
Welcome back to those of you who have been posting on this thread and welcome to those of you who are joining us now.

The name of the thread is Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

How did you do with your goals and resolutions for November?
What goals and resolutions have you planned for December?

Please sign your post with your name or an alias and a location (general or specific) so we can get to know each other better.

t116009.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington t0464.gif

November Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
*walk an average of 13,000 steps a day (just barely made it)
*organize music files on computer (finished)
*meditate for 10 minutes a day four or more days a week (yes)
*answer a friend's e mail that I've put off too long (didn't even start it)

December Resolutions:
*walk an average of 13,000 steps a day
*knit hats for three great-grandkids
*meditate for 10 minutes a day four or more days a week
*answer a friend's e mail that I've put off too long



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks Barbie!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie, thanks for taking care of us so well. You are truly appreciated.

    Janetr OKC
  • beaniebergh
    beaniebergh Posts: 12 Member
    December resolutions
    Drink at least 6 cups of water a day
    Walk on the treadmill 5x week for an hour and increase intensity / incline
    Be kind to myself and not obsess about losing weight quickly
    Stay within 1300 calories
    Smile bigger, show my love a little more
    Embrace the Christmas season

    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks barbie
  • 8telvice
    8telvice Posts: 3 Member
    As for the goals of November. Did not get much of anywhere when it comes to health . Lost 6 pounds all month. After having lost 60 pounds in 4 months. It was my zeal for it. It has left me for now. I was going to an aqua track 4-6 times a week 1-2 hours each session but somehow I slumped down to only 2days now. Dont know why its happening. Motivation and guilt comes and goes. I double my calories in the pm now. but for 4 months it was easy to control this and stay between 1000-1100 cal/day. So that was November.

    But now its December, or it will be in about 38 minutes. My December resolutions are to:
    1. frequent the aqua track and pool 4 times a week and make these the same days of the week like a job since I am retired.
    2. review the entries in my fitness pal from the very beginning 4 months ago and see what i was eating that was better and different than I am doing now.
    3. Get to bed earlier and plan for a single intentional pm snack at or before 8pm. With a big glass of water.

    Well. Lets see what we can make happen in December.

    Elaine in the Cornhusker State
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Where are all the thoughts I had to write while I was reading??? I think they must still be back on the November thread. Oh BTW, don't forget to bookmark this thread.

    Sylvia, so glad your house is now green balloon safe. You know you are never going to live this down. On another forum I am on, one of the ladies found a mouse in her house and her cat was having so much fun with it that she decided to give him a name and a whole new personality and he is now the mascot on our forum. Of course the actual mouse is probably long gone by now but we still have fun with the mouse. His name is Rocky and since he is British, he has access to the Tardis and comes to visit all of us and raid our cabinets and eats all our sweets. I know you like the situation with the guy who will rent studio space but just be careful. You really don't know him and you will be spending a lot of time alone with him.

    Carol, so sorry about your SIL. I think what you are planning on doing with the young girl sounds perfect. She probably has been wanting to talk to you also and just didn't know how to approach asking to call you. Plus sometimes in that kind of emergency, children's needs are left behind in the immediate emergency.

    I love how you are talking about the Christmas crafts you did or are still doing with your kids. I have always thought it was important for children to know the importance of giving at Christmas. So when my grand kids were little, I would have a craft ready for us to do Thanksgiving while they were here. Sometimes we had to finish it when they get here for Christmas but that was OK. It gave them something to be excited about and not jsut what they were getting. But about 3 years ago that all stopped when their parents finally were in financial situation that they could handle the kids doing the gifts. It is usually buckeyes. One year they made boxes out of a paper plate and filled them with the home made buckeyes and the boxes were beautiful. I have really enjoyed my own imagination in making the crafts. Favorites, saving and collecting sewing thread spools all year long. putting glue all around the spool and dipping it in all my leftover 'village fake snow'. threading a red pipe cleaner up the spool and putting a little red fluffy nose ball on the bottom and bent the other end of the pipe cleaner so it hung on the tree. Another was going to Home Depot and getting the cheapest subway tile that you would use for kitchen back splash, glue a picture of the girls on front and decoupage over the picture. Put foam backing on the back and let the girls draw a picture on them. Every couple got a set of 4 coasters. Was so much fun. So I miss my little girls and I doing crafts for presents but am proud of their Mom in taking over the tradition and them being excited to give to others.

    Miriam, your day bed is excuisite. Enjoy.

    Well today Charlie had his infusion. I was so proud that he only had to get up and go to bathroom for diarrhea once. I can remember other times when he was in there 4 times. I am worried, with each time it is a little harder to get a vein. He has an appointment with family doc Wednesday. This weekend he stated having weakness in his right hand. It is numb and tingly. He won't accept any help with tasks and it so hard watching him try to button a shirt, open a coke can, peel the top of a jelly package, etc. He does have what feels like a sclerosed vein right at his wrist and i don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. But this just makes him feel like he is falling apart piece by piece. He refuses to see the little steps of improvement like less diarrhea or finally a little bit of form to his stool. We got his monthly statement from his insurance company and he is about $600 from meeting the deductible and then he doesn't have to pay for anything and about the same amount on his Medicare D when he will be out of the donut hole. Unfortunately this being December now, he won't be able to take advantage of anything. If the doctor does want to do any testing because of this numbness and weakness, it would be this month but insurance wouldn't be paying for it until next month.

    Can't remember who was responding to the yard sale sites, but these sites for me are on face book. In some cities I am sure there are dozens of them, all with a different name. There are also a lot of swap and shop sites. One of the swap sites has the same people that are doing the swapping all the time and they trust each other enough that they will swap an opened container of something. The police and fire departments suggest using any of their parking lots.

    Welcome home Allison and Katla, Janetr and anyone else who has been out of town. Heather, is there not a phone store near by that could help you get your phone set up? Any teenage neighbor also could do it.

    I don't know if anyone here remembers that when Charlie was in the hospital I had my nice and only paring knife confiscated because it was a weapon. I tried two others at home but nothing worked as well as the one they took. A couple of weeks ago I saw a ceramic paring knife at Walmart. It is a Farberware so it is a good one. But it is sharp. It has been a learning curve on how to hold it and how to hold my apple so the knife never touches me. Well today it touched me, and hard. It jsut got away from me and ouch. I finally got it to stop bleeding, thought it was ready for Neosporin and Bandaide but it opened back up. So I had some 2x2 gauze strips left over from a tooth extraction from last year. I folded one several times and put a Bandaide on it and it stopped it. So after about 6 hours I took t off to see how it was doing. again, looked good until I started moving it to get Bandaide back on. again, started bleeding. So I guess I will leave current Bandaide on now till morning. But as tight as it is, my thumb is now swollen. So I guess I need to redress it so the finger isn't swollen.

    Nite, nite and hello December! Joyce, Indiana
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you Barbie <3 for bringing us into a new month.

    I've been feeling lousy for at least 2 weeks so I made an appointment and got in to see my GP today. I thought it was my digestive system, gallbladder or something but I had a small rash about the size of a half dollar. The Dr. Asked me about it, but I didn't give it much thought. Turns out I have shingles. :# I've heard they are very painful but didn't make the connection with my abdomen pain. I started on an antiviral this evening. We scheduled a sonogram in 2 weeks if the pain hasn't gone away. Well I say my guardian angel was looking out for me o:) had no idea the tiny rash was shingles.

    Sending you all hugs and prayers.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Joyce, sounds like you need a stitch or two,ouch, please take care of your finger!!!
    Barbie, thanks for starting us onto December, hard to believe we are here already.
    Glo, so glad little Alexander is doing well, the wonders of medical science!
    Elaine, reviewing your diary is an excellent idea, you may see something you didnt realize you were adding that slowed down your losses, but dont forget, plateaus are going to happen and are a chance for you to maintain your better eating habits regardless of weight loss. Plateaus can last a long time, dont let that discourage your progress.

    December goals,
    --Exercise, walk, stretch, jog a little bit every day in some way.
    --Maintain weight, dont even plan on losing, stay with the calories as they are set and dont push for a deficit.
    --Monitor bp everyday
    --Write christmas cards earlier this year lol
    --Handle dd finding out about college acceptance (or not). Remember, this is her life ahead, model strength and courage, the right college will want her and we will figure out how to pay for it!
    Cheers to all facing and embracing this month of celebrations.
    Karen from ny
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Barbie~ thank you so much for keeping the thread going...
    Terri in Milwalkee~ Thank you so much talking about your daughter and your ex... it really puts alot in perspective.. you heard me rant about my DD.. and you talked about what the child physcologist(sp) said about the normal one..
    That explains alot~ my Ex is bi-polar and his mom was also.. I didn't recognize it at the time..but that is the past... Yes my DD blames me and Tom for everything that is wrong in her life.. and has said alot of nasty things about me, but I feel so much better with what you said.. because I know I was there always for the important stuff, I was the one with rules and regulations.. School functions.. Yup I was there..
    So thank you,thank you ,thank you... I know I did the best I could and it is her choice to feel and be mean..I have told her the past is the past and she needs to work on the future...
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Thanks Barbie for opening up the December thread and Joyce for reminding us to bookmark the thread! 1803344cau3ymiha9.gif

    DD#2's car broke down yesterday while at the pet store so she is borrowing my car to get to work tomorrow. Since i will be home all day I will start doing some of the things that many of you have already started. Get out the Christmas tree, write Christmas letter, work on aprons & chef hats for DGGC for Christmas presents, and turban hair towels for DDs, 2 DDiLs and 7 DGDs. 1502025u1z9i6a0je.gif

    Back in counseling with DGSs. Youngest is copying the older one and starting to get mouthy with me. He is only 7! 10 year old is making me question my ability to continue raising him. Short rant but needed to get it out so sweep it away someone! 692837ostinjdq14.gif

    Welcome all the new people - there have been so many of you I can't possibly welcome you individually. 651171i085p8my3i.gif

    Still looking for the right place to move. If I get hired on Friday at least it narrows down where I will be focusing my house hunting.

    Caught up with reading - that's always a stress reliever! Since I can't respond to everyone I will just leave you with prayers for you and your loved ones if you are in physical or mental pain; hugs to you whether you need it or not but who doesn't need a hug! Congrats to those who had successes in November and motivation to those who didn't quite meet your goals.

    Gloria in WA where we are bundling up - jacket ~ check; hat ~ check; gloves ~ check! 2528143dj5f0172yg.gif
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    2547532baqyv86zx0.jpg This morning I go for my yearly fasting blood test. I thought I had a good plan to sleep late, walk the dogs and go, but at 3:30 Brandy woke me up with a bark that said that she had to go out immediately. I was snuggled up with a dog on one side and a cat on the other and Jake sleeping peacefully, so I raced to get dressed and take her out. We got out with me dressed in warm enough clothes but I forgot my pedometer, then for awhile all she wanted to do was eat grass. Eventually she did her business, I came back and got Sasha and my pedometer. So, I guess there is never a perfect plan. It's not nearly as much fun to read your posts in the morning with no breakfast to eat while I do it. I am happy to see new faces as well as much very much loved friends.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington t09013.gif
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DYS was here all Thanksgiving week and sick as a dog (really flu-like symptoms), sneezing, runny nose, and achy body. I've been sneezing w/runny nose since Sunday evening. Last night my nose was so stopped up, I could not breathe except through my nose. About 1/4th of a bottle of nose spray, it opened up my nose enough so that I could sleep with my C-pap machine. At 8:30am, I am calling my MD to find out 'if' he can see me; or, if not, will he put me on a steroid. A few months back had a bad cold and started 'hacking cough'; went through antibiotics, cough syrup and pills, and then I saw my 'lung MD' and was given steroids. Knocked out that cough within 3 days and my chest stopped hurting. Usually, when I get a cold it turns into bronchitis or worse. I need to get ahead of it, now! DDnL#2 said that DYS's skin was very dry, probably from staying inside the entire week; so she rubbed him down with some lotion and rubbed his head. He told her that 'maybe' he should 'go off more often, if that was the welcome he would get when he returned' ... NOT! According to DDnL#2. Yesterday was our DSGD's 10th birthday. I had talked earlier to DDnL#2 and she 'loved' the painting of the church they married in that had painted or her and DYS. She is always so appreciative of anything we do for them. Called back later to wish DSGD a 'Happy Birthday' when they picked her up from dancing to take her out to eat. I hope the camo that I sent to her for her birthday will fit her. DDnL#2 said that DDnL#1 gave her the sizes that the girls wore to buy them some rubber boot. When she got them, they seemed vey small, so I told her that I wore a 7 1/2 and our DOGD's foot was a little shorter than mine; and DMGD's foot was probably a little larger (longer) than mine (if I had to guess, never was near enough to her to compare boots; she had ordered a 7 and an 8; decided she would exchange them for an 8 and 9. DDnL#1 said they could wear heavy socks with them (or a couple of pair); but, DDnL#2 said the would not be able to get into them 'if' they did. If they grow any, probably would not fit; anyway, getting them larger will actually allow them to get into them with shoes on. They are like galoshes, more than just boots. Supposedly, they are the rave!

    For the adults and oldest 2 granddaughter will buy 'gift certificates'; but the 2 youngest ones, will buy something they can actually unwrap. They'll all get a few things in their stockings.

    Taking the 'easy' way out of doing decorating for Christmas. Using the 6 foot tall macramé tree that my Mother mad and strung lights through the rear of it. Looks good; and, is just right for our 'overcrowded' great room. Have hung the stockings up. Need to get a 4th stocking just for show for 4th DGD. Put bowties on all our deer (7 of them). Boys used to get so upset with me when they were younger because would put bells with bows on them and they kept saying they were 'boys'. Had bought red noses for them; but, was only able to get one on last year on the one that's nose sticks out more than the others. Probably could get some red felt and cut big circles and attach them with rubber bands (especially if I can find red rubber bands). Will put my manager scenes out; being especially careful to put the one I got from Mother and Daddy that is at least 70 years old (or more). My oldest sister is 70 and it was bought the first Christmas they were married. So I would say that it is 72 years old. BF gave me the 'other' figurines; but, it doesn't include Joseph, Mary, or the Baby Jesus (I've got to remember to ask her if she has these 3 important figurines and ask if I can buy them from her.

    Cracker sleeping since I gave her medication.

    Well, MD's office is now open so I need to see if I can see one of them today.

    Happy 1st day of December!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks Barbie!

    Remembering to highlight the star by the title of this thread.

    November goals:

    Will continue to eat many fruits and vegetables.
    Watch portions better.
    Exercise daily be it a walk or one of my many fitness videos
    Continue to touch base with friends and ask about their lives
    In that vein not to get so caught up in DH health issues that it is all I can talk about
    Continue to stop and enjoy something Beautiful everyday
    Continue in new choir and see how it goes


    Quote: Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite.
    Need to watch my portions more closely. Having some weight creep. Sleeping better on the days I don't stand too long. If I am standing working at exercises that relieve some of the stress.

    December goals:

    Continue November Goals

    Try to do an act of Kindness daily.
    :heart: Margaret

    Mary how frightening. When people are hurt sometimes they go into a denial about their injuries and or the bodies natural pain killers are so strong the person isn't aware how badly they are hurt. I am surprised no one intervened to see she got immediate care she needed.

    :heart: Margaret

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Gloria, to copy a pic from facebook, first left click on the picture to make it get big. Then right click on it to pull up the menu. Scroll down to the "save image as" command and left click on it. A screen will pop up to let you chose where to save the pic. I usually save on my desktop so it is easy to find to delete. Once you have the pic on your desk top you can use the icon above of the rectangle with the corner turned down. click it, click browse, go to desktop, and double click the pic.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,131 Member
    December already! <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    morning peeps and welcome new peeps and thanks barbiecat!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I am so bummed! As I said yesterday, the battery on my 2007 Honda Accord was dead. DH replaced it and the radio/clock won't come on (which is common for Honda's after the battery dies). So I have spent a good part of my morning trying to unlock the radio. Thank God for the internet. I have watched Youtube videos and gotten all the numbers I needed. Now, I just can't seem to follow the final directions on how to unlock. DH is trying now. I may have to take it to a repair shop to get them to do it.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    Thank you Barbie! :love:
    I wrote all about my day on the November thread so if you want to be bored please go back there! :laugh:
    Will bookmark this one now. :)

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Thanks Barbie for continuing our thread each month! :)

    Cannot believe it is December already. Time flies as they say!

    Some of you may remember my story about deciding to attend Thanksgiving with my family without my husband in attendance. Well I did it. Drove the 5 1/5 hours there with no problem. Had a wonderful time reconnecting with my 4 siblings, 10 nieces/nephews and 6 great nieces/nephews. I avoided any and all controversy my mother attempted to insert into the situation. Had no interest in eating all the ooey, gooey, sugary goodness available. All around a good time. My husband (Aspergers) had a bit of a re-entry issue but I implored him (with tears) not to go back 20+ years and bring up things that don't matter anymore. I let him sulk for a few hours and then told him its over we are moving on. And he did!!!! :)

    We are leaving for Florida in a day to spend several days with his mother (his father passed on Oct 13) and see how she is settling in after taking care of her husband for the last year with in home hospice. She sounds good over the phone but something just doesn't seem right. We will help her make some decisions about cleaning up/fixing the house that fell into some disrepair during his illness. There has been some reconciliation with husbands siblings so we will be seeing them also. Hanukkah begins while we are there so it will be nice to celebrate the first couple of days with his mother.

    How blessed am I that the holiday season has allowed me to see and enjoy the comfort of my family and his after so many years of angst.

    Health wise I have had a slight set back. I have been diagnosed with a compressed nerve which is causing my left arm and hand to tingle. Started physical therapy today and hopefully I will find some relief soon. This aging thing is for the birds.

    Happy December everyone! Prayers and thoughts to all in need and praise to all successes!

    Cheri in seasonably warm NE Ohio