The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Congrats @runner_girl83 on another 5k PR!

    I'll be setting out on my 4 mile tempo run in a couple hours and I'm hoping to bust up my 5k PR based on recent paces/intervals. Looks like it will be 38 degrees and raining. Amazingly enough, I think this is the first time I've run in the rain in the 30's. Hope my choice in clothing is correct. Should be interesting!

    How did you go?? :smile:
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/01 - 10 miles
    02/01 - 10.4 km
    03/01 - 10.4 km
    04/01 - 10.3 km
    05/01 - 12.5 km
    06/01 - 12.5 km
    07/01 - 10.6 km

    tot 82/500 km

    good run this morning

    had no idea it was going to rain when I wrote the last post yesterday, and off rained! heavy rain and strong wind, not really ideal for someone that needs to recover, but we are not sissies and we get out there, right?

    foot almost sorted, hip was much better, still painful sometimes but had pain free moments as well, such a good feeling to be able to run without feeling something wrong

    being ups and downs all week, so I expect tomorrow will be annoying. but I'm not going to push it, my goal is a HM on Sunday, but only if I'm ok
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited January 2016
    shanaber wrote: »
    I hate it when I lose data or it doesn't get recorded at all! I am pretty much a geek and love all the numbers so I enter it every day in a spreadsheet and have them going back to when I started running :)
    I sync my Garmin after every run because I don't want to lose any data. I have a notebook where I log every run in by hand and make little notes about the run. I have every mile logged since I started running four and half years ago (about 6,200 so far). I also have a separate notebook where I keep track of my weekly and monthly totals, along with my training programs. And I also keep a log for every mile I put on each pair of shoes I have so I can see which ones hold up the best.... I have a pair of New Balance MR00s with 850 miles on them... they are essentially rags at this point, but I can't part with them. One benefit to running in minimalist shoes, there is no padding to begin with so they seem to actually get better with age. Like me.
    I do the same - just on my PC because it is easier to play with all the statistics and chart things over time... I track daily miles, pace, HR (Avg, Max, Min), weight, steps, which shoes, training plan for the day and notes about the run as well. I also summarize by month and year. I have also found that the minimal shoes seem to last longer and I figured it had to be because there wasn't any or much padding to wear out. We are definitely getting better with age!

    @5BeautifulDays - I am running another HM 2 weeks after my next one... So no I don't think it is crazy. I would typically get in a long run by then so why not make it a fun HM? I doubt if I will PR on the 2nd one but it will still be fun.
    @Calli1616 - No rain for my run but it kept threatening when I was out. Perfect running weather!
    @baldielove13 - Good to see you back! You will reach that 100 miles again!!
    @instantmartian - that is hilarious! I bet your boyfriend was startled by it and has never let you forget it!
    @virkati - please take care of yourself!
    @lporter229 - glad you are back! You can always hang out with us here even if you aren't running. I hope you kick that infection quickly!

    On the swearing discussion - like @skippygirlsmom, I too can swear like a sailor. I had two older brothers and am married to an ex-sailor :). I try not to swear when I am running, I usually am singing anyways and I try to avoid those words in the songs so I don't offend any unsuspecting walkers, or people with small children, its enough to startle them with my singing as it is :blush:
    @skippygirlsmom Those races are so late! I never did track but all my friends who did would get home at 11 pm from a meet that started at, like, 4. They loathed it. My dad is trying to convince my brother not to do track this spring because he hates going to the meets because they take so long, just to watch my brother run for about 2-7 minutes, depending on the race!
    My daughter was a swimmer and her meets would go all day Saturday and Sunday usually 6-6 with warmups, etc. and she would have maybe 4 events per day. We did a lot of volunteering and a lot of sitting around!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    I do a lot of my miles running along country roads... no sidewalks... and I am constantly making adjustments for road camber in order to avoid running injuries. This often entails me running with my back to traffic which can be a little nerve-wracking... but I find if I keep the miles fairly evenly divided between running against traffic and with traffic, I avoid those hip and knee issues that crop up from running exclusively facing traffic. And as you can see from the picture, the shoulders here are virtually non-existent, so many times I find myself just running in the lane...which means I never run with headphones... and am on perpetual high alert to take evasive action. I don't encounter that many vehicles (mostly pick-ups), but the ones I do seem to have no concept of speed limits or painted lines...


    I think the most shocking thing about this picture is that they bothered to paint (and repaint) the white line that designates the "shoulder." On the roads like that near my parents' house they just didn't bother with the outside lines at all. I guess when the road is so narrow that the only way to stay on it is for your driver's side tires to sit on the yellow center line, you don't really need the white line to tell you where the edge is...

    That is insane!!! Wow!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    This video is to welcome all our friends here (some I have not formally met yet) from Australia... Xavier Rudd is an awesome artist from "Down Under" and one of my all-time favorites so when I have a five or six hour trail run ahead of me , many times I pull up my Xavier playlist on my iPod and drift away for the day...

    Xav rocks!! Have seen him live many times :smiley: Good to know he's getting a name for himself o/s too!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited January 2016
    This video is to welcome all our friends here (some I have not formally met yet) from Australia... Xavier Rudd is an awesome artist from "Down Under" and one of my all-time favorites so when I have a five or six hour trail run ahead of me , many times I pull up my Xavier playlist on my iPod and drift away for the day...

    This is still my favorite band from "Down Under" ....and they're 80's.

    EDITED: Actually AC-DC I just realized is also originally Austrailian. So maybe they are my favorite. But hey, MAW keeps up with the 80's theme.
    EDITED ONE MORE TIME: I like INXS and Midnight Oil as well and both are also 80's. :-)
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    @runner_girl83 Congrats on the 5K pr! I am insanely jealous and tempted to try a sub-30 tomorrow just to see if I can do it (I also need to weight train, so we'll see...).

    Oh...a question! Would I be nuts to sign up for a 10-miler 2 weeks after my half? If I don't do that, there's a 5K 3 weeks after I'm going to sign up for.

    Did you do it? :smiley: I didn't mean to have a fast run yesterday .... I am meant to be running a virtual 10k tomorrow which I hope won't be too impacted by yesterday's faster run :lol: but I'm really happy I decided to go for the run and smash the sub 30 min!

    I say do the 10-miler! Thats about 16km.. That's a great distance! I am going to be doing similar things this year.. I feel a little cray-cray :grimace: but if I know if the HM's are too much I can always do a 10km instead.. If all else fails!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    I swear mostly to myself, and all the time in my head, but a loud one slips out of my mouth every now and then. You can ask my boyfriend about the time he was cheering me on near the finish line of a very windy and cold 15K last spring, and I accidentally flipped him off. I honestly intended to give him a very sarcastic thumbs up, but my brain decided to do otherwise without my knowledge. Oops.

    hahaha This is gold! Far out you guys crack me up! :lol: Would have loved to see everyone's response on the sideline!

  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited January 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    how many people here do swear loudly when running? :D
    What the eff you talking about? Lol... I exercise the full limits/depths of my potty mouth on most of my runs... most of it centers on MF-ing myself for being such a pu$$y...


    I haven't done this in a while but I did all the time used to cry out "SOB!" Not the actual acronym but what the acronym meant. lol

    There were also a few cries to Jesus even tho I didn't actually want to communicate to Him at the time.

    When I had my fall it was like slow motion and the words "aaaahhhhh s***!!!!" really loud and really angry :smirk: Only to look up from the ground and see a bunch of kids walking with their parents along the path behind me..oops!! and then scampering madly trying to pause my run on the app on my phone which was a good few feet from where i had landed on my side lol
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    I found it. LOL It was actually the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon (HM).
    Too funny!!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited January 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    Actually AC-DC I just realized is also originally Austrailian. So maybe they are my favorite. But hey, MAW keeps up with the 80's theme.
    I like INXS and Midnight Oil as well and both are also 80's. :-)

    Please no "Down Under" in here... We are sick of it lol INXS, Acca Dacca (AC/DC) and The Oils are fine though and Noiseworks and Cold Chisel.. but not Ice House.. I never liked them lol :wink:

    Mental As Anything are another good band from the 80's too! Gotta love the 80's in this filmclip.. They filmed a typical Aussie street! :smile:
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats @runner_girl83 on another 5k PR!

    I'll be setting out on my 4 mile tempo run in a couple hours and I'm hoping to bust up my 5k PR based on recent paces/intervals. Looks like it will be 38 degrees and raining. Amazingly enough, I think this is the first time I've run in the rain in the 30's. Hope my choice in clothing is correct. Should be interesting!

    How did you go?? :smile:
    No PR. Was struggling to run at the required pace and felt some foot pain 2.25 miles in which made me slow down. As for the weather though, no problems at all with that. Didn't feel any worse with long shirt and leggings than rain in the spring/fall.
  • SamColl72
    SamColl72 Posts: 5 Member
    5.5miles on club hill training tonight, so 13.5 miles so far this month, another 66.5 miles to go
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    No PR. Was struggling to run at the required pace and felt some foot pain 2.25 miles in which made me slow down. As for the weather though, no problems at all with that. Didn't feel any worse with long shirt and leggings than rain in the spring/fall.

    There's plenty of time.. And at least you know what you wore worked well for the weather too! :smile: Always next time!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @Virkati -Bummer. Hope you feel better too!! This is the pits!!!
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited January 2016
    @snha - Like @5BeautifulDays I can't tell when my shoes are worn from just looking at them. I was actually comparing a pair with 350 miles that I suspect gave me some mild issues last week with a pair with just over 250 miles, and a newer pair with less than 50 miles. They pretty much all looked the same to me. It's not the first time I've compared older pair that start giving me trouble and every time it's the same result. They still look fairly new on the bottom. Now the toe box on the other hand, there you can see a really big difference!

    I did not notice this one. Thanks @WhatMeRunning I see what you mean. I will have to look at my shoes when I get back home.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited January 2016
    I usually try to run towards the traffic, and rather switch the direction of my course (i.e., once "clockwise", next day "counter-clockwise") than run on the wrong side. Despite of my bright neon running clothes and blinking LEDs, I once nearly twisted my ankle when I had to jump out of the way of a car at the last moment - I prefer to see them coming as long in advance as possible, especially when it's dark...
    Although there are the occasional streches of road which have a shoulder on one side, and a high wall right at the edge of the lane on the other. Then I stick with the wrong-side-shoulder over running on the street.

    @runner_girl83 – Wow, super-great 5k time. Congrats on the sub-30!!

    @baldielove13 Welcome to this month challenge! If you are already at 28 miles, surely you'll hit your 100mi goal this month.

    @snha @5BeautifulDays @WhatMeRunning Now you put some dangerous ideas into my head - I think my 564km-Sauconys have earned a gradual phase-out into retirement. They are probably all kinds of worn out and I just can't see it... So that means I'll have to buy new shoes tomorrow, right?

    @instantmartian Made me laugh out loud - especially the fact that you did it purely "accidentally".

    @shanaber Avoiding offensive words while singing along actually sounds like a good idea - I should have thought of that sooner :-P Just a couple of days ago I had just copied a Gloryhammer-CD that I got for Christimas onto my phone, and was happily singing along to the first song when I had to stop at a road crossing. I was at "fireballs and lightning are raining from the sky, chaos and bloodshed while all the people die..." when I realised the cyclist who had stopped next to me at the traffic light looked at me like I might be some deranged serial killer.
    Almost as good as @Elise4270 's songs about murder and drugs, I guess :-P

    @KatEmmaMarie Two years ago, I bought a (cheap and super-heavy) headlamp and hated it. I returned it and went back to running with small flashlight in my hand, or sometimes just the flashlight app on my phone (for poorly lit streets the phone is enough, if I'm running somewhere where it will be completely dark I take the flashligh). Because I'm always worried about being seen by cars, I wear either a neon-yellow reflective vest, or or my white-orange running jacket. The jacket I usually combine with a really bright strobe light; the vest doesn't have a good place to clip that, so if I'm running with the vest (or just a shirt in summer nights) I have a thing to clip to my shoe (like that).
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    @lporter229 .... I thought you ditched me... :-(
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @lporter229 .... I thought you ditched me... :-(

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited January 2016
    Whew, now that I've finally caught up with the tread, I nearly forgot I intended to post my runs this week so far when I came to the forums tonight... ;-)

    - 04.01.2016 5.3 km at 7:44min/km
    - 05.01.2016 rest day
    - 06.01.2016 3.0 km treadmill at 6:51min/km + strength training.
    I decided to do a "tempo run" with the goal of an of 7:00min/km (=11:16 minutes per mile, that's fast for me... But in /km it sounds much more impressive, right? :p ). The first five minutes were at an easy 7:30min/km, and from then on I gradually increased the speed first every two minutes, then every full minute. I was busy during the entire run trying to calculate in my head how much I would have to increase when to reach my goal of 21min for 3kms. Guess my math skills aren't too impressive, because at time 20:00 I realised I was already at 2.9km. Made for a very relaxing last minute!
    - 07.01.2016 6.0 km at 7:26min/km
    I tried out a new route today. The first 3km where more or less completely a slight uphill slope, the second 3km the exact opposite. Guess which half I liked better? ;-)
    25km (of 110 km) done
