What's the first thing you cut out to help in weight loss



  • littleb0peep
    littleb0peep Posts: 333 Member
    janjunie wrote: »
    I cut out nothing, seriously. Smaller portions that fit into my calorie goal and it didn't even feel like a diet.

  • Iguessicandothis
    Iguessicandothis Posts: 2,132 Member
    I haven't cut out any foods. I just don't eat anything I don't really want. I hadn't realized how much I was eating just because it was "there" or because someone offered it to me. Now, I choose everything I put in my mouth.
  • Skydancer35
    Skydancer35 Posts: 22 Member
    Last year after the holidays were over, I cut out sweets and wheat flour, since gluten was making me break out like crazy. I started dropping weight at 6months post partum. I got down to prepregnancy weight, which was 180lbs. yeah I wasnt in great shape when I got pregnant, but I knew I was good enough, ate organic and pretty healthy but large portions.
    By the time summer had hit I hadnt lost much more weight. So I started going for walks with the baby outside, and started low carb diet. Worked ok...lost 10 lbs down to 170. And then I was stuck. Always hungry because I didnt feel full enough without the bread, pasta ect....
    And then I got serious, I have always hated the gym, and exercise, amd drinking water, and eating meat. I just have an aversion to it. But I started making my self eat some meat at most meals. Made myself try to get more water in, trying to eat less bread and pasta but other complex carbs lots of them. Eggs, tuna sandwhich, peanut butter, decent portion of meat at supper time, egg omelette for breakfast every morning, plus protein shakes. Weight lifting at least once or twice a week, Cardio almost daily. And in 2months I have dropped down to 165!
  • willisbehavin
    willisbehavin Posts: 6 Member
    I simply cut out sugary soda and changed the portion size of my plate. My plates total weight in food is the same but I increased the amount of vegetables and other low calorie foods. So far I'm seeing muscle gains and fat loss with little fluctuations in my overal weight. However I have noticed that without soda I need to watch out for a mid day crash which comes with an urge to snack.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    No cuts, just reduction in portions.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • huskylove94
    huskylove94 Posts: 27 Member
    snacks and candy
  • Cosborne02
    Cosborne02 Posts: 13 Member
    I tried the"diet thing", in which I cut out sweets, breads, pastas, and alcohol. Lost about 20lbs until I binged out and realized how much I missed the things I once loved. I finally made the decision to cut my calories count down to 1,700, and thanks to MFP, I eat what I want as long as I log it in and keep track. I'm losing slowly, but that's OK as long as I'm not gaining... Planning on trying to incorporate exercise starting the first of the year to help out also.
  • PeacefulSeraph
    PeacefulSeraph Posts: 201 Member
    Refined sugar & carbs in general. Works every time!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Refined sugar & carbs in general. Works every time!

  • PeacefulSeraph
    PeacefulSeraph Posts: 201 Member
    Without cutting anything, I think the only other way is portion control. I'm eating carbs & sweets during the holidays, but not gaining anything because I limit what I take. Having a "treat yourself" day is okay too- or else you'll go nuts, haha
    But going lean & green is my motto for quick loss... carbs/sugars only slow you down. Lost 50lbs just cutting out sweets, pasta, & gluten.
  • FluffyAndFestive
    FluffyAndFestive Posts: 53 Member
    Typically I can go one of 2 ways, I can either exercise portion control and eat every 2 1/2 - 3 hours or I can do calorie control. Both have yielded results for me. But usually if I cut anything out its refined sugar and heavy carbs after the mid afternoon (roughly 3-5pm).
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Pop is really the only thing. I still drink it on occasion, but I was double fisting mountain dews at 8 am in the morning, and polishing off 2 liters in a weekend. Now it's maybe a can/glass a week or so. I don't really desire it anymore though.
  • Havasufalls
    Havasufalls Posts: 53 Member
    Alcohol. I eat a lot as is, but for some reason when I drink alcohol I eat so much more than I should.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Soda. Then candy and most sweets. Never looked back.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Obnoxa wrote: »
    Potato chips. The only thing I can't seem to exercise moderation with. I like pretzels and popcorn, but not nearly as much so now I only keep those in the house.
    But that's really it.

    That's me with nachos. I don't keep tortilla chips in the house.
  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    Soda 20 years ago and not cut anything, just the more I eat of it, the more I have to move my butt.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I didn't cut out any food types really. I just watch my calorie intake.
    I decided early on that I didn't like using my calories on small amounts of high calorie food that didn't help me to feel full or give me many nutrients for that amount of calories. I try to make sure I eat protein foods and choose things that are worth it to me.
  • leanne345
    leanne345 Posts: 3 Member
    soda for sure. made such a difference
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Seriously, it's the bane of modern life. Get up! Grab a broom! Park three blocks away! Take your bike! MOVE!!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have not cut out anything. I have reduced drinks with calories in it (juice, pop, alcohol). I mainly drink water, occasional diet pop and rarely, an alcoholic beverage.