Calling all Exercise Haters



  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    oh yeah I also strap on ankle weights any time i am at home, so every step I make just doing normal stuff is also a leg work out.
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    I don't like to run, but when I'm healthy, without drainage tubes that freeze in the winter, I like to walk, feed the birds while I'm at it. I like to snowshoe with ski poles. In the summer, I ride my bike. Now that I no longer have a drainage tube and bag attached, I've dusted off my snowshoes and start walking in the forest again. I'm retired now, so I won't be biking to work every day, but come the spring, I'll get my bike tuned up, and make a point of going out every day.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    I hate running. I hate cardio. But I'm going to need a lot more than "mopping the floor" and taking the stairs to help raise my TDEE
  • rubyweapon8503
    rubyweapon8503 Posts: 24 Member
    Have you ever tried the Zombies, Run app? That gets you running as if someone is chasing you. :D

    I love playing racquetball with my husband and with my brother because it doesn't feel like I'm grinding away calories. I'm always like, "It's only been an hour!?!" If I could think of more ways to incorporate fun and socializing into my fitness routine, I think I'd exercise a lot more.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Have you ever tried the Zombies, Run app? That gets you running as if someone is chasing you. :D

    I love playing racquetball with my husband and with my brother because it doesn't feel like I'm grinding away calories. I'm always like, "It's only been an hour!?!" If I could think of more ways to incorporate fun and socializing into my fitness routine, I think I'd exercise a lot more.

    I got as far as download it lol. Thanks for reminding me it's there.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    lynnstrick01--I agree with you about excercise. I dislike going to the gym as it smells like unwashed socks and i find many of the people who go there are condescending and patronizing. I do go to water aerobics for two hours a week, it's the only class I can find that I can fit into my work schedule. I enjoy it and I don't have that awful sticky, sweaty feeling for other forms of exercise. I don't see the point of running, or even walking for that matter when I don't have a destination in mind. I play with my grandchildren and do many of the other things that you have on your list. More power to you in finding ways to increase your calorie output without making yourself miserable.
  • marklduncombe
    marklduncombe Posts: 1 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    So if you hate exercise, DON'T DO IT. Just make sure you're in calorie deficit if you want weight loss.

    The trick is to find the right balance, tolerating enough exercise so that you enjoy the food you eat and stay healthy.

    There are plenty of sports out there besides running and the gym. Try a few, with friends, make it a social occasion maybe find one you enjoy, it makes the whole calorie counting a much more pleasant experience and may make it easier to sustain. For example my wife joined a dog agility club and takes our dog to the weekly meet and some times enters competitions, its exercise for both her and the dog and to boot she made new friends. true, its not burning huge amounts of calories but its better than nothing, every little helps.

  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    This is an Idea I got from another discussion I was In:

    I hate exercise, my mantra why on earth would you run unless someone is chasing you?

    How many ways can we find to burn calories without the dreaded "exercise routine".. there is a website that calculates number of calories burned doing daily activites. some of the numbers will surprise you. Lets see if we can find enough of them that we don't have to do those boring workout routines

    If you don't exercise how can you expect to be able to run from someone chasing you? Flawed logic there.
  • rubyweapon8503
    rubyweapon8503 Posts: 24 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    So if you hate exercise, DON'T DO IT. Just make sure you're in calorie deficit if you want weight loss.
    For example my wife joined a dog agility club and takes our dog to the weekly meet and some times enters competitions, its exercise for both her and the dog and to boot she made new friends. true, its not burning huge amounts of calories but its better than nothing, every little helps.

    That reminds me! I used to love walking and playing with dogs for the local animal shelter. I got exercise, but because helping out the dogs was meaningful to me, it didn't feel like a waste of time. The shelter where I live now is only open 9-5 M-F though. :-1:

  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    Hate exercising. Hate spending a monthly amount only to do more work. How does that make any sense?
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    This is an Idea I got from another discussion I was In:

    I hate exercise, my mantra why on earth would you run unless someone is chasing you?

    How many ways can we find to burn calories without the dreaded "exercise routine".. there is a website that calculates number of calories burned doing daily activites. some of the numbers will surprise you. Lets see if we can find enough of them that we don't have to do those boring workout routines

    If you don't exercise how can you expect to be able to run from someone chasing you? Flawed logic there.

    That is kind of the whole point, I am exercising, just not in a regimented form. I spent 2 hours mucking out my horses stall yesterday, rather than paying the neighborhood kid to do it, that was a whopping 780 calories burned.. much more than I would have burned at the gym and got something accomplished that needed to be done anyway.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,527 Member
    Love all the responses guys. I know some of you LOVE the gym, running, walking, exercise in general, for for you all that is GREAT. we SHOULD all feel that way, but unfortunately some of us don't. I Like for my exercise to feel more like i am actually accomplishing something other than that daily burn. I do a lot of things (the hard way) to make myself burn more calories, and was hoping others might add to my list or maybe incorporate mine into their own programs if they want.

    Sweep (don't) vacuum (then vacuum if still needed)

    Mop often

    skip the car wash (wash and especially hand wax the car yourself)

    Don't use the bagger on the lawn mower (rake and pick up those leaves and grass)

    Load and unload your own groceries instead of delegating it to the bag boy or the kids

    Iron your own clothes instead of taking to the cleaners

    park as far away from the store or office as possible

    stairs vs elevator

    forget multitasking, make separate trips to the car, or up the stairs or to the other side of the house

    Don't hire a painter, do it yourself

    Lift hand weights while watching tv

    add ZIP to your sex life.. (more benefits than just burning calories)

    take out the garbage instead of delegating it to the kids

    walk to your colleagues desk instead of phoning

    I am a stay at home wife with no kids, so I understand that for some of you who work long hours some of these things are just not possible..And I live in Florida, so some of the things I do would be out of the question in the northern states this time of year, (but summer is coming) but for me, by forgetting all MOM ever taught me about being efficient and doing many tasks in a manner that is a little harder and a little more time consuming I am burning tons of calories without even thinking about it.. so if anyone else has some items to add to the list feel free I LOVE this kind of exercise.

    You're basically speaking of NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenisis) here and lots of lean people who don't intentionally exercise burn calories from it. Many people who have laborous jobs stay fit from just working.
    Being able to do all the above though may not enhance your health. Wouldn't hurt it either though unless it hurt to do certain things (like lift something wrong and it tweaks your back, rake and your shoulder hurts, etc.)

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    There is proof all around us that today's lifestyles are making us fat. Things that are meant to make life easier are also making us lazy. Many years ago people didn't need to go to they gym because they mowed and kept their own lawns (with push mowers, rakes, and bending over to pull weeds), They washed, folded, ironed their own clothes instead of taking them to the cleaners. They got up to change the channel on the tv rather than use the remote. etc etc.. no one thing seems like a lot, but it sure adds up at the end of the week.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Exercise = my sanity, my health, my muscles, oh yeah did I mention my sanity!

    Oh yeah, if I am ever chased, I can out run them, no problem.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,527 Member
    There is proof all around us that today's lifestyles are making us fat. Things that are meant to make life easier are also making us lazy. Many years ago people didn't need to go to they gym because they mowed and kept their own lawns (with push mowers, rakes, and bending over to pull weeds), They washed, folded, ironed their own clothes instead of taking them to the cleaners. They got up to change the channel on the tv rather than use the remote. etc etc.. no one thing seems like a lot, but it sure adds up at the end of the week.
    Yes that activity helped, but the average person just doing NEAT would likely burn about 500 calories a day more than one who sedentary. We're fat because of calorie dense foods and over consumption.
    Realize that one could exercise hard every day, overeat more than they need and still get fat. It's no different if someone was physically active at home and over consumed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,527 Member
    This is an Idea I got from another discussion I was In:

    I hate exercise, my mantra why on earth would you run unless someone is chasing you?

    How many ways can we find to burn calories without the dreaded "exercise routine".. there is a website that calculates number of calories burned doing daily activites. some of the numbers will surprise you. Lets see if we can find enough of them that we don't have to do those boring workout routines

    If you don't exercise how can you expect to be able to run from someone chasing you? Flawed logic there.

    That is kind of the whole point, I am exercising, just not in a regimented form. I spent 2 hours mucking out my horses stall yesterday, rather than paying the neighborhood kid to do it, that was a whopping 780 calories burned.. much more than I would have burned at the gym and got something accomplished that needed to be done anyway.
    How did you measure that?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • pootle1972
    pootle1972 Posts: 579 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    So if you hate exercise, DON'T DO IT. Just make sure you're in calorie deficit if you want weight loss.
    For example my wife joined a dog agility club and takes our dog to the weekly meet and some times enters competitions, its exercise for both her and the dog and to boot she made new friends. true, its not burning huge amounts of calories but its better than nothing, every little helps.

    That reminds me! I used to love walking and playing with dogs for the local animal shelter. I got exercise, but because helping out the dogs was meaningful to me, it didn't feel like a waste of time. The shelter where I live now is only open 9-5 M-F though. :-1:

    In the uk we have a charity called cinnamon trust...they pair up walkers with elderly/disabled/sick owners of dogs....maybe you have something similar?
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member

    [/quote] You're basically speaking of NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenisis) here and lots of lean people who don't intentionally exercise burn calories from it. Many people who have laborous jobs stay fit from just working.
    Being able to do all the above though may not enhance your health. Wouldn't hurt it either though unless it hurt to do certain things (like lift something wrong and it tweaks your back, rake and your shoulder hurts, etc.)

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition



    Yes I guess that is what I am speaking of, just did't know the scientific name for it.. My husband is one of those people you are speaking of. He eats like a horse, not a pony but a Clydesdale, Loves sweets, candy, beer and wine, never ever does a regimented exercise and never gains a pound. But I know it is because his job is so physically demanding and even on his days off he is never still.

    That is what I am trying to accomplish, I am not physically capable of doing the same high level work that he is, not due to being overweight but more because of back problems, and the fact that I just simply am not as strong as him. but I do truly believe that I can just increase the intensity of daily activities to meet my exercise requirements
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    This is an Idea I got from another discussion I was In:

    I hate exercise, my mantra why on earth would you run unless someone is chasing you?

    How many ways can we find to burn calories without the dreaded "exercise routine".. there is a website that calculates number of calories burned doing daily activites. some of the numbers will surprise you. Lets see if we can find enough of them that we don't have to do those boring workout routines

    If you don't exercise how can you expect to be able to run from someone chasing you? Flawed logic there.

    That is kind of the whole point, I am exercising, just not in a regimented form. I spent 2 hours mucking out my horses stall yesterday, rather than paying the neighborhood kid to do it, that was a whopping 780 calories burned.. much more than I would have burned at the gym and got something accomplished that needed to be done anyway.
    How did you measure that?

    I used the calories burned calculator on health status website, they didn't have mucking stall or course so I used digging spading composting, it is pretty close to same thing except for that mucking the stall also calls for pushing a wheelbarrow full of wet yuk and dumping it, so i actually probably burned a little more than that
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I hate running. I hate cardio. But I'm going to need a lot more than "mopping the floor" and taking the stairs to help raise my TDEE[

    I am not saying that just mopping the floor will whip you into shape like an hour at the gym. What I am saying is that eveen for those who LOVE their workout routine, but especially those who don't, some small changes can add up to a lot of burned calories at the end of the day/week or month

    And for those who say these things do not replace cardio, I I00% AGREE it does not, But I look at it this way, every little thing you do that moves your body more is just that many more calories burned.

    I think everybody knows SOMEONE who just seems to have boundless amounts of nervous energy, they cannot be still, even when they talk on the phone they don't sit, they pace, when they sit in a chair they have to swing their leg or wiggle their foot.. they are just in constant motion... It seems that these people (at least the ones I know) never need to work out, and are almost always reasonably thin. It is because they are ALWAYS moving, thus ALWAYS burning calories in one way or another.