"New Year New Me"......shut up and get out the gym



  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member
    Everybody has to start somewhere. Instead of bitching about them, why not make them feel welcome and greet them. Or even offer advice like how to look cool wearing sunglasses inside.

    'Xactly. And the truth was spoke by 'Neato.

  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    I love new people. Then I don't look like a newb anymore. I look like this:

  • _EPIC_
    _EPIC_ Posts: 611 Member
    Not sure OP saw this coming.

  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    KD454 wrote: »
    Anyone else really hate this time of year?...... where the two week wonders come out out the woodwork crowding you ever so loved fitness space.

    I wouldn't of guessed a Circus was busy at 5am

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm excited to see all the new people in the gym! I hope most of them stick to it.
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    Everybody has to start somewhere. Instead of bitching about them, why not make them feel welcome and greet them. Or even offer advice like how to look cool wearing sunglasses inside.

    what he said

  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    KD454 wrote: »
    Anyone else really hate this time of year?...... where the two week wonders come out out the woodwork crowding you ever so loved fitness space.

    yes. i too dislike it when unhealthy people are actually trying to make a positive difference in their lives and get healthy. we should definitely shame them for trying.


    and this guy
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    I'd rather work in a full gym than an empty one. :-)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    It doesn't bother me - the gym isn't my private facility and I don't have any special rights there. I'm glad to see people trying to becoming healthier. Even if it doesn't stick, at least they're trying. :-)
  • InnerFitChick
    InnerFitChick Posts: 14 Member
    On the radio this morning, it was suggested to "WELCOME" those NY resolutioners. Why not? After all, as others have said, we all have started from a 'Day 1' too. Most probably from a NEW YEAR NEW ME start. I was happy to step into this thread and see so many supporters! Bravo MFP!!!
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    And I guess the person who started this thread never started somewhere.... lol

    I don't get this way of thinking. Beside, I'm thinking if people can't stand others at the gym(whatever there start date is...) maybe you should buy you own gym equipment. After all, gym are public...
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I was actually disappointed that there weren't more new people in my gym this morning. The ones that did come I smiled and said hi. I hope they continue on past the 2 week mark and feel comfortable in the gym.
  • demmerich1
    demmerich1 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, OP’s attitude is part of why many newbies quit so soon. Obviously, that’s not the whole reason why, but it does contribute to the decision to leave. I was one of those newbies who signed up in the new year and then just stopped going after a few weeks. I did that quite a few times over the course of my life. Some of it was because of the atmosphere, and, of course, some of it was just not having the motivation or discipline to continue. But I finally found a gym I liked and stuck with it, because the employees AND the patrons were welcoming, helpful, and supportive. I don’t feel judged when I walk in the door and get on a machine.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Everybody has to start somewhere. Instead of bitching about them, why not make them feel welcome and greet them. Or even offer advice like how to look cool wearing sunglasses inside.
    Perfectly said.
    I may have joined a gym in May rather than in January, but everybody has to start somewhere! Why give people crap for trying to make a positive change? A number of them will likely fizzle out, so keep your trap shut and look forward to your space being reclaimed in the mean time.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Tbonz922 wrote: »
    I see transformations people make all the time. Unfortunately, some of them transform their bodies for the better and their heads for the worse. Some, not all, get very proud and then very dismissive of others that started just like they did. It's far more annoying to me to hear people complain about others, that whether they do it or don't, want to change....it's pretty much just whining and THAT is annoying.

    @Tbonz922 I have seen that too. I admit to getting an attitude and letting it go to my head when I went from obese to lean, but I have plenty of people who helped me see what I was becoming. Now I'd rather help others with their goals than complain or laugh at the new people.
  • plm209
    plm209 Posts: 222 Member
    No issue having the "resolutioner" crowd in my gym, my issue is when they don't know what they're doing, won't accept advice and don't respect the equipment.

    My advice to newbies:
    • Don't take equipment from one area to another unless you're bringing it back in a few minutes.
    • Don't leave your water bottles on benches/machines and leave the gym or start a new exercise. This is the international symbol for "I'm using this and will be right back".
    • Don't hang out on one piece of equipment with your two buddies taking long breaks to talk between sets.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for a spot. I'd rather help you finish your last set than pull that bar off your neck and I'm not judging you for the weight you're lifting.
    • If I'm politely coming up to you suggesting you try a lighter weight when curling and demonstrating a full range of motion, there's probably a reason. I'm 220 lbs and an experienced lifter, there's no reason a 150 lb beginner should be swinging the 45lb dumbbells around while curling. Ask for advice if you don't know how to do something or how a piece of equipment works. I'd actually be flattered to help you out.
    • Don't stand between me and the mirror if possible. I'm not 'mirin', I'm checking my form.
    • Re-rack your weights, I don't want to hunt for that 20lb dumbbell you left on the other side of the gym 2hrs ago.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited January 2016
    plm209 wrote: »
    No issue having the "resolutioner" crowd in my gym, my issue is when they don't know what they're doing, won't accept advice and don't respect the equipment.

    My advice to newbies:
    • Don't take equipment from one area to another unless you're bringing it back in a few minutes. My gym doesn't have a designated DL bar. I take a bar off of a bench and may spend an hour doing different deadlift variations
    • Don't leave your water bottles on benches/machines and leave the gym or start a new exercise. This is the international symbol for "I'm using this and will be right back".
    • Don't hang out on one piece of equipment with your two buddies taking long breaks to talk between sets. I see 'bros' doing this WAY more than 'newbies'
    • Don't be afraid to ask for a spot. I'd rather help you finish your last set than pull that bar off your neck and I'm not judging you for the weight you're lifting.
    • If I'm politely coming up to you suggesting you try a lighter weight when curling and demonstrating a full range of motion, there's probably a reason. I'm 220 lbs and an experienced lifter, there's no reason a 150 lb beginner should be swinging the 45lb dumbbells around while curling. Ask for advice if you don't know how to do something or how a piece of equipment works. I'd actually be flattered to help you out.
    • Don't stand between me and the mirror if possible. I'm not 'mirin', I'm checking my form.
    • Re-rack your weights, I don't want to hunt for that 20lb dumbbell you left on the other side of the gym 2hrs ago.

    This should be advice for ALL gym-goers. Not just the new ones.

    But yea, this is all okay advice. Not where this thread started though.
  • KD454
    KD454 Posts: 1,548 Member