Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    jet0505 wrote: »
    1. No sugar -someday this won't be such a hard challenge, right???

    RIGHT!!!! the longer you go without it, the easier it gets! :smile:
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    68myra wrote: »
    Just for Wednesday, 12/2:
    :smiley: 1. walk with a friend
    :smile: 2. p/t homework
    had a plan, but went out for dinner (buffet, UGH)3. plan a healthy dinner
    my best guess :smile: 4. log that dinner
    :smiley: 5. ENJOY entering 0 for december late night snacking :wink:

    Just for Thursday, 12/3:
    1. lift itty bitty weights
    2. p/t homework
    3. plan healthy veggies to go with pork roast
    4. ENJOY entering 0 for Dec LNS :wink:
    5. smile and be nice to myself
    6. act on things
  • GetMeTo125
    GetMeTo125 Posts: 20 Member
    I am just coming home from a long day..my goal is to stay within my calories tonight when I get home and not binge from exhaustion and feeling overwhelmed at work.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 12,000 steps :) 12,056
    2. weight/cardio workout :)
    3. under 100G carbs :)
    4. do one self-care activity :) gave myself a nice manicure

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. swim a mile
    3. under 75G carbs
    4. do one self-care activity

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »

    J4T Wednesday
    1. Go for a walk :smiley:
    2. Focus on sticking to calorie goals one meal at a time :smile:
    3. Laundry and housework :smile:
    4. Weights at gym while kids are at youth group. :smile:
    5. Day 3 of Ab Challenge! :smile:

    J4T Thursday
    1. Get up early enough to make breakfast lunch and snack
    2. Get something out for dinner
    3. Focus on sticking to calorie goals one meal at a time
    4. Take a walk during work or do jogging on treadmill at gym
    5. Day 4 of Ab Challenge (rest day) :smile:

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,401 Member
    edited December 2015
    JFT Tues 1/12
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 90+ mins of Cardio/flex/physio; 6000+ steps ; Drink 8 cups water
    2. Go to Craft group meeting this morning.
    3. Attend Art History group and give presentation after lunch.
    4. Make healthy choices for dinner. We have a dinner/theatre outing tonight in Belfast.

    Lost my post yesterday :(
    :) Tues goals achieved
    :) Wed goals (similar) achieved

    JFT Thurs 3/12
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 90+ mins of Cardio/flex/physio; 6000+ steps ; Drink 8 cups water.
    2. Go to dancing class this morning.
    3. Attend Art Shakespeare Study group after lunch.
    4. Attend Andre Rieu Concert this evening. :) A friend gave us free tickets
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »

    For today:

    I will express my wellness mantra, morning and afternoon
    I will stay within my calorie budget and not over indulge in any single food
    I will work out for 30 minutes
    I will be present, in the moment during meetings today
    I am expressing gratitude for an old stand by, a great piece of advice I received. Yesterday doesn't matter, we can't change what happened. What matters is what we do today. Today, is a new day.

    Good day

    Expressed my wellness mantra in the morning. Didn't get to it in the afternoon
    Over my calorie budget by 240 but giving myself a pass as I was in full day meetings and a late night dinner. For the most part, made good choices.
    Worked out for 36 minutes, three day streak
    Great work day

    For today:

    I will express my wellness mantra, morning and afternoon
    I will take a swim through the MFP community before I settle in for diner
    I will stay within my calorie budget and not overindulge.
    I will work out for 60 minutes
    I am expressing gratitude for my health
  • maestraortiz05
    maestraortiz05 Posts: 4 Member
    Go for a morning walk at work
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Been on the cross trainer this morning will go on it again when I get home. Want to build up to longer or more sessions. Good Luck with your JFT goals everyone.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. drink 8 glasses of water. Break it down to 2 glasses each meal time, and 1 glass in between meals. :)
    2. Log everybite I eat :) - even though I went over my calories with popcorn, and eating out, which was not planned. We had a busy day working, so hubby suggested going to Longhorn! I did OK - ate 1/2 of my chicken breast, but calorie-wise, and carbs, over :/
    3. no sugar, low carbs :/
    4. Read 1 positive thing :)
    5. encourage 1 member :)

    We were so busy yesterday with work, so hubby suggested we eat at Longhorn. I had the parmesan chic, and got brocolli instead of a baked potato, and only ate 1/2 of my chicken. But we ended up with popcorn in the evening, which still put me over. But - I logged every bite, and still feel I did OK.

    JFT Thursday, 12/3
    1. 8 glasses of water - 2 with each meal. 2 cups down already!
    2. Log every bite - no matter what!
    3. work on low carb, no sugar
    4. read 1 positive thing each day
    5. encourage 1 member

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert J Collier
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 12/2
    1. Stay within calorie limit :)
    2. Walk the dogs :)
    3. Strength workout - Burn Circuit 2 :)
    4. No alcohol!!! :)

    JFT, 12/3

    1. Stay within calorie limit
    2. Walk the dogs
    3. Cardio workout
    4. No alcohol!
    5. No alcohol!
    6. And, finally, no alcohol!!
  • jet0505
    jet0505 Posts: 69 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert J Collier

    Great reminder - thanks for the quote!
  • jet0505
    jet0505 Posts: 69 Member
    Yesterday -
    1. No sugar -someday this won't be such a hard challenge, right??? :smile: A little easier today.
    2. Racquetball :smile:
    3. Electronics off at 9pm (still struggling to make this happen) :neutral: Missed this target - but I stayed up to skype my son in college, so it was worth missing sleep :smile:
    4. Meditate :smile:

    JFT -
    1. No sugar
    2. Walk 2-3 miles
    3. Get enough sleep
    4. Prepare for meeting tonight
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »

    1. Stay within calorie limit
    2. Walk the dogs
    3. Cardio workout
    4. No alcohol!
    5. No alcohol!
    6. And, finally, no alcohol!!

    thanks for the chuckle..... I did a "whole 30" last january..... a whole 30 days without some things, and one of those things was alcohol. as a strategy, "they" came up with a "faux-tini" which is basically flavor and seltzer water over crushed ice. i'm sure you could google it.... the "whole 30" people don't allow artificial sweeteners, but my current "faux-tini's" include stevia. i believe the first one i tried used lemon as the flavor. anyhow, it's worth a try if you want "something" but no alcohol (and no buzz, lol) (just make sure it's seltzer and NOT tonic water)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited December 2015
    jet0505 wrote: »
    Yesterday -
    1. No sugar -someday this won't be such a hard challenge, right??? :smile: A little easier today.
    2. Racquetball :smile:
    3. Electronics off at 9pm (still struggling to make this happen) :neutral: Missed this target - but I stayed up to skype my son in college, so it was worth missing sleep :smile:
    4. Meditate :smile:

    JFT -
    1. No sugar
    2. Walk 2-3 miles
    3. Get enough sleep
    4. Prepare for meeting tonight

    2 things...
    I have really reduced my sugar intake over the past 2.5 yearss. I actually worked on controling my carbs for a year and a half before I started counting calories. I lost 30 pounds during that period.

    It helped to really focus on how I felt when I had too much sugar. I was in the pre-diabetic stage and had definite symtoms. After a while I started to think of sugar as actually being like a poison to me and that shift of perspective made it easier to say no. Then I really started to feel good when I focused my food choices on proteins and healthy fats, so good that it got even easier to avoid all the treats that I love so much.

    Now I do a good job of being very choosy when it comes to sugar. I have a little, but not too much. I haven't binged on carbs in a long time because I know how sick I will feel.

    It does get easier, but it may take a while to really feel in control. I hope this helps you. I know how hard it is!

    Also...regarding getting off the electronics by 9...it helps me to make my goal a positive thing rather than negative, whenever possible

    For example... Have a cup of tea and be in pajamas by 9:15 (or whatever your bedtime habits are)

    This also works with avoiding sugar...Focus on eating plenty of protein and fats with each meal. When you eat lots of protein and healthy fats, you won't have much room left for sweets in your calories.

  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Didn't list yesterday but got in 2.35 mile run, did not get any farther on the desk


    1) Rest day for running so take a walk instead
    2) Work on desk
  • jet0505
    jet0505 Posts: 69 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    2 things...
    I have really reduced my sugar intake over the past 2.5 yearss. I actually worked on controling my carbs for a year and a half before I started counting calories. I lost 30 pounds during that period...

    Also...regarding getting off the electronics by 9...it helps me to make my goal a positive thing rather than negative, whenever possible

    For example... Have a cup of tea and be in pajamas by 9:15 (or whatever your bedtime habits are)

    This also works with avoiding sugar...Focus on eating plenty of protein and fats with each meal. When you eat lots of protein and healthy fats, you won't have much room left for sweets in your calories.

    Great advice - thanks so much for your examples! I really hate the way I feel when I eat sugar, even during the years when I wasn't trying to reform my eating habits. There are so many detrimental effects of sugar, it's amazing the brain can't just override the cravings. It really is a poison! Have you found any tasty, healthy alternatives to turn to instead of sweets? It's encouraging to know that at some point, it might not be such a battle.

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    My diary is open. Feel free to snoop!

    I like to have protien smoothies in the morning. The fruit in them makes them sweet for me.

    For a treat at night I often have yogurt. Sometimes I add a tablespoon of chocolate chips or trail mix when my calories allow.

    Apples and almond butter, bananas and peanut butter

    Sometimes when we eat out I have a couple of bites of my husband's dessert.

    On Thanksgiving I over did the desserts and regretted my decision. I didn't have any problem resisting the sweet leftovers.

    You know, I really don't eat very much sweets at all anymore. Feeling good has become my priority!

    I realy try to always have protein and carbs together.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    68myra wrote: »
    Just for Thursday, 12/3:
    :smiley: 1. lift itty bitty weights
    :smile: 2. p/t homework
    :smile: 3. plan healthy veggies to go with pork roast
    :smiley: 4. ENJOY entering 0 for Dec LNS :wink:
    :smile: 5. smile and be nice to myself
    :smiley::smiley: 6. act on things

    today was a good day. even without any exercise. i haven't been able to say that for a loooooong time.

    Just for Friday, 12/4:
    1. gotta "man" a bake sale, grrrrr. i will eat a healthy snack before and NOT partake.
    2. p/t homework
    3. clean-up crew after a middle school dance. should prove interesting. (save calories for late glass of wine)
    4. yoga or a long walk (yoga would be better)
    5. plan a healthy dinner
    6. be nice to myself
    7. act on something.... did great on thursday.... want to keep the momentum going.
    8. peek at bri170's food diary :wink: