Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I too have overeaten - and there is still so much food in the house. We have friends coming tomorrow with one of Alistair's little buddies and I will likely have a mince pie with them. But beyond that, I now need to get back to the healthy eating and start exercising again. Working from home today and taking in as much water as I can in a quest to feel less bloated and blah - no more sweet food for me for a while!

    What are people's resolutions for the coming year? Mine, apart from the healthy eating and exercise is to try and find a better balance between looking after our gorgeous little lad, work, household chores and looking after me - cos guess what, me always comes last! My husband has been fighting off flu over the last week and despite my pleas won't stop and let himself recover - he feels like he's not doing enough to support us if he stops. Which is lovely but as I say, rather he stopped for a couple of days than keel over completely! And it just reinforces to me, I don't look out for me enough either - and we don't do a great deal for Alistair if we both keel over!

    Anyway, that's a bit of a ramble but it needs to be said - until just over a year ago, we had a good balance. And then the little guy came along and that balance turned on it's head. And in order to be the best parents to him we need to get it back. So that is my aim for the coming year - what does everyone else want to acheive?

    And if I'm not on here again today or tomorrow, Happy New Year to all :smiley:
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Janetay... I've got one more party to go... then we are through the holidays. Ugh! Our house is crammed with food as well! Yikes!!Most of the cookies are gone by now, as I took big trays to the family Christmass'... But we still have lots of leftovers. Especially since the mother-in-law sent us home with a ton. Her husband recently went gluten free so she doesn't want it in the house. Among the leftovbers... Mmmm Cinnamon Bread... naughty!!
    My resolutions is going to be working harder on making others feel special. Getting the birthday and anniversary cards out on time, sending thinking of you texts/emails... My friends are so good at it and I suck! =( I also want to get organized. My hubby and I have started getting rid of excess! There is no use to hang on to things we haven't used in years. We already had one Easter Seals pickup and planning on more! Plus if I get my basement organized... I get my craft room! Motivation!
    Hope the hubby gets mended... hard to take time for yourself. I think all parents realize they come last. =)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful time with your families over the holidays. I'm actually a little sad they are over, but my waistline appreciates getting back into my regular routine.

    I love everyone's New Years Resolutions and wish you all a happy 2016! Cheers!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy new year!! Cheers to 2016 fitness and healthy goals! All my life I've had "lose weight and get in shape" as one of my resolutions. How depressing to have the same one over and over again because you never can achieve it?! I'm happy to say that this year I am already on my way, have lost 22 lbs since October. So my new resolution this year is to have more fun! Fun at home with my kids, fun with friends, fun with my hubby. I think 2016 is going to be an awesome year. I'm going to get fit and actually enjoy bathing suit shopping ! HA!
  • Mocking0jay
    Mocking0jay Posts: 24 Member
    If you don't already have a bazillion friends, I would like to add you. :-)
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Happy new year everyone.

    Its been a while since I've posted on here. Its been a busy couple of weeks celebrating. I hope you have all had a great time.

    I have managed to maintain my weight over the holidays so i am really pleased with myself :smiley:
    I got my FitBit for Christmas so i can now keep track of my daily steps :smiley: and my goal is to hit 10000 steps every day.

    If you are new to this thread feel free to add me. I log on every day :)
  • KatyFlatlander
    KatyFlatlander Posts: 21 Member
    Countless restarts over the years. Never done the group thing, so giving it a go!
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi. I started out on here June 1st 2015. Needing to lose weight to avoid back surgery. I planned on losing 100lbs. I've lost 40+lbs. can't say for sure because with the holidays I know I've gained. Lately I've been unmotivated and just bummed out about excercise get. I have a wonderful core group that I've been with from the start. They are amazing and so supportive. I've added friends throughout my journey and have also deleted friends because they just don't interact. Or they have 100's of friends. I keep my core group small to make sure I can give every friend the genuine support they deserve. At a whim today I came onto the Community page to see if I can find a new addition to my group. Starting out the new year on a positive note and finding another new friend to add to my group to share with. I've changed the amount I want to lose because I just don't know where I want to end up. But I know for sure I have another 40lbs to go. So the ball is in your court. If you think we would make a good match please send me a friend request. Not planning on adding a lot of new friends because like I said before I want to make sure I give my friends the genuine support they deserve. Have a wonderful New Year
  • andygoldman39
    andygoldman39 Posts: 15 Member
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. Love to share and encourage.
  • dodibowman
    dodibowman Posts: 1 Member
    First time here. I am a repeat yo yo dieter. Hoping to stay on track and lose 40 pounds. I don't care how long it takes, because I know it has to be a life change so that's why I'm here this time.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Good morning all you lovely people, Well its been a great couple of weeks but i am so glad its back to normality from today. I cant wait to get down to the gym and get training again. I love walking and have done quite a lot over the holidays but its just not the same as a good blast on the bags :)
    Kickboxing class tonight.
    bring it on :smiley:
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good Morning and Happy New Year to everyone! It has been way too long since I have been on here, although I did log on every day. But I had horrible connection-so I didn't log any food or anything. But- I am back from vacation and back at it. Vacation was fun and I enjoyed my time without any food restrictions or calorie counting. I was very scared to get back on the scale when we got home, but I am happy to say that it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be! I was up, but only 4 lbs. After almost two weeks of everything unhealthy and lots of adult beverages-that wasn't too bad. Now it is back at tracking and trying to do good! I actually did a little bit of food prep yesterday for the week, which was harder than I was planning. I forgot our oven went out right before we left and the part we need wont be available until the end of the month. I guess we will have to use the grill until then. It will be interesting. Hope everyone has a great week! I did read all the updates and you're all doing awesome! We can do this!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Happy new year!! Cheers to 2016 fitness and healthy goals! All my life I've had "lose weight and get in shape" as one of my resolutions. How depressing to have the same one over and over again because you never can achieve it?! I'm happy to say that this year I am already on my way, have lost 22 lbs since October. So my new resolution this year is to have more fun! Fun at home with my kids, fun with friends, fun with my hubby. I think 2016 is going to be an awesome year. I'm going to get fit and actually enjoy bathing suit shopping ! HA!

    That is an awesome resolution! Hope you achieve it over and over again! Live life to it's fullest!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Happy new year everyone.

    Its been a while since I've posted on here. Its been a busy couple of weeks celebrating. I hope you have all had a great time.

    I have managed to maintain my weight over the holidays so i am really pleased with myself :smiley:
    I got my FitBit for Christmas so i can now keep track of my daily steps :smiley: and my goal is to hit 10000 steps every day.

    If you are new to this thread feel free to add me. I log on every day :)

    Welcome back Gill! I think we all took a hiatus! Happy New Year and let's get things back on track!! =) Hope it was a wonderful holiday for you and your family.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hi. I started out on here June 1st 2015. Needing to lose weight to avoid back surgery. I planned on losing 100lbs. I've lost 40+lbs. can't say for sure because with the holidays I know I've gained. Lately I've been unmotivated and just bummed out about excercise get. I have a wonderful core group that I've been with from the start. They are amazing and so supportive. I've added friends throughout my journey and have also deleted friends because they just don't interact. Or they have 100's of friends. I keep my core group small to make sure I can give every friend the genuine support they deserve. At a whim today I came onto the Community page to see if I can find a new addition to my group. Starting out the new year on a positive note and finding another new friend to add to my group to share with. I've changed the amount I want to lose because I just don't know where I want to end up. But I know for sure I have another 40lbs to go. So the ball is in your court. If you think we would make a good match please send me a friend request. Not planning on adding a lot of new friends because like I said before I want to make sure I give my friends the genuine support they deserve. Have a wonderful New Year

    This page is more my friends! I don't personally follow everyone and their posts but I love people checking in here. This is my core group! I would love for you to check in often and share, motivate and ride this journey with us all! I know I was bad checking in over the holidays but since we are past it, I am ready to motivate and get back to it!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    The year of you!! Let's kick this year off as a new fresh start! We've been on this journey and we are going to kick a$% and take names... let's do this! No New Year Resolution to lose weight... make it about your lifestyle... yes, we all want to be healthy and motivated to do so, but make life fun in doing so! No one likes to do crunches or run/walk the treadmill... but make it fun... motivate yourself to learn to enjoy the ME time. You will love yourself and feel so much better when you see the transformations your body will take. Smile when you go for a walk... say hi to the neighbors... Think of all the good things you are bringing into your life as you go on a bike ride... Picture yourself in that swim suit this summer as you do your yoga or zumba... think of good things while you workout, smile often and try to enjoy the sweat melting the fat away! =) We can do this!! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    dodibowman wrote: »
    First time here. I am a repeat yo yo dieter. Hoping to stay on track and lose 40 pounds. I don't care how long it takes, because I know it has to be a life change so that's why I'm here this time.

    Welcome.. check in often!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I love the idea of a New Years Resolution of fun! I'm on the same vein that I want to do a New Year's Resolution of "Yes". I feel like I say no a lot because I let my introverted side take over and staying home on the couch is the path of least resistance. This year I want to step out of my box and do more things that scare me or take me outside of my comfort zone.

    Last year I was able to achieve my resolutions of running a marathon and getting debt free so this year's resolution should be much easier (and a lot of fun!)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Good morning all you lovely people, Well its been a great couple of weeks but i am so glad its back to normality from today. I cant wait to get down to the gym and get training again. I love walking and have done quite a lot over the holidays but its just not the same as a good blast on the bags :)
    Kickboxing class tonight.
    bring it on :smiley:

    Awesome Gil!! I'm glad to get back to normalcy as well... Although it is back to the grind, it is also back to regimen and keeping on track and motivated plus not having all the food around!! I'm excited to get back on track and have an even better year ahead!