The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    I got 3 miles more miles in yesterday. My back wasn't hurting for a change so it felt great!

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2016
    @snha - Get thee to a sports doc. That pain in the heel could be related to the achilles pain as the achilles connects at the heel. Could be tendinitis. If so, you need to rest it and let it heal. Best to have a professional diagnosis and recovery plan for an achilles in my opinion.

    @runner_girl83 - My DW is kind of like that. She has seen me have success via diet and exercise and asks me to help her do the same because she currently isn't ready to do it on her own (therein is the real problem anyone will have). Problem is she counters all my advice giving reasons why she can't do those things. So it typically ends with me pointing out that I can only advise from my experience because I'm not a professional dietician/trainer/etc.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member


  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    Cold this morning. ...
  • tweekedgirl
    tweekedgirl Posts: 114 Member
    A quick 5km during dinner at work :)

    1/1 - 3.36
    2/1 - 3.08
    5/1 - 3.08

    Total 9.52/35
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @snha If the pain persists, definitely see a doc ASAP to get a diagnosis. I've had issues with my achilles, but never pain. Just some dull tightness that I had to work through. But pain afterwards is a bad sign; achy: OK, pain: bad. Definitely give yourself a couple days to let them rest and hopefully it's a one time thing.

    @MorningGhost14 You are a beast. If it was cold enough to turn my hat into ice, I would have definitely treadmilled it. Hope you still have all your toes!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member

    1-Rest day
    2-Flare/rest day
    3-13.13mi The first six had me convinced i was going to turn around. the rest was nice.
    4-rest day
    5-pain day :(

    maybe I'll get in 3 tomorrow


    Jan 16-Frosty 5k
    Feb 13-Steve Cullen Run
    ?Mar 14-Great Pi Run?

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I can't find who originally posted on the hydration/fueling question earlier but I did want to share my experiences as I have struggled with this and with the horrid GI distress. I have always taken something with me on longer runs greater than an hour (water and or Bloks or gummy bears and something for the pup). I followed the same practice for all my HMs and typically would fuel at the halfway point but I have been having some real stomach/intestinal issues that I could not figure out. My daughter is convinced it is all hydration related so before my HM last weekend I made sure I was very well hydrated. During the race I sipped water (only) at each hydration point and at mile 4 I had some gummy bears - only I didn't eat them, I let them dissolve slowly in my mouth. Same with the Blok at mile 6. I had NO stomach issues at all, not even a grumble. I also did not run out of steam, finished strong with a PR, placing higher than I thought I could in my AG. Having it work once doesn't mean it is the solution I know, but I was thrilled not to have any issue. I also don't really know if it was the hydration or not getting the gummies/bloks into my stomach to digest. The point is though that you have to keep trying things until you figure out what works for you.

    It was me! :smile:

    Someone mentioned eating jelly beans the other day too.. I actually really want to try the gummy bears though! The thought of having one of those gels (they look so gooey and I've heard they can be messy?) isn't real appealing lol

    I will try the gummy bears on my next long run and see how I go!

    I also ordered a Spibelt (should arrive later in the week) to carry my phone as I had to keep swapping hands on my 13K. I usually just play my music out loud when I'm running (ear phones bug me) but I know I need to start wearing head phones and get used to them so I'm hoping having the phone in the spibelt will be easier to manage the swaying headphone cords (I hate how they bounce around when I run - even if I lead the cords up my shirt) Will have to work on a more comfortable approach! And I also like the thought of ordering a water bottle for the spibelt in the future if holding a water bottle doesn't feel right :smile:

    Also.. My New Year (virtual) 10k run is this Saturday! Just looked up the transit timetable and looks like my medal is only days away from arriving!! Yay!!

    This running shizz is getting serious now! :lol:

    I tried these but found Gu Chomps worked better for me. I felt no assist or recovery with these. i was very sad

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    @kristinegift ... it was 3... lol
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @MorningGhost14 i'm sorta jealous

  • _EPIC_
    _EPIC_ Posts: 611 Member
    I do single serve packs of welch's fruit snacks. Was not a fan of the sport beans. Clif Bloks or Skratch Fruit Drops are good too, but expensive.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Going to try to catch up on this month's posts today :)

    1/1 - 3.5 miles on treadmill
    1/2 - Nada :|
    1/3 - 3.75 miles on treadmill + weights
    1/4 - First day back to office / school...had to stay home to get kids moving and ready.
    1/5 - 4 miles on treadmill + 4.65 miles on stationary bike

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I didn't log yesterday - 4.5 km running drills and easy run. It was supposed to be a recovery run from a 15k the day before which I didn't do so I'll call it a holiday recovery run.

    That makes 9.5/50km.

    It was my second run in my new Pearl Izumis. I bought them at a half price sale just to try but sadly I don't they are going to work. I haven't been doing a lot of running but my legs feel pretty beat up for an easy 5k. There is some tightness in there, which isn't unusual but it does seem a bit worse.

    Upcoming 2016 Races

    March - 5 mile Slush Run and/or Bolt run (distance undecided) depending on dates
    An undecided Sprint triathlon
    April - 8 mile road race
    May - Bluenose either half marathon or 10k
    Cabot Trail Relay leg (not picked yet)
    July - Challenge St Andrews half Ironman
    September - Maritime Race Weekend (5k Friday night, 1/2 marathon Saturday)

    And lots of other little races along the way.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited January 2016
    @kristinegift ... it was 3... lol

    @MorningGhost14 3 degrees?!?! I draw the line at single digits. Too cold for this runner!

    @3dogsrunning I hate when a new pair of shoes don't work out. Are they cute enough to wear out and about at least?
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    _EPIC_ wrote: »
    I do single serve packs of welch's fruit snacks. Was not a fan of the sport beans. Clif Bloks or Skratch Fruit Drops are good too, but expensive.

    I use them, too, and find they do the job without that yucky taste of some of the others.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    @kristinegift ... it was 3... lol

    @MorningGhost14 3 degrees?!?! I draw the line at single digits. Too cold for this runner!

    @3dogsrunning I hate when a new pair of shoes don't work out. Are they cute enough to wear out and about at least?

    Yes. :) It was the first time in forever I tried a new shoe but made sure if be able to wear them regardless.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Wow, this group is pretty intimidating, but I need to jump in and "begin" somewhere, right? I completed the c25k program in late 2014, but haven't really done much with running since then. So I'm trying to get into running more and my January RUNNING goal is 20 miles! I have a virtual 5k race on the 30th that I want to be able to RUN the entire thing without having to stop and walk any of it!

    1/1 - 1 mile running (9 more walking)
    1/2 - 5 miles walking
    1/3 - 2 miles running (3.4 more walking) (total running=3)
    1/4 - 3.5 miles walking
    1/5 - 3.5 miles walking
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    welcome and good luck :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Cold this morning. ...

    Good lord! You win!.... Its 40's and windy here, I'm such a cry baby...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Hi, I just found this group/thread today and I'm hopping in. Goal for January is 60 miles. I did 2 yesterday and 2.8 this morning despite feeling crappy. Also starting to wonder if it's time for new shoes, blah.


    Welcome to the group! Never pass up new shoes! We love shoes here!