The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    6.15 km this morning @ 7:30 min/km; Av HR 129; max HR 138.

    1 Jan 13.4 km
    2 Jan Rest
    3 Jan 6.3 km
    4 Jan 5.4 km
    5 Jan Rest
    6 Jan 8.3 km
    7 Jan 5.3 km
    8 Jan Rest
    9 Jan 15.3 km
    10 Jan Rest
    11 Jan 6.1 km
    12 Jan 8.3 km
    13 Jan 6.15 km
    14 Jan 6.15 km
    15 Jan Rest
    16 Jan 10.4 km (cutback week)
    17 Jan Rest
    18 Jan 6.16 km
    19 Jan 6.18 km
    20 Jan 10.03 km
    21 Jan 6.15 km

    Total: 119.62 / 150 km

    All my training is slow and easy because increasing mileage for my first marathon in July.

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member



    Upcoming races:
    May 14, 2016 Glacier Ridge Trail Ultra 50K (Portersville, PA)
    June 4, 2106 38 Mile NIght Fun Run (Kettle Moraine State Forest, WI)
    October 1, 2016 Cloudsplitter 100K (Pine Mountain, KY)

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for January

    1/1 4 miles - 4
    1/2 13.5 miles - 17.5
    1/3 REST DAY
    1/4 10 miles - 27.5
    1/5 9 miles - 36.5
    1/6 5.5 miles - 42
    1/7 10 miles - 52
    1/8 6.05 miles - 58.05
    1/9 15 miles - 73.05
    1/10 REST DAY
    1/11 9.5 miles - 82.55
    1/12 11.15 miles - 93.7
    1/13 6.2 miles - 99.9
    1/14 10 miles - 109.9
    1/15 5.75 miles - 115.65
    1/16 15 miles - 130.65
    1/17 REST DAY
    1/18 10 miles - 140.65
    1/19 10 miles - 150.65
    1/20 5.75 miles - 156.40


    Busy day at work today. Just now logging my run from early this morning.

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    Amazon tells me that my new Garmin will be here tomorrow. I was hoping that I would get it before Saturday's long run. I think my old Garmin's battery would cover it, but I would be stressing because I'm a bit OCD about logging my miles. Garmins that die before the end of a run trigger irrational anxieties in me. Between the two watches, I can now run anxiety free up to 14 hours. Which I will most likely not exceed until October.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @5BeautifulDays - Wow! I do not have the mental strength to run that far on a treadmill! Good job!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Happy New Year everyone. I wanted to hit 25 miles last month for my first month back after injury and I ended up at 30+. I think I will try for a stretch goal of 40 miles as I am trying add miles so I have a longer run once a week and 3 miles each of the rest of the runs.

    1/1 4.0 miles. First run of the new year. Tripped over Neeko 3 times but otherwise good and already 2 minutes faster then last time.
    1/3 2.0 miles. Legs were tired today so did an easy mile to warm up then did intervals (fartleks?speed play?) for the second mile.
    1/5 1.0 miles. Did an easy mile on the treadmill before my session with my personal trainer just to warm up and wake up my legs.
    1/6 4.0 miles. Did a slow steady pace on the treadmill and made it thru all 4 miles with only 2 walk breaks. A .25 mile warm up is included in that milage total though.
    1/8 3.0 miles. Technically 3.1 but I am only counting full miles, and maybe half if I get desperate. That was a nice run but I overdressed and overheated. It was 40 and rainy and I had on a heavy shirt, a sweatshirt, a hat and gloves.
    1/11 2.0 miles. Had rain/freezing rain / snow yesterday and last night so ended up on the treadmill. Could only manage 2 miles before I had to get ready for work because I procrastinated so much. I will make it up this week as I am planning on trying for 5 miles Wednesday but realistically will be happy with 4.5. I think I am still on track for the month.
    1/12 3.0 miles. Was planning on today being a rest day and making Wednesday a long run, but life interfered and I have to go somewhere early tomorrow morning and I won't be home from work until midnight (if I am lucky) tonight. I am now planning on a 4-5 mile run Friday. Today was good and dressed perfectly for the weather (snowy and windy and 20 degrees) but the roads were really icy so I kept it short to be safe before I became road kill from the crazy drivers around here.
    1/15 5.0 miles. PR for distance woo-hoo! It was slow due to ice but I made it. Tried out my new trail shoes and I love them but they are not as cushioned as my regular shoes.
    1/20 5.0 miles. Had a busy weekend with J's hockey tournament and I have been really tired the last couple of days. Had a good but slow run with some major chafing where you really don't want to chaff but had the park to myself for 1.5 miles which made up for everything. Piriformis is a little sore so I think I need to stay at this distance for a little while.

    29.0 down 11 to go
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited January 2016
    Just got this link from FB and thought some of you might be interested....I'll be doing it just for the (relatively cheap) bling! Not sure if they would ship internationally......

    Update: yes they DO ship internationally!
  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm thinking maybe I should step away from this, and maybe come back when/if I become a real runner again! Thanks to those of you who have acknowledged me, chatted with me, supported and encouraged me, I appreciate it more than you know! Good luck with all your goals everyone, and be sure to have fun working towards them!

    Jan 1 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 1 mile, Steps/ 6740, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ 3.24
    Jan 2 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 1.5 miles, Steps/ 7761, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ 3.56
    Jan 3 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 1 mile, Steps/ 7100, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 3.44
    Jan 4 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 10,037, Floors/ 16, Daily miles/ 4.55
    Jan 5 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 3788, Floors/ 7, Daily miles/ 1.53
    Jan 6 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 1888, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ .67
    Jan 7 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 3 miles, Steps/ 11,211, Floors/ 17, Daily miles/ 5.05
    Jan 8 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 1.5 miles, Steps/ 5833, Floors/ 5, Daily miles/ 2.36
    Jan 9 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 3 miles, Steps/ 12,351, Floors/ 12, Daily miles/ 5.46
    Jan 10 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 10,000, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 3.4
    Jan 11 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 3017, Floors/ 8, Daily miles/ 1.22
    Jan 12 - Run/ 1.4 mile, Walk/ 2.6 miles, Steps/ 11,425, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 5.07
    Jan 13 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 2186, Floors/ 5, Daily miles/ .88
    Jan 14 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 16,147, Floors/ 23, Daily miles/ 6.55
    Jan 15 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 10,030, Floors/ 18, Daily miles/ 4.1
    Jan 16 - Run / 0 mile, Walk/ 2.06 mile, Steps/ 10,084, Floors/ 26, Daily miles/ 4.12
    Jan 17 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/3474, Floors/7, Daily miles/1.47
    Jan 18 - Run/ 1.15 mile, Walk/ 3.9 mile, Steps/15,487, Floors/10, Daily miles/6.73
    Jan 19- Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 6563, Floors/ 14, Daily miles/1.44

    Monthly Totals/ Run = 6.55, Walk = 26.38, Steps = 132,621, Floors = 199, Daily miles = 64.93
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    HonuNui wrote: »
    Just got this link from FB and thought some of you might be interested....I'll be doing it just for the (relatively cheap) bling! Not sure if they would ship internationally......

    My daughter and I are registered for the virtual race too!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Becky_44 wrote: »
    I'm thinking maybe I should step away from this, and maybe come back when/if I become a real runner again! Thanks to those of you who have acknowledged me, chatted with me, supported and encouraged me, I appreciate it more than you know! Good luck with all your goals everyone, and be sure to have fun working towards them!

    Jan 1 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 1 mile, Steps/ 6740, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ 3.24
    Jan 2 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 1.5 miles, Steps/ 7761, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ 3.56
    Jan 3 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 1 mile, Steps/ 7100, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 3.44
    Jan 4 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 10,037, Floors/ 16, Daily miles/ 4.55
    Jan 5 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 3788, Floors/ 7, Daily miles/ 1.53
    Jan 6 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 1888, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ .67
    Jan 7 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 3 miles, Steps/ 11,211, Floors/ 17, Daily miles/ 5.05
    Jan 8 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 1.5 miles, Steps/ 5833, Floors/ 5, Daily miles/ 2.36
    Jan 9 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 3 miles, Steps/ 12,351, Floors/ 12, Daily miles/ 5.46
    Jan 10 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 10,000, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 3.4
    Jan 11 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 3017, Floors/ 8, Daily miles/ 1.22
    Jan 12 - Run/ 1.4 mile, Walk/ 2.6 miles, Steps/ 11,425, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 5.07
    Jan 13 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 2186, Floors/ 5, Daily miles/ .88
    Jan 14 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 16,147, Floors/ 23, Daily miles/ 6.55
    Jan 15 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 10,030, Floors/ 18, Daily miles/ 4.1
    Jan 16 - Run / 0 mile, Walk/ 2.06 mile, Steps/ 10,084, Floors/ 26, Daily miles/ 4.12
    Jan 17 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/3474, Floors/7, Daily miles/1.47
    Jan 18 - Run/ 1.15 mile, Walk/ 3.9 mile, Steps/15,487, Floors/10, Daily miles/6.73
    Jan 19- Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 6563, Floors/ 14, Daily miles/1.44

    Monthly Totals/ Run = 6.55, Walk = 26.38, Steps = 132,621, Floors = 199, Daily miles = 64.93

    Define real runner? You ran 6.55 miles so far this month. That is better than most people.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited January 2016
    I just registered for 3 races and need to register for a 4th:

    So far my schechule this year is:

    Lynchburg, TN - April 02, 2016 (Saturday 8:00AM)

    Huntsville, AL - April 10, 2016 (Sunday)

    Huntsville, AL - May 30, 2016 (Monday)

    Fayetteville, TN - June 25, 2016

    And still need to sign up for:

    UAH Spring Road Race
    Huntsville, AL - March 6, 2016 (Sunday)

    This last one is a freebie since I am a member of the local Huntsville Track Club and need to mail my entry in.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @Stoshew71 - awesome list. Okay, you are inspiring me that I need to figure out some more to sign up for!

    @Becky_44 - You are a real runner. We support everyone. Many of us have been hurt/injured/sick and still posted other things we did. Or we just whined, which is okay too because we all understand.

    @MorningGhost14 - I think of you as a laid back runner, who wouldn't be worried about technology failing. Unlike me who has apps, FitBit, and HRM on ... like I'm going into outer space. And if my phone started rebooting like @WhatMeRunning said, I would completely freak out.

    @5BeautifulDays - wow - I don't know how you went so far on a treadmill! Now that is dedication! Bra chafing is the worst. You reminded me I need to figure out my clothes/sports bra for my HM next month. Of course, who knows what the weather will be. But I still need to do a long run in my potential gear to make sure I don't get any chafing.

    Jan 1 -41 mile bike ride
    Jan 2 - 34 mile bike ride
    Jan 3 - rest day
    Jan 4 - rest day
    Jan 5 - 5.25 miles
    Jan 6 - 3.3 miles
    Jan 7-11 - Sick :( 5 sick days.
    Jan 12 - 4.1 miles — finally!!! Felt so great.
    Jan 13 - strength training + 1 mile on treadmill
    Jan 14 - 5.2 miles
    Jan 15 - 5.1 miles; trainer cancelled
    Jan 16 - 4.2 miles
    Jan 17 - 6.02 miles
    Jan 18 - Rest Day
    Jan 19 - 7.4 miles - fun run but think I am losing another toenail.
    Jan 20 - strength training


    2/7 Daytona Beach HM
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »

    @MorningGhost14 - I think of you as a laid back runner, who wouldn't be worried about technology failing. Unlike me who has apps, FitBit, and HRM on ... like I'm going into outer space. And if my phone started rebooting like @WhatMeRunning said, I would completely freak out.
    Well.. the ONLY technology I have are these very basic Garmins that let me know my mileage. I think the only heart-rate monitor I would consider using would be one that would say only two things... "C'mon, sissy... I know you can crack 200!" and "Thar she blows!!"
  • bluelove2004
    bluelove2004 Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello, I'm just joining this challenge and pledge 22 miles from now until the end of the month. This challenge will help keep me motivated as I train for my first distance race since breaking my ankle seven months ago.

  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Jan 01      6.5      6.5
    Jan 02      5.1     11.6
    Jan 03      5.6     17.2
    Jan 05      3.3T    20.5
    Jan 07      3.4T    23.9
    Jan 09      8.2     32.1
    Jan 10      6.2T    38.3
    Jan 13      4.2T    42.5
    Jan 15      8.2     50.7
    Jan 18     11.3     62.0
    Jan 20      4.1T    66.1

  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @5BeautifulDays - wow - I don't know how you went so far on a treadmill! Now that is dedication! Bra chafing is the worst. You reminded me I need to figure out my clothes/sports bra for my HM next month. Of course, who knows what the weather will be. But I still need to do a long run in my potential gear to make sure I don't get any chafing.

    Yeah, I'm glad I found this out before my half. I knew I had one "killer bra" , but because they're so expensive I'm still running in a few that are a little too big for me. Well--what works for cool temps and shorter runs is not necessarily going to be ok for a sweat-fest and 13 miles. The question is, will anyone notice if I run naked tomorrow...because I'm not sure a bra is happening!
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    2 miles yesterday and 5 today.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @5BeautifulDays - wow - I don't know how you went so far on a treadmill! Now that is dedication! Bra chafing is the worst. You reminded me I need to figure out my clothes/sports bra for my HM next month. Of course, who knows what the weather will be. But I still need to do a long run in my potential gear to make sure I don't get any chafing.

    Yeah, I'm glad I found this out before my half. I knew I had one "killer bra" , but because they're so expensive I'm still running in a few that are a little too big for me. Well--what works for cool temps and shorter runs is not necessarily going to be ok for a sweat-fest and 13 miles. The question is, will anyone notice if I run naked tomorrow...because I'm not sure a bra is happening!

    I gave up on bras years ago and now wear shapers when I run: they give me plenty of support but there are NO areas where they can chafe. To address someone else's post way ^^^^there, some racerback running tops act like shapewear, but also have built-in phone/water/gel pockets. I often find them (sorta cheap) at Ross/Marshall's

  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    January 2016
    02/1 – 13.02 – 1:50:10
    03/1 – rest
    04/1 – 5.06 – pram
    05/1 – rest
    06/1 – 5.01
    07/1 – 6.01 – 34:46
    08/1 – rest
    09/1 – 10.02 – New Yr 10K – 1:11:58
    10/1 – rest
    11/1 – 5.01 – pram
    12/1 – rest
    13/1 – 7.02
    14/1 – 5.05 – shins very tender
    15/1 – rest
    16/1 – 5.07 – in the rain :smile:
    17/1 – rest
    18/1 – rest
    19/1 – 4.00 – pram
    20/1 – rest
    21/1 – 4.06 – 24:53 – Day 11 HM Training

    TOT: 69.33 km / 90 km

    Quick run today.. Not a lot of time. Asked my sister to watch the kids so I could do a quick 5km.. By the time I got out there though it was past 8am and the humidy felt unbelievably high! I got to 4km in 24:53 (a new record!) and called it a day.

    Was a fast run for me.. I knew the heat was against me so just wanted to pound the pavement and get what I could manage out. This week my runs have been cut short due to the kids being home and the weather. I was meant to do a 7km run today (I was meant to do that yesterday though being school holidays, this week has sort of been scrapped). I am meant to do 10.5km on Saturday, although I’m opting for my first 5km parkrun instead! I figure it’s basically a free 5km race! You get a time, a photo, the race environment but it’s all free! Not looking to set a record, but I’m looking forward to running with a bit of a crowd again :smile: Happy running today!

    Day 11 HM Training

    2016 Races:
    9 January – New Year (virtual) 10K DONE! 1:11:58
    23 January – 5km Parkrun – Rocks Riverside
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member
