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  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member

    Overall, I think the only 2 problems with hardcore paleo are that a) it can get TOO low carb (anti fruit) in some people's application of it, and b) sometimes the "philosophy" of it gets ahead of what might really work best. I'm really interested in finding a workable and practical balance for myself. I expect what that would be would vary from person to person, too.

    I'm up for putting together some kind of challenge as soon as I figure out MFP fully!

    I've almost cut out all fruit, but that's because I'm insulin resistant - so it works for me. I'm excited I found a whey protein isolate today with 53g of protein and 1 g CHO !!
    I also came across this seed that is the most potent source of Omega 3's - Savi Seed? "ounce for ounce, these amazing seeds contain 13 times more Omega 3 than wild salmon"...
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Name: Cheri
    where you live: SE Michigan
    Time CF'ing: True CF since January, but I've been doing a bootcamp where we do a lot of CrossFitish stuff with a lot less equipment since November. Currently bootcamp 2x and CF 1x a week.
    Nutrition Plan: working with a dietitian, 4-5 smaller meals, always eating something with carb-fat-protein
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Name: Cheri
    where you live: SE Michigan
    Time CF'ing: True CF since January, but I've been doing a bootcamp where we do a lot of CrossFitish stuff with a lot less equipment since November. Currently bootcamp 2x and CF 1x a week.
    Nutrition Plan: working with a dietitian, 4-5 smaller meals, always eating something with carb-fat-protein

    Welcome Cheri!!
  • AnnieP13
    AnnieP13 Posts: 8 Member
    Here are my WODs this week:

    Crossfit Games Regional Workout 4:
    For time:
    100 Pull-ups
    100 Kettlebell swings, 24kg
    100 Double-unders
    95 pound Overhead squat, 100 reps

    I did 35lb KB swings, and 55lb OHS for a time of 23:02
    Also, did 15 kipping pull ups and then jumped the remaining 85.

    Crossfit Regional Workout 6:
    Row 20 calories
    30 Burpees
    45 pound Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 40 reps
    50 Toes to bar
    100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead
    150 foot Sprint

    Scaled to 25lb dumbbells, and did a 25lb plate for the walking lunges. Time was 13:07.

    I'm sore :/
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Yesterday's WOD: 7 min AMRAP
    Tire flips

    Only 35 rounds :(

    I underestimated how freakin hard a tire flip was until this workout!! My arms are killing me which means I did a horrible job of lifting with my legs!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    WOD from yesterday, bootcamp style

    as a team of 4, 2x

    * farmer walk 80m (this was the bump position)
    * boat hold
    * elevated pushups
    * leg lifts

    as a team of 4, 2x

    * waiter walk 80m (bump position)
    * plank
    * box jumps
    * flutter kicks

    20 burpees

    I used 30lbs for the farmer walk and 20lbs for the waiter walk.

    We blew through her time estimates (I don't remember how long she said it took us, but less than she guessed) so she threw the burpees on at the end. It was a deceptively tough workout, I decided. I felt really energized when I left, but within a couple of hours, I was starting to feel really wiped out.

    We do 80m of things, because that is one lap around the workout space we have. Boot camp is run on an empty floor in my office building, and we have one portion of the floor.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    June 9th WOD
    Power clean (125 Rx) I did 100#
    Ring Dips (assisted)

    work up to a heavy double power clean
    35# warm up --> 115# double
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Today's WOD: 3 rounds
    8 Hang Squat Cleans (75lbs)
    200m backwards run with a 25lb plate
    50m bear crawl up a ramp

    Time: 17 min
  • dmaxfld
    dmaxfld Posts: 11
    Thanks; yep, keeping the beer, wine and tequila. Gotta live some. Apparently, Irish butter is pretty darn good for you too. As long as it's not spread on a giant baguette...:happy:
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Today's WOD:
    1K row
    50 Thrusters (35lbs)
    30 pullups (kipping with thin black band-almost on my own)

    Time: 11min
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    30 pullups (kipping with thin black band-almost on my own)

    You're almost there. :happy: I want to get there some day, but I'm so far away still.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    30 pullups (kipping with thin black band-almost on my own)

    You're almost there. :happy: I want to get there some day, but I'm so far away still.

    Thanks! I have been practicing pull-ups every day after the workout. I can do 6 on my own but I want to get to the point of not modifying any of the WODs. I just hate those asterisks by my name. :smile:
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks! I have been practicing pull-ups every day after the workout. I can do 6 on my own but I want to get to the point of not modifying any of the WODs. I just hate those asterisks by my name. :smile:

    See, you're almost there! Being able to do six in and of itself is amazing! Just keep working and you'll be there before you know it.

    I'm in the heavily modifying and not ashamed of it group. I'm also in the I love how much support everyone at my box gives me, so I love to give some of that support back group. I also love to see people actually able to do things that they couldn't do before. You're amazing and giving me hope that some day, some way, I will also not be modifying. So, thanks!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I can't pull up and my box refuses to let us use bands for anything. I'm going to buy my own and put up a pull up bar in my gym or garage and practice.

    June 10th WOD: Games WOD
    20 calorie row
    30 burpees onto plate (2x45's)
    40 ground to overhead (with 2 x 20 dumbbells) Rx 35's
    50 TTB
    100 ft walking lunge with 25# plate overhead
    150 ft Sprint


    Super deceiving workout. I was disappointed when I saw it and was guesstimating my calorie burn to be in the 400's... Holy smokes, this WOD killed me. burpees followed by ground to overheads... my legs were fried - then walking lunges :sick: :sad:

    Today I'm home, no workout - thinking about doing Annie for fun.
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    Today's WOD:

    9 press
    15 back squats
    21 jumping pull ups (5 rounds)

    30 lbs for women, 45 lbs for men -- I did the men's weight

    This was my first time RX'ing a workout. I thought that it would be impossible to do since it was so many rounds and I was doing the suggested weight for men. I had to challenge myself though. I wasn't able to make it to crossfit at all this past week so I had to give this workout all that I had. I am feeling quite proud of myself. :)

    Time: 13:53
  • Corinne_Bruce
    I can't pull up and my box refuses to let us use bands for anything. I'm going to buy my own and put up a pull up bar in my gym or garage and practice.

    I understand why they don't allow them because some people will never work towards doing the real thing. But I do feel they help especially when you are not even close to being able to pull yourself up. I started off using the thick bands which pretty much do the work for you then I transitioned to the very thin bands which provides only a little bit of help. Every day after the WOD, I just hang on the bar and work on the kipping motion and try to do as many pull-ups without the band. So overall I think they are helpful as long as you are moving towards doing them on your own. Our gym frowns upon the bands too, but they still let us use them.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I agree Corinne, and that is why I'm going to buy myself a set of bands. I've been practicing my dips in my pool (corner of the pool, raising myself up and down - the buoyancy of the water helps. At the gym on the rings I'm close to holding myself up just from the pool practice.
  • nutmeg0686
    nutmeg0686 Posts: 28 Member
    June 10th WOD: Games WOD
    20 calorie row
    30 burpees onto plate (2x45's)
    40 ground to overhead (with 2 x 20 dumbbells) Rx 35's
    50 TTB
    100 ft walking lunge with 25# plate overhead
    150 ft Sprint

    Went to the Central East Regional this weekend. It was crazy watching the individual men and women and affiliate teams do this workout! It was definitely inspirational watching the awesome athleticism and determination over three days. It didn't hurt that my gym's affiliate team placed 2nd and is going to the games in California in July! So exciting!
  • Corinne_Bruce
    June 10th WOD: Games WOD
    20 calorie row
    30 burpees onto plate (2x45's)
    40 ground to overhead (with 2 x 20 dumbbells) Rx 35's
    50 TTB
    100 ft walking lunge with 25# plate overhead
    150 ft Sprint

    Went to the Central East Regional this weekend. It was crazy watching the individual men and women and affiliate teams do this workout! It was definitely inspirational watching the awesome athleticism and determination over three days. It didn't hurt that my gym's affiliate team placed 2nd and is going to the games in California in July! So exciting!

    That's awesome, I would love to see something like that.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Did any of you ever have soreness in your wrists? Last week was heavy in cleans, front squats, thrusters, bear crawls, and handstands. I was wondering if it was just because of last week's workouts that my wrists are sore or if I have poor form on the lifts. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks