The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    1/1 5.6 miles—street run given the snow and ice on sidewalks. excellent run at 25 F.
    1/2 elliptical day, no run
    1/3 10.2 — excellent run, slow pace 11:45. But pain in the heels and achilles afterwards. got better with ice treatment!
    1/4 elliptical day, no run
    1/5 rest day
    1/6 6.5 — ran in 28 degree weather. starting to feel 30 degree weather might be pushing it too warm for comfort :) My heels, which bothered me after my last run (stretched, iced, and rested) held up quite nicely during today’s run. i guess i should just recognize that every time i push myself a bit more on distance or on speed, i should expect some pain if not planned well enough and if not done in a gradual way.
    1/7 3.64 — the run was okay at 10:30 per mile, but the roads were slippery because of some freezing rain. icing helps a great deal with the pain. I still have some pain in my achilles, but doing much better everyday. I took it easy though.
    1/9 6.11 —nice group run while snowing lightly!
    1/10 crosstraining—elliptical
    1/11 4.31 — 6 degree weather @10:50
    1/12 crosstraining—elliptical

    ps notice the 36 and 36! a powerball sign?
  • fernsilveira
    fernsilveira Posts: 3 Member
    I'm late to join but would still like to for 30kms in what's left of January.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @Virkati - So glad you are feeling better! We drive thru and typically stay in Medford on our way from California to see our daughter in Seattle. Your daughter's pup is SO cute! I bet he would love going for a walk or a run with you! I love Oregon too. Having grown up in Idaho we spent lots of time in Oregon camping and hiking. I am thinking it could be a good place to retire. As far as a running partner is concerned - training is required even if it is just leash training and basic commands and of course if you travel a lot there is always the consideration of who takes care of the pup while you are gone. On the other hand I miss mine when I don't have him to run with me, it just feels weird. He makes me feel safe and I just love having him with me. He is definitely the best running partner! I did however pick him because I wanted him to run with me.
    @moyer566 - I think you need to run that race before, during or after the wedding :) I am sure your fiance would understand, right? It would only be 38 miles on your wedding night! I LOVE that shirt! So cute!!
    May have scared them with the nailing shoes topic... j/k :lol:
    Actually, we were planning on screwing our shoes. We would only nail them if the first few screwings were satisfying and left us wanting more.
    Hahahahahaha! Thanks I needed a good laugh tonight!
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    ^^^ah hahahahah! @5BeautifulDays . Stan your group is out of control! Enough screwing around...

    Thanks for all the addresses. I'll organize the order list (from what you told me you ordered) and put it out so errors can be addressed before they ship to you.

    I have 8 envelopes left over. So, get a shirt!

    Here is the order form:

    @Stoshew71 if you order a shirt I won't send you money if you REALLY don't want me too. I can sent it to Skip, cuz she's awesome.
    The group is definitely out of control, but so much fun! @7lenny7 - I hope you and your shoes recover from the screwing experience! @Elise4270 - I will get my order in tomorrow I promise! Are we close to the 25 order minimum yet?

    I went out for a run between meetings... finally just walked away from the phone, emails and text messages - as the old commercials used to say I 'had to get away'! It was a short run, cool and beautiful out. A picture from my run - it is days like this that I love California!


    Not sure what was up with MapMyRun - said my distance was almost double what it actually was and that I ran 6 minute miles! I wish!!

    01/01.......0.00..........0.00 - total rest/slug day. Did walk 1.5 miles with the pup
    01/04.......7.16........16.49 + Agility
    01/05.......4.14........20.63 Treadmill run + Strength Training
    01/07.......5.33........25.96 + Strength Training
    01/11.......4.54........46.85 + Agility
    01/12.......3.64........50.49 + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    3.4 miles today, my longest distance yet! 16.9 miles so far this month. My pace is really slow, usually around 12.10 minute miles. I'm new to running so don't really know much about it. Is now a good time to do shorter distances and try to increase my pace? Any advice would be much appreciated :)
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    January Goal—will try for 140 km, half marathon Feb 7 and I’m behind in my training

    1/6—3.89 km or so…first run after being sick…still congested and a bit sick
    1/7—3.40 km—still feeling icky so keeping it short. Just ran around my complex
    1/8—5.29 km..about to kill my lungs. Sick of the congestion
    1/9—5.01 km
    1/10—10.48 km-
    1/12—4.55 km skipped 1/11 due to it being cold and rainy
    1/13—3.64 km
  • sacarter1011
    sacarter1011 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm joining a bit late, but I'm in!!!


  • jenmurphy3
    jenmurphy3 Posts: 64 Member
    So far this week I ran for 15 minutes nonstop (Tuesday). During the week it is scheduled for timed runs and then on Saturday I run for distance. I'm just starting to get into 5K running shape and I'm working towards a half marathon by November.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member


  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    @shanaber ........ awesome view...
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Okay, no way I can catch up with these posts! 167 to read. You'd think since I was sick and not running I would have had time to read them all. Slacker. I finally ran after work yesterday (instead of my usual 4:30am run) because Florida temps are so nice right now. It was just .... amazing! Perfect 60 degrees, sunny, if there was humidity I couldn't tell, wanted to go much longer but trying to not push myself since still coughing some.

    Jan 1 -41 mile bike ride
    Jan 2 - 34 mile bike ride
    Jan 3 - rest day
    Jan 4 - rest day
    Jan 5 - 5.25 miles
    Jan 6 - 3.3 miles
    Jan 7-11 - Sick :(
    Jan 12 - 4.1 miles — finally!!!
    Jan 13 - strength training


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Trying to catch up on the posts and just saw @shanaber picture of where you run. Wow! I don't think I could ever go back home if that was my view running!

    Happy that most of the posts I missed were related to screwing shoes. I don't think I can add to that conversation other than you guys crack me up. LOL.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I looked last night and we made our 30!
  • MariaT099
    MariaT099 Posts: 18 Member
    My goal for Jan is 50 miles

    01/04/2016- 4.5 miles
    01/05/2016- 4.10 miles
    01/08/2016- 3.12 miles
    01/10/2016- 3.26 miles
    01/11/2016- 4.0 miles
    01/12/2016- 5.38 miles

    Total as of 01/12/2106 24.36 miles
  • runner4life08
    runner4life08 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone! Just joining the challenge today and wondering why I have never seen this group before. I am an avid runner and usually run at least 4-5 days per week. Last October 2015 I ran my first marathon! After a year full of training (ran my fastest half in May and then the full in October), I decided this year will be my year off from marathon training. I will do other races, just not a full. Running a full marathon was an awesome experience. I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of. It was very rewarding! But it took a ton of time to devout to training. I have 3 kids that keep me pretty busy so training was difficult at times.

    This year I along with my usual running, weight training, etc. I decided to do a fitness bucket list item for each month. This month was cross country skiing... which I completed already and was tons of fun! I may throw a triathlon in there this year, still not sure on that one.

    Glad to be in a community of running lovers!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    @shanaber - WOW! That's gorgeous.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @runner4life08 welcome! Glad you found us. Congratulations on the marathons, you're in good company here (not me, I've done 1 half).
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2016
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    With all this discussion I had to do it. I put screws in my shoes. It doesn't seem to work too well, though. I cant' lift them off the floor now. I must have done something wrong.

    Hahaha.. you screwed them to the floor :lol: Okay, okay.. So all this laughing aside now.. Are the screws meant to give you better traction in the snow so you don't slip?
    Yes. It's an DIY alternative to YakTrax basically. Here's some instructions.

    @shanaber - Gorgeous view! If that doesn't get people outside to run, I don't know what would. :smile:

    @kateparry84 - Since you're new to running the best advice to is not worry about pace and keep things slow. Focus on running further and building up a good mileage base. Be careful not to build on too many miles too quickly. A good rule of thumb is to limit mileage increases to 10% each week (total miles for the week). The goal of all of this is to build up strength in your muscles, tendons and bones to support your running. (running fast will stress those and lead to injury if you do not strengthen them first). Also you will build up your aerobic system as you are able to keep running further, and will also create physical changes in your muscle to cause oxygen to reach your muscles more efficiently over time allowing you to keep going with less fatigue. That's a short overview, there is much more, but starting out just focus on increasing distance.

    @runner4life08 - Welcome! I too am coming off the year I ran my first marathon (ran 3 actually) and am not focusing on that distance this year. I gained weight and wish to lose that weight plus some more, so I'm running shorter distances and focusing on increasing pace, doing strength training, and actually limiting my food intake (no longer the bottomless pit I was during marathon training).

    Today's a strength day for me, so no running. My plan now shifts to some form of exercise 13 of every 14 days, alternating days between running and strength. The runs will be a mix of speedwork, stamina, long runs and even a sprint effort once every other week (based on McMillan definitions). Should be interesting. I really need those long runs now so I can build up the endurance at the new paces I've been working at. I never thought I would like these intervals and tempo runs as much as I do now. I used to dread those things. I guess it just took some dedication to them without distractions of long runs to learn to appreciate them.
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member


  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member
    I am going to have a tough time making it to 45 miles this month, between the ice, snow and windchill of 6-8 degrees, but I will try my best!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited January 2016
    1-Rest day
    2-Flare/rest day
    3-13.13mi The first six had me convinced i was going to turn around. the rest was nice.
    4-rest day
    5-pain day :(
    6-3.23 mi. it looked slow but i ran fartlek-esque, but still had to avoid ice flows.
    7-6.46 mi it was fun. I pushed hard. I'm glad my heart monitor works again.
    8-rest day
    9-4.75 mi on treadmill.
    10-rest day
    11-too cold and icey. -7 is just too cold even for me
    12-slept in after walking the dogs. too icey now with a fresh coating of snow over it. hoping to get in an hour at the gym
    13-3.7mi on treadmill. got to my third fastest speed. hoping to keep improving.


    Jan 16-Frosty 5k
    Feb 13-Steve Cullen Run
    Feb 13-21 Puppy Love Virtual Run 10k
    ?Mar 14-Great Pi Run?
    ?Jun 11-Rock n Sole 5 or 8k? honeymoon might interfere

    @shanaber so many cute slow runner shirts.
    i'm hoping that he will come around to destination races :)