"12 Weeks Weightloss Challenge" All Welcome



  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    flowe1352462 pounds down. Awesome!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Use Smaller Plates
    Plate sizes have changed drastically over the past hundreds of years. In fact, waists and plates size have increased in a proportional manner. And according to study, the smaller the plate, the smaller the portion you are going to consume.
    Therefore, opt for smaller plates—anything in the 7 to 10 inches—instead of the bigger plates—12 inches and above. Opting for smaller plate will trick your brain into believing you are eating more. This, in turn, will cause you to consume less calories. Do this and you will end up eating less and feeling fuller with the same amount of food.

    Action Step
    On your next meal, opt for a size-appropriate bowl or plate. So opt for smaller plates, bowls, glasses and silverware. So swap your bigger plates for smaller and more appropriate-size plates. You are going to consume at least 20 percent less and save up hundreds of unneeded calories each day.
  • sinnybri
    sinnybri Posts: 1,174 Member
    Name: Sinéad
    Age: 26
    CW: 14st 1lb (197lb)
    12 week weight goal: 12st 7lb (22lb loss)
    Weight in every Monday.
    Week 1: 13st 12lb
    Week 2: 13st 9lb
    Week 3: 13st 6lb
    Week 4: 13st 5lb
    Week 5: 13st 4lb
    Week 6: 13st 2lb
    Week 7: 13st 1lb
    Week 8:
    Week 9:
    Week 11:
    Week 12:

    Loss this week: 1lb
    Total weight lost: 1 stone!!

    I'm delighted with that 1lb after a Christmas party Saturday night with lots of food and drinks. Hoping to be in the 12s next week going to give it an extra punch with Christmas nearly here.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Good job Sinead. Congratulations!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Lift Weights
    I love running and can talk about the subject all day long.
    But when it comes to losing weight, running is just one exercise among many. To speed up your weight loss effort, incorporate at least three weight lifting sessions a week into your exercise program. Strength training boosts metabolism levels for hours after you have stopped and can also help you build muscles—key for a leaner and sexier body
    Action Step
    Add at least three strength training workouts per week into your training program. Do total body exercises such as squats, deadlifts, burpees, push-ups and pull-ups. These exercises recruit a lot of muscles and can crank up calories burn like nothing else. Free weights are an option too.
  • fourterrys
    fourterrys Posts: 90 Member
    Check in:

    10/6- 198 lbs
    10/13- 197.5 lbs
    10/20- 197 lbs
    10/28- 198 lbs

    11/3- 196.5 lbs
    11/10- 195.5 lbs
    11/18- 195 lbs
    11/24- ????

    12/1- 195 lbs

    Missed last week- between the funeral and thanksgiving. Logging food didn't happen and neither did exercise. Tried to make good choices when available. I know I put a few lbs on, but have been good the past few days, so back to where I started. Seems to pretty much be my theme this 12 weeks! LOL

    Goal for next week- 1 lb.

    As long as it's going down
  • bacs
    bacs Posts: 40 Member
    Start Weight: Nov 24 153 lbs
    Goal Weight Feb 16 135 lbs
    Ultimate Goal weight 115 lbs

    1st Dec: 150 lbs
    8th Dec:
    15th Dec
    22nd Dec
    29th Dec
    5th Jan
    12th Jan
    19th Jan
    26th Jan
    2nd Feb
    9th Feb
    16th Feb

    Weight goal for this week: 1-2 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this week: 3lbs
  • sinnybri
    sinnybri Posts: 1,174 Member
    15k walked today! I'm so tired and a splitting pain in my head is preventing me from working out tonight but with that big walk done I'm ok with missing a work out. Tomorrow is another day.

    I love the part of this app that tells you what you would weigh in 5 weeks if every day was like today. It gives me drive :)
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Ignore the Doubters and Don't Let Them Derail Your Course

    Let's face it, when you achieve any sort of success, there are always those few people who try to belittle it or steer you off course. It's hard to stay the course when you face up hill challenges every minute. It's about changing your attitude toward food once and for all. It is a lifestyle change for a healthier and happier you. More than that, it's a lifetime deal. Change the way you think about food from I can't to I don't. You can eat whatever you want, but you choose not to. If you change your thought process from the word I can't to I don't, then you feel more in control and know that nothing is off limits. You choose what to eat and when. So when all those doubters try and derail you. You will be in control and know that you have the strength to choose to be healthy and continue your journey.
  • fourterrys
    fourterrys Posts: 90 Member
    Izzy- this is perfect! For so long, I've said "I can't eat..." and I always fell off track. Now, since March I've been saying "I don't eat..." and it actually works! 50 lbs down to prove it! Occasionally I say "I will eat..." and that's kept me in it for the long haul.

    Thanks for all the inspiration!!!! Good luck to everyone!!!!

  • Oliviashar10
    Oliviashar10 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for this challenge, I'm ready to get on track!

    Start Weight: Dec 3 252 lbs
    Goal Weight Feb 25 220 lbs
    Ultimate Goal weight 140 lbs

    3rd Dec: 252
    10th Dec:
    17th Dec:
    24th Dec:
    31st Dec:
    7th Jan:
    14th Jan:
    21st Jan:
    28th Jan:
    4th Feb:
    11th Feb:
    18th Feb:
    25th Feb:

  • sinnybri
    sinnybri Posts: 1,174 Member
    I do tend to say "I can't eat" a lot but I don't deprive myself anything I really want like the odd bit of chocolate. I think really limiting yourself can make it more difficult to succeed so I allow myself a treat as long as I stay within my calorie goal. My treat now is completely different than it would have been a few months ago too. When I think about the things I used to eat I feel ill... Portion size is very important!!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Thanks everyone for your posts and support.
    Welcome Oliviashar10! Pleased to have you.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Walk More

    If you are really out of shape or have some medical condition that makes high impact exercise out of the questions, then WALK. Walking is a great low impact exercise that can help you lose weight and get in shape.
    Walking briskly for at least 45 minutes a day—that’s about three to four miles depending on how fast you are—can help you shed more than 30 pounds in a year as long as you are keeping your calorie intake in check, according to a Duke University study.
    Action Step
    Go for daily 45-minutes walk at a brisk pace, and feel free to add a few jogging bouts whenever it’s possible.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited December 2015
    Sorry I have been MIA. Real life has been hectic for a few weeks, but I have been logging away as usual.

    12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

    Original Start weight: 220lbs (Mar 2014)
    Week 4 weight goal: 164lbs
    Week 8 weight goal: 160lbs
    Week 12 weight goal: 156lbs
    Weigh in on Monday each week

    Start weight: 28/09: 168
    Week 1: 03/10: 167
    Week 2: 10/10: 167
    Week 3: 17/10: 166
    Week 4: 24/10: 166
    Week 5: 31/10: 166
    Week 6: 07/10: 166
    Week 7: 14/11: 165
    Week 8: 21/11: 165
    Week 9: 28/11: 164
    Week 10: 05/11: 163 :) Losing slowly but steadily. I'm unlikely to reach my goal by week 12, but won't give up. My original goal for the year was 158, but I'll take whatever comes, onward, into the new year.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Way to Go Terri! Your Awesome!
  • Jessalane0607
    Jessalane0607 Posts: 89 Member
    Name: Jess

    SW on MFP (07/05): 300
    SW (10/3): 253.6
    GW: 229

    Total loss of: 24.6

    Week 1 Start 10/3: 253.6
    Week 2 10/10: (a few days late) 249.8
    Week 3 10/15: 248.4
    Week 4 10/24: (a few days early) 245.8
    Week 5 10/31: 245
    Week 6 11/7: 242
    Week 7 11/14: 241.2
    Week 8 11/21: ?
    Week 9 11/28: ?
    Week 10 12/5: 237.2
    Week 11 12/12:
    Week 12 12/19:

    Lost: -4
    Total lost: -16.4

    I don't know if I'll make goal for this challenge, but I'm so happy with how much I've lost so far.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Jess, congratulation on your weight loss. You have done well, keep it up.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Sniff a banana, an apple, or a peppermint when you feel hungry.

    You might feel silly, but it works. When Alan R. Hirsch, M.D., neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, tried this with 3,000 volunteers, he found that the more frequently people sniffed, the less hungry they were and the more weight they lost—an average of 30 pounds each. One theory is that sniffing the food tricks the brain into thinking you’re actually eating it.
  • sinnybri
    sinnybri Posts: 1,174 Member
    12 week weight goal: 12st 7lb (22lb loss)
    Weight in every Monday.
    Week 1: 13st 12lb
    Week 2: 13st 9lb
    Week 3: 13st 6lb
    Week 4: 13st 5lb
    Week 5: 13st 4lb
    Week 6: 13st 2lb
    Week 7: 13st 1lb
    Week 8: 12st 13lb
    Week 9:
    Week 11:
    Week 12:

    Loss this week: 2lb
    Total weight lost: 16lb

    I actually had 3lb down this week but was away all weekend and couldn't cook for myself and did no work outs. I over did it but had a great weekend with my family. I'm still on track to make my goal and more importantly I'm gone below 13st which feels like a milestone to me to see 12st on the scale, even if it is the very high end of it, feels good! Hoping to lose 2lb this week