30 day shred 5/31 start



  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Hey guys! So, I haven't shredded yet today, but I will after I hit the gym after work. Just wanted to update everyone - I lost 8.9 pounds for my first week of my competition at work!!! YAY!! Since I gained some since starting mfp, it only says I've lost 3 lbs on mfp, but its okay! I'm so psyched! I am now looking forward to my workouts this week! Day number 8, here I come!
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    jknoell....Woohoo! Great job!

    I missed Shred yesterday. The power went out about 10 minutes before I got home from work, so we ended up taking the boys to mall to eat and walk around. I did do Turbo Sculpt in the morning and it does have similar moves to Shred, so I'm ok with it.

    I just finished up Level 2 of Shred. One perk of working from home is getting in a workout at lunch and not having to worry about my hair. ;) Anyway, I was debating bumping up to 5lb weights and continuing Level 1 or moving up to Level 2. Level 2 is more economical, so I tried it out. It was definitely tough, but doable.

    In scale news, I did drop .5lb this week. More impressive is that I had a 2% loss of body fat! Yay for building muscle and burning fat!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Jknoell - yay awesome news! Keep up the good work. We want you to win that contest!!! :)

    I did day 8 today. I almost skipped because hubby and I were going out tonight to an event but I got it in this afternoon and showered before going out. I did 27 "real" push ups in total today. Everything was easier but I'm still going ot wait until the 10 days are up to move up to level 2.

    For weights, what does everyone use? I have 3lb and 5lb and use them both. Most shoulder exercises I need the 3lb weights for, everything else the 5lb will do.

    Although I ate badly today I so love this exrcise and dieting. I have so much more confidence and I'm able to fit into clothing I put away to be given away at some point. it's awesome!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    I finished Day 8 today. I skipped Wednesday and Thursday, but I still worked out at the gym those days. I think tomorrow I gonna try Level 3 to see how hard it is. I'm a little bored of Level 2.

  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Alison...I have 3lb weights and that's what I'm using. Eventually, I'll have to suck it up and buy heavier weights for myself, because I do feel that I'm not lifting enough on certain exercises like the chest fly. I would love to get a set of the Select Tech dumbbells, but that's definitely out of my price range.

    My little one was up a ton last night, so I didn't squeeze a workout in this morning. Of course, my manager invited me out for lunch today, so I ate a monster burrito and pretty blew through most of my calories for today. If I had a pillow, I would crawl under my desk and nap the afternoon away. I'm still planning on Shredding this afternoon, but I already feel my resolve waning.
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    I finished Level 1, Day 10 yesterday night. I weighed myself this morning and have lost 2.4 lbs during this time. I did not lose any inches, but several people have commented on how toned I look. Everyone keeps saying that they didn't see really obvious results until Level 3, so I'm hoping that's the case with me!
  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 48
    Well, restarted again last night. Hopefully can stick with it now! Had a rough week and couldn't bring myself to exercise but back and recommitted! Hope to see some amazing results from those ahead of me, to keep me going!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I got up today and did day 9 first thing this morning. And I just did it again so I figure that's day 10. I'm switching to level 2 tomorrow. I'm totally feeling the double workout right now though. My shoulders feel totally weak and my legs are certainly feeling it. When I did the Shred before I really enjoyed level 2 so looking forward to getting onto the next level. :)
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member

    Kcarreno...Keep it up!

    Still chugging along on Level 2. How is everyone else doing on Level 2?

    In terms of progress. I'm down another .5lbs, so a total of one pound lost so far. I also checked my measurements even though I said I would wait. I'm down an inch on my thighs, hips, waist, and chest. No movement on my arms, but I'm guessing all the plank work in Level 2 will get me some loss there as well.

    Happy Monday, everyone! :D
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Beancurdie - awesome job being down a pound and toning and firming up. For sure all the planks will get things tonded pretty quickly.

    Did day 1 of Level 2 today. It kicked my butt but I'm considering doing it a second time tonight when hubby gets home since I'll be missing my shred most likely on Thursday since it's my birthday. :)

    It's such hard work when you go up to the next level. It feels like you are starting from scratch.
  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 48
    beancurdie-awesome job losing the inches and pounds!

    day three today of my restart of the shred level one, and feeling a little bored. However, those of you ahead of me who are posting results are very encouraging! I would love to measure myself after level one but unfortunately my 2 year old hid my measuring tape somewhere lol....I guess sometime this week my extra calorie burn will be cleaning my house from top to bottom lol.
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    It's such hard work when you go up to the next level. It feels like you are starting from scratch.

    That's soooo true. I started doing Shred in the morning, because I just want to get it over with. Although I'm not missing all the jumping jacks and jump rope from Level 1. :P
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Can I just say - I HATE PLANK JACKS! For some reason it takes all my concentration to get them done. It just seems like an unnatural movement to me for some reason. I'll admit it...I'm odd. :)

    kcarreno - it gets easier. I found with level 1 I was a bit bored. But I think it's good to stick with it. Maybe switch up to level 2 in a couple of days. After all you did start it before. And don't you love little ones who like to put things "away".

    I did day 2 of level 2. I have to say it was a bit easier than yesterday. I didn't want to quit halfway though I only wanted to quit 3/4 of the way through. :) I find I really hate the second set of tonng exercises so after that is over I always feel like the rest is a breeze...well except for chair squats with a v fly--hate those too. :)
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Hey guys!

    Sorry I haven't checked in! I've been super busy!

    Thanks for the kudos everyone!

    beancurdie - great job! You are doing really, really well!

    alisontheice - Happy birthday tomorrow!!! That is awesome! And congrats on moving to level 2!

    I'm about to start level 2 tomorrow. I haven't yet missed a day of exercise, but I've missed about three days total of shredding. Two of those days I think I wore myself out at the gym so bad that I didn't have the energy to get the video done! The third day I missed was because my roommate and her bf were there...

    So, tomorrow will be day 11! I also have my second week weigh-in at work tomorrow and I'm still looking forward to it! I don't think the loss will be quite as much, but I'll still lose - I feel it! My diet has been a little wacky - I've found it hard to eat all my calories. I hover around 1100 and my goal is to hit at least 1200 calories every day. One night I had only gotten to 900 calories, so I had to eat a meal late at night, and that isn't normal for me. But, I had crackers and jelly (one of my favorite snacks - its a habanero jelly) and hummus in a whole wheat pita. So, this next week, I'm really going to concentrate on hitting that 1200 goal (at least) and filling it with really good foods.

    Off to the gym - everyone have a great evening!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Good luck at the weigh in! Habanero jelly sounds interesting and hot!

    I did day 3 of level 2. I think I was dehydrated before starting and I felt like throwing up the whole time but I made it through and had a popsicle afterwards and now feel great--sweaty but great.

    Oh and it's not the plank jacks that I hate it's the first plank exercise the thrusts or whatever they are. Yuck. And that second set of toning not any better...still hate it. But it's getting better. I no longer curse Jillian as I do it.

    I ordered Ripped in 30 and it should be arriving tomorrow or Friday. Can't wait to check it out.
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Good luck jknoell! I'm excited to hear the results of the weigh in!

    Alison...I agree about the thrusts. I do swear at Jiilian during those! She seems to have an obsession with old school calisthenics. LOL!

    Still working through Level 2 and I certainly haven't hit a point where I feel ready to move up to Level 3. On the bright side, I have had a few people at work notice my hard work, so that's keeping me motivated.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    My brother who is work out obsessed asked me today how much weight i've lost and said it's really noticeable. Yay me! :)

    I skipped my workout today. I figure for my birthday I can be bad. I definitely missed it and can't wait to do it tomorrow.

    jknoell--totally waiting to hear the results from this week's weigh in! I know you can beat all those others! (I can be so comeptitive at times)
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    yay fay 14/day 4 of Level 2 done! I really didn't feel like shredding today but did anyway and it really perked bme up quite a bit.
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Hey guys!

    Okay... so the weigh in for the week was good - lost 3.5 lbs! I'm happy with that - I think it was much lower than the first week's loss because I hadn't been hitting my calorie goal each day - I was normally hitting around 1100 calories, and I think that is too low. The first week I never went under 1200 and I think I even hit 1400 a day or two. So, this week I'm doing better and trying to hit at least 1200 every day. However, I feel myself losing ground quickly with the Shred. I haven't done it since Monday this week - and I was supposed to start level 2. Now, I HAVE been hitting the gym, so I'm not being lazy, I just feel like I never have a good time to do the video at home! I always mean to get up in the AM and do it before work, but that means getting up at 0530 and I haven't been getting to bed before midnight lately (I'm going to school for my Master's degree, so I stay up to do homework after the kiddo is in bed).

    On the bright side, I took a class at the gym with a couple friends called Body Combat - anyone tried? It was basically boxing/kickboxing/combat stuff. I didn't stop the whole time! It was great! I was covered in sweat but it was so much fun! I was so proud of myself because I was so intimidated and the class said it was for intermediate/advanced fitness levels, and I am NOT either! But, I kept up and did all the moves and was SO happy with it! I was sore in my arms/shoulders the next day, but I still took another class called Body Pump, which is mostly a weight training class but at a fast tempo, so it consists of lots of reps with smaller amounts of weight.

    Anyway, I need to get back doing the shred. I know I won't get to it today - I have plans after work. Possibly tomorrow. I need motivation to keep with it! I'm having so much fun with these other classes, but they drain me of energy and I don't have the energy left after them to do the video!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    yay 3.5 lb so far is awesome. I fell off the bandwagon and skipped both Saturday and Sunday. As for the combat class, I did cardio kickboxing a long time ago and have never ever been so sore! :)

    So I finally got to day 15. I used my 5 lb weights for all the toning--I can really feel it. I got my "Ripped in 30" the other day and can't wait to try it out. We have no plans tomorrow so maybe I'll do that in the morning annd shred in the afternoon.