in 2 months. I ended up at 182 pounds which is 14 pounds lost in that two month span. That's good enough for me and I'm very happy with it. My next goal is to be 177 by Christmas. ....and away I go.
  • mrsnazario1219
    mrsnazario1219 Posts: 173 Member
    Last week yay!! So glad I've gotten through my first challenge. I am .8 ounces from my goal but I'm gonna say I reached my goal anyway :) 8 weeks and I lost 8lbs. Pretty proud of myself :) Congrats everyone!

    SW week 1: 187
    CW week 8: 179.8
    GW week 8: 179
  • scorpcookie
    scorpcookie Posts: 113 Member
    Despite some valiant efforts by increasing my cardio in this last week, my weight has remained the same going into this final week.

    SW: 129
    CW: 120.4
    GW: 119

    I didn't make it to my goal weight of 119lbs, but along the way, I did reach my original MFP goal of getting to 125lbs. During this fall challenge I've gotten to a low enough body fat to start seeing my abs for the first time in my life which is a big reason for me to smile.

    I'm still going to keep at it, trying to see how much I can lose before I increase my calorie intake for Christmas. Despite not reaching my current stretch goal, I'm already eyeing my next stretch goal of 115lbs, hoping to lose the last remaining bits of fat below my belly button.
  • xoxogreta
    xoxogreta Posts: 5 Member
    CW: 133
    GW: 110-115
    Let's do this! :)
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member

    WAY TO GO EVERYONE! So proud of all of your accomplishments!
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member

    We have completed our Fall Weight Loss challenge! Thank you everyone for coming along and all the best as you continue your goals!
  • fitnicole21
    fitnicole21 Posts: 71 Member

    We have completed our Fall Weight Loss challenge! Thank you everyone for coming along and all the best as you continue your goals!

    Are you starting a Winter goal??? I would love to join that starting tomorrow (:
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member

    We have completed our Fall Weight Loss challenge! Thank you everyone for coming along and all the best as you continue your goals!

    Are you starting a Winter goal??? I would love to join that starting tomorrow (:

    Yes, find our New Discussion posted today!! 90 DAY WINTER WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    Hey Everyone... Find our new CHALLENGE...POSTED TODAY UNDER THE TITLE 90 day Winter Weight Loss challenge! Let's keep the momentum going!
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    SW 200.2
    CW 186.6
    GW for challenge is 185

    I weighed 186 last Wednesday, but gained 6oz after Thanksgiving. Oh well! 1.6 pounds from my goal weight is good enough for me! This was cool, I will do the new one!

    Total weight lost, 13.6lbs.
  • only4pria
    only4pria Posts: 1 Member
    Cw 67kg
    Gw 55
  • verodzrosas
    verodzrosas Posts: 84 Member
    Im in!
    CW: 155
    GW: 135
    1.5# per week
  • psychrat
    psychrat Posts: 21 Member
    I'll join! I struggle with the Fall season so accountability will be helpful!

    cw: 140
    gw: 130
  • lilbeemer84
    lilbeemer84 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!
    CW: 149.5
    GW: 132.5
  • KatieO1217
    KatieO1217 Posts: 3 Member
    Has anyone did insanity? I want to do it but not sure if the results? Anyone?
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    edited August 2016
    This is the first time I've been dedicated since I lost 30 lbs a couple years ago (and gained it back). I'm no longer letting the scale discourage me so I'm all in! Also this gives me the motivation to not do my usual fall/winter weight gain and then stress around April about getting fit for the summer. Best of luck to everyone!

    CW- 164
    Goal 1 - 150
    Final Goal - 135
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    This thread was for the Fall 2015 challenge, anyone looking for the current Fall 2016 Weight Loss Challenge by hillcrestbaby can find it here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10432822/fall-weight-loss-challenge-yes-this-is-another-continuation-of-our-summer-challenge#latest
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