

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mary - The Vet assistant stories just horrify me. I would definitely call and speak to someone, or file a formal complaint in the form of a certified letter. That woman should NOT be working around people or animals. Hugs and Prayers for you and puppy ! ! !
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    I bought our PowerBall ticket. Our numbers are : 10, 16, 29, 38, 63, Powerball # is 19. Everyone keep your fingers, toes, etc. for a win.

    gonna share if you win POR FAVOR???? :O)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I found this decluttering/organizing program.

    Here is her January calendar:

    Sign up with your email and you will get all the calendars and the year week-by-week as a downloadable PDF.

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    The holidays and my vacation are now a distant memory :( , I slid into some overeating and the scale, surprisingly inched up (imagine my surprise! :o )
    DH and I really did have a wonderful time reconnecting ;) , but it is time for a swift boot from somebody and for me to get back to plan it, log it, eat it and that is all.
    On the plus side, I did continue my exercise and even though the scale inched upwards, my b.p. continues to improve. woohoo. So somebody send me a boot!!
    Karen from NY
  • grancran
    grancran Posts: 19 Member
    Im 55 , 56 come the summer. My goal is to get healthy this year....not that im not un healthy. Im just overweight, so I guess some would say that is unhealthy. I do have a weight loss goal, I need to loose 80 lbs. going to do it this year. Yes, like many I have dieted for the past 30 years. loose weight and put it back on and loose it again. boy im tired of doing that. I just love seeing oprahs commercial for weight watchers on tv every morning. it gives me such inspiration it usualy makes me cry. no im not on weight watchers. I have cut my calories to 1200 a day. enough to feed me but sometimes it doesn't seem like much. I wish everyone good health this year and lets make good choices.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Just a brief check in. Spent all day in a low backed chair at a vendor meeting and that really did a number on my back. On the plus side it was not one of those meetings that had pastries and junk food.
    That is one real horror story about the vet, Mary!
    Still not able to keep below 1200 but am only a little over.
    Welcome new people!
    Betty near Rochester
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Nice tree - were those buoys that they connect to lobster traps?

    Loved the computer bag; not only will it keep DH from picking it up by mistake; would make it easier to identify if someone else does.

    I've learned that, at least, when I am sending something, I always get it 'tracking'; but, you don't have any control unless you ask for it when you order it. I'm now having an issue with 4 necklace I purchased through groupon.com at a greatly reduced price; but, it is supposed to come from monogamhub.com and there is an issue on whether or not I 'ordered' it. Showed up on my credit card bill for the greatly reduced price from groupon. I sent the information to both of them with all the attachments. I told them that I expected a timely response. I know it will take longer than I want for them to get here; I just want them to get here! I won't pay for them twice. All credit card information, other than the necessary parts were redacted. None of that was their business and would not expedite it anyway. I had had someone charge $144+ on it on 12/2416 (a company from Beijing, CH. I don't ever order or buy anything on 12/24, don't drive into town either. It's my DMGD's birthday and she and her sister go into town to see a movie. DMGD did not tell DOGD that she had seen the movie twice already (after the fact. DOGD was pretty upset with her; but, DMGS said that she knew DOGD wanted to see the movie They met Darth Vardar and one of the soldiers at the theater.

    Did the right thing going over the retailer's head and directly to the manufacturer. Somebody must be watching you house if you are having packages taken. We're lucky in that we live out in the country and nobody can drive down our driveway past one point where we are able to see them before they get to the house. My Daddy used to tell us that when trying to settle a problem, go to the source of the problem (company or clerk) and begin there; the 2nd time you have a problem or am not satisfied with their answer/resolution ... go RIGHT to the TOP and let it trickle down. If the CEO or President or Manager finds out that a customer is 'unhappy' about something they will go out of their way (usually) to rectify the problem (quite often sending the correct one; and also telling you to keep the wrong one).

    Where did the man from Hawaii move to that will make him 'think' twice about moving away from Hawaii? My children's' Godparents were stationed in Hawaii for several years (5 or 6). Had 5 children; 2 of them born there. Was high up in the military, don't know if they had base housing or rented a place. Had a huge house in Altamont Springs; and, when youngest daughter got married and they were getting up in age; they built an attached portion to the kitchen (which is shared) and a bedroom and sitting area and bath and signed the mortgage and deed over t the daughter. Cheaper than having to find an Assisted Living Facility and daughter is a 'stay-at-home' Mom.

    LOL! The 'face pace' ... 'fast pace' ... I can think of another that I used to do 'face plant' when walking ... could not pick up my left leg when I was heavier. DH has noticed that I move better. Maybe in the Spring we can then walk together down to the bridge

    OK, I tried the 2 programs; and cutting and pasting and that was not very easy; so unless I can remember who said it; or if it was on this last page of postings - I usually don't address the person personally. Easier to remember what I want to say rather than who said it. Maybe it will be read.

    So long, until we meet again. <3o:)B)
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    I bought our PowerBall ticket. Our numbers are : 10, 16, 29, 38, 63, Powerball # is 19. Everyone keep your fingers, toes, etc. for a win.

    I bought a ticket too. Good luck o:)

    ❤️ Rosie in rainy So Cal
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    We bought a couple of tickets too. We will 'share' if we win - with family, charities, and probably even a few friends; will ONLY give the government what they are due to get. LOL! And that would be a LOT. Maybe we could deposit it into an off-shore account and let them try to find us. HA! HA!

    Tried to make a couple of remarks; and 'edit' my previous post; but, my cursor was going incredibly slow; so I finally just logged out and logged back in. Now it isn't doing it so bad. I find this to be a problem on this site more than anything else - although it does occur in other applications. I've sent this laptop back already once; and, had them (HP) remotely access it to 'fix' it; did not last very long. So irritating and it is only in warranty for another 4 or 5 months. I don't have the time to contact them for service and my regular technicians don't think it is software; they think it is the actual keyboard. Doesn't seem to matter where I hit the keys. I am an accomplished typist since HS (and work as a secretary). So I know that I have my fingers on the 'home keys'.

    I'd be very upset if Cracker got treated that way; and, I would have asked to see the vet right then and complained and tell him/her that I would NOT be back so long as she still worked there. My vet and their help are wonderful. They think Cracker is so cute; they just don't know how 'bad' she is. This afternoon she went out and when she came in and got in her bed; I looked at her and realized that she had been 'running' with the 'bad dawgs' down at my DOS's house and through the mud hole. She would not tolerate a washcloth and when I realized how dirty she was ... back to the tub again, for her. Got a cup of dirt (red clay sand) Now she is asleep in the bed. DH still says she 'stinks'. He is doing his best to make her an outside dog; but, she won't hear of it. She'd scratch the door down. He told me that she was chewing on the furniture; checked every leg and told him that there were no chew marks. Today, after her 'real' bath; she went outside to do her business. I don't know what she got into; or if it was over several times being out; but, she threw up. It had little pieces of wood; like those that fall off a log for the fireplace. She is bad about putting things in her mouth. One more toy hit the garbage can from chewing the stuffing out. So I have ordered a couple that do not have stuffing in them; but, they still have sound that squeaks.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,766 Member
    Mary! Poor Shep! I agree with the other advice.

    Terri ... Good luck! Rosie ... You too!

    Cheri ... That's the program I follow for decluttering ... Very effective and easy to do!

    I'm staying on track but very hungry today! Waiting to eat my yogurt and then off to bed!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Love the new computer bag & I'm pleased you like the new person in your studio. :flowerforyou:

    I went to the doctor & he confirmed the wrist crack, but did't put me in a cast. YAY! I got a wrist brace instead that I can take off to shower and I have use of all of my fingers. Unfortunately, no riding this week. He'll check it again next week and we'll see. I am a lot more comfortable, and that is a big plus. I am not sure about yoga. I may give it a try Friday.

    Katla with use of all 10 fingers. :bigsmile:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Mary, that woman needs to be slapped. Or treated the same way she treated that precious puppy. If the vet keeps her on then that behavior is being approved of, and you need a different vet. I had a trainer be mean
    to my puppy (Molly) one time - JUST ONE - and it totally changed her personality. After 9 years she still isn't the happy friendly puppy she was before that happened.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi guys, Is it possible I haven't been here in two days? Where does the time go? Sounds like there are all sorts of things going on here but no way can I comment on 208 posts. I did see where the puppy trainer was mean? I'm with Sylvia...slap her. And find a new trainer. AND find a new vet and tell the one you have why. OK enough of my soapbox. Sorry.

    I'll check in again tomorrow. Take care, Meg from Omaha where it is sleeting now.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I thought I wasn't going to drive in more than 2 inches of snow this winter..... WELL ... I got caught at work -120 kms from home - and 4 inches of snow!!! Long trip home, thank goodness I do not have to work tomorrow.

    Pip - I love your puppies!!

    Welcome all the new people.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan - where we are getting our first big snow storm of the winter!! Yippie :(
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    Thx lilymay!
    Jan 4 1985 is the day that we found my my late husband was HIV positive, wow. Nite peeps
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Cheri ... That's the program I follow for decluttering ... Very effective and easy to do!
    I'm staying on track but very hungry today! Waiting to eat my yogurt and then off to bed!

    Good to have a recommendation on the program. It looks simple enough. Not a huge organizational mess in my home but I thought it would give me pause for a few minutes each day to tackle an area I might not look through on a regular basis and therefore "allow" me to get rid of unneeded items. Since we are on the cusp of a move anyways this seems like it would be helpful.

    I also stayed on track today. I'M HUNGRY! Had my cottage cheese and fruit and heading to bed so I won't go back in the kitchen. :)

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Robin, good for you on cutting out sugar. I think the longer it goes the easier it will get…..at least I hope so. Keep up the good work.

    Katla, I know you will be so happy to get out of that temp cast! It will seem like tons of mobility with that hand, no matter how far they go with it.

    Connie, welcome to a great place for support and information. Please tell us a little about yourself to help us get to know you. We also request that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Sylvia, I love it!!! I’ll gladly help ya cause all the trouble you want. smiley-devil17.gif

    CarolNC, I know I used to work long days like that but just hearing it now makes me tired. smiley-sleep006.gif

    Mary, don’t feel bad that Caesar’s teaching methods didn’t work for you. Remember he is the “Dog Whisperer” and we never know what he whispers to them.

    Jennifer, good start. Most of us think that if we average our intake for the week we are doing great. There will be days where you go over and occasionally “way over” but that’s just life. Keep up the good work.

    MicheleNC, I don’t know how you do it with baking goodies for Vince. DH does still buy things for treats but I can resist store bought stuff a lot easier than homemade. smiley-eatdrink015.gif

    Joyce, great pictures. I do want to see the new armoire when you have a chance. You are braver than I am in teaching Charlie all that on his new phone. My DH does good to talk and retrieve voice mails. He doesn’t want to know how to text and that suites me fine. Lol

    Kay, I get picky too when it comes to things like a water bottle. You want to get what you want! And I can’t believe the prices of some of them. Good grief. I hope you find exactly what you want. I think the one I use most often is only about 14 oz but I just refill it all through my workout.

    Heather, that is terrible about your DH’s aunt. Does she have any help? Are you going to be able to arrange a short get together with your difficult friend at some point or are you planning on not seeing her again at all? Good Girl for writing some. Every word gets you closer to the end.

    Kimses, you might have a point about “needing” to practice some patience. (((Hugs)))

    Margaret, so glad you are working with a good class. That has to make such a difference.

    Beth, it’s nice that you can still see the fruits of your labors last year. I find that some things I can keep organized better than others.

    Lisa, glad the interview went well. Did they say when they would be making a decision?

    Sylvia, does that just melt your heart when your DGD says thing like that? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh <3

    MaryGrace, we are all rooting for you on reaching your goal this year. Yes, sometimes we get in our own way but just have to start again if we go astray. Good luck!!!

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a good day today. I did a little more cardio than usual. Made new bran muffins and a Spinach Feta Pie. I haven't had one of those in a while. It was cold for SC and never got out of the 40's. Tomorrow I think we start warming gradually. I had to go out to a meeting at 5:00 and would have preferred to stay in my warm house.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Sylvia- yay! Computer bag looks awesome as well.

    Terri - I can also taste the eardrops brings back horrible memories when I was little!

    I will never go to that vet clinic ever again! I was dissatisfied last time with the lack of compassion from the brown haired lady that took care of my puppy prior to the vet check. This time she was worse. The lady that was going to give her the shot asked her ( brown haired lady)to bring some peanut butter and instead she came in grabbed my puppy by his head and his front legs and just held him didn't even say hi to him or anything. When I was checking out she (Brownhaired lady) was on the computer and another lady there asked if she could hold my puppy from behind the desk and I let her. She was very kind to him and he was happy to be in her arms. Then the lady ( Brown haired lady ) that was checking me out stood up to her and to the other lady and said here let me have him. The lady said oh you want to give him some love to? NO, she grabs him from her holding him with her hands under his front legs from his back side dangling him in the air and literally throws him across the desk at me and says here is your puppy! I was shocked and almost in tears and left.


    Mary from Minnesota

    Sorry I would have lit into her, u have no idea along with letting her boss know your experience
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi gals,

    Lisa – glad the interview went well! Isn’t it funny what people are amazed at?

    Allie – when you know what you want, look on amazon and ebay.

    Mary – What a horrid experience!!! You need to report her to someone! Pip who would she report the brown haired b1tch too? Later – the Vet is an ok idea but I think someone outside of the office… the Offical office of Vet receptionists? Grr I wish you lived closer I have a great vet!!!!

    Today was a play day, my god daughter, god son and I went to the beach for lunch – it is about 40 minutes from their house. It was nice, ate a bit too much but made up for it at the other meals. She leaves Sat. to go back to school. And my God son has made a huge decision – he graduated in June with his BA and has been living at home doing nothing much, so he is going to job hunt! He seemed to be of the opinion that a 80K job in his field with flex hours was just going to appear without applying, looking or anything… and his folks were going along with the fantasy… they are all too smart for that silliness. So job hunting it will be! I expect it will be harder than he thinks, but we shall see – he is a kid that stuff comes easy to.

    I walked this morning when I left it was a break in the rain, by the time I got home it was a downpour. I also went to Yoga this afternoon this afternoon… I have a picture of me in my rain gear, I have to get it from my phone to the computer…

    Kim from N. California