The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • saraovoxo
    saraovoxo Posts: 44 Member


    Was nice and hot today! I think I burned my face. But I definitley challenged myself and I'm on C25K W3D2 and it was MUCH easier than my last run! Confident I can make this goal this month :) Only 2 weeks and 2 days to go!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @kristinegift Thanks for the heads up on the Amazon sale. I just ordered two Saucony shirts, 6 pairs of socks, a pair of shorts and a pair of leggings for $46. I should be ordering chemical standards for work, but, you know, priorities.

    @lporter229 It's the least I could do to spread the joy :) Saucony keeps having ridiculous sales on Amazon lately. I don't know how they're even making money on this stuff. But they're my favorite brand, so I am not gonna complain!

    ha ha I'm out on Amazon shopping too, thanks!
    It could be good or bad that I have been too busy at work to read these but now I am going to have to check these sales out too. I wonder if anything will be left or if you all have bought it all now :) How is the fit on the Saucony shirts? I have never had one.

    @shanaber Most of their stuff is relatively loose-fitting (hydralite tops, daybreak tops are so-so, and PE SS is not fitted, but not loose either). The most fitted tops I've had are the Velocity SS and LS. The size chart on their website is pretty spot on. For ref: I'm 5'3", 130ish, relatively small boobage, and I'm a small pretty much across the board.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    1/1-1/9-zero miles- respiratory infection
    1/10-5.9 miles
    1/11-4.0 miles
    1/12-4.0 miles plus strength training
    1/13-5.6 miles
    1/14-rest day (maybe some yoga)

    Yesterday was my first outdoor run since getting over my respiratory infection and the first of the new year. It was 21F outside. I forgot how much I enjoy running in the cold. However, after just a few weeks away from running the hills, I really could tell. I am always slower in the dark and patches of random ice didn't do much to help, so all of these things made for a pretty slow run, but it was still enjoyable and felt great to be out there.

    There are a few things I was thinking about as I was running and thought I should mention for those that are new to running in sub freezing temps. The two most important things for me when running in the cold is a wicking base layer and proper hydration. While different from in extreme heat and humidity, running in the cold presents its own challenges to the body. Getting your body used to regulating its temperature in the cold can take some time. You will still sweat and if you do not have a wicking base layer, the wet clothes against your body will be extremely uncomfortable and can cause issues with your body temps, so a wicking layer is a must. Also, the air is very dry and even though it may not feel like you are losing lots of fluids, you are. You will dehydrate quickly in the cold, so make sure you are properly hydrated before you head out. Just wanted to share in the case that it might prevent someone from having a bad experience. Happy Running!!

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    1/1 - 3.5 miles on treadmill
    1/2 - Nada :|
    1/3 - 3.75 miles on treadmill + weights
    1/4 - First day back to office / school...had to stay home to get kids moving and ready.
    1/5 - 4 miles on treadmill + 4.65 miles on stationary bike
    1/6 - 4.5 miles on indoor track followed by an extended stretching session.
    1/7 - Sick / rest day - not sick enough to stay home for the day, but didn't want to push it for a run :/
    1/8 - Another sick / rest day.
    1/9 - 4.1 miles on treadmill
    1/10 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights
    1/11 - 4 miles on treadmill
    1/12 - Life got in the way - sick children, work issues, etc. - Ick!
    1/13 - Woke up with a head like concrete...stupid sinuses! Hoping to feel better enough to squeeze in a rare late afternoon run today.
    1/13 - 3.25 miles outdoors...woo hoo! Early evening run. Had to watch out for refreeze on sidewalks and streets, but enjoyed it.
    1/14 - 4.95 miles on treadmill (Trek class). My feet are not thanking me for two runs in under 12 hours. Plus, the person next to me must have eaten a poo sandwich before class...blech!! :s

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @7lenny7 - You are my hero! Way to rock in the cold weather!
    @Elise4270 - Way to give those naughty shoes what they deserve! Bwahahahaha!
    @dennie24 - Sorry to hear about your flare. My wife has RA and they are brutal. Hope it is short and you don't get the prednisone munchies too bad.
    @MorningGhost14 and @Stoshew71 - You should share some of that with the RA sufferers...supposed to be the best thing for managing the pain in their joints.
    @kristinegift - Pot may be just what you need to deal with your existential crisis.

    This thread is cracking me up...totally have the giggles and I am sitting at my work desk trying not to attract attention. Plus, want Doritos now.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    For all you experienced arctic runners, my running gear has been this thus far (for cold weather):
    Long sleeved tech shirt (bottom layer)
    Short sleeved tech shirt (middle layer)
    2 pairs of shorts (because when the nether regions get cold I have the urge to tinkle...and that will make longer runs difficult :p )
    UnderArmour jacket
    Nice warm Carhart tossel cap

    I've noticed, though, that in the coldest temps and/or for runs hitting four miles (and the longer ones i need to be doing soon) that I have a COOOOOOOLLLLLD stomach when I get back so I'm thinking about tossing another just plain t-shirt above that short sleeved tech shirt to contain the warmth better...thoughts?

    (A new running coat is not in the budget currently...I am getting a ski mask though..think I will need that for those longer runs)
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited January 2016
    Newbie welcome to @MMillard77

    @MorningGhost14: Booze-carryin’ camel. Well played sir.
    @Stoshew71: Man, them Bourbon folks take that race seriously…
    @Ch1psNQueso: Think it’s time to think about upping that goal, man… and congrats!
    @lporter229: Thanks for the note about cold weather hydration..never really thought about that. Timely considering the run I'm supposed to get in tonight...

    Jan 1: When the run started it was still the I'm counting it here.
    6.59 cold night miles, slow, around 12:40/mile.
    Jan 2: REST DAY
    Jan 3: First “official” training day for the HM and first snowfall of the year (on a run day at least). 3.51 miles. Some fast intervals mixed in with slower paced runs. 12:10 average pace, fastest split was mile 2 (11:29).
    Jan 4: Wimped out 
    Jan 5: Ice in my ‘stache at the end of the run…that’s new. 3.2 miles this morning
    Jan 6: Went an extra .5 before I took my first (brief) walk break. 5.05 miles avg. pace around 12:11
    Jan 7: REST DAY. Plan on some walking and weights.
    Jan 8: Wimped out 
    Jan 9: Beautiful running weather..50 degrees this morning in Central Ohio! Easy 6.2 miles but every step SUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKED! 12:08 average pace. A little over 1/3 of the way to month’s goal. #betterrunnexttime #ohwellatleastIdidit
    Jan 10: run
    Jan 11: Feeling slightly better..we’ll see if I feel up to a run after work. UPDATE: Decided I might be pushing it since it was still pretty cold (around 3 degrees with wind chill) so I’m going to give it one more day
    Jan 12: Big snowfall so I couldn’t do run in the morning (needed to leave a lot earlier for morning commute), planning on run tonight. EDIT: Finally got back out there. I didn’t really do winter running last year and this was the first truly cold day (actual in the teens, single digits with wind chill). I’m not sure if it’s all a “mental thing” but it felt a LOT harder..not just the “man it’s cold, I want to go get warm” part of it (that faded away after the first half mile or so once I started to get feeling back in my fingers) but it was harder to keep a good pace. I’ve decided I’ll need to add a ski mask to my winter running apparel. My “slow” pace is usually somewhere around the high 11s to low 12/mile and it was around a 13:30 tonight..and at times it felt like it was a “hard” pace. Is this a common thing for first-time winter runners? Forgot to turn off my wi-fi connectivity so I think when I ran past the Burger King I grabbed their wi-fi for a sec because suddenly a billion Facebook notifications came in and froze up my RunKeeper so my run was cut shorter than I wanted. (I was doing an interval program and had no idea how to make it restart at a specific point.) I guess I’ll remember tomorrow 3.92 miles
    Jan 13: Single digit temps this morning, hoping to get the run in tonight. EDIT: Much warmer at night. Slow 3.05 miles, avg pace 12:14 but NO walking…at all. 
    Jan 14: Plan calls for 8 miles tonight…and a fast interval of 9 min pace for 2 of that I think..gulp. Glad it’s in the 40s, another night run coming….

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    @MorningGhost14: Booze-carryin’ camel. Well played sir.

    I suspect that's a drug mule.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @GBrady43068 -Is you base layer tight? I find that if I have a base layer that fits snug against my skin (my favorite is merino wool), it does not matter what I wear on top of it, even a cotton sweatshirt.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    michable wrote: »
    @MorningGhost14 I guess you have a good idea of how your body responds to pot to be considering the idea. I had no idea pot was used in the ultra running community, and was even considered a performance enhancer! Try it out in a training run and report back! I am fascinated.

    That's just it... I really don't know how I would react since it has been many, many years since I smoked with any regularity... I do have those images in my head (thanks to @kristinegift and @Elise4270 ) of running paranoidally in search of the best aid stations. I think I may give it try in the next few weeks just see what happens. I have some 20-26 mile training runs coming up and I am now curious. I think it would be important to eat first and be completely dressed before ignition. And I'm wondering if these runners do little "boosters" along the way... Oh well, if I actually do it I will let you know.

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited January 2016
    1/1: 6.2 miles
    1/2: 11.6 miles
    1/3: Rest/Travel day
    1/4: 10 miles
    1/5: Rest day
    1/6: 4 miles (am), 8 miles tempo (pm)
    1/7: 4 miles (am), 6 miles with the Thursday crew (pm)
    1/8: Rest day
    1/9: 12.2 miles with the Saturday crew
    1/10: 5 miles
    1/11: 5.8 miles with "Joe-to-Go" crew
    1/12: Rest day
    1/13: 4 miles treadmill (am), 7.1 miles with Wednesday crew (pm)
    1/14: 6 miles (am)

    Easy peasy 5 miles and a fast finish final mile because it was all downhill. My first 5 miles were all between 8:40 and 8:50 basically, and my last mile was a super speedy 7:08 flying down the hill back to my apartment complex. I was surprised I was able to go that fast since the air felt so cold. But I made it!

    All kinds of aches today though: left big toe felt strained (who else was having toe problems... was that you, @Elise4270?), left hip flexor was whiny for some middle miles, and hamstring was feeling a bit iffy (right glute has been very sleepy now that I'm sitting for hours upon hours per day writing my final papers, so I think it's a result of that). Blergh.


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney HM
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon
    6/12: Race and Ride Cedar Point HM (maybe)

    @lporter229 Glad you're back at it! Probably best that you were forced to go slowly after being sick for quite a while. And great tip about hydration; with longer runs in my not so distant future again, it's a good reminder for me!
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member



  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @GBrady43068 When it truly gets cold my Go-To 3rd layer for my body is a Fleece Vest with a thin Gore-tex panel on the front. The back is just Fleece, so it wicks and breaths but has the additional Wind Breaking from the Gore-tex.
    Does your Outer Wind Breaker Layer have Pull Cords at the waist to make a Tight seal around your waist?
    I recently had the Pull cord break in one of my coats in the middle of a run and I was cold after that as the Warm body air was not staying trapped under the coat.
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    January 1 - 3.11 miles (Resolution Run 5k)
    January 3 - 9.3 miles
    January 5 - 4.8 miles
    January 6 - 2.8 miles
    January 8 - 4.2 miles
    January 10 - 10.56 miles


  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    michable wrote: »
    @MorningGhost14 I guess you have a good idea of how your body responds to pot to be considering the idea. I had no idea pot was used in the ultra running community, and was even considered a performance enhancer! Try it out in a training run and report back! I am fascinated.

    That's just it... I really don't know how I would react since it has been many, many years since I smoked with any regularity... I do have those images in my head (thanks to @kristinegift and @Elise4270 ) of running paranoidally in search of the best aid stations. I think I may give it try in the next few weeks just see what happens. I have some 20-26 mile training runs coming up and I am now curious. I think it would be important to eat first and be completely dressed before ignition. And I'm wondering if these runners do little "boosters" along the way... Oh well, if I actually do it I will let you know.

    I think that's an important point. I think you would have to smoke regularly in order to have the calmness to just lace up your shoes and head out for a run and really enjoy it. You might want to test it first on a short run. Who knows? You could end up 50 miles from home before you even realized you were lost.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @kristinegift yes I had toe issues with speed work. Both big toes about a month apart. Laid off a few weeks and it heald up quickly. Hit the KT tape pretty hard too.

    I also have hip flexor, IT band, and glute issues. But mines mechanics. If I have to sit for more than 20 minutes, I squeeze my glutes often. Coworkers make fun of me, but hey- I'm hurting.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    michable wrote: »
    @MorningGhost14 I guess you have a good idea of how your body responds to pot to be considering the idea. I had no idea pot was used in the ultra running community, and was even considered a performance enhancer! Try it out in a training run and report back! I am fascinated.

    That's just it... I really don't know how I would react since it has been many, many years since I smoked with any regularity... I do have those images in my head (thanks to @kristinegift and @Elise4270 ) of running paranoidally in search of the best aid stations. I think I may give it try in the next few weeks just see what happens. I have some 20-26 mile training runs coming up and I am now curious. I think it would be important to eat first and be completely dressed before ignition. And I'm wondering if these runners do little "boosters" along the way... Oh well, if I actually do it I will let you know.

    I think that's an important point. I think you would have to smoke regularly in order to have the calmness to just lace up your shoes and head out for a run and really enjoy it. You might want to test it first on a short run. Who knows? You could end up 50 miles from home before you even realized you were lost.

    Might be the fastest run of your life if you think something is following you.

    I'll have to tell my daughter running enhances your high. (She's 20).
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    @kristinegift @elise4270 and @MorningGhost14 your pot discussion is making me laugh so hard—a great energy booster for the rest of the week! I have to read about pot-runners, it does sound possible—I can imagine how pot might make distance running seem effortless and dream-like!

    @kristinegift and @shanaber I have to admit, I too jumped on Kristine’s Amazon sale comments and spent a few dollars there. No regrets though :)

    @lporter229 thanks for the reminders on hydration in cold weather! Rings a bell because of a difficult, cold weather run i did yesterday!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @kristinegift yes I had toe issues with speed work. Both big toes about a month apart. Laid off a few weeks and it heald up quickly. Hit the KT tape pretty hard too.

    I also have hip flexor, IT band, and glute issues. But mines mechanics. If I have to sit for more than 20 minutes, I squeeze my glutes often. Coworkers make fun of me, but hey- I'm hurting.

    @Elise4270 Maybe I ought to be squeezing my glutes more. My right one has gotten really lazy! And I'll have to tape my toes for the run tonight. I did that last winter (opposite foot's toe, though) and didn't even have to back off training as long as the toes were taped. I dorsiflex quite significantly... I make holes in the top of the toe box of all my shoes these days :blush:
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Unless we have enough people really interested by Tuesday, I think we should think about the Bourbon Run as a project for next year. It sounds really fun tho.

    @9voice9 - I may just have to sign up for that PeachTree 10K.

    I may think about the Nashville one too but just do the half. I'll see if my wife wants to go and hang out at the hony tonks afterwards. The more the merrier. Just imagine hopping from bar to bar which are all lined up down the streets one right after the other. Each one with a different live band from all different genres to include country (off course). Really great time. If anyone is interested, let me know.