
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Hello ladies… B)

    Joyce – That is a boatload of gifts under that tree, but I have to admit our tree at my mom’s house looks the same once we all pile our presents under it. Matt looks very happy. I’m sure you are thrilled that he has been able to maintain his sobriety. <3

    DrKatie – My daughters like the Camelback water bottles. I think we spent $14 on the last one we bought at Target, but I know you can get them other places. That’s a little more than you want to spend, but the nice thing is they have a lifetime guarantee. Both of my daughters have replaces the mouthpiece on theirs at no cost. Just submit something online and they send them a new one.

    Allie – I have a recommendation on a couple of trackers to avoid… I tried the Withings Activite Pop. Loved the fact that it looks like a regular analog watch but is really a tracker and that it runs off a watch battery, so no charging. After having it replaced twice, I finally returned the third one for a refund. It just was not tracking my steps accurately. I currently have a Jawbone UP2. It works fine and tracks accurately. But, I do still have to charge it about once a week. And, I have to open the app on my phone to see how many steps I’ve taken because there is no display on the actual tracker. Anyway, my next tracker is going to be the Fitbit Charge HR. Just waiting for this one to die or for some reason to justify buying a new one.

    Mary Grace – What is a “face paced” walk? Just kidding. I know you meant fast paced but just had to kid you about the typo. :) I think I’ve been fighting myself the last few months as well. I need to remember Barbie’s saying about putting our long-term goals ahead of what we want immediately. Barbie may need to remind me of exactly how that saying goes.

    Sylvia – Nice bag. It suits an artist such as yourself. And good for you for getting that issue with your stain worked out!

    Day two of my detox and it’s going OK. Have a bit of a caffeine headache, but not too bad. You would think that this would encourage me to give up the caffeine, but I know myself and that is not going to happen. :( Just finished my afternoon orange and tonight I’ll be making a roasted cauliflower soup. I’m not a huge cauliflower fan, but so far all the soups have been very good and I’ll be keeping these recipes in my repertoire.

    Linda in the drizzling rain in IA
  • marise51
    marise51 Posts: 65 Member

    Just popping in to say hi and wish everyone well.


    Beautiful art work
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • callmekraz5
    callmekraz5 Posts: 7 Member
    Just came back after a rough year. Lost my dad, my hubby had a huge shake up at work and he also had a double bypass. I'm ready to get back on track! This is my year.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I will have to try that JanetR ((hugs)) Becca
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Sylvia - Good going on the stain! It really can work to be persistent. :flowerforyou: I am still chasing up the very posh bottle of olive oil I ordered before Christmas. This time they are going to send it tracked. It's gone missing twice. :noway: My step daughter didn't get a present from me. :'( The even more beautiful one I sent her first also didn't arrive. :sad:

    Dozed off for 20 mins this evening so I think sleep will be delayed. Drat! I've had some camomile tea, but those inadvertent naps mess up my sleep.

    I made DH eat up the incredibly delicious biscuits we got for Christmas from my brother. I NEVER eat biscuits, but these were just fabulous - from the best shop in Paris. I had ONE and was terrified I would eat more. He finished them off for me. :D<3 Luckily he is skinny. :laugh:

    I will make him an Allbran cake tomorrow. :love:
    I did my wardrobe and threw a couple of pairs of shoes away and a couple of cardigans. Ought really to get rid of more shoes, but at least I have a bit of space now. One gorgeous red pair I bought in Seville are going to the charity shop. Look fabulous, but sooooooo uncomfortable. Breaks my heart - shiny red patent. <3

    My Korean film was excellent. "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ......and Spring." Highly recommend it. Very good reviews on Amazon.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sylvia- yay! Computer bag looks awesome as well.

    Terri - I can also taste the eardrops brings back horrible memories when I was little!

    I will never go to that vet clinic ever again! I was dissatisfied last time with the lack of compassion from the brown haired lady that took care of my puppy prior to the vet check. This time she was worse. The lady that was going to give her the shot asked her ( brown haired lady)to bring some peanut butter and instead she came in grabbed my puppy by his head and his front legs and just held him didn't even say hi to him or anything. When I was checking out she (Brownhaired lady) was on the computer and another lady there asked if she could hold my puppy from behind the desk and I let her. She was very kind to him and he was happy to be in her arms. Then the lady ( Brown haired lady ) that was checking me out stood up to her and to the other lady and said here let me have him. The lady said oh you want to give him some love to? NO, she grabs him from her holding him with her hands under his front legs from his back side dangling him in the air and literally throws him across the desk at me and says here is your puppy! I was shocked and almost in tears and left.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • ladyliberty05
    ladyliberty05 Posts: 6 Member
    Happy New Year, some are calling it the sweet 16. My goal is to maintain good health & weight by continuing my exercise routine of 5 days a week, keeping track of my food intake using MFP app. In addition, stay focus at work start back using my daily commitment chart and Franklin Covey day planner.
  • ladyliberty05
    ladyliberty05 Posts: 6 Member
    Happy New Year, some are calling it the sweet 16. My goal is to maintain good health & weight by continuing my exercise routine of 5 days a week, keeping track of my food intake using MFP app. In addition, stay focus at work start back using my daily commitment chart and Franklin Covey day planner.
  • ladyliberty05
    ladyliberty05 Posts: 6 Member
    Happy New Year, some are calling it the sweet 16. My goal is to maintain good health & weight by continuing my exercise routine of 5 days a week, keeping track of my food intake using MFP app. In addition, stay focus at work start back using my daily commitment chart and Franklin Covey day planner.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Thank you Marise.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Oh my gosh Mary, I would have gone totally ballistic on brown haired girl! She does not need to be working with animals or humans for that matter. I would call your vet and speak to her/him and tell them what she did, tell them you will not be coming back as long as she is there! The vet I have for Noel is wonderful, as is everyone who works there, we've been there for over 10 years and I highly recommend them! When you mess with my dog, you're messing with a part of my family and believe me one thing I do is take care of my family. I would have demanded to see someone in charge right then, brown haired b*#%* would have gotten an earful from me! I'm so sorry you and Shep had to deal with someone like her, my blood started boiling when I read your post. I wish you the best of luck in finding a good vet with a good staff!

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I totally agree with Dee. You need to talk to the vet!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Stats for the day:
    spin- 48min 85r 110w 155mhr, 12-14g, 20.1mi
    Physical therapy session- 45min, various- 50c est.
    Total cal 490
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Mary, ditto from me.....talk the vet about the unprofessional "brown haired lady"....give the vet a chance to make things right.
  • KittyinVic
    KittyinVic Posts: 2 Member
    Hi from Katherine in Australia. I am 51 years old and want to lose weight and become fitter. It's nice to meet you all.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I bought our PowerBall ticket. Our numbers are : 10, 16, 29, 38, 63, Powerball # is 19. Everyone keep your fingers, toes, etc. for a win.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    :)Linda from IA, I gave up coffee when I started on my weight loss journey with MFP....I noticed that when I drank coffee, I liked it with non-fat hazelnut creamer....when I gave up the creamer, the coffee didn't taste all that great, so I cut my coffee intake back a little each day until I was drinking none at all and I haven't had coffee since then. One benefit is that I can start my day immediately without having to wait around until I drink my coffee and I take my dogs for a walk in the morning and I can walk a lot longer if I haven't started my day with all that liquid.

    <3 Barbie