I do what with butter...?



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Where am I getting all this nonsense?
    Ok, page turner here, but from an ex of mine.
    He does intermittent fasting and was doing low carbs. He isn't doing as low of carbs anymore because he's bulking now. He's very healthy, very fit and looks amazing.
    I adopted this mindset, and have more than once questioned it. Ok? Truth's out. : )

    When your ex did low carb, did he have the urge to vomit at night?
    When low carb dieting and intermittent fasting, are you supposed to get sick?
    Like more than once each time I start doing theses things I'll get sick at night and almost feel like I need to vomit while I'm trying to freaking sleep.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    That's the tough bit

    So are you going to stick with extremely low carb because if so you might be best joining the keto group

    I know for me I could not stick with low carb once my willpower weakened ...and once that happened I'd snap back into overweight

    But I lost with CICO and 50-60% carbs and maintain like that too...with minimal effort

    If you want to try it, if you choose trying it properly then your body will restock it's glycogen and water weight as soon as you reintroduce carbs ...it isn't fat so it's nothing to worry about

    If you don't that's your choice ...but you don't sound happy right now

  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    No, he never gets sick. Nor did he ever eat butter, but told me to get in enough fat anyway I could without going over my carb limit.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP your ex is obviously an ex for some reason, so why would you be holding on so tightly to his recommendation for how you "need" to lose weight? You've gotten some great advice here, but there is a very important takeaway that I'm not sure you've picked up quite yet.

    Losing weight is about creating a calorie deficit - period. It is not about what you eat or when you eat. Some people find Low Carb or Keto to be good ways to create a calorie deficit. If that works for you, and you can stick with it, great. But you keep posting about having a cheat day, getting discouraged, having to start over, etc - so it doesn't sound like this is definitely the best solution for you. Same thing with IF. There isn't anything magical about IF that causes you to lose weight - it is just a way to create and hopefully maintain a calorie deficit.

    I don't think anyone shared these links with you yet, but you really should spend some time reading the Most Helpful Posts at the top of each forum section.


    Here is my standard advice on MFP:
    1. Enter your stats as accurately as possible including your activity level
    2. Enter a reasonable goal (total weight to lose and rate of loss)
    3. Eat a variety of nutrient dense foods, logging everything accurately and consistently
    4. Save room for treats if you like, logging those too.
    5. Exercise if you like, making sure to eat back at least a portion of your calories.
    6. Be patient.
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm pretty neutral. I'd just like to find a better way of doing what I'm doing.
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    My ex is my ex because I finally decided he didn't deserve me. That b@st@rd cheated on me and lied to me about EVERYTHING.
    I'm trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life because I devoted 5 years to him, and he was my support system because my family wasn't there for me, judged me and made it hard to go to them for anything emotionally.
    Now that my support system is totally gone...its left me alone and truly finding out what it's like to be a strong independent woman.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Listen, I've tried this diet both ways. The food I put into my body absolutely DOES not work if let's say I eat pizza and candy within 1200 calories.
    Carbs alone won't make us fat, it's the carbs and fat mixed together that makes weight armageddon.

    This is incorrect. This is absolute lunacy.
    Its a calorie surplus that would cause a person to gain weight.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    My ex is my ex because I finally decided he didn't deserve me. That b@st@rd cheated on me and lied to me about EVERYTHING.
    I'm trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life because I devoted 5 years to him, and he was my support system because my family wasn't there for me, judged me and made it hard to go to them for anything emotionally.
    Now that my support system is totally gone...its left me alone and truly finding out what it's like to be a strong independent woman.

    I think you are missing my point - although good for you for getting out of a bad relationship...

    Why would you think that your ex is all knowing about how you need to lose weight? Why are you so insistent on relying on LC and IF simply because he told you that's what you needed to do?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member

    +1( too much derp in one thread hurts my head )

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I'm pretty neutral. I'd just like to find a better way of doing what I'm doing.

    I just reduced carbs to a point that keeps me full and allows me to easily stay in a calorie deficit. For me, that's 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein. It's painless.

    Bread made with flour makes me sleepy, so I use sprouted bread like Alvarado St Bakery or Ezekial/Food for Life. Yes, it's more expensive, but I only have two pieces a day so a loaf lasts a while.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My ex is my ex because I finally decided he didn't deserve me. That b@st@rd cheated on me and lied to me about EVERYTHING.
    I'm trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life because I devoted 5 years to him, and he was my support system because my family wasn't there for me, judged me and made it hard to go to them for anything emotionally.
    Now that my support system is totally gone...its left me alone and truly finding out what it's like to be a strong independent woman.

    Sounds like a great person from whom to take advice.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    @Mallybear2020 join this group and read the FAQ section. No, you don't have to eat straight up butter.. There are many other options available to you.

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    My ex is my ex because I finally decided he didn't deserve me. That b@st@rd cheated on me and lied to me about EVERYTHING.
    I'm trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life because I devoted 5 years to him, and he was my support system because my family wasn't there for me, judged me and made it hard to go to them for anything emotionally.
    Now that my support system is totally gone...its left me alone and truly finding out what it's like to be a strong independent woman.

    He lied to you about everything, yet you still want to take his diet and fitness advice as gospel?

  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    edited December 2015
    Why do I think he's all knowing? Picture yourself in a captive situation, and you develop Stockholm syndrome.
    I'm trying to get away from the things he taught me and learn the right way.
    This was all I knew, all I trusted and all that I lived. I had no one else to help me but him. And don't get me wrong, he honestly was good, but I peeled back the layers of a rotten onion and found out the truth to him.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    My ex is my ex because I finally decided he didn't deserve me. That b@st@rd cheated on me and lied to me about EVERYTHING.
    I'm trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life because I devoted 5 years to him, and he was my support system because my family wasn't there for me, judged me and made it hard to go to them for anything emotionally.
    Now that my support system is totally gone...its left me alone and truly finding out what it's like to be a strong independent woman.

    He lied to you about everything, yet you still want to take his diet and fitness advice as gospel?

    This. This is the point I am trying to make...

    OP, I'm sorry you were in an abusive, controlling relationship. I really can't give you any advice on how to deal with that, other than to suggest maybe talking to a counselor. If you want advice about how to lose weight though, in a healthy, sustainable way - you've gotten plenty of it here.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    My ex is my ex because I finally decided he didn't deserve me. That b@st@rd cheated on me and lied to me about EVERYTHING.
    I'm trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life because I devoted 5 years to him, and he was my support system because my family wasn't there for me, judged me and made it hard to go to them for anything emotionally.
    Now that my support system is totally gone...its left me alone and truly finding out what it's like to be a strong independent woman.

    I think you are missing my point - although good for you for getting out of a bad relationship...

    Why would you think that your ex is all knowing about how you need to lose weight? Why are you so insistent on relying on LC and IF simply because he told you that's what you needed to do?

    I think the answer to this is something the OP said earlier: " I listened to him and he's the reason why 2 years ago I was at 150lbs and got down to 112." Then she got grief from her family for losing weight and let it derail her and then she put back on too much. I could be wrong of course, but that's what I gathered from her post.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member

    The longest I gave it was a month, then I hit about 135 and I couldn't lose anymore. Then I had a cheat day and had to start things back up again. This has happened off and on for months now, and it seems like it's hard for me to lose any past 128lbs, but so far I have gotten past that and I'm at 125lbs.

    That wasn't fat weight you were losing. When you eat low carb, you quickly use up stores of glycogen in your muscles and liver, resulting in a rapid 5-10lb weight loss. People get really excited about it, thinking their diet is "working", until they get too weak/hungry/bored and eat carbs again. Then they gain their glycogen stores back, and then cycle with low-carbing/weight loss and carb-bingeing/weight gain over and over again.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You know why low carbers think it works? Because as soon as they eat anything close to normal carb intake, they bloat up in water weight the next day. The scale doesn't lie, does it?

    My son used to slice up butter and eat it like cheese. He grew up normally. Cheese might be more pleasant than butter, and nearly as high in calories.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Not to be rude, but that depends how much you weigh currently.
    Example: If I weighed 200lbs and all I ate was pizza and ice cream, then I'd expect to lose some but not hit my goal weight of say 130. Because after a while my body will start to maintain according to what I am eating.

    No - false

    Your body doesn't have different calorie limits based upon what types of food you eat. Your body has different calorie limits based upon your size, your activity level, any exercise done, and the amount of lean muscle you have.

    For example: I maintain my weight at 1650 calories (I'm old). It doesn't matter whether I eat 1650 in fat or protein or carbs...it's still just 1650 calories. But it's much easier to over eat pizza than it is to over eat broccoli.

    Now, the reason I don't eat a pure carb diet is that my body needs protein and fat everyday. The reason I don't eat a pure protein diet is that my body needs energy (carbs) and fats everyday. Besides carbs taste yummy.

    I choose a lower fat diet (than most people) out of necessity. High fat meals give me acid reflux. IF you have medical issue re: carbs....then by all means limit them. But even many diabetics eat a modest amount of carbs.
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    edited December 2015
    That's correct.

    Ladies and gentlemen. Just take a moment to picture your ideal/perfect man or woman.
    That's what I HAD for 2 years in my relationship. This guy helped me in school, lose weight, face bullies, accompanied me when I got sick, helped me with EVERYTHING. Some of you may have no clue what it feels like to have found what you thought was your soul mate.
    Now picture 2 years you find out your true love was based on a lie. You find out he cheated, and get this. Wants to stay with the girl that he cheated with AND YOU. Wants to have a polyamorous relationship,BS thing going on. Then you also find out he lied to you about a million other things.
    Good bye perfect man and support.
    Hello single life, where you have to relearn life.