Most annoying "advice" anyone has given you?



  • 20months
    20months Posts: 62 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    That carbs make you fat and you have to eat low carb to lose weight.

    Oh that one always makes me CRANKY when I hear it.
  • RaeB1013
    RaeB1013 Posts: 265 Member
    ohustins wrote: »
    "Oh make sure you don't lose too much weight. You're starting to look really thin."
    I know what a healthy weight looks and feels like, thank you.

    THIS THIS THIS THIS. I still have 50 lbs to lose to get to my goal and a possible 10-15 more after that depending. I only look "thin" to you because I haven't been this weight since high school!

  • ShrinkingKerrie
    ShrinkingKerrie Posts: 338 Member
    chelsy0587 wrote: »
    Worst advice for me is "just be happy the way you are.."
    If I was happy I wouldn't be dieting and I would appreciate some support MOTHER!!

    I always call my mom MOTHER when I'm upset at something she's said too LOL
    when she hears the eyes rolling and the "yes, mother" she just stops now-a-days

  • butterfly2120
    butterfly2120 Posts: 5 Member
    If you don't eat x amount of calories you will go into starvation mode....sorry I'm not going to eat just to meet a calorie limit, If I'm not hungry I don't eat....
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    "I can't believe you're eating/drinking that! So many preservatives/sodium/GMOs."

    Also when my mom tells me I should be doing more cardio, and I tell her I lift weights four times a week, and she tells me that's not real cardio...
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    That I should not eat fruit because it has fructose in it.
  • Panda_brat
    Panda_brat Posts: 291 Member
    clobern80 wrote: »
    To eat breakfast because it will boost my metabolism. What? No. I hate breakfast. I despise breakfast. I don't want to eat breakfast. Not only that, there has been no research to show it does anything to your metabolism. So leave my breakfastlessness alone!

    This is the one that bugs me most as well. My friends say it ALL the time. Not only does breakfast usually involve the least appetising foods for me personally (cereal, ewwww), it makes no sense to force myself to have breakfast when I'm not hungry. I'd much rather have a more substantial lunch and dinner.

    who says one needs to eat breakfast foods in the morning. Eat whatever you what whenever you what as long as it fits into your calorie count and micros.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I don't know how you people go without breakfast. I'm famished by the time I wake up.
  • AmandaYoka
    AmandaYoka Posts: 3 Member
    "Don't get too skinny!" (after losing over 200 pounds)

    That's wonderful! Congrats!

  • elbrujo53
    elbrujo53 Posts: 55 Member
    edited January 2016
    "Don't get too skinny!" (after losing over 200 pounds)

    Ha Ha Ha.. And after that, "you need to gain some weight since you look too old now..."
  • firead
    firead Posts: 56 Member
    The most annoying for me is people telling me I shouldn't lift until I lose more weight, because any muscle I put on might keep the pounds from falling off. Makes me want to shake people because, even though I do have a lot of pounds to lose, my main goals right now are building strength and endurance for a job that requires both.

    This usually stops when I tell them I'm a firefighter and will be training to be an EMT also, and my main priority is being able to lift people onto stretchers or drag/carry them out of buildings if need be, not to squeeze into a bikini sooner.
  • boegeholda
    boegeholda Posts: 18 Member
    Unsolicited advice - like a woman at the gym after I asked her a question about a particular program and she felt the need to tell me that "if I want to see results in a few months I need to do strength training and not just cardio" because she saw me that day on the treadmill. Like 1- nice thinly veiled fat shame 2- how does she know I don't alternate strength training with cardio? Or if I don't? Who the *kitten* cares, as long as it gets me to the gym! Or that one time this annoying co-worker who tried to push her religion on me also told me that I need to do an abs class to lose that belly weight...because spot training and fat shaming work.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i need to cleanse/detox
    i need to not eat sugar/carbs/fat
    I need to run as fast as i can in the beginning of my run

  • boegeholda
    boegeholda Posts: 18 Member
    mathjulz wrote: »
    • Whenever someone starts with "Doctor Oz said ..." I just start tuning out at that point.
    • The when and why to drink water memes. Also the lemon or fruit water things. Water is good, fruit is good, but they don't have magical properties
    • The whole alkaline thing ... having to raise the pH in your system by your foods. If the body was that sensitive to pH in what we ate, we'd never have survived to discover fire.
    • I agree with the "women shouldn't lift" thing. Someone told me a woman's body was only designed to lift 35 pounds (and a man 50 or something). Say what?

    As a Biologist - YES ON THE ALKALINE THING! Homeostasis is still taught in basic high school bio, right? Your stomach is acidic, so as soon as any alkaline food hits your stomach, well that's the end of that! CaCO3 will buffer your stomach acid a little bit if you're having acid reflux, but other than that any alkaline thing won't change your body chemistry. Unless you drink Drano.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    In my opinion, it's much harder to lose weight than to put it on. But I love to eat. I love to eat whatever and how much I want. I love to not have to think about stopping because I might go over my allotted calories. It amazes me how some people have a hard time gaining. But it's all dependant on the person. If someone told me I had to eat 3,000 calories a day, I'd be in heaven. But if I want to stay at my current, maintenance weight I know I have to eat no more than 1,900 calories. Reality bites.

    Worst advice: Hmmm, I've had lots. I think the one about having to eat very low carb to lose weight. I lost 50lbs by drinking beer, wine, eating ice cream and bread and kept it off for almost 4 years. But somehow people believe they are "special snowflakes" and science just doesn't work for them.

    Worst advice for me? Moderation? I don't do low-carb because I'm a special snowflake, I do it because I'm insulin resistant. It gives me appetite control. Yeah, I lost lots of weight eating ice cream and bread when I did it that way, but I was ALWAYS HUNGRY. It never lasted. Now, I'm no longer hungry. Low carb works for us who are diabetic/prediabetic/insulin resistant.

    This is why I always preface my "moderation" advice with "if you don't have a medical reason..." because I know there are many, many people who do have medical reasons for eating something or not eating something.

    Back to the OP's question though, I don't really get any advice and I really haven't anywhere along my weight loss, and I'm glad. I get lots of people asking me how *I* lost weight, but nobody trying to "help" me.
  • lizwrites1313
    lizwrites1313 Posts: 160 Member
    "Don't get too skinny!" (after losing over 200 pounds)

    Worst the in the world!

  • majarobert
    majarobert Posts: 1 Member
    I get annoyed with the gluten free evangelists. I should be thrilled because I have Celiac Disease but sorry going gluten free will not make you lose weight if you just replace regular cupcakes with gluten free ones.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Anything and everything related to organic/GMO/eating clean.
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    I've never had strong feelings about breakfast and whether to skip it, but since I've started counting calories here I notice I'm good and ready for at least something to eat as soon as I get up in the morning. If I were going to skip a meal, it probably would be lunch.--I dislike all advice that smacks of crazy science. I followed a link here the other day to an article about foods that were "rich in carbon." Sheesh.
  • thin4wins
    thin4wins Posts: 4 Member
    I hate when people tell me I could stand to gain a few pounds and to put some meat on my bones (Because they like 'curvy' women) or try to tell me i should be happy with how i look and not worry about what i'm eating or exercise. I may not be way overweight or anything but I care about being healthy and getting In Shape, which is a lot more than just being skinny. I have some baby weight still ( 16 months after) and I'm actually 20-25Ibs over my pre-pregnancy weight, so yes i actually can stand to lose some weight! Especially now that the holidays are over and i definitely put on a few more pounds!