December 2015 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Oh! You can track my progress tommorow: I am bib 1454.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited December 2015
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Oh! You can track my progress tommorow: I am bib 1454.

    cool :)
    I'll try to remember to check in with it. What time?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Oh! You can track my progress tommorow: I am bib 1454.

    cool :)
    I'll try to remember to check in with it. What time?

    Start time is 7 AM Central. But if you register now, it will automatically send you a message at each timing mat I cross to your choice of text, facebook, twitter, or email.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @GBrady43068 - Funny you should mention that 5K. Last December, a guy in the next younger age group came up to me after the Reindeer Run 5K and told me he'd been using me as a pace leader for the last mile or so. Only time in my life I ever paced a 6:30 mile, and I didn't know I was doing it at the time.

    December Running Totals (miles)
    12/1- 6.58 (warmup, speed work, cool down)
    12/2- extra rest day :(
    12/3- 6.40 easy
    12/4- 8.12 easy
    12/5-15.00 long slow run
    12/6-9.15 easy with hills
    12/7- planned rest day
    12/8- 8.29 easy
    12/9- 6.00 easy
    12/10- unscheduled rest day (plan was 6 miles)
    12/11- 6.04 easy (instead of planned rest day)

    Total- 65.58
    Goal- none stated

    Today's notes: Day off work, sunshine, 55° F, pleasant breeze from the west. Ran 6 easy miles around the neighborhood to make up for yesterday's lack of running. Would have been easy to keep going, but I have a long run tomorrow and I want to save some miles in the week for Sunday. More miles is not always better.

    This morning I registered for the 7.5 mile Resolution Run on New Year's Day. It's a cheap race, in a venue I really like. Only down side is the Boston training plan calls for that Friday to be an off day. I think I'll make Thursday 12/31 my day off, instead of the speed work that is scheduled for that day. Running a 7.5 mile race will be a decent substitute for 3 x 2000 m @ T, the first week of the marathon training program. And the 7.5 miles come with hills, which should be a good thing for Boston training.

    Upcoming races:
    Dec. 19, 2015 Reindeer Run 5K (Rochester, NY)
    Jan. 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY)
    Jan. 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Rochester, NY)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited December 2015
    lporter229 wrote: »
    12/1-3.7 miles + strength training
    12/2-4.7 miles-Hot Chocolate group run
    12/3-3.3 miles dreadmill intervals +strength training
    12/4-3.3 miles
    12/5-3.5 miles
    12/6-10.1 miles
    12/8-strength training
    12/9-6.1 miles
    12/10-5.5 miles
    12/11-3.5 miles +strength training

    @Elise4270 - I also had a stress fracture in my metatarsal. I could not put any pressure on my foot. Very sharp pain as MorningGhost14 said. Unfortunately, most stress fractures do not show up on x-rays so the only true way to diagnose it is through an MRI.

    Do you have any local running stores or orthopedics that hold free clinics? Many do that on the weekends and you can go in and talk to an intern or someone like that and they can give you their opinion. That is what I did and got referred to a doctor who determined I had the stress fracture. However, I am going to also add the "I am not a doctor" disclaimer, but based on what you have described and where your pain is, it doesn't sound like a stress fracture to me.


    No running store or running clinics here. Urgent care would be my only option. An I don't want to feel (more than I already do) like a hypochondriac with a simple sprain. I think I'll ride it out a bit longer.But its keeping me from running and that doesn't make me happy.. The pain is most intense lifting my big toe. I could possibly catch my chiropractor, but.... That could be a waste of time and money.

    I know you all aren't doctors, you're runners. And that's why I ask your opinions. ;)

    edit- Dr Google (peeps on a running thread) suggests paratendonitis. I'll treat it as such and suck up a few rest days...
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    12/1 - 0 blah day
    12/2 - 6.24 (2.66 lunch run + 3.58 dreadmill walk) Felt like an upside down turtle trying to make it thru quicksand. Felt super slow, sluggish, just awful. Later on the t-mill actually felt pretty good.
    12/3 - 2.83 Work lunch run...felt good. Not great. Seems like if I take more than 2 days off I lose something, like endurance or lung capacity, something.
    12/4 - 2.88 Lunch walk. It was gorgeous outside!
    12/5 - 5.25 Walked to neighborhood Walmart for greek yogurt and coffee creamer. Then drove back to get everything I forgot lol
    12/6 - Rest day. Letting the knee calm down.
    12/7 - Not feeling it.
    12/8 - Getting lazy.
    12/9 - 3.26 Lunch run. Beautiful day!
    12/10 - 3.29 Lunch run...gorgeous day!

    The knee compression's a miracle worker! I literally did not feel anything from my knee during or after the run.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited December 2015
    @Stoshew71, good running tomorrow! I look forward to hearing the results.

    I got out with Kody for 6.25 miles last night. It felt like hell when I started. In spite of having great sleep the previous two nights I felt tired, lacking stamina, and had a higher HR than normal. After a couple of miles it finally started coming together and ended up being a great run. In spite of that rought start I think I'm finally getting back to feeling how I did before my half. Rest day today, then will be doing about a 10 mile trail run tomorrow.

    Speaking of trail runs, i forgot to post this before. After my trail run last weekend I tried to take a selfie of Kody & I to capture the beautiful park we were in, but Kody would have none of it. Every time I tried to get him close to me for a photo, he just went to licking my face.



    UPCOMING RACES (Registered)
    05/14/2016 - Lake Wobegon Marathon - Holdingford, MN
    07/20/2016 - Torchlight 5K - Minneapolis, MN

    03/12/2016 - Get Lucky Half Marathon - St. Paul, MN
    06/25/2016 - Circle of Life Half Marathon - Lake City, MN
    07/04/2016 - Red Wing July 4th 10K - Red Wing, MN
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    12/1-3.7 miles + strength training
    12/2-4.7 miles-Hot Chocolate group run
    12/3-3.3 miles dreadmill intervals +strength training
    12/4-3.3 miles
    12/5-3.5 miles
    12/6-10.1 miles
    12/8-strength training
    12/9-6.1 miles
    12/10-5.5 miles
    12/11-3.5 miles +strength training

    @Elise4270 - I also had a stress fracture in my metatarsal. I could not put any pressure on my foot. Very sharp pain as MorningGhost14 said. Unfortunately, most stress fractures do not show up on x-rays so the only true way to diagnose it is through an MRI.

    Do you have any local running stores or orthopedics that hold free clinics? Many do that on the weekends and you can go in and talk to an intern or someone like that and they can give you their opinion. That is what I did and got referred to a doctor who determined I had the stress fracture. However, I am going to also add the "I am not a doctor" disclaimer, but based on what you have described and where your pain is, it doesn't sound like a stress fracture to me.


    No running store or running clinics here. Urgent care would be my only option. An I don't want to feel (more than I already do) like a hypochondriac with a simple sprain. I think I'll ride it out a bit longer.But its keeping me from running and that doesn't make me happy.. The pain is most intense lifting my big toe. I could possibly catch my chiropractor, but.... That could be a waste of time and money.

    I know you all aren't doctors, you're runners. And that's why I ask your opinions. ;)

    edit- Dr Google (peeps on a running thread) suggests paratendonitis. I'll treat it as such and suck up a few rest days...

    Sprains aren't necessarily simple. In July I rolled an ankle on a trail segment of a Wednesday evening fun run. Went out and paced 15 miles the following Saturday, and was disappointed that I couldn't hack the full 18 miles scheduled. The Wednesday after that I already had a podiatrist follow-up visit, and I found out the ankle was sprained and worse than I had thought.

    Long story short, the podiatrist had me do things I wouldn't have thought of on my own, and put me on 30 days of a prescription anti-inflammatory when I would have spaced off taking as much ibuprofen as I should have on my own. Four weeks of not running anything harder than very easy, one 5K canceled, a 10 mile race treated as an easy training run, stopping the long runs when the ankle felt wonky between 10 and 12 miles, and a couple more weeks before I was ready to do any speed work; but I made it back to race form in time to turn in a then-PR half marathon in September. HOWEVER, I probably wouldn't have been able to complete that half marathon in September if I hadn't had a podiatrist to tell me what I needed to do to get better. I would have done too much stuff that would have just kept irritating the ankle and keeping it from healing up.

    Oh, and I had that podiatrist in the first place because of my stress fracture history. Lucky me, he was just what I needed for the sprain.

    I have a running buddy who complained of big toe pain, and had to cut a few long runs short. He ended up going to a podiatrist and finding out it was arthritis. The podiatrist put him in an orthotic to keep the toe from flexing too far in the wrong direction, and he had no issues with the next long run after that; but it wasn't something we could have figured out from my experience, even though I have arthritis in one foot. His arthritis presented differently from mine, and needed different treatment.

    That having been said, extra rest is part of the answer for a wide variety of injuries. A few extra rest days can't hurt.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    My hips got arthritic on me and gave me too much grief. So I hacked them both out and replaced them. Twice. These new titanium beauties learned not to screw with me.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    3 slow-ish miles today. Did a better job of keeping a slower pace than I did on Wednesday, averaging around 10:30 per mile this time. A car tried to run me over, making a left turn into my path (yes, I had the walk signal). Thankfully, I'm vigilant enough to have seen that one coming before she even started moving. Thought about reaching out and slapping her window to scare the crap out of her, but was afraid that would make her swerve and actually hit me. A few profanities escaped my mouth and I went on my merry way. Otherwise, it was a pretty uneventful run. Warm and sunny again, with a strong breeze.

    I ordered new running shoes, which are scheduled to arrive today. Can't wait to try them out, but it'll have to wait until next week. I'm scheduled for an 11 miler this weekend and that might be a little too long for breaking in a new pair. Plus it's supposed to rain Sunday and I don't want to muck up my pretty new shoes. :smile:

    29/96 completed.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited December 2015
    Wow, I just can't keep up on here! Just too busy with my two teaching jobs and my exercising. I will catch up after next week!

    Dec 1 - 2.64
    Dec 2 - 5K
    Dec 3 - 1.4 streak
    Dec 4 - 5.16 miles
    Dec 5 - 4.16 miles - Savannah! Wish I had more time because this was the best run ever.
    Dec 6 - 5.5 miles
    Dec 7 - 1.1
    Dec 8 - 4 miles
    Dec 9 - 1.4 miles - streak + strength training
    Dec 10 - 3.75 miles
    Dec 11 - 6 miles + strength training -- perfect weather - 55 degrees and school was cancelled today so was able to run in daylight! Cancelled because of state football championship... weird, I know.


    @Virkati - get a new doctor. I've learned so much on here and one of those things was find a doctor who supports running, biking, whatever you are into!
    @MorningGhost14 - looks great! The back too. :wink:
    @skippygirlsmom - hope you are recovering from the surgery. You are now going to have to punch with the other hand for a while.
    @patrikc333 - I don't like to talk about the fact that I run from about 4:15-5:30am unless it's on here. It's my time to get my sanity back. That being said, I love the days I don't have to go to work and can run in daylight!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    Not much time to run, post or catch up. I am about 200+ posts behind! My daughter and I are leaving for Costa Rica tomorrow (Saturday) morning and will be on a plane all day. Sunday we are off and hiking to volcanoes and waterfalls. I am hoping to get a run in here and there depending on what is available (you know how much I love treadmills, not!).

    Between getting ready for the trip and trying to get Christmas stuff done and working it has been crazy. I have hated not getting as many runs in this week as I planned but today's tempo run was purely awesome. My trainer has had me working on my hips and glutes and it has made a world of difference - no nagging hamstring issues at all!

    I will hopefully have time on the plane to read through and get caught up with everyone and I will check in when I have connectivity over the next week +. Good luck to everyone racing over the next weekends! Have fun and be awesome!! @Stoshew71 - hope your marathon is fantastic!

    12/01.......4.20..........4.20 - + Strength Training
    12/03.......6.81........14.56 - + Strength Training
    12/05.....12.07........26.63 - Birthday run!
    12/07.......5.17........31.80 - + Agility
    12/08.......0.00........31.80 - + Strength Training
    12/10.......0.00........37.00 - + Strength Training
    12/11.......5.17........42.17 - Tempo


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    12/27/15 - Holiday Half, San Diego, CA
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
    02/27/16 - SoCal Running and Beer Fest, Lake Elsinore, CA
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Oh! You can track my progress tommorow: I am bib 1454.

    Following you!! Will be cheering you on! :smiley:
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    About to head out for an early run.. Hoping for my first 5k in over a month. Just hope my legs want to work today
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    12/1 - 0 blah day
    12/2 - 6.24 (2.66 lunch run + 3.58 dreadmill walk) Felt like an upside down turtle trying to make it thru quicksand. Felt super slow, sluggish, just awful. Later on the t-mill actually felt pretty good.
    12/3 - 2.83 Work lunch run...felt good. Not great. Seems like if I take more than 2 days off I lose something, like endurance or lung capacity, something.
    12/4 - 2.88 Lunch walk. It was gorgeous outside!
    12/5 - 5.25 Walked to neighborhood Walmart for greek yogurt and coffee creamer. Then drove back to get everything I forgot lol
    12/6 - Rest day. Letting the knee calm down.
    12/7 - Not feeling it.
    12/8 - Getting lazy.
    12/9 - 3.26 Lunch run. Beautiful day!
    12/10 - 3.29 Lunch run...gorgeous day!
    12/11 - 2.92 Fast walk at lunch. I dressed for the weather report. Shoulda known better! It was another drop dead GORGEOUS day. Tomorrow volunteering at Santa Stampede and will try to run the route when it's all over :smiley:

  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Good luck, @Stoshew71 !!

    4 miles for me today. I was a bit sore from running and deadlifts yesterday but I got through it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited December 2015
    @7lenny7 aw, love the pup. My favorite dog passed away last night. :(

    Ya.. I'd agree. I taped it up with KT tape and it barely hurt. So on went my running shoes. About 30 feet into a warm up walk, I wanted to quit.

    I think I'll indulge the hypochondriac and phone the podiatrist Monday. (Ooh today, still early).

    Thanks for all the help.. I have runs planned and paid for in Feb and March. Better to rest now than be injured later..

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    November-Holiday Streak
    26-5.90 Race 10K -my oversight, thought it was sanctioned.
    27- 1.02 TM
    29-1.02 TM

    2-1.02 TM
    4-4.15 walk, per HM training plan
    6-1.0 TM
    8- migraine
    11-3.95 walk


    Upcoming races:

    02/06/16 Hot Chocolate 15K Dallas
    03/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    03/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    04/24/16 OKC Memorial undecided distance
  • eldaverino
    eldaverino Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm a little late to the game but I'm in for 45.

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @Elise4270 Honey I'm so sorry about your favorite dog passing away. My heart cries for you. I have a special needs cat that I helped birth, hand fed etc. He's the four legged love of my life. I'm so sorry :'(