fit for october challenge



  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    welcome aboard

    christini:- i also need alot of encouragement especially when ive been busy with kiddies all day and dont want to exercise or make healthy food im hoping by starting this group i feel more motivated as i intend to be very honest and i hope when ive been having a bad day the other group members can boot mybehind to either get off the couch and exercise or encourage me back to being well behaved and focused the next day in the past ive tended to think oh well todays a fail so ill start again monday even if its only been tuesday i really want to avoid that habit this time around

    Monkey'smum, it's a journey. We need friends to pick us up when we're down, and to inspire when we have break a personal break through! Come October we're going to be happy we worked hard.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    welcome aboard

    christini:- i also need alot of encouragement especially when ive been busy with kiddies all day and dont want to exercise or make healthy food im hoping by starting this group i feel more motivated as i intend to be very honest and i hope when ive been having a bad day the other group members can boot mybehind to either get off the couch and exercise or encourage me back to being well behaved and focused the next day in the past ive tended to think oh well todays a fail so ill start again monday even if its only been tuesday i really want to avoid that habit this time around

    Monkey'smum, it's a journey. We need friends to pick us up when we're down, and to inspire when we have break a personal break through! Come October we're going to be happy we worked hard.

    definatley i am proud of the inches ive lost so far and the weight because the weight has been a very hard struggle tweaking exercise calories etc to get where i am losing and not plateau and i wouldnt be this motivated if it wasnt for all the mfp support come october i want to be at my goal or as close as i can get and hopefully toned up some too
  • cathyg18
    cathyg18 Posts: 150 Member
    I would love to join if it is still ok? 20 by October would be great. Trying to lose that and more by next January. So this would be a great start. :glasses: Hubby and I will celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary on 1/18/12 and I would love to be below 200 by then. This would be a great motivator for me. Thanks!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I would love to join if it is still ok? 20 by October would be great. Trying to lose that and more by next January. So this would be a great start. :glasses: Hubby and I will celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary on 1/18/12 and I would love to be below 200 by then. This would be a great motivator for me. Thanks!

    of course its ok
    20 years anniversary is quite an achievment nowadays ive been with hubby 14yrs november married 14yrs 28th feb 2012 id have got les stime for murder lol but hes fab and couldnt be without him

    i will try and sort a chart out today of everyones goals no matter whether they are weight, inches, dress size etc and post them either later today or tomorrow morning so we can see our goal and motivate us all to reach it
  • KatheryneH13
    KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member

    katheryne did you cycle yesterday and walk? i managed 1hr jogging on my trampoline

    I bike and walked yesterday to and from class. :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    katheryne did you cycle yesterday and walk? i managed 1hr jogging on my trampoline

    I bike and walked yesterday to and from class. :)

    well done way to go you

    will you be cycling again today?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    ok here are our goals lets hope we all make them good luck us

    Fit for October goals

    Person Goal
    Daytimedreamer Reach 14st 7lbs (203lbs)
    Cathyg18 20lbs loss
    Bethmakesmusic Fit in dress hubby bought :)
    Timeforamajorchange 30lbs loss average 1.5lbs week
    Christinichka more than 20lbs lost
    Sarahliz24 30lbs loss faster marathon time
    KatheryneH13 7-10lbs loss monthly cycle everyday
    DancinSMartipan wear a sexy outfit on Halloween
    Monkeysmum 20lbs loss 1hr exercise daily
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    wow this thread grown i have met my daily goals which is to walk more than 2 mile and do at least one session of zumba which i have done ( walked 3.5 miles woop and one mile of that was uphill) but going to have a bath and then seeing how i feel have a little time on wii might do some step and watch a dvd or possibly tennis ...

    might just crash though been a loooonnnng day
  • SarahLiz24
    SarahLiz24 Posts: 36
    I know how you feel daytimedreamer - it has been a long day! But I got my daily goals completed too... cardio for at least a half hour and tracking all my calories!
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    I know how you feel daytimedreamer - it has been a long day! But I got my daily goals completed too... cardio for at least a half hour and tracking all my calories!

    well done love

    another day at work for me which means will be on my feet all day, i work at mcds but will be a salad for lunch although if i get this next lb off next week i treating myself to a burger because i will be 4 stone down since march 11th so i think i deserve one lol

    when i get home i need to walk the dog which will be at least an hour and then do 45 mins zumba so watch this space
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all

    im having a thankgod its friday feeling i cannot wait to sleep late tomorrow ok it will be 8am instead of 7am but that hr is fab it stops me feeling like a zombie and more prepared to face the world

    plans for today include 1hr on wii i may do half jogging and half hr step for a change i also need to get more laundry done and yet more cleaning oh what a boring life i lead lol school run 3x and pray it doesnt rain

    i shall be on msn later lou making sure you have been on zumba i need a wii zumba i may have to ask for my birthday and see if the bday fairys will bring for me

    well done sarahliz i find tracking all calories hardest part its so easy to think oh its only a tic tac or a glass of juice and then before i notice id have gone over
  • SarahLiz24
    SarahLiz24 Posts: 36
    Good morning all! I am also incredibly happy its Friday! I'm a pre-k teacher so I spend my days chasing around 4-year-olds, which gives me tons of exercise! We're supposed to have thunderstorms all day, which means no running for me, but I'll definitely find something else to do to burn more calories!

    After all that, I am treating myself to a movie and an evening on the couch after all the hard work I've put in this week! Anyone else have fun plans for tonight?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Good morning all! I am also incredibly happy its Friday! I'm a pre-k teacher so I spend my days chasing around 4-year-olds, which gives me tons of exercise! We're supposed to have thunderstorms all day, which means no running for me, but I'll definitely find something else to do to burn more calories!

    After all that, I am treating myself to a movie and an evening on the couch after all the hard work I've put in this week! Anyone else have fun plans for tonight?

    fun plans well it depends on peoples perspective of fun but for me yes i collect my kids at 3:20pm drop another little boy home then as soon as i get in house uniforms in wash and food prepared then bath the little 2 and put dvd on for them then me and 3 big kids will watch a movie and chat about there day not everyones ideas of fun but i love the friday chill out relax
  • storyt17
    storyt17 Posts: 13
    I would love to join with you guys! I really want to lose 20 lbs by the last weekend in August. My girlfriends and I go to a Micro-Brew festival every year where we meet up with another group of friends that we only see once a year. I would like to really surpise everyone there !
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I'm in as well! Halloween is my favorite holiday and I need to have an awesome costume this year! Losing 20 lbs would totally bost my confidence!

    welcome aboard :)

    i will add your goal to list and next week post how were getting along im hoping to be 20lbs down by october too altho if i lose inches ill take it i want to look good when i go away not frumpy
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm definietly in - weighed in this morning at 153lbs and my target weight is 133lbs - exactly 20 pounds to lose! Hoping to lose 1lb per week so by 22 September should have 14lbs off for wee brother's wedding and by 27 October should have 19lbs off for the 'BIG THREE O'

    Good luck everyone :smile:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I'm definietly in - weighed in this morning at 153lbs and my target weight is 133lbs - exactly 20 pounds to lose! Hoping to lose 1lb per week so by 22 September should have 14lbs off for wee brother's wedding and by 27 October should have 19lbs off for the 'BIG THREE O'

    Good luck everyone :smile:

    i like that plan
    i shall keep track of any weekly acheivements doesnt have to be weight loss anything thats made us proud and update on a friday and im betting we are all going to do so good because we are all here to boot each others rears when we need it
  • Gembo82
    Gembo82 Posts: 29
    Hello everyone, i would like to join too please. My goal is to lose 14lbs by october (anymore and it's a bonus) and to do more exercise i have seriously slacked recently. I can't afford the gym so i will hunt out my exercise dvds and do them once little man is in bed and use my bike more. xx
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Hello everyone, i would like to join too please. My goal is to lose 14lbs by october (anymore and it's a bonus) and to do more exercise i have seriously slacked recently. I can't afford the gym so i will hunt out my exercise dvds and do them once little man is in bed and use my bike more. xx

    welcome your added to chart and if you slack i shall be on fb to boot ure rear lol

    i am planning a very lite tea suffering with major headache makes me glad i did my exercise earlier i certainly dont feel up to it now. hope you all had a good friday
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all and happy saturday i just love the weekend :)

    today i need slow a little pulled a muscle in my calf not happy and my headache is still there migraine tablets havent fully worked yet so need another dose but im determined its not going to stop me just slow me down alittle

    hope everyone has a great saturday