

  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    Joyce – lovely Christmas pics. Looks like a setting for great family times! Glad to hear you’re please with your new jewelry armoire.

    Sylvia – love your computer bag. So much more fun than the standard black!

    Katla – glad to hear you didn’t get a cast and have use of all 10 fingers! Great news! Wishing you fast healing.

    Mary – so sorry to hear your puppy was mistreated! If that’s how she treats animals, it’s a mystery how she can keep her job. I agree with others; the vet should be made aware of her behavior.

    DH made a delicious supper tonight with ground turkey and tons of vegies. Enjoyed every bite and ate a generous sized serving, but now I’m hungry again. How can that be? :grumble: Going to finish today’s bookkeeping and head to bed – hopefully before I let myself eat more.

    Take care!

    January Goals:
    • Log every bite
    • Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily
    • Walk 30 minutes a minimum of 3 times a week; (I know this is small, but currently I rarely do any exercise)
    • Eliminate/drastically reduce alcohol (thank you Katla for inspiring this one)
    • Complete paperwork for MED Internship (will involve limiting wasted time on mindless computer games)

    Joyce in SD (still faceless since I can’t get my picture to post)

    Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »

    Thanks for that. It made me realize I have a good life indeed.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Sylvia - I love the new computer bag. Too bad I don't need a new one.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    edited January 2016
    grancran wrote: »
    Im 55 , 56 come the summer. My goal is to get healthy this year....not that im not un healthy. Im just overweight, so I guess some would say that is unhealthy. I do have a weight loss goal, I need to loose 80 lbs. going to do it this year. Yes, like many I have dieted for the past 30 years. loose weight and put it back on and loose it again. boy im tired of doing that. I just love seeing oprahs commercial for weight watchers on tv every morning. it gives me such inspiration it usualy makes me cry. no im not on weight watchers. I have cut my calories to 1200 a day. enough to feed me but sometimes it doesn't seem like much. I wish everyone good health this year and lets make good choices.

    U can do this. I am 56 now and had been at my heaviest 198lbs, and am 5'5" too. Take your time, don't go on a "diet" go on a lifestyle change. I have lost my weight a few years ago and have been and stayed at my goal weight or under it for awhile. 1200 calories a day is good. If u don't exercise now, at least walk, other forms of movement will come. Get a scale, weigh your food. It will b a pain in the buttocks in the beginning but u will learn a lot. Drink a lot of water, or at least try to. We r here for u
  • bday1216
    bday1216 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 54 as of Dec 16. I have lost 70 lbs thanks to vertical gastric sleeve surgery last summer. I still have about 50 lbs to go. I am glad to see their is a group my age here
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Mary/MN - Ugh on that girl at your vet.

    Terri, Rosie et al - good luck on the lottery. Hope you win and can share with all of us on this thread. I forgot to buy my ticket. :(

    Barbie - thanks for reposting the quote and for the advice on giving up caffeine.

    Night all

    Linda / IA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member

    this is my god daughter and I - check out my hair if you look closely by my ears you can see a hint of teal - my hairdresser dyed the under neath teal. :p
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks everyone for your response to what happened to Shep. I was in shock at the time. After I wrote to you wonderful ladies I did call to talk to the vet. Brown haired lady answered and said vet went home. My plan is to go back with DH tomorrow and talk to the vet and confront the brown haired lady as well as the two other ladies that witnessed her treatment of my puppy. I won't let her touch him again. Nor will I bring him there again. If she treats my puppy like that she must be doing it to others.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Terri - Fingers and toes are crossed!

    Kim - you two look fantastic! Love the teal!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Wish you were closer, our vet comes to the house. The animals love him n the cats have no car stress. Can't believe this woman, can't believe the vet would have a employee that would mistreat animals. Is she a family member. Like his wife?? Gayle Minneapolis
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    Wish you were closer, our vet comes to the house. The animals love him n the cats have no car stress. Can't believe this woman, can't believe the vet would have a employee that would mistreat animals. Is she a family member. Like his wife?? Gayle Minneapolis

    My DH and I think she looks like his daughter.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited January 2016
    Mary, I agree with everyone else. An animal has to be treated so special and all employees who are going to have any contact with an animal needs to have that special touch. We had a cat that would not allow any human to be close to her except Charlie and I. But she was a jewel at the vet. Sounds like you have a plan for tomorrow.

    Pip, how do you get your dogs to always look so calm and peaceful?

    Charlie had his 6 month appointment with one of his cardiologists and everything was fine. I have my physical tomorrow. He has never gone with me to any doctor but asked if I wanted him to go tomorrow. He said he thinks I am beginning to have enough problems that I need some support. I am generally OK. The only time I ever wanted him to be with me was the first time the neurologist saw me in the hospital to give me her diagnosis after all tests were done. He made a point to leave then. He has never even met her and I have been seeing her since 1999. I have my list made out of things I want to talk about.

    Charlie is about done with his new pone and wants me to give IT to Christina and him keep his old one that is not a smart phone. I have tried to teach him how to text, it is so simple on this phone. But he says it is to big for his pocket. And I agree, it is bigger than his old one. That old flip phone is small. So I am waiting on his final decision. If he does give the new one away, she is getting a nice phone for the cheap phones. It is an 8mp phone and the pictures are real nice. The case I bought him is more masculine but it is made to sit and you can watch something streaming.

    I 'started' to do some decluttering today and Charlie wanted to go to Walmart. There was nothing I needed there but I realize that he is getting less confident in going out especially if he thinks he is going to soil himself. So I went and then it was time for supper and choir practice for me and Karaoke for him. This was the first choir practice since our Cantata and our folders were all filled with brand new music. I love the feel of brand new music! Such potential. Plus as the low altos many times she has us sing with the tenors to give them support when their part is pretty high. So she sometimes pus us on the 2nd row so we are right in front of them. But may times she doesn't. So when choir resumed tonight we are now on the second row. Makes sense. Our pastor and best tenor is starting going for his doctorate this week. It is a program for ministers that allows them to spend most of the week in their home church and just commute for Thursday and Friday. There are a couple of Wednesdays he has to be there though.

    OK, I will try to put up pics of my armoire. I mainly have necklaces, a couple of bracelets. I used to have earrings but those have all gone by the wayside. I still have a jewelry box that has some old mementos in it like bowling awards, high school choir awards, my watch that was my Great Grandma's, a watch that was given to me for high school graduation that no longer works but does have two diamonds in it. Just things like that. So I have rings, bracelets and necklaces in the armoire.

    Woops didn't work. Try again

    HMMM, says not allowed. this is the same way I did it yesterday
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Kim - loving the teal! You two look so happy and could be mum and daughter. <3 Beautiful spot.

    Heather UK
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies
    4 days in a row of logging my food! Yipee!
    Thanks for inspiring me with all you do. I saw how much i was overeating, getting a hold on that. In fact just got reprimanded by mfp for not eating enough!
    Anamika from Mumbai!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: Add me to the list of people who love the teal--and your smile. :bigsmile: I agree that you and your God Daughter could be relatives--mother & daughter or auntie & niece. :heart:

    Mary: The vet needs to hear from you even if the mean assistant is his daughter. I'm glad you've decided to express your complaint. Even though you're planning on going to a different vet, you will be doing good things for all the other clients. :flowerforyou:

    It is 3:30am where I live, and I'm up because it was too uncomfortable to sleep. I'll probably read for a while. Today I hope to get my Terra-Tryke off of the trailer and onto the trainer so that I can ride it in "the comfort" of my garage and burn off some frustrated energy. I don't want to use the spin bikes at the gym just now. I want to sit in the comfort of my own garage, read a good book, and pedal like crazy. I can do this and put no pressure on the wrist at all.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    good morning ladies!
    I am starving... after all the junk I have eaten I didnt eat dinner,and I am going to a CVS minute clinic to have some fasting blood work donr, but they dont open until 8:30 ;0.
    Have to drop Chester at the groomers,and then go feed my DFIL , then the blood work, then home...
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning all. I will get to burn a few calories shoveling snow this morning. Nice soft snow - 5 inches..... :)

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((Mary and Shep)))

    Kim ~ you and your god daughter look so happy. It must be nice to live so close to the ocean.

    Sylvia ~ so glad you stood your ground and got your clay straightened out. I recently had a piece of jewelry sold on eBay to China and she didn't get it. eBay said that tracking beyond the US border for 1st Class Int. could not be done and I had to refund her money and lose the Christian Dior pin. I was so frustrated talking to the rep that I was in tears.

    Pip ~ your pics are so lovely. Do you take these with your phone or a camera?

    Went to see my mom yesterday! Was able to get her into the car (wheelchair in trunk) and took her to Macon for a steak lunch. I was proud of myself because I only had the house salad with lite dressing. Anyway, it was the first time in a while that she was not crying so that made the visit better.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    morning peeps -

    jmkmomm- training since puppy is how i got them to sit for me. started out way back then.

    peach1948- take the pics from my iphone.

    type to ya later.