Dry January Challenge, roll up and join in!



  • olandarch
    olandarch Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in too. I'm one of the one drink leads to three and snacks brigade. Hope to break the cycle and she'd a few pounds into the bargain :)
  • emmasearson
    emmasearson Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in from yesterday
  • annaslindsay
    annaslindsay Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! Water all the way
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm in. I drink far too much and if I want to lose the weight, alcohol has to go. I've tried moderation, but stopping completely is easier for me- I usually do it every January. This year, I'm aiming to stay dry at least until my birthday at the end of Feb. It was novel to wake on New Years Day without a hangover!
    Lets go for it
  • 2010laura1984
    2010laura1984 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! Started yesterday
  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    Does the group live only in the thread here?
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    I'm doing this too. Need a good start and am committing to No Empty Calories!
  • Dolcedia
    Dolcedia Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!
  • Luckyhawks
    Luckyhawks Posts: 4 Member
    Im in. Started yesterday. Going well so far
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    I'm in
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    toe1226 wrote: »
    Does the group live only in the thread here?

    We'll just post in here. Anyone drinking anything nice tonight? I'm going to have some apple juice later.
  • olandarch
    olandarch Posts: 3 Member
    Trying a j2o watermelon and apple spritzer. Not quite my usual shiraz but going down nicely o:)
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Its one of the things that I find tricky- I don't mind water, especially fizzy, but it does get boring. And I don't want to swap a water-with-alcohol-in habit for a water-with-sugar/artificial-sweetners-in habit! Its amazing how much money you can spend on sugary water in a supermarket :/
  • SarahKate2710
    SarahKate2710 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in. I always go overboard with alcohol consumption and since we are trying for a baby this year, I figure a dry January is a good start for pregnancy and so on. I just really hope no one is planning on bringing punch to my bridal shower next week. Luckily the shower is at my house so I can be sure to have some alternatives.
  • annaslindsay
    annaslindsay Posts: 6 Member
    I had a whole bottle... Of sparkling water ;) doing well so far (all 2 days haha)
  • annaslindsay
    annaslindsay Posts: 6 Member
    @SarahKate2710 I'm getting married this year and we will be trying for a baby shortly after so I'm in the same boat as you- thought I may as well start as I mean to go on!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Hi @SarahKate2710

    Do's are the hardest time to stay away from alcohol for me. Good luck with your shower :)
  • laurencecarr
    laurencecarr Posts: 6 Member
    I put a dash of lime juice (not cordial) into fizzy water. works for me!

    Rosy67 wrote: »
    Its one of the things that I find tricky- I don't mind water, especially fizzy, but it does get boring. And I don't want to swap a water-with-alcohol-in habit for a water-with-sugar/artificial-sweetners-in habit! Its amazing how much money you can spend on sugary water in a supermarket :/