

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member

    Fanncy, the new purchase
  • sweetnsouthernsass
    sweetnsouthernsass Posts: 58 Member
    Ok, so I just picked up where mfp dropped me at. Maybe pg 39? So I'm sure I missed a lot, but...

    I lost the other half of that pound, yeah! So I'm finally down 10lbs since January 2. I've decided to reward myself for every 10lbs lost. My reward is a pair of earrings that are really overpriced, but I really like them. So yeah! Sticking with this. I saw a nutritionist the other week and was really shocked at my body fat percentage and bmi. I mean come on! In my head, I'm a skinny minnie. But apparently not on the outside. Getting there...I refuse to quit.

    Chris– Hot mama!

    Joyce- So sorry to hear your hubby is going through so much. If the hand dr has good reviews, it might be worth going with him. Other patients with good results are the best referrals.

    Janetr- You did well only gaining 3lbs for sure. Drink up on the water. It may only be a little water gain. ;) Love the post on the sinking ships.

    Grandmallie – Most of the time I feel too tired to go the gym and can easily talk myself out of it. I talked hubby into joining and now he’s addicted. So he usually gets me to go. As always, once I get there, I usually stay for about an hour and half. I’m always glad that I went.

    DLS1029 – Thanks for the info on creating a recipe!

    Carol – Cute doggie, love his name!

    Lhannon- Sounds like a fun weekend planned. ;)

    Heather – I believe I want to come to dinner at your house tonight!

    Terri – I know you are really looking forward to spending special time with DD! Wouldn’t trade that time for anything. Sometimes those little cheats are just what we need. I’m about ready for one

    Lenora- What a great feeling to only be 3pts away from normal range with BMI. You’ve done a great job. Keep up the good work! I’m looking forward to getting mine down to normal.

    Barbie – I’m loving the word! barbiecat wrote: »
    My word for 2015 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

    Mia- Meow! Glad your cat is healthy, healthy!

    DJ – Congrats on your 12 minutes ;)

    Kimses – I hope you get the job!

    Miriam – Beautiful cat

    Mary – Whatever your routine is, it’s working. You look great!

    Navagatress & Toya- Welcome

    Mindy- Bless your heart. Feel better soon.

    Vicki – Sorry to hear hubby has mono. It really makes you feel crappy. Hope it’s not too rough for him.

    Beth- Sorry you’re hungry. But yeah for you for not giving in to unhealthy food.

    Penny – Great looking veggies. Made me hungry!

    Great group of ladies. I enjoyed reading your posts.

    Dar in NC

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Terri: I can't believe that your relatives have "claimed " their future inheritances by posting their names on things that belong to your dad. Better be sure they don't have keys to his home or things will disappear before your dad even catches a cold. :noway:

    Kimses: Good luck with the interviews. As they say in "showbiz," break a leg. I hope you find the perfect place to work. :flowerforyou:

    Navagatress: Welcome. Are you a boater? :huh:

    Rori & Kimses: Happy Birthday!!! :heart:

    Pip: WOW! Nice ride. :wink:

    I went to yoga this morning and did okay. I had to linger in Child's Pose a few times when the position we were supposed to do was too difficult, but that is okay. We'll be leaving for Portland shortly for my next visit with the orthopedist. I'll let you all know how it turns out, AND whether I get to ride on Saturday. Keeping my fingers crossed. And my knees, and my toes, eyes, and anything else I can cross for good luck.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    mtowne002 wrote: »
    Terrible headache choking on mucous wracking fever w awful chills. Caught it from a girl at work last night whose first night back after having this. Too exhausted to prepare food. Bummed bc as it stands right now the Avalanche is going to see me today. Sent daughter out for an array of cold medicines. Hoping for a miracle cuz I had my heart set on ripping into that thing. Wha wha wha. Can't read posts either cuz my headache is so bad. Hope your all soaring. Will catch up later if my head hasn't split open.

    When you are talking about the Avalanche, what do you mean by it? Surely, not what I am thinking it is. Big rolling face of ice and snow coming down a hill at break neck speed. Maybe it is something totally different. Maybe others know what you are talking about. Sorry I don't.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    ToyaLea wrote: »
    Hi I'm Toya I'm 55 and in need of some support this looked like an excellent group! I've been struggling with my weight for years ! My first goal is go from 219 to 150 I am working with a nutritionist to help me . I would love to have some friends to help encourage and motivate me ! I would in return try do the same ! I would love to have you as a group of freinds!

    Don't look at the weight loss you are trying from the beginning to the end. Take it nice and slow and lose a safe weight each week. Maybe in 4 - 5 increments, depending on what your nutritionist says. She is the one helping you do this. Exercise, especially walking and drink a LOT of water. No sodas.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2016
    medi_first wrote: »
    ToyaLea wrote: »
    Hi I'm Toya I'm 55 and in need of some support this looked like an excellent group! I've been struggling with my weight for years ! My first goal is go from 219 to 150 I am working with a nutritionist to help me . I would love to have some friends to help encourage and motivate me ! I would in return try do the same ! I would love to have you as a group of freinds!

    I am I. The same place. I am 51 and have struggled to keep weight off. I too am 219 and a goal weight of 150. Don't know how to add friends yet

    Up at the top is a icon that looks like a person. Circle for head. But, you can do it by clicking on someone's avatar (their picture) and it will bring you to a page to write them. It is sort of like FB used to be; but, I don't have a FB account anymore because it had too much drama and you just could not get though a day without someone bitching about someone else. You'll get a lot of support from the ladies on this site. Making friends who are having the same issues about weight as well. Also there is an envelope that appears if you have a 'private message', or want to send one.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,367 Member
    Kimses: Like you, I cannot blame all my weight gain on the medications either. I wish I could! I know they have had some effect, but they are not the cause of all of it. During chemotherapy, food tastes just horrible. There is a horrible metal taste it leaves in your mouth, so they urge you to eat whatever tastes good to you and to worry about the weight gain later. Well, needless to say, what tasted good to me were Vanilla milkshakes (to keep myself from getting dehydrated), waffles with maple syrup, lemonade, pizza, mashed potatoes and gravy…you get the picture. I hadn’t been eating any of those foods prior to cancer because I had done a total reboot of myself. But I gained so much weight during chemo that I could not fit into my clothes or my shoes. I ended up asking my husband to drive me to St. Vincent de Paul to buy some cheap sweat pants and large button-down shirts (for easier port access). I wore white gym socks with open-toed Velcro Nike sandals all winter because of my swollen feet, which is pretty cold if you’ve ever lived in Wisconsin! I ended up losing 20 lbs but have been stuck there ever since. I know if I could curb the sugar monster inside of me, I would be so much better off but I’m an emotional eater and that is my downfall!

    Heather UK: Well, you just blew my theory (or should I say “excuse”) right out of the water! Good for you that you were able to lose while on the estrogen blocker. I’m on Aromasin. Were you on Tamoxifen or one of the Aromatase Inhibitors? I will have to start weighing everything. I’ve been guessing the number of ounces of meat I eat, etc. Beginning tonight, I will place the scale next to my plate at the table! Thanks for the tip!

    Barbie: Thanks for the tip. I do need to go to bed earlier. I have not been sleeping well for months and it seems it takes me longer and longer to fall asleep every night. If I could fall asleep earlier, I could probably stop hitting that snooze button and eventually start getting up earlier. I will work on that! I think I will add it to my January goals!

    Terri in Milwaukee: I would LOVE to meet up in Ashwaubenon in April! Let me know when you will be there and I’ll definitely pop in! I’m assuming you will be at the Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley? I might be too embarrassed to show you anything I try to crochet, but we’ll see… haha!

    Why on earth would the family on your Mom’s side think they would be getting ANYTHING when your Dad dies? If anyone would be inheriting something from your dad (besides his own children) it should be HIS side of the family. Just my two-cents. That’s pretty nervy.

    Lenora: Lots of good advice and info. Thank you! I really was glad to hear that Olive Garden has a to-go salad! LOL! I love Olive Garden’s salad and on days I don’t have time to pack my lunch, that would be a great alternative.

    Janetr: Great news! I know how you feel about being happy about “only a small gain”.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon: Good luck at the Ortho! Did you hurt your arm or leg? What are you hoping to ride on Saturday? Do you have a horse or are you talking about bicycling? I love horses so just wondered if you were referring to horseback riding. I don’t have one anymore but did have 2 of them a few years back.

    Peach: I said a prayer for your niece. I hope everything is well with both baby and mom!

    GrammieKB: I just restarted doing the warm water with ½ lemon squeezed into it first thing in the morning. That was part of the 17-day-diet routine I was on in 2011, but I’ve never heard of anyone else doing this. Was surprised to see your post. Thanks for the link with more info on the benefits of it… Reaffirms the benefits for me.

    Joyce: Sorry to hear about your husband’s health issues. ((HUGS))

    Miriam: Spot is adorable! I wouldn’t be able to turn him away either. He’s lucky he strayed to your house.

    Navagatress: Welcome! That is exactly what you will find in this group. Lots of ideas, tips, support and understanding. Love these women!

    Toya & Medi_First: Welcome! You came to the right place!

    Mindy: Feel better soon! I have been fighting this cough and head cold since New Year’s Eve! It’s lousy and you have my sympathy!

    Mia in MI: Ninja Flamingo Posse…Great name! Made me smile.

    Penny at the North Pole: Thank you for sharing your veggies with me. That sounds like a great idea. Maybe I need to buy a larger variety of vegetables and just bring a small amount of each with me so I don’t get so bored. Maybe I will try one new veggie a week or something. I’ve never tried rutabaga or beets raw before… I suppose you don’t have anything in season there…<slap my forehead> ha! :smiley:

    Do you prepare your veggies fresh each day or prepare a week’s worth ahead of time so you can grab and go?

    Dar in NC: Congrats on hitting your 10 lb mark! Earrings is a great reward. Good for you!

    Mary in MN: You look fantastic. I wish I had the drive and motivation you do. I hope to get there some day. Right now I think I would jerk my shoulder out of joint by lifting a gallon of milk. LOL

    As always ladies, you have inspired me with your knowledge, thoughts and humor. I hope you have a wonderful night. I’ll probably have to check back in later because last night I was up until after midnight just trying to get to page 38!! Gee, do you think I might have an addictive personality?

    Hugs to everyone. Xoxo
    Tracie in Green Bay
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thanks for the Covergirl lipstick advice. I will go buy some from ULTA when I go into town tomorrow. Got to get Cracker to the vet on Saturday; for her 2nd set of shots, whatever they are. Going to get him to clip her nails, too (hopefully I will remember). Not comfortable doing it myself, especially since she has 'Grinch" feet. Gave her another bath today. She had either scared a skunk; but, did not get the full force of the odor. She just smelled bad, a little bit. When I notice that she smells bad - she does smell bad. DH says he thinks she smells bad all the time. My odor reducing stuff won't spay. I need to find the top to it and take it back to PetSmart (I think that is where I got it, maybe got it at the Pet Supermarket.

    I'm happy about only having to lose 3 more points for my BMI to be within 'normal' range. That should really make my MDs happy.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Penny - yum, yum. I am really into carrots at the moment. :D

    Mindy - so sorry you are under the weather! The Avalanche will wait patiently for you to get better! :bigsmile:

    Pip - fabulous car, love the colour! <3

    Katla - crossing everything! :bigsmile: By the way, I love my recumbent bike, especially when my back is a bit sore from the rower.
    My nice friend is worried that we will never meet up as a "gang of four" again. That isn't the case, I just need a bit more time. I will wriggle out of a spring meet up and hope to be feeling more "zen" by the autumn. My problem isn't just that the difficult friend is super annoying, it's that I feel that the activity of her husband, and consequently herself as agent, is immoral and borderline criminal. Sitting, listening to her going on about it and her spoilt and indulged children is too much of a test of my patience. If we weren't a group and if I hadn't known her since we were young teenagers then there is no way I would even entertain a relationship. I do feel sorry for her and her self delusion so maybe I can work on that and generate some compassion in myself. :noway:

    The curry was fabulous. I didn't have any rice with it and it wasn't hot. Just had raita (yoghurt dip). And hot lime pickle. Counted 400 calories. :D

    Vicki - here's hoping for a swift recovery for your DH. Good job on supporting your friend. :flowerforyou: I rang my friend with cancer today. It seemed easier than tackling the mobile phone company! She is not doing too well. Lots more scans and tests and she has sky high blood pressure and a persistent bad cough. :ohwell: I wanted to go up to London to see her, but she has so many appointments we can't schedule anything. It is eight and a half years since she discovered her secondaries.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Tracie - I started off on Tamoxifen and then was on an Aromatase inhibitor for the last two years. Not nice stuff. Sometimes they keep people on it for life, but it badly affected me with vaginal dryness and I kept getting cystitis. Had to have oestrogen pessaries to counteract it so I decided the five years was enough.
    I am counting every day as a bonus and blessing.
    Heather UK
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,367 Member
    Tracie - I started off on Tamoxifen and then was on an Aromatase inhibitor for the last two years. Not nice stuff. Sometimes they keep people on it for life, but it badly affected me with vaginal dryness and I kept getting cystitis. Had to have oestrogen pessaries to counteract it so I decided the five years was enough.
    I am counting every day as a bonus and blessing.
    Heather UK

    I have heard they want to keep people on it for 10 years now and I don't know that I'm willing to do that. But I am not going to worry about it until that time comes. I was never on Tamoxifen. They put me straight on the aromatase inhibitor. I have another year left to reach 5 years and don't know after that. I agree though. It's nasty stuff and I wish i could ditch it now without being so terribly afraid. But I agree with you, every day is a blessing and that is true, really, for everyone...a person never knows what the day may bring so we need to enjoy each one as it comes. :smile: Thanks for sharing with me.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Rori and Kimses Happy Birthday. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Kim from N. California- haha.....When I was to get married, my mom set me aside to talk to me heart to heart... She asked me if I had my trousseau (a drawer with lacy things) hahaha. I said that I was ordering some, she looked me straight in the eye and with a serious face said, "Well, they don't stay on for very long". Um great wise words there Mom... heeheee... She was priceless like that... One liners you just can't fake that...
    Becca, thank you for the laugh!!! Needed a chuckle!

    MY PLEASURE!!!! (((hugs))))
    Becca just being a silly loser
    in Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    I choked on my lemonwater with that one!!!!!! (((hugs))))
    with water coming outta me nose...
    in Oregon
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    "Our" powerball numbers : 1, 4, 17, 29, 56 pb 14
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    So today I went to my TOPS group. It was a hoot, and I had said I was finished with being on my sabbatical now. I had gained 1.25 lbs, which is a drop in the bucket since I hadn't attended since Oct. On the awesome side, I had my first official weigh-in for the year (which they circle in my weight register). I was 235 today, (I was 233.2 at home before all my water, and breakfast and nude)and last year at my 2015 circle day I was 254.25 so that is a 19.25 loss for the year. I will definitely take that!

    We are doing a game at TOPS. 4 different groups, with unique names that are related to a place. I was put in the "Sunseekers" group, and we represent the country of Belize. So the game is about birds. You have to exercise, bring a journal, attend the whole meeting, lose weight at the meeting and all those are different points. With these points you can buy a ticket, a guide, binoculars, clothes, a passport, etc and all these are different points amounts. So it runs to February so I will see how I do on that. I am going to look up some birds to do a info report on and that is 100 points:-)

    OOOOh last night I had some tilapia white fish and I am in love! I took some olive oil and a wee bit of lowfat margarine, and sauteed some shitakie mushrooms, some diced tomatoes and baby spinach with spices. Then I placed the 4 oz of the fish on top of it all and covered it on low. When the fish was white and mixing with the tomato sauce, I added some parmesan cheese on top. It all came to 265 calories! It was heavenly! Then one hr I had to scarf down my 100 calorie bag of popcorn for my snack, before it turned 7 pm...... My kitchen closes then!!! It was a GOOD day!

    Take care all
    getting it done
    in Oregon
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I just dropped in to post the numbers on the powerball ticket, and saw a few of you worried about my Dad's property. Thank you for caring enough to post warnings. Basically, my Mom "married well" and her sisters have always been jealous. In fact my cousin and youngest aunt and uncle lived a big portion of their lives at our house. Now, my Dad and I own a duplex together, and we have a coded lock on the door, and we change the combination after anyone has come to visit. I spent many months prior to my Mom's death buying every single one of them a diamond necklace from her, and the men each got a Bulova watch. That's all they will get, and since they are getting my youngest sister ticked now, they just need to get over it. So thank you all for caring; I truly appreciate it :)

    Now it is time to try to win a few prizes from the radio station WebSites, do some dishes, and be ready for Criminal Minds before falling asleep.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! ! o:)

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • tawnyasevere530
    tawnyasevere530 Posts: 7 Member

  • tawnyasevere530
    tawnyasevere530 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm having a lot of trouble learning how to post and respond to those who have responded to me regarding gastric bypass surgery. I just got this phone (iPhone 6s) just before Christmas and I'm still learning how to use it. So, would somebody please give me some tips? I appreciate all the help o can get. Thanks. :'(