The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @MorningGhost14 - I did not know that about @aldousmom, but looking at her profile at all her running accomplishments - wow! You too are motivation for me to get out and run especially when it is so cold where you are running and I am considering wimping out here!

    I met a young girl on the 1st part of my run this morning. She was doing a walk run sequence and I passed her a couple of times and stopped to walk/talk with her. She is just starting to run and training to hopefully run the Disney 10k (not sure which one). I mentioned MFP and this group as so motivational and supportive. I hope she checks it out and finds us here!

    I got in my 12 miles and did my monster hill up over and back, then went back up the steepest part again. I had planned on doing the entire hill twice but my legs were already burning and complaining. The killer is that I had plenty of energy left once I hit the flat again, for the 5 miles home and probably could have run the hill twice. Next time!
    Celebrated my run with lunch at Umami with a friend. Ate my entire burger, sweet potato fries and dessert - way more than I typically eat but it was so good and I was so hungry!

    Dog beach Sunday tomorrow as long as it isn't raining!

    01/01.......0.00..........0.00 - total rest/slug day. Did walk 1.5 miles with the pup
    01/04.......7.16........16.49 + Agility
    01/05.......4.14........20.63 Treadmill run + Strength Training
    01/07.......5.33........25.96 + Strength Training
    01/11.......4.54........46.85 + Agility
    01/12.......3.64........50.49 + Strength Training
    01/14.......5.32........55.81 + Strength Training
    01/15.......5.47........61.28 - half way to goal on the 15th of the month!!
    01/18.......4.51........73.34 + Agility
    01/19.......5.15........78.49 + Strength Training
    01/21.......5.23........83.72 + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited January 2016
    January 2016
    02/1 – 13.02 – 1:50:10
    03/1 – rest
    04/1 – 5.06 – pram
    05/1 – rest
    06/1 – 5.01
    07/1 – 6.01 – 34:46
    08/1 – rest
    09/1 – 10.02 – New Yr 10K – 1:11:58
    10/1 – rest
    11/1 – 5.01 – pram
    12/1 – rest
    13/1 – 7.02
    14/1 – 5.05 – shins very tender
    15/1 – rest
    16/1 – 5.07 – in the rain
    17/1 – rest
    18/1 – rest
    19/1 – 4.00 – pram
    20/1 – rest
    21/1 – 4.06 – 24:53 – Day 11 HM Training
    22/1 – rest
    23/1 – 10.51 – 1:16:55
    24/1 - 5.00 - 32:40

    TOT: 84.84 km / 90 km

    Thinking I'm going to smash this months goal out of the ball park :lol:


    Quick 5k. Still warm though- 28°c
    Wanted another sub-30 but just happy to do 5k the day after my long run! :smiley:

    Signing up for Run Downunder this week- you enter each run and the distances get you around Oz or a map! You get small prizes at each town and a finishers medal! :wink:
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    I'd planned to do 4 miles today, my furthest ever run, but I barely managed to do 2. I've learned a valuable lesson, do not run when you are ill! Headache, sinus pain, blocked nose and general feeling of being hit by a bus and yet bizarrely I thought a good run would sort me out! Lesson learned, going to rest for a few days until I'm better.
  • tweekedgirl
    tweekedgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Unfortunately I had to be in work yesterday in the early hours, but took the chance to scope out work's local ParkRun, and went along to that. Passed my goal for the month! Definitely going to aim higher next month.

    1/1 - 3.36
    2/1 - 3.08
    5/1 - 3.08
    8/1 - 3.25
    9/1 - 3.08
    10/1 - 4.66
    12/1 - 3.56
    14/1 - 3.65
    19/1 - 2.90
    20/1 - 3.48
    23/1 - 3.65

    Total - 37.76/35
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    edited January 2016
    Congrats to @Miffylou and @tweekedgirl for surpassing your goals for the month!

    @Virkati congrats on coming back from illness. Glad you're feeling better and getting back out there.

    @runner_girl83 glad your shins are ok. You are going to smash your goal this month! Run Downunder looks interesting too.

    @kateparry84 glad you have decided to rest. Always a good choice when you are sick.
  • DawnBe1
    DawnBe1 Posts: 81 Member
    Another one of those newbies...getting set up for hopefully completing a goal of 142km next month. I've been running since 2012 and ran my first half marathon that year. I've run a few since then but haven't properly trained since that first one. Hoping this group will help me be accountable and stick to the plan. I'm currently registered for 'A1A Half' in Fort Lauderdale in February and then 'Around the Bay 30K' in Hamilton On, in April.

    First time using these tickers so hope it works!


  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    2/1 - 5k
    3/1 - 7k
    5/1 - 1k walk
    6/1 - 3k
    7/1 - 2.5k
    9/1 - 7k
    10/1 - 5k intervals
    12/1 - 2k walk
    13/1 - 1k
    14/1 - 5k
    16/1 - 7k
    17/1 - 5k
    18/1 - 1k
    21/1 - 6k
    23/1 - 8k
    24/1 -6k


    Made it outside again - had been raining heavily during the night but stayed dry for my run. Hadn't realised my route would be full of deep unavoidable puddles and mud. Actually enjoyed jumping over and the ought them - could have lived without having to run with sodden trainers but hey, it felt like an initiation :smiley:


  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Jan 01      6.5      6.5
    Jan 02      5.1     11.6
    Jan 03      5.6     17.2
    Jan 05      3.3T    20.5
    Jan 07      3.4T    23.9
    Jan 09      8.2     32.1
    Jan 10      6.2T    38.3
    Jan 13      4.2T    42.5
    Jan 15      8.2     50.7
    Jan 18     11.3     62.0
    Jan 20      4.1T    66.1
    Jan 21      4.4T    70.5
    Jan 23      8.2     78.7
    Jan 24      4.9T    83.6


    Caught the edge of the East Coast storm last night, so the sidewalks are impassible. Off to the treadmill at the health club. Not how I like to spend my Running time on the weekend!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Signing up for Run Downunder this week- you enter each run and the distances get you around Oz or a map! You get small prizes at each town and a finishers medal! :wink:

    That sounds like a really fun and motivating "race"! I am a sucker for little bits of motivational rewards like stickers and such. I always try to have a challenge going on Map My Run so I can try to keep myself in the top 10% and earn the little badges.
    I'd planned to do 4 miles today, my furthest ever run, but I barely managed to do 2. I've learned a valuable lesson, do not run when you are ill! Headache, sinus pain, blocked nose and general feeling of being hit by a bus and yet bizarrely I thought a good run would sort me out! Lesson learned, going to rest for a few days until I'm better.

    I find that I can run with sinus pain, and it actually helps to get the blood flowing and unblock stuff--but the trick is to be nice and slow and not tax your lungs, because obviously you're not getting full oxygen if you're having difficulty breathing. Not that rest is a bad thing--just another perspective on running with a head full of yuck. Now, if I have a fever or nausea...yeah. Not running.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Signing up for Run Downunder this week- you enter each run and the distances get you around Oz or a map! You get small prizes at each town and a finishers medal! :wink:

    That sounds like a really fun and motivating "race"! I am a sucker for little bits of motivational rewards like stickers and such. I always try to have a challenge going on Map My Run so I can try to keep myself in the top 10% and earn the little badges.
    I'd planned to do 4 miles today, my furthest ever run, but I barely managed to do 2. I've learned a valuable lesson, do not run when you are ill! Headache, sinus pain, blocked nose and general feeling of being hit by a bus and yet bizarrely I thought a good run would sort me out! Lesson learned, going to rest for a few days until I'm better.

    I find that I can run with sinus pain, and it actually helps to get the blood flowing and unblock stuff--but the trick is to be nice and slow and not tax your lungs, because obviously you're not getting full oxygen if you're having difficulty breathing. Not that rest is a bad thing--just another perspective on running with a head full of yuck. Now, if I have a fever or nausea...yeah. Not running.

    I found this to. Running is better than a decongestant.
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    1/1 5.6 miles—street run given the snow and ice on sidewalks. excellent run at 25 F.
    1/2 elliptical day, no run
    1/3 10.2 — excellent run, slow pace 11:45. But pain in the heels and achilles afterwards. got better with ice treatment!
    1/4 elliptical day, no run
    1/5 rest day
    1/6 6.5 — ran in 28 degree weather. starting to feel 30 degree weather might be pushing it too warm for comfort My heels, which bothered me after my last run (stretched, iced, and rested) held up quite nicely during today’s run. i guess i should just recognize that every time i push myself a bit more on distance or on speed, i should expect some pain if not planned well enough and if not done in a gradual way.
    1/7 3.64 — the run was okay at 10:30 per mile, but the roads were slippery because of some freezing rain. icing helps a great deal with the pain. I still have some pain in my achilles, but doing much better everyday. I took it easy though.
    1/9 6.11 —nice group run while snowing lightly!
    1/10 crosstraining—elliptical
    1/11 4.31 — 6 degree weather @10:50
    1/12 crosstraining—elliptical
    1/13 5.08
    1/14 3.14 — have to say, those compression socks rock! first time user, wow! Did s half hour of elliptical too!
    1/15 cross training—elliptical training for 90 minutes. That was good!
    1/16 6.08 —
    1/17 4.32 — coldest miles ever. It was 0 degrees and -20 with windchill. I forgot who mentioned this a couple of days ago, but it is really true: most of what we think we’re unable to do (not everything of course and I recognize different people have different abilities), but most of what we think we cannot do has to do with the mental games we play in our own heads. I would have never imagined walking, let alone running, in a windchill weather like this one!
    1/18 — rest day.
    1/19 6.3 — nice run, in new shoes, in the dark and cold. Ah, so relaxing. I do think I am becoming a runner because I came home without a plan to run, work was really busy, but I just could not sit still before I running. I not only missed it, but actually needed it to relax!
    1/20 4.22 — nice easy run (11 minute/mile), cold but bearable, and clear sidewalks. it was a really good run.
    1/22 4.20 — great run in the cold and snow! beautiful.
    1/23 cross training—elliptical for today
    1/24 6 miles. 3.5 with my neighborhood group and 2.5 by myself! Okay, now I am over my monthly run, I did decide from the very beginning to make up for the lost miles in December, so, that’s good!


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    1/1: 6.2 miles
    1/2: 11.6 miles
    1/3: Rest/Travel day
    1/4: 10 miles
    1/5: Rest day
    1/6: 4 miles (am), 8 miles tempo (pm)
    1/7: 4 miles (am), 6 miles with the Thursday crew (pm)
    1/8: Rest day
    1/9: 12.2 miles with the Saturday crew
    1/10: 5 miles
    1/11: 5.8 miles with "Joe-to-Go" crew
    1/12: Rest day
    1/13: 4 miles treadmill (am), 7.1 miles with Wednesday crew (pm)
    1/14: 6 miles (am), no second run :[
    1/15: Rest day
    1/16: 7 miles with Saturday crew
    1/17: 10 miles
    1/18: 6 miles with "Joe-to-Go" crew
    1/19: Rest day/final finals day
    1/20: 4 miles (am), no second run
    1/21: No AM run, 7 miles with Thursday crew (pm)
    1/22: 14 miles
    1/23: SNOW DAY!
    1/24: 9 miles

    Well, glad I took yesterday off. We ended up getting 20-23 inches of snow in Princeton, and there was no way I was going to brave that plus 30-40 mph winds! Ran outside today; some roads were fine, some were mushy, some were slushy. Did 8 with a group, then jogged 1 mile back to my apartment after post-run coffee. I would not have run nearly as far without a group, for sure! Probably won't meet up for the 6 am run tomorrow, as all this slush is bound to freeze over. I'll stick to daylight hours, thanks!


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney HM
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon
    6/12: Race and Ride Cedar Point HM (maybe)
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member



    Upcoming races:
    May 14, 2016 Glacier Ridge Trail Ultra 50K (Portersville, PA)
    June 4, 2106 38 Mile NIght Fun Run (Kettle Moraine State Forest, WI)
    October 1, 2016 Cloudsplitter 100K (Pine Mountain, KY)
  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    @snha : Congrats on making your target! :smiley:

    As I said yesterday morning I went past my 60 mile target with a 5k at parkrun... meaning that the motivation just wasn't there when I went out for my usual Sunday "long" run today. I usually do about 5-7 miles, with 8.1 being my furthest so far. I knew I could just coast for the remaining week and I'd make my 75 mile stretch goal.

    So. The first 2 miles were an absolute slog: everything hurt - everything - , I was tired, I felt particularly chunky, and my inner monologue seemed to be channelling my 5 year old self. I swear I was having a proper temper tantrum. I wonder if I was doing it out loud? I probably sounded like Mutley :lol:

    But somewhere around 5k I convinced myself that as I was knackered already I might as well do one more time round the block to get up to 5ish miles... and then at 10k deciding to just squeeze in the extra loop to get to my 8.1 record was pure stubbornness... and at 8.1 miles the final little loop to get to 10 miles seemed like a brilliant idea! Ended up with 10.1 miles, my longest run yet by a 2 mile margin. I don't really know where that came from, except I guess I genuinely enjoy running now. Weird.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    whatang wrote: »
    @snha : Congrats on making your target! :smiley:

    As I said yesterday morning I went past my 60 mile target with a 5k at parkrun... meaning that the motivation just wasn't there when I went out for my usual Sunday "long" run today. I usually do about 5-7 miles, with 8.1 being my furthest so far. I knew I could just coast for the remaining week and I'd make my 75 mile stretch goal.

    So. The first 2 miles were an absolute slog: everything hurt - everything - , I was tired, I felt particularly chunky, and my inner monologue seemed to be channelling my 5 year old self. I swear I was having a proper temper tantrum. I wonder if I was doing it out loud? I probably sounded like Mutley :lol:

    But somewhere around 5k I convinced myself that as I was knackered already I might as well do one more time round the block to get up to 5ish miles... and then at 10k deciding to just squeeze in the extra loop to get to my 8.1 record was pure stubbornness... and at 8.1 miles the final little loop to get to 10 miles seemed like a brilliant idea! Ended up with 10.1 miles, my longest run yet by a 2 mile margin. I don't really know where that came from, except I guess I genuinely enjoy running now. Weird.

    THAT is how you run! Excellent!
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member


  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    whatang wrote: »
    @snha : Congrats on making your target! :smiley:

    As I said yesterday morning I went past my 60 mile target with a 5k at parkrun... meaning that the motivation just wasn't there when I went out for my usual Sunday "long" run today. I usually do about 5-7 miles, with 8.1 being my furthest so far. I knew I could just coast for the remaining week and I'd make my 75 mile stretch goal.

    So. The first 2 miles were an absolute slog: everything hurt - everything - , I was tired, I felt particularly chunky, and my inner monologue seemed to be channelling my 5 year old self. I swear I was having a proper temper tantrum. I wonder if I was doing it out loud? I probably sounded like Mutley :lol:

    But somewhere around 5k I convinced myself that as I was knackered already I might as well do one more time round the block to get up to 5ish miles... and then at 10k deciding to just squeeze in the extra loop to get to my 8.1 record was pure stubbornness... and at 8.1 miles the final little loop to get to 10 miles seemed like a brilliant idea! Ended up with 10.1 miles, my longest run yet by a 2 mile margin. I don't really know where that came from, except I guess I genuinely enjoy running now. Weird.

    Thanks, but that 10.1 mile run seems to have been awesome. Way to go. Thanks for describing it in detail, that was fun to read! Congrats.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    January Running Totals (miles)
    1/1 - 10.17 warm up + 7.5 mile race
    1/2 - 12.29 long slow run
    1/3 - 5.16 easy with fast finish
    1/4 - 6.01 easy
    1/5 - 11.09 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/6 - 5.95 group run
    1/7 - 8.04 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/8 - scheduled rest day
    1/9 - 16.48 warm up + Winter Warrior Half
    1/10 - 7.46 easy
    1/11 - 10.07 easy
    1/12 - 8.39 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/13 - 8.02 easy and snowy
    1/14 - 8.70 warm up, speed work, cool down
    1/15 - scheduled rest day
    1/16 - 13.64 with hills
    1/17 - 12.05 easy
    1/18 - 8.53 easy plus 4 strides
    1/19 – 7.94 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/20 – 6.17 easy
    1/21 – 9.64 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/22 – scheduled rest day
    1/23 – 17.86 easy
    1/24 – 7.49 easy

    January to date total – 201.15

    Goal - 51 to 62 miles per week, per training plan
    expected January total - 245 to 251 miles

    Today's notes - Slept in this morning, soaked up almost 10 hours of sleep. Skipped church, skipped many of my routine morning strength exercises. Only did my usual push-ups and pull-ups. It was cold. About 12:45 I got out to run, the temperature having warmed to 28° F. The training assignment was an hour at E, and that's pretty much what I did. Felt OK, and I suspect the reason it was in the plan that way was to limit how much I run today after yesterday's long run. So I resisted the temptation to add miles in order to ease my time management around Monday and Wednesday runs this week.

    Today brought me over 200 miles for January. That shouldn't really even be a goal, since I'm targeting the weekly mileage from the training plan. I was a bit surprised that I noticed it as a milestone.

    Upcoming races:
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY - need to register)
    March 26, 2016 Spring Foward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY - need to register)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
  • Figuredat
    Figuredat Posts: 22 Member
    You absolutely rock! I'll have to follow you for motivation!! Keep up the good work!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited January 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I found this too. Running is better than a decongestant.

    Snot rockets FTW!