P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    Yes, I have 4 (3 girls and 1 boy) and thanks for the welcome. I did Chest and Back tonight, day 8/90. Today was much better than last Monday. I was able to actually do some pushups from my toes instead of my knees. I am really bringing it! Unfortunately for the pull ups, I have to use a chair for all of them but, I am working toward being able to do one pull up all by myself. I was able to do more reps this week with even better form. Last week was a bear all week. Tony really kicked my butt last week. This week was better and I was able to work even harder.

    Thanks everyone for letting me join!

    SkinnyLizzy, your profile picture of your dog is hystrical! I got a great laugh with the picture. I'm wondering if an of my 4 dogs would sit still for that........hhhmmm.....
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Just wanted to say, Good morning P90X'ers!

    Do your best and forget the rest.
    Now go bring it!
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    I would love to join you all as well. I am on day 6/90.

    I need to modify lots of my moves but I am doing it!

    nothing wrong with modification just keep pushin!
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Finished day 1 last night. I had to do all the pushups from my knees! And my shoulders are SORE today! But a good sore! Hopefully next time I can push out a few real ones.
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning to all my P90Xers! I can't wait to go home and do plyo today. At least I think it's plyo today. Last week plyo whipped my bum and felt terrible after. It did not help that I was getting a cold either. Well, I hope not to get nausiated tonight doing it like I did last week. Anyway, Rock On everyone and Bring It!!!!!

    Do your best and forget the rest!!!!!

  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Happy Plyo day everybody!! I'm truly excited by all the enthusiasm in this thread, and really grateful for all our new X'ers!!

    Plyo went much better for me this morning than last week, did it inside but in the lobby, so I can go all the way through without my computer dying. Can I say though, that all that squat stuff was TORTURE? My legs are still sore from last friday. LOL. And my pecs are definitely feeling yesterdays workout!!! This is fun!! (Abs are feeling it to. Can't believe 4 times later, ab-ripper x still gets my abs sore! Usually I only get sore the first time doing a workout!)

    Lets keep up this momentum people! (And I would love more friends on MFP if anyone wants to add me!)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Completed day 9/90 this morning with Chest & Back. Feeling stronger every day! I was out of town this weekend but didn't miss any workouts except I had guests and I hate the yoga so I skipped yesterday and did Chest & Back today. Back on schedule tomorrow with Shoulders & Arms. Kenpo X is awesome!

  • megakingsbutt
    hey, im new in here and i've been wanting to restart my p90x this week, can I still join you guys? I could really use the help on what to eat... it sooo freaking hard to do the diet plan... thanxs!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    can i join? i'm on day 2. plyo when i get home!! :tongue: :smile:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've just come across this thread, can I join too? I'm on day 5 and just finished Legs & Back, really enjoying it so far.
    I'm only doing it 4/5 times a week so will probably get a bit behind everyone else at some point - I go gym twice a week and don't do both in the same day.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    welcome all!!!!!!!!

    Day 9/90 is done....plyo. whew wasnt looking forward to this today, but feel so much better now that i got my burn on. the rock stars are still hard for me.

    the replacement xbox 360 finally arrived, now i can see tony on the big screen, instead of my laptop. cant wait for shoulders/arms tomorrow. one of my favs.
  • biminij99
    biminij99 Posts: 11 Member
    Me! I'm on my first week.:tongue:
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    Well Day #4 Yoga officially kicked my butt! I couldn't make it all the way through, stopped at about 3/4 mark. I've never done yoga before and knew that this was going to be a challenge. My balance was waaaaayyyy off and just didn't have the stamina to keep up....Oh well looking forward to day #5.
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    I want to say CONGRATS to everyone! Never Stop pushing play. I found myself this morning not wanting to do PLYO and told myself I could do it later, later came, had to dig deep to start it up. Once Tony was on the screen it was a blast, tuff, but a blast.

    Hope everyone brought their little buckets!
  • depurs20
    depurs20 Posts: 29
    I started on June 5 and I have yoga tonight. I did not expect yoga to be as difficult as it is!!
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    Today is week 2 day yoga. I am so tight and I really have to modify a tone of the moves since I'm an so not flexable. I know Tony will help that. I really thought I would be sore like I was all last week but, I am not. I pushed even harder this week, did more reps and pushed harder in plyo. I guess that is ok! I was really looking for the soreness. You all Keep pushing play every day!

    After yoga and dinner tonight, I plan to take the 4 Beagles out for a walk since the rain has gone. They will love that since I have not been able to walk them for the past few days since its been storming here.

    All of you BRING IT and Have a GREAT Day!

    Do your Best and Forget the Rest!!!!!!!
  • Riane22
    Riane22 Posts: 18
    I am in my second week, Arms and Shoulders and ab ripper today! Cant do pull ups for anything though. I am on a very strict diet, something my moms personal trainer gave her. I didnt get the diet that goes with the P90X but this one is really good, and I also decided to add a protein shake, because i couldnt find the P90X one, I got Synta-6, has anyone else tried that one?
  • ayersdn
    ayersdn Posts: 6 Member
    I am just starting the program this week. Can I join in?

    How do you enter these workouts in to this program?

  • ayersdn
    ayersdn Posts: 6 Member
    I am just starting the program this week. Can I join in?

    How do you enter these workouts in to this program?

  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I am just starting the program this week. Can I join in?

    How do you enter these workouts in to this program?


    I am not sure if you are wearing a heart rate monitor or not. That is the best way to get your calories burned. Then you can simply go to Exercises, add cardiovascular exercise, and input the minutes and calories. If you aren't wearing a heart rate monitor, then you'll have to estimate your calories.