December 2015 Running Challenge



  • zmcgrandles
    zmcgrandles Posts: 78 Member
    12/3 - 3.2 miles
    12/6 - 1.8 miles
    12/7 - 4.1 miles
    12/10 - 3.2 miles
    Total 12.3 miles with 37.7 to go

    Got some longer runs coming up so hoping to make up at least some of the miles
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    Another 2 miles - Only concern is that my left lower leg started getting a sharp pain when I was running (I'm hoping it is not a shin splint). I think I am going to have to see if I need to slow down my runs in order to decrease the risk of injury.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-6.65mi build up run from 13:07-11:04
    2-strength and yoga day
    3-6.69mi fast run 11:40, technically. but reality is we have 5 min warm up and potty breaks for the dog
    4-rest day, maybe yoga day. feeling poopy
    5-13.17mi I was only scheduled for 11 but I was feeling so good at 9 miles I went on and decided to do a whole 13. I have to say a marathon isn't that scarey now.
    6-3.18mi for recovery and to do the Runkeeper Global 5k
    8-rest day. so tired i'm dizzy. not sure why
    9-no sleep last night-rest. I'm calling it recovery week from the 18miles this weekend :smiley: aerial yoga at night
    10-3.12mi with hills, including two steep ones. top of quads and hips still feel extremely tight
    11-planned on running but was too tired still. rest day


  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited December 2015
    Another 2 miles - Only concern is that my left lower leg started getting a sharp pain when I was running (I'm hoping it is not a shin splint). I think I am going to have to see if I need to slow down my runs in order to decrease the risk of injury.

    my guess is tendonitis but I'm not a dr
    Extensor Tendonitis

    What Is It: Irritation and inflammation of the tendons on the top of the foot

    Causes: Shoes that are too tight, calf tightness, spending long periods on your feet, altered foot biomechanics, walking/running on uneven surfaces or simply dropping a heavy object on your foot

    Symptoms: Gradual onset of swelling, bruising and pain on top of foot. Tender to touch and may be uncomfortable wearing shoes

    Treatment Options: Change how you lace your shoes, use orthotics, rest, ice the foot, employ ultrasound, get a course of injections or stretch the calf muscles
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Was wondering if anyone has had any dealings with stress fractures in their feet. I have a tender spot that is mildly swollen and has a red spot.


    I sat out much of 2014 with stress fractures of the metatarsals. That's lower on the foot than the area you circled. Your circle is on part of what my podiatrist calls the "upper foot"; when I had an ache there, he said it was joint related, not the stress fracture. It was no big deal for me; but that's not a guarantee that your issue is the same and it will be no big deal for you.

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional and I can barely see the difference between your two feet in the picture. My experience is no substitute for getting it checked out by a real medical professional.

    Fair warning: For something this subtle, you probably need a podiatrist. My primary care doc was (in hindsight, given what the podiatrist could see) somewhat clueless about stress fractures in the foot. One of the first things the podiatrist told me was that stress fractures frequently don't show up on x-rays, particularly not on x-rays when the foot is not bearing any weight. Guess what kind of x-ray the primary care doc sent me in for?

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member

  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited December 2015
    @Elise4270 I have had stress fractures, but they were closer to my toes and felt like some was pounding a nail into the top of my feet

    Thanks. That's what I figured. I'll assume it's soft tissue irritation

    @MobyCarp right. I'd tend to agree as it seems to be at the joint. My mechanics have changed. And just have assumes its adjustments.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    2km Yesterday the 10th - a short jaunt for my Dec attempt at running a little or a lot on everyday. Missed two days at the start of the month unfortunately. ( swim Lessons ). Off to GP to pre-run the middle 1/3 of the February HM Course. I ran the Far Southern End of it as part of the Fall Roots & Ruts Race so just need to do the Middle and Far Northern portions as a Course Familiarization Run. ie learn where the rumoured Killer Hill is at.
    12/01 - 0.0 Km – 0.0km – 140.0 Km – – YTD – 514.4 km
    12/02 – 7.0 Km – 7.0km – 133.0 Km
    12/04 – 5.0 Km – 12.0km – 128.0 Km ( GP run with new kicks )
    12/04 – 7.0 Km – 19.0km – 121.0 Km ( Home run with old kicks )
    12/06 – 7.5 Km – 26.5km – 113.5 Km
    12/07 –10.5 Km – 37.0km – 103.0 Km
    12/08 –6.0 Km – 43.0km – 97.0 Km
    12/09 –8.5 Km – 51.5km – 88.5 Km
    12/10 –2.0 Km – 53.5km – 86.5 Km – – YTD – 2.0 + 566.4 = 568.4Km

  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited December 2015
    @3dogsrunning: Welcome
    @Ohhim: Alright. I guess the 11 year old gets a pass then.
    @agzram: The most important thing I took away from C25K is to “think TIME SPENT running..not pace”. If you just focus on making sure you jog when you’re supposed to, walk when you’re supposed to…pace will magically improve. I still do run/walk even though my running time is much longer now.
    @MobyCarp: You remind me of the guy that finished just ahead of me in the last 5K I did (he was about 7 years my senior). I want to be him when I “grow up”.

    Dec 1: Advent begins. Light mist but warm (low 50s), still a little bit of hip twinge, nice and slow this morning, 4.44 miles.
    Dec 2: Hound of the Baskervilles fog this morning, no demon dogs spotted. 2.35 miles
    Dec 3: Rest day, however, intended to walk..and it didn’t happen 
    Dec 4: Chilly tonight but not unbearable. 2.5 miles
    Dec 5: No run (family outing out of town) but did get in a half hour walk.
    Dec 6-8: Days of suck
    Dec 9: Back at it. 4.34 miles this morning in the DARKy dark dark…Already more than halfway to the miles I ran last month..December looks to be better.
    Dec 10: Rest day
    Dec 11: 3.19 miles. Weather is beautiful.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    12/1 - 4 miles on indoor track + 4.5 miles on stationary bike
    12/2 - Took my rest day early. Weather is supposed to be way better this weekend, so planning to run long(er) than usual both days.
    12/3 - 5.09 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/4 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    12/5 - 5.5 miles (I think) phone / GPS crashed after about 4, so I lost my distance and time
    12/6 - 3.1 miles on small indoor track
    12/7 - unplanned rest day
    12/8 - 4 miles on indoor track + weight/abs
    12/9 - 5.25 beautiful miles...40° F at 5:00 a.m. in December! Ran a route that I used a lot last spring/summer, but had been a while. Fun, relaxing, almost perfect!
    12/10 - 5.25 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/11 - 3.1 miles on indoor track + weights/abs

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    12/1-3.7 miles + strength training
    12/2-4.7 miles-Hot Chocolate group run
    12/3-3.3 miles dreadmill intervals +strength training
    12/4-3.3 miles
    12/5-3.5 miles
    12/6-10.1 miles
    12/8-strength training
    12/9-6.1 miles
    12/10-5.5 miles
    12/11-3.5 miles +strength training

    @Elise4270 - I also had a stress fracture in my metatarsal. I could not put any pressure on my foot. Very sharp pain as MorningGhost14 said. Unfortunately, most stress fractures do not show up on x-rays so the only true way to diagnose it is through an MRI.

    Do you have any local running stores or orthopedics that hold free clinics? Many do that on the weekends and you can go in and talk to an intern or someone like that and they can give you their opinion. That is what I did and got referred to a doctor who determined I had the stress fracture. However, I am going to also add the "I am not a doctor" disclaimer, but based on what you have described and where your pain is, it doesn't sound like a stress fracture to me.

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/12 - 13.2 miles
    02/12 - 13.6 miles
    03/12 - 10.3 km
    04/12 - 13.6 miles
    05/12 - 10.4 km
    06/12 - 20.8 miles
    07/12 - 10.3 km
    08/12 - 13.4 miles
    09/12 - 13.6 miles
    10/12 - 10.4 km
    11/12 - 13.7 miles

    Tot 206/500km

    I was simply flying today. Day off so I slept 7 hours and woke up at 7. Great run, I'm gradually reaching top form again. I'm really happy. Just bought a new pair of shoes. When I saw the way I'm running...... no wonder why I had IT inflammation!!! Amazing the difference with the new shoes, feet landing straight instead of... better I forget what I saw, it is better...
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    ... is what Dr Jack Daniels suggests.

    I always do what he says. Him and the Honorable Jim Beam, Mr. Ezra Williams, Master Elijah Craig, Dr. Blanton and other such esteemed gentlemen.

    You forgot the dinstinguished Johnny Walker. :-)

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    ... is what Dr Jack Daniels suggests.

    I always do what he says. Him and the Honorable Jim Beam, Mr. Ezra Williams, Master Elijah Craig, Dr. Blanton and other such esteemed gentlemen.

    You forgot the dinstinguished Johnny Walker. :-)

    And his brothers, Blackie and Red.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    11/23 7 miles - 158.9 << Week1 of RCM Taper
    11/24 8.1 miles - 167
    11/25 5 miles - 172 << Recovery Run
    11/26 8 miles - 180
    11/27 5 miles - 185 << Recovery Run
    11/28 17 miles - 202 << Long Run - end of Week1 Taper
    11/29 REST DAY
    11/30 6.1 miles - 208.1<< Week2 of RCM Taper

    12/1 5.5 miles - 5.5
    12/2 4.1 miles - 9.6
    12/3 5.5 miles - 15.1
    12/4 4.1 miles - 19.2
    12/5 12 miles - 31.2
    12/6 REST DAY
    12/7 4 miles - 35.2 << Last taper week going into RCM
    12/8 5 miles - 40.2
    12/9 REST DAY << First day of carb loading. 740 g of carbs. woo hoo.
    12/10 3.1 miles 43.3 << last run before RCM
    12/11 REST DAY


    Tommorow is 26.2


  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited December 2015
    @Stoshew71 Cool hat. Is that race Schwag or an expo purchase?

    And Good Luck tomorrow! I'm sure everyone in this thread is keeping our fingers crossed for you.
  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member
    December Running Totals (km)
    12/1- 1.61
    12/2- 1.61
    12/3- 1.61
    12/4- 1.61
    12/5- 1.61
    12/6- 8.21 (5k Red Nose Run)
    12/7- 1.61
    12/8- 1.61
    12/9- 1.61
    12/10- 1.61

    Total- 22.7
    Goal- 53
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 Cool hat. Is that race Schwag or an expo purchase?

    And Good Luck tomorrow! I'm sure everyone in this thread is keeping our fingers crossed for you.

    It's last year's schwag hat. I am going to get my bib and race packet in a few hours.
    Thank you everyone for your support and encouraging my addiction. :-)
  • kelasar
    kelasar Posts: 3 Member
    I ran 2 miles on Dec 9th and 2 miles earlier this morning.