Couch To 5K Starting June 6th, Join Please!



  • I Did It! I'm starting over on the program, since the last time I did my last workout was last Tuesday. I've only done one workout since starting, so I thought five days between the first and second was a bit much. So I'm just restarting. I got Week 1 Workout 1 done today. I warmed up and cooled down at 2.5, walked at 3.0, and jogged at 3.5. I had a really easy time of it. When 19 minutes hit, my side started hurting again. I think this time it was because I had drank way too much water during. Also, I had eaten popcorn chicken and potato wedges not 20 minutes before I did this. I felt like I was going to puke. I did this in 5 lap on the treadmill. My mileage was 1.481 and I burned 198 calories.

    My tip for today: don't workout on a full stomach.

    GOOD JOB! Glad you did it and let us know how it goes on a not so full stomach, lol.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    6/12 Sunday: W1D1
    6/13 Monday: W1D2
    6/14 Tuesday: W1D3...hard to get up and get it done today...but, I did it :drinker:

    Notes to self:

    1) Make sure to, ummm, well...eliminate, before running
    2) Finishing is key...not how far you make it
    Good job! And I love the 2nd one.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I Did It! I'm starting over on the program, since the last time I did my last workout was last Tuesday. I've only done one workout since starting, so I thought five days between the first and second was a bit much. So I'm just restarting. I got Week 1 Workout 1 done today. I warmed up and cooled down at 2.5, walked at 3.0, and jogged at 3.5. I had a really easy time of it. When 19 minutes hit, my side started hurting again. I think this time it was because I had drank way too much water during. Also, I had eaten popcorn chicken and potato wedges not 20 minutes before I did this. I felt like I was going to puke. I did this in 5 lap on the treadmill. My mileage was 1.481 and I burned 198 calories.

    My tip for today: don't workout on a full stomach.

    GOOD JOB! Glad you did it and let us know how it goes on a not so full stomach, lol.
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    So, I have done W1D1, and W1D2, but then I went and restarted because I had been "cheating". I would get short of breath, and then would fast walk the jog instead of really jogging. I decided this wasn't gonna get the job done.
    I have NEVER been a runner. Even when I was on the field hockey team in high school, I had the slowest mile, because I couldn't run the whole thing. The other girls would lap me... how lame is that!?

    So anyway, I restarted, and I pushed myself. I was VERY proud of myself when I was able to jog every jog portion of W1D1. This will work. I know it. I just have to keep at it!!

    So, my tips:
    As someone else said, SHOES! Definitely. I tried doing this in my "skate shoes", which are basically flat, and have no support. Boy did I ever regret that!!! Definitely use a tennis shoe built with support!
    Tip for myself, but feel free to take it.
    I talk to myself. When I'm running, I'm alone in my basement. So, I coach myself. "Keep going." "You can do this" "Push it"
    I find it really helpful!

    Keep it up everyone!!! :]
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Just did W2D2 today, can I still join?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Here's some suggested stretching exercises...It may help prevent injuries and feel good after a good, sweaty session.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Week 2 day 1. Walking 3.5 and running 5.0-5.5. Really like running!
  • So you don't need a treadmill? just sneakers and space to run? I'm game.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    So you don't need a treadmill? just sneakers and space to run? I'm game.

    That's what I do!!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    So, I have done W1D1, and W1D2, but then I went and restarted because I had been "cheating". I would get short of breath, and then would fast walk the jog instead of really jogging. I decided this wasn't gonna get the job done.
    I have NEVER been a runner. Even when I was on the field hockey team in high school, I had the slowest mile, because I couldn't run the whole thing. The other girls would lap me... how lame is that!?

    So anyway, I restarted, and I pushed myself. I was VERY proud of myself when I was able to jog every jog portion of W1D1. This will work. I know it. I just have to keep at it!!

    So, my tips:
    As someone else said, SHOES! Definitely. I tried doing this in my "skate shoes", which are basically flat, and have no support. Boy did I ever regret that!!! Definitely use a tennis shoe built with support!
    Tip for myself, but feel free to take it.
    I talk to myself. When I'm running, I'm alone in my basement. So, I coach myself. "Keep going." "You can do this" "Push it"
    I find it really helpful!

    Keep it up everyone!!! :]
    Good job! And great tips!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Just did W2D2 today, can I still join?
    Definately! Welcome!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here's some suggested stretching exercises...It may help prevent injuries and feel good after a good, sweaty session.
    Awesome. I'll have to look at these.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Week 2 day 1. Walking 3.5 and running 5.0-5.5. Really like running!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    So you don't need a treadmill? just sneakers and space to run? I'm game.
    You're exactly right. Welcome!
  • Genomerio
    Genomerio Posts: 4
    I am repeating W1 that I started last week, as I am completely out of shape, and have really bad shin splints still. I can complete the jogging sections, but it's rough near the end, and I have to walk really slow to recover. Lets see how another starter week goes and I'll decide Monday what to do.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Hmm - how convenient! I completed W2D1 today - and will do day 2 tomorrow & day 3 Friday. So it looks like I'm right on track with you guys without even knowing it! I have to say - I was surprised by how challenging the bump from 60 seconds to 90 seconds was!
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Hey, everyone!

    So, most of us have completed at least one Couch To 5K workout. This week's topic is going to be TIPS/TRICKS. Do you have any tips or tricks for us that you've learned along your C25K journey? Examples: best time to run during the day, whether you eat a snack before/after, etc. Have an awesome week everyone! :bigsmile:

    I HAVE to do it first thing in the morning - before ANYTHING else has the chance to get me sidetracked. I literally have workout clothes laid out on the floor next to my bed. I wake up, put them on (and brush my teeth - that starts my wake-up process), and head to the garage (I've got a treadmill).
  • KatheryneH13
    KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member
    I am repeating W1 that I started last week, as I am completely out of shape, and have really bad shin splints still. I can complete the jogging sections, but it's rough near the end, and I have to walk really slow to recover. Lets see how another starter week goes and I'll decide Monday what to do.

    Take your time. The fact that you are still doing it is what matters. Sometimes after the jogging section I have to walk slower than usually just to breathe normally.

    It happens to all of us. Good luck this week :D
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I am repeating W1 that I started last week, as I am completely out of shape, and have really bad shin splints still. I can complete the jogging sections, but it's rough near the end, and I have to walk really slow to recover. Lets see how another starter week goes and I'll decide Monday what to do.

    You need to do streching exercises before and after.

    Thoughts for today, W1, D4 completed

    1) I can run in the rain :grumble:

    2) I saw a turtle laying eggs today :love:

    3) I went a further distance than I did the day before. But, it doesn't matter!!! Because, I will be running more in week 2 and going further then. :drinker:

    4) I like the rhythmic sound of my feet hitting the pavement :wink:
  • KatheryneH13
    KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member
    2) I saw a turtle laying eggs today :love:

    So cute!!!!!!!
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