December 2015 Running Challenge



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited December 2015
    01-Dec (46 days to HM): 4.48 miles
    02-Dec (45 days to HM):
    03-Dec (44 days to HM): 2.78 miles; 2.13 miles (walk)
    04-Dec (43 days to HM): 4.47 miles
    05-Dec (42 days to HM): 10.04 miles (7K w/ Saturday running group, screwed-up Reindeer Run 10K)
    06-Dec (41 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day> but 3.28 miles
    07-Dec (40 days to HM): 6.54 miles
    08-Dec (39 days to HM): 4.46 miles
    09-Dec (38 days to HM): 3.26 miles
    10-Dec (37 days to HM): 2.68 miles
    11-Dec (36 days to HM): 3.58 miles
    12-Dec (35 days to HM): 6.60 miles
    13-Dec (34 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    14-Dec (33 days to HM): <severe case of "the runs">
    15-Dec (32 days to HM): <severe case of "the runs">
    16-Dec (31 days to HM): 3.34 miles (slow recovery run>
    17-Dec (30 days to HM):
    18-Dec (29 days to HM):
    19-Dec (28 days to HM):
    20-Dec (27 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    21-Dec (26 days to HM):
    22-Dec (25 days to HM):
    23-Dec (24 days to HM):
    24-Dec (23 days to HM):
    25-Dec (22 days to HM):
    26-Dec (21 days to HM):
    27-Dec (20 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    28-Dec (19 days to HM):
    29-Dec (18 days to HM):
    30-Dec (17 days to HM):
    31-Dec (16 days to HM):

    Upcoming Races:
    16-Jan: Museum of Aviation HM, Warner Robins, GA
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 10K, Macon, GA
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 5K or 10K, Macon, GA
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA

    Way behind on miles for the month. Gonna have to hold to a semblance of my HM training plan (with bonus distances/runs) to make my goal. But I have already told SHMBO that I will be running on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as well as New Year's Eve and Day. She rolled her eyes at me....
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited December 2015
    Dec 1 - 2.64
    Dec 2 - 5K
    Dec 3 - 1.4 streak
    Dec 4 - 5.16 miles
    Dec 5 - 4.16 miles - Savannah! Wish I had more time because this was the best run ever.
    Dec 6 - 5.5 miles
    Dec 7 - 1.1
    Dec 8 - 4 miles
    Dec 9 - 1.4 miles - streak + strength training
    Dec 10 - 3.75 miles
    Dec 11 - 6 miles + strength training
    Dec 12 - 35 mile bike ride, 1 mile run
    Dec 13 - 32 mile bike ride, 1 mile run
    Dec 14 - 3.5 miles
    Dec 15 - 4.72
    Dec 16 - 1.4 + strength training

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited December 2015
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Or wear a disposable pair of socks.

    The socks aren't the problem - weather has been requiring some tights, and they're not cheap! :smiley:

    LOL! Dispoible undies? Socks make for emergency wipes.:)
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Dec 01      4.3      4.3
    Dec 05      8.1     12.4
    Dec 06      8.1     20.5
    Dec 07      3.5T    24.0
    Dec 09      6.3T    30.3
    Dec 10      3.4T    33.7
    Dec 12      8.2     41.9
    Dec 13      4.3     46.2
    Dec 15      5.4T    51.6
    Dec 16      5.1     56.7

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited December 2015
    Quick question.. How long does it take you to wear in new shoes?

    Although the Nikes started hurting my arches after 300 km, the only other problem I had with them was I didn't feel they were stable enough around the ankle.

    I am finding the new Asics Cumulus 16's comfortable with the extra support and cushioning, though my feet/legs are taking forever to warm up in my runs and I seem to be slapping my feet on the ground? This used to happen with the Nikes while I was warming up, though it would pass after the 2nd km.... But I am slapping my feet constantly in the Asics.. Not sure what's happening?

    Another thing I've noticed.. The Asics are slippery on wet pavement.. Do I need to scuff them a bit or is that just how Asics tread are? The nikes are a soft rubber and grip really well in the wet - I may have to wear my old pair this afternoon if I go for another run in the rain!

    Just wonder how long it could take for my feet/legs to adjust to using the Asics... Another part of me wonders if I should have just stuck with the Nikes Pegasus and just got a new pair of them, rather than trying Asics :smirk:

    AND.... shin splints are back in both legs! :worried:

    I would think they should not have to be broken in. Maybe your feet may have to adjust a little to them but you shouldn't have to break them in.

    I would say that after a week of wearing them, you should take them back and get a different pair of shoes. If you went to a good running store, that should be normal policy. No questions asked and full refund (of full credit for a different pair of shoes). If they don't have that policy, then you need to find a different store.

    If the Asics are not helping you on wet pavement, then you may want a different pair for when it is wet out. With the amount of miles I do, I am constantly rotating different shoes anyway. I have one pair specific for trails. One specific for speed work (even though i haven't really done all that much of trails and speedwork yet). Then others have different ages so that I have some that are almost ready to be retired (I use them mostly for recovery days), some in the mid-life, and some that are brand new or almost brand new. I just bought 2 new pairs of shoes at the RCM Expo that i will start using after I officially retire 2 pairs. Hey. They were $50 each pair.

    But I am an example of extreme with the number of shoes I have. I am currently tracking 10 pairs on strava right now. LOL (that's not including the 2 pairs I just got). But, if you had 2 or 3 pairs that you could rotate then that would seem reasonable. Especially if you run close to every day. It gives your shoes a couple of days to dry out before the next workout if you have a different shoe to wear.

    But to make a long story short. If you are not happy with a specific pair, you should return it and get a different pair. If they don't take returns, take your business else where.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited December 2015

    ...though my feet/legs are taking forever to warm up in my runs and I seem to be slapping my feet on the ground? This used to happen with the Nikes while I was warming up, though it would pass after the 2nd km.... But I am slapping my feet constantly in the Asics.. Not sure what's happening?

    It may take a while to get warmed up. It is perfectly normal for your legs to need about a mile maybe even almost 2 miles of a slow jog before they are fully warmed up.

    When I do my tempo runs, I always start with a slow easy mile or 2.

    As far as your feet "slapping the ground", you need quick feet and shorter steps. This is where the 180 cadence discussion comes in. I am not sure if you saw us discussing that a couple of months back?

    If not, I have a list of links in our group page on that:

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    From reading the recent posts, I think I have been lucky. I have never had to "break in" a pair of shoes (and I have a lot). As soon as Fed-Ex drops them them off, they have all been ready to go right out of the box... which does surprise me at times, because I have never tried any of them on before ordering them.
  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member
    December Running Totals (km)
    12/1- 1.61
    12/2- 1.61
    12/3- 1.61
    12/4- 1.61
    12/5- 1.61
    12/6- 8.21 (5k Red Nose Run)
    12/7- 1.61
    12/8- 1.61
    12/9- 1.61
    12/10- 1.61
    12/11- 1.61
    12/12- 1.61
    12/13- 1.64
    12/14- 1.61
    12/15- 1.61

    Total- 30.78
    Goal- 53
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    But I have already told SHMBO that I will be running on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as well as New Year's Eve and Day. She rolled her eyes at me....
    That's how it starts. Before long you will be maneuvered into having to decide if running is the mountain you want to die on. :|
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @runner_girl83 I'm chime in about the break in period too. I've read some about this and every where I read says there is no break in period for running shoes that are properly fitted. However, there could be a up to 50 mile period before you decide if they are the shoes for you. I have had only one pair of new shoes gives me a blister and there were the same make and model as the ones before, so I think it might have been more of a sock issue. Besides that once I was fitted with something I like, never a break in period.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    I could register for the Rock n Roll Denver Half today for $50. I want to but for some reason I can't seem to find the courage to hit the submit button. It's next October. LOTS of time to get ready for it. It would be my first actual registration for a real event. There are others that I was planning to do before this race, but it's my first real registration. I'm I nuts for being so nervous? It's only $50. That price is only until midnight.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @virkati when I signed up for my first 5K I was nervous, my first 10K scared, my first HM I almost threw up! All that just registering! I totally know how you are feeling, hit the submit button :smiley:

    Just saw this on my FB feed, love it!

  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    12/1 3.5 @ 11:17 on the treadmill plus strength training
    12/2 5.25 @ 11:04 on the treadmill. Oh my heck, please let it be sunny tomorrow. Or at least not so wet.
    12/3 4.75 @ 12:03 on the park trail with the doggy. Yay! Sunshine!
    12/4 3.5 @ 11:03 (really 3.25 at 10:48, plus .25 at a walk) on the treadmill, plus strength training
    12/5 3 miles hiking with the cub scouts :)

    12/6 Woke up feeling sore from Friday's strength training, so took a rest day
    12/7 9.25 @ 12:26 on the park trail, nice and easy
    12/8 3.75 @ 10:48 on the treadmill (3.5 at 10:39, .25 walk), plus stretch/yoga
    12/9 5.25 @ 11:32 on the treadmill
    12/10 Sort of rest day? Trip to Colonial Williamsburg with my daughter's history class. Lots of walking!
    12/11 6.25 @ 11:18 on the treadmill.
    12/12 Rest Day

    12/13 3.25 @ 10:10 (5K race chip time 32:06--I finished 191/395 women 30/64 in my age group)
    12/14 7.25 @ 12:03 (7 @ 11:57 and .25 walking) on the park trails
    12/15 2.0 @ 10:29 on the treadmill and strength training
    12/16 5.0 @ 11:49 on the park trail


    @runner_girl83 I haven't had too many pairs of shoes but I've wondered about "breaking in", too. The first pair of shoes I bought didn't need it and I've bought the same kind three times now (Saucony Guide 8s). I did have some trouble with my trail shoes (Saucony Peregrine 5s), because my street shoes are 8mm drop and these are neutral--eventually I wound up buying insoles to make up a little for the lack of support, as well as learning how to lace them for better support. I wouldn't call it breaking in though, just figuring out how to make the shoe work for me. I wonder if your problem might be the opposite from mine; you've been used to a flattened out older shoe and now your arches (and therefore your gait) are adjusting to the extra fluff in the shoe. Well, that, and it sounds like maybe you were wild to get back into your running and overdid it a little (not that I blame you one bit!) :)

    On a related note--how do those of you with lots of kinds of shoes (I'm looking at you @Stoshew71 ) pick out the ones you buy? It's hard to know when trying on a shoe in a store if I'm going to love it when I run. It happened to work out with my street shoes, but with my trail shoes, I thought they were super comfortable when I purchased them but was disappointed when I actually started running. It took some Super Feet and about 100 miles before I felt like they were really comfortable. Now I don't know if I should re=purchase them (and another $50 set of insoles? Ouch!) or try to find something with a little more support already in..or just skip trying to get trail shoes at all. About half my running is on trails, but only about half of *that* is on anything other than cleared dirt paths (so truly natural, forest running), and I probably won't run those in the winter at all.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Three miles at lunch today. The wind stung my eyes, even with giant sunglasses on to block it. Otherwise, it was pretty pleasant--28:52 total time.

    Current progress: 43/96 completed
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm having a lot of shin pain since starting to run again, it's been going on for a few months now. I went to my local running store and got fitted for shoes but it seems that my shins just can't recover... Any tips or tricks? I stretch really good after a run and ice them. In addition I've been doing strength training on the side to aid my running (work my legs about 2x/week). Today it hurts just to walk. I know there's an adjustment period when starting a new exercise, but this seems to be lasting a while and I've never experienced this before. Part of the reason my runs are scarce is because I'm trying to get my shins to feel better. I feel it every time my foot hits the ground when running.

    I use calf sleeves when running. Sometimes I wear them for up to a few hrs after too, if I'm staying at home. I can't tell you how good they are to run in. They keep everything surrounding your calves and shins nice and tight so its not painful and they also aid blood flow in the legs. I don't wear them for walking though.. I find I'm usually a bit better as walking is lighter effort onmy legs.

    If they are really painful to walk on right now.. I would have a week off running (walking is oOK if its not too painful) no jumping, hopping or skipping.

    Go for shorter runs for a few weeks.. Add 1km more each fortnight on 1 of your runs (I need to use this advice myself .. Again! :lol: )

    Keep icing and elevating and do lots of calf raises and calf massage.

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    I could register for the Rock n Roll Denver Half today for $50. I want to but for some reason I can't seem to find the courage to hit the submit button. It's next October. LOTS of time to get ready for it. It would be my first actual registration for a real event. There are others that I was planning to do before this race, but it's my first real registration. I'm I nuts for being so nervous? It's only $50. That price is only until midnight.

    Better get while the gettin's good! You will LOVE it!

    I ran my first half last October. I've planned 3 for 2016.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    @5BeautifulDays ... I have 12 pairs of shoes that I rotate. I have 4 pairs of trail shoes (Merrell Trail Glove, New Balance MT1010, Montrail FluidFlex and Inov8 Ultra 270) and 8 pairs of road shoes (New Balance MR00, New Balance MR00v2, New Balance Hi-Rez, Merrell Road Glove, Merrell Road Glove 2, Merrell Bare Access 3, Altra Samson, and Inov8 Bare-X200).

    These are primarily zero-drop minimalist shoes with wide toe-boxes, which I discovered early on are what work best for me. I think some of the trail shoes have a 4mm drop which isn't too bad. I buy my shoes on-line because I don't trust shoe sales people... even in specialty running stores. All the companies I order from have amazing support staff and incredible return policies. Merrell once replaced a pair of Trail Gloves for me because the inner liner tore. I only asked them if it was ok to rip the liner out, but instead they sent me a brand new pair, even though the ones I had had 400 miles on them. With good companies, I don't have any qualms about ordering shoes online and trying them out. I have not, however, had to return any of my "babies" because they were uncomfortable.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    I could register for the Rock n Roll Denver Half today for $50. I want to but for some reason I can't seem to find the courage to hit the submit button. It's next October. LOTS of time to get ready for it. It would be my first actual registration for a real event. There are others that I was planning to do before this race, but it's my first real registration. I'm I nuts for being so nervous? It's only $50. That price is only until midnight.

    Do it! I ran my first half on November 7th, and immediately turned around and registered for another on November 23rd (which I also completed, in approximately the same time -- 4 seconds slower, to be exact). You won't regret it! Races are so addictive. Especially at longer distances, in my case. :smiley:
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    I could register for the Rock n Roll Denver Half today for $50. I want to but for some reason I can't seem to find the courage to hit the submit button. It's next October. LOTS of time to get ready for it. It would be my first actual registration for a real event. There are others that I was planning to do before this race, but it's my first real registration. I'm I nuts for being so nervous? It's only $50. That price is only until midnight.

    Perhaps it is a mom thing... for me, I may find the courage from knowing that it'd cost $80 after mid-night :wink:
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    @Virkati Spending that $50 will totally jack your motivation, your desire and your consistency... I don't like races, but I sign up for long ones just so I can train for them... having a big goal helps me get my butt out running even on days when I'm not feeling it...