Can men and women maintain a platonic relationship?



  • Of course. I have a platonic relationship with lots of men.

  • YES! If they aren't attracted to one another. :P
  • _Waffle_ always makes me hungry

    _Waffle_ makes me hungry too ;)
  • HealthyinAZ
    HealthyinAZ Posts: 408 Member
    Absolutely, some of my best friends are male.
  • kiousd
    kiousd Posts: 917 Member
    shellma00 wrote: »
    I think it CAN be done, but probably easier when you're happily married to someone who isn't jealous.

    I agree with this... I have a platonic friendship with my best friends husband, but my husband is the jealous type... The type that thinks that there is no such thing as being just friends with another guy without there being anything sexual.. and I mean every single one of my guy friends he thinks that about.. I have been friends with guys for years with nothing going on.. Especially during my go kart racing days... ALL of my friends were guys and nothing sexual going on at all.. but if the tables were turned and we were talking about him being friends with girls.. then that would be ok in his book... its a double standard..

  • brittuhnay
    brittuhnay Posts: 350 Member
    I think so. I've had male friends who I had no attraction to- I can't say if they've been attracted to me, but I've had entirely platonic feelings for males. It depends on when you met, how you met, etc.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    Of course they can!
  • Forestgirly
    Forestgirly Posts: 2,700 Member
    I Believe it's possible and some of my friends are guys but the point is always one person have crush on one another that don't show ..
  • sw33tp3a15
    sw33tp3a15 Posts: 1,674 Member
    I was reading an article the other day about this and nope its not possible. Maybe for a little while but eventually one of the two would want more.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My first wife and I did for over a year.
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    Yes, they can, at least for a while. But if there is any kind of sexual spark between them, even if just on one person's side, it can be very tough.
  • TxLisa251
    TxLisa251 Posts: 152 Member
    It can be done if at least one person is not attracted to the other. If 1 person is attracted to the other, he/she will remain in the "friend zone" if the feelings aren't mutual. ;)
  • Lone_wolf46
    Lone_wolf46 Posts: 2,709 Member
    TxLisa251 wrote: »
    It can be done if at least one person is not attracted to the other. If 1 person is attracted to the other, he/she will remain in the "friend zone" if the feelings aren't mutual. ;)

    This is so right. It's very hard to be friends with someone you're attracted to.
  • Forestgirly
    Forestgirly Posts: 2,700 Member
    rippin2U wrote: »
    TxLisa251 wrote: »
    It can be done if at least one person is not attracted to the other. If 1 person is attracted to the other, he/she will remain in the "friend zone" if the feelings aren't mutual. ;)

    This is so right. It's very hard to be friends with someone you're attracted to.

    I'm friends with someone who has feelings for me at least I know but I don't feel bad he is like my bro and I told him that
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    Of course they can. You are securely in the friend zone my man,
  • Forestgirly
    Forestgirly Posts: 2,700 Member
    TheBigFb wrote: »
    Of course they can. You are securely in the friend zone my man,

    Why is it called friend zone though ?
  • Lone_wolf46
    Lone_wolf46 Posts: 2,709 Member
    Friends with no benefits
  • Kvm11628
    Kvm11628 Posts: 7,386 Member
    Yes. Half of my closest friends are men. A little chemistry can be there but it doesn't have to mean more.
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    Men and women can't be friends because they might get attracted to each other.

    In other breaking news, bisexual people don't have friends at all. For us, there is only prey. I've actually never had a single friend in my entire life.
  • motterotter
    motterotter Posts: 701 Member
    only people who watch meg ryan movies can take this question seriously