Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Just for today, I WILL step out of my comfort zone. I WILL take a kickboxing class tonight at the gym.

    And you will have fun doing it!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    sanfromny wrote: »
    Take a moment to be thankful that when my husband looked at me this morning and I asked him what he was thinking he said how beautiful I am.
    Take a moment to be thankful that my daughter worked out with me last night because she supports me unconditionally. <3:)

    So sweet! What a wonderful family you have - much to be grateful for!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday
    Take care of my back. I think I slept a long time on my back last night and n ow my lower back is killing me. Easy walking, some stretching, painkiller and a hot bath when I get home are in order. Right now I'm just trying to keep it warm and supported while still trying to move around some, so I don't have it lock up from lack of motion. I didn't realize it was this bad when I left forwork this morning so I don't have any pain killers with me.

    Log my food

    Those of you with chronic back problems, my hat is off to you for actually getting stuff done especially exercising as I'm barely functioning from the pain.

    As one who has had back problems, I feel for you. There is nothing worse. Please take good care of yourself. Back spasms are the worse.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Sicko last few days :p

    JFT 01/12
    1) Get in LONG run tonight (7 mi.)
    2) Chores
    3) Furniture project
    4) Do something with "that" door..grrr (front door isn't sealing properly)
  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    Just for today 1/12
    Forgive myself for my lunch binge and move on
    Finish my three big water bottles
    Workout after work to try to damage control my binge
    Have a small dinner before 8pm
    Don't stay up too late bingeing on Netflix :)
  • mgracev4
    mgracev4 Posts: 18 Member
    Day 1.
    Just for today I'll try and exercise for 10 minutes.
    Baby steps, lel.
    CNACHEFCHAZZ Posts: 27 Member
    just for today i will portion out each meal.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    just for today i will portion out each meal.

    That was quick. :smile: Welcome.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Yesterday I did SO much better. I think of what all of you wrote, and how this is baby steps. Like @bri170lb said, we need to commit to becoming healthy. I can commit to doing this for 1 day at a time! Last nite I drank a lot of water, and did not snack. I think once I have even a bowl of popcorn, it gets the craving started, and then I blow the entire day.

    SO hoping everyone has a great day today! We can all do this -- we are important!

    Glad you had a better day yesterday!
  • beckyhunnable
    beckyhunnable Posts: 23 Member

    Just for Today Jan 11/16
    1. 75 oz water
    2. Track everything
    3. Wear my Fitbit
    4. Stay within my calorie limit

    Just for Today Jan 12/16
    1. 75 oz water
    2. Track everything
    3. Wear my Fitbit
    4. Continue to take care of myself even if LO is sick. Ask for help from my husband if I need it.
    5. Rest where possible.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,361 Member
    Just For Today, Tuesday (1/12)

    1. 85 oz of water
    2. Track every bite
    3. No added sugar
    4. Gratitude Journal

    Have been fighting a cold since New Year's Eve and then had knee scope done to repair 2 meniscal tears last Thursday on top of it, so not much activity for me this week.

    Tracie in Green Bay
    I'm not "dieting". I'm changing my lifestyle so I can feel better, and if I lose weight in the meantime, well that's just the gravy on top!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    I've really had to struggle the past few days to stay under my calorie limit. I wrote the word "courage" on my hand where I would see it often. It's silly, but it has really helped me get through a difficult day today.

    Last night I REALLY wanted to snack beyond my limit. I drank water and finished watching a movie. I feel like I accomplished a lot, just by toughing it out.

    If I could do it last night, I'm know I can do it tonight too.
  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member
    Went for checkup with my doctor today. Lost 19lbs since I was there last Sept. Slow but sure wins the race(hokey, but true). One day at a time!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Fighting a very bad fibro flare. I did manage to get to the gym yesterday, but I did not do much. All of my numbers have been off, but I am trying to push myself forward, so today's goals are:

    1. 10,000 measley steps
    2. work out (haven't decided exactly what to do yet)
    3. under 75 G carbs
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »

    J4T Tuesday
    1. Stick to calorie goals one meal at a time :smile:
    2. Squat challenge :smile:
    2. Put away more Christmas decorations :smile:
    3. Take Mom to Dr appointment :smiley: Every thing is good with her new knee and she is coming home from rehab on Thursday :smile:
    4. Gym if there is time :smile: 1.75 hours Weights & Abs

    J4T Wednesday
    1 Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work
    2. Zumba (or Squats) in morning
    3. Stick to calorie goals one meal at a time
    4. Maybe gym while kids are at youth group

  • debmcfly
    debmcfly Posts: 11 Member
    J4T Wed 13/01

    I have a group therapy thing today, 2nd week and I am so nervous. I totally binged after it last week so need to try not to do that today.
    1. Plan todays food and stick to my calorie allowance
    2. Go for a walk after the group and see if I can walk off the anxiety rather than eating it.
    3. Work tonight after my dinner so I can make up my hours for work (lucky to work from home when I need to)
    4. Be nice to myself and try to enjoy the session and speak to other people that are there.

    sorry bit deep but that's my day and I have stuck close to my calorie goals for the past two days by doing this. First time in months :) x
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,400 Member
    edited January 2016
    ...Commit to yourself, Just For Today, and then have the courage to follow through and your dreams can come true. I know it for a fact!

    JFT Tues 12 Jan
    1. Prelog/follow through; 90+ minutes exercise; 8500+ steps; 8 cups liquid. :)
    2. Write 3 pages. January goal: write 3 pages every morning. :)
    3. Work 15 minutes on my anthology. :)
    4. New goal. De-clutter 15+ minutes each day. Sort out utensils drawers. :)They took a bit more than 15 minutes, but look sooooo tidy!)
    5. Attend Craft this morning; give presentation at Art this afternoon
    6. Go to see' The Hate8ful Eight' with DH and DD#2. :/Postponed! Daughter had to work.

    :star: Have a great Day! :star: [/quote]
    bri170lb wrote: »

    Ahhhh! There's the rest of you! My daughter Jazi said, "Well, if your gonna be awesome, you should wear awesome shoes!"

    When I was 220lbs, (not that long ago) awesome shoes were a bit of a pipe dream. Not anymore, (though 6" killer heels are still out, :lol: )

    JFT Wed 13 Jan
    1. Prelog/follow through; 90+ minutes exercise; 8500+ steps; 8 cups liquid.
    2. Write 3 pages. January goal: write 3 pages every morning.
    3. Work 15 minutes on my anthology.
    4. New goal. De-clutter 15+ minutes each day. Sort out one cupboard.
    5. Do grocery shopping this morning.
    6. Prep for and attend Poetry Appreciation after lunch.

    "The accountability of posting here keeps me on the straight and narrow.
    I can always find excuses in my head, but somehow, they just don't cut it when I see them in black and white on the page."
  • abwean
    abwean Posts: 47 Member
    JFT wed jan 13
    1) NOT exercise and be ok with it. It's a balance and today work and family win out.
    2) Remember to eat veggies I cut on Sunday.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    1. Use stairs at work 4 X
    2. Drink all my water at work
    3. Stick to my eating plan
    4. Weigh In day
  • NicoleCooney92
    NicoleCooney92 Posts: 43 Member
    Jan 13
    1. Do PT exercises
    2. Drink more water
    3. Try my run in the morning
    4. Log everything