5ft 2 ladies ....it's not fair being Petit!



  • Lone_wolf46
    Lone_wolf46 Posts: 2,709 Member
    Petit women are AWESOME!
  • Sonia_weight
    Sonia_weight Posts: 27 Member
    Can I join? I'm 5ft 3.8 ? :P I have lost about 4 stone and have 1 more to lose to get me down to 7 stone 13. Im around 8 10- 9 stone now. My weakness is just ice cream tubs and pizza! I really want to lower my bodyfat and get some abs and muscles in hence me wanting to get down at the lower end of my weight. Would be nice to see it year and it is a goal I have! Feel free to add me little ones :) Need some motivation! and any spin class lovers also give me a add :D
  • organizedme
    organizedme Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'2 and trying to take off 40lbs. I've also done it before but want to really commit to a lifestyle change instead of diet this time....clean eating and exercise... A lovely glass of Cabernet and one piece of dark chocolate is my treat when I've eaten good and clean and exercised that day....is that wrong? Would love input....

    I have been saving calories for the evening for some chocolate and a glass of milk. I'm having a glass or two of wine this evening....not had any wine for a week hehe. I'll add you as a friend so we can encourage each other when the wine and chocolate cravings start

    Thanks Shelly, I am going to need it because I'm going to try and trick myself into thinking my sleepy time tea is a treat at least a few nights a week instead of my glass of wine....I wonder if I will fall for that...lol...thanks for adding me as a friend. Here's to a great start to 2016...Cheers!
  • Leanqueen01
    Leanqueen01 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi All! 5ft3 here! :) My downfall recently has been Chocolate, odd as i wasn't a major fan before.. Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for similar sized people :)
  • dianamty1
    dianamty1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'0, and I need to lose 30 pounds, today is my first day, my major problem is exercise but I'll start walking and then running, feel free to add me :)
  • ibryar25
    ibryar25 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5"3' and currently 144 pounds. I was 185 pounds and was able to get down to 128. Unfortunately, I got lazy and put a good amount of weight back on. I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds. Being petite is a little frustrating. Even 5 pounds makes a big difference on my frame.

    Please add me. Looking for new friends! :)
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    Will be 41 years old next month and 5 feet tall. My calorie goal is way less than others. But I'm able to handle it most days if I set my mind to it. =)
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    ibryar25 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I'm 5"3' and currently 144 pounds. I was 185 pounds and was able to get down to 128. Unfortunately, I got lazy and put a good amount of weight back on. I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds. Being petite is a little frustrating. Even 5 pounds makes a big difference on my frame.

    Please add me. Looking for new friends! :)

    Well done for losing the weight. It's so frustrating putting it back on again. I too lost alot and now I'm back were I started
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    Will be 41 years old next month and 5 feet tall. My calorie goal is way less than others. But I'm able to handle it most days if I set my mind to it. =)

    Sent you a friend request.... Hopefully you can pass some of your motivation to me haha
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    dianamty1 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm 5'0, and I need to lose 30 pounds, today is my first day, my major problem is exercise but I'll start walking and then running, feel free to add me :)

    Good luck
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    Can I join? I'm 5ft 3.8 ? :P I have lost about 4 stone and have 1 more to lose to get me down to 7 stone 13. Im around 8 10- 9 stone now. My weakness is just ice cream tubs and pizza! I really want to lower my bodyfat and get some abs and muscles in hence me wanting to get down at the lower end of my weight. Would be nice to see it year and it is a goal I have! Feel free to add me little ones :) Need some motivation! and any spin class lovers also give me a add :D

    Sent you a friend request x
  • shanshepard
    shanshepard Posts: 30 Member
    Hi....looking for support from ladies similar height to me. I weighed in at 147lbs (10sr 7) ideally want to loose 20lb to take me to 9st. I have lost the weight before but over a 2 yr period it has crept back on.
    Never been on the forums before but would like support from others in a similar situation.
    I find evening cravings the worst. And want wine and chocolate haha

    Hi I am 5 1 ..148 .. Please add me .I don't have an option to add you.
  • Lutielu
    Lutielu Posts: 188 Member
    So I'm not really overweight, just undertall lol. I'm 5'3 and understand the evening cravings pain. I used to love to bake but I can't hardly do it anymore. Having things in the house has proved too big a temptation. Feel free to add me.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    I've found it harder as I become older!
    I'm 41 and a mum to 3. Age 7 the youngest.
    I am following the fab diet by rosemary conley, which worked for me 2 yes ago but regrettably I've gone back to my old eating habits and gained approx a 1.5 stone. Which on a 5ft 2 frame is alot and the majority of my clothes don't fit.
    I'm going on my hols in August and would love to feel confident in a bikini.
    Since Sunday I've lost 2lb...so must be doing something right. Even though my profile says I've gained 2lb (weird) I feel really motivated at the moment... But don't know how long it will last.

    So you are going back to a diet that is not sustainable? Why not eat what you like and stay in a calorie deficit?
  • Imomw2016
    Imomw2016 Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! Im in the same short boat. I'm 5' 2" and CW is 149.6... Just got out of the 150's by a hair!
  • brittneysh
    brittneysh Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm 5"2 also! I weighed at 140lbs for the longest time always wanting to get down to 130 but the scale wouldn't budge for months and I got discouraged and lost my way and now at 158lbs but I am back on here now and feeling determined. :) feel free to add me I would like more friends on here!
  • Imomw2016
    Imomw2016 Posts: 93 Member
    rippin2U wrote: »
    Petit women are AWESOME!

    This! We are awesome aren't we?
  • fit_for_good13
    fit_for_good13 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm also 5'2" and I weighed in at 145 and also would love to lose at least 10lbs. Would love to have supportive friends :)
  • Tofuli
    Tofuli Posts: 79 Member
    Considering the average height of a woman (in the uk anyway) is only 5ft 4, most of you are hardly that small! I am only 4ft 11 and there are shorter people too! I started at 129 pounds and I'm now 96.7 pounds and haven't really found it that difficult... if you're shorter there is less of you to feed, it's just how it is.
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    Guys, petit women are awesome! My grandmother was 4'8' and full of piss and vinegar. My wife is the same, but 4'7". Don't ever think that height means anything. Well, OK, you might not be able to play in the NBA, but few can. You gotta love yourself for who you are.