Calling all Women! Let's lose 20 lbs. by March 2016! Who's with me?! Svelte by Spring!



  • Kristyz26
    Kristyz26 Posts: 33 Member
    I would love to join as well! I am a little frightened to weigh myself but will do it tonight!
  • Blonde_Mandsie
    Blonde_Mandsie Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join. I'm in the Southern hemisphere so it's 20 lbs by Fall, only it is also in kilos. But sounds good. I'm in.
  • ElisabethSarahRose
    ElisabethSarahRose Posts: 18 Member
    edited December 2015
    Please add me as well. I am 5'3" weigh 154.
  • mtmcbroom
    mtmcbroom Posts: 3 Member
    I am addicted to sugar and it is literally killing me! Would like support too!
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member
    I'd also love to join if it's not too late!

    Occupation: exec assistant
    Age: 27 (28 in a month)
    Weight and goal: 160 lbs, 130 lbs
    Height: 5'5"

    I don't mind exercising and hate being inactive for long periods of time but I stumble when it comes to food. I just like all kinds of it! I want to target on my snacking and water intake so I stay healthy in those regards.

    Yahoo, new month full of new opportunities to be healthy and treat myself right.
  • sandysinn
    sandysinn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'd love to be included. This is my first post and I'm totally new to MFP so I'm not quite sure how to join groups.

    I'm 5'5" and 158 lbs. My doctor wants me to lose 25 lbs and my cholesterol numbers are rising. I can't seem to motivate myself and I tend to cave into my cravings.
  • texasladysv
    texasladysv Posts: 103 Member
    Definitely want to join in this... I need more Fitness friends here for motivation! Add me if you like
  • ChikaHolder
    ChikaHolder Posts: 1 Member

    I'm 27yrs old 5'3" 140lbs I've been researching the IIFYM and flexible dieting! Anyone else planning on using this method?

  • wwgal_2141
    wwgal_2141 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi,my name is Robin. I am a teacher. I struggle every day to work out. I need support in losing weight . I am 5'6" and weight 215. I started playing basketball with friends once a week a few.months ago and walking a couple of days,but havent in the last 3 weeks.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hi, Stephanie here. I am very interested in joining if it's not too late. I got on the scale this morning and it said 129.8. I have never been that heavy before. I normally weigh between 110-115lbs. I let so much get in the way.
    I'm 47, 5'3" small frame and can't fit in any of my clothes.
    I've been married 16 years, and have 2 beautiful children.
    I've been a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA for 2 years and love it.
    Going to get back to the Burn the Fat program today and my 6 day cardio, 3 day heavy lifting program asap.
  • got2rockit
    got2rockit Posts: 41 Member
    LisaS472 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm in!
    I'm Lisa. I'm 43 yrs old, 5'6", 205 lbs. I'm a single mom to 2 boys (20 & 16) and I work as a school librarian. I'd like to lose 60 lbs but I'm working on setting small goals rather than looking at the whole picture. I'd love to join your group!

    Hey there...similar stats...want to lose 50-60 lbs, I'm 47 and I work as a school librarian. My kids are 16 and 14. I have been on here for awhile but pretty much staying the same weight. I love to workout...and I love food! LOL! Need to get a grip on my diet!
  • momallnight
    momallnight Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in. Let's do this !!!
  • Hi i have just started IIFYM today I have been recovering from brain surgery & this is a step to getting my life back. I am 183lbs at 5ft 2in so have a long way to go. Its only lunchtime & feel like i have eaten so much today.
  • danzrlove
    danzrlove Posts: 445 Member
    Haven't seen any recent posts from the original poster but I would like to join. I'm 30 5'3 and 156 last I checked. Twenty would be a great start.
  • ck31763
    ck31763 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in . Would love some motivation and accountability. I want to be 145 pounds by the time I turn 45 on December 19, 2016. Not sure how to participate. But will keep checking in
  • lilolme273
    lilolme273 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me...I'm aiming for that goal
  • sarahcattt
    sarahcattt Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I have a 2 year old. I'm 5'6" and 177 pounds. My current goal is 150, but once I get there I will probably try to lose 10-15 more. I'm a college student and a single mom. I'm really discouraged right now because I just logged back in after being gone a while, and I gained 20 pounds! But here I go again, I'm not waiting for the new year either. I'm going to add some people, add me too. Let's do this
  • CanadaTZC
    CanadaTZC Posts: 1 Member
    I want in too please :smile: Can I still join? Did you form a group?
    I am 43 5'7" and and 221 this morning. Ugg. Completely incapable of getting myself moving on my own and would be grateful for the support.
  • bunnyboo7
    bunnyboo7 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in sounds like a great first goal ☺ mother of 3 my last baby is 14 weeks she is so precious and our only girl this mama is ready to get back at it! Add me
  • caitiem19
    caitiem19 Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in!
    My name is Caitlynn and I am 24 years old. I am a newly wed with a growing bunch of furry babies who deserve more walks and physical activity. I have 100+ pounds to lose, and I love challenges to keep me going. I have a major problem with food accountability, and (in my opinion: food addiction) so I am learning moderation. For exercise, I generally do my Zumba (on Xbox with the Kinect), biggest loser DVDs, or long walks with my dogs and hubby. I am also looking for accountability friends, so feel free to add me!

    Let's get Svelte by Spring ya'll