The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    17 miles today in 3:01:29, for an average pace of 10:40 per mile. That's a new distance PR for me! Will update total monthly mileage later, as I don't feel like searching for my previous post on my phone.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited January 2016
    Had an awesome run today! I met a lady mile 3 and we discovered we were going the same way and distance. The weird thing is, it's not like this would be considered a normal running place around here. It's just a big loop around some streets. She and I both were wanting to go 10 and she had never run this route, nor had I. I'd run parts of it, but not this particular loop. We ran the same pace! She's training for the Disney Princess HM on 2/21 and I'm running Daytona in 2 weeks. We exchanged numbers and have been texting. Our schedules are pretty different so not sure if we can run together much but it may work out for some runs.

    Anyway ... just wow. It did not seem at all like 10.68 miles. I felt great and could have gone longer if I had a port-a-potty but needed to get home and cook, etc. so it was all good. I love running. :smile: Need a runner's high emoji.

    Jan 1 -41 mile bike ride
    Jan 2 - 34 mile bike ride
    Jan 3 - rest day
    Jan 4 - rest day
    Jan 5 - 5.25 miles
    Jan 6 - 3.3 miles
    Jan 7-11 - Sick :( 5 sick days.
    Jan 12 - 4.1 miles — finally!!! Felt so great.
    Jan 13 - strength training + 1 mile on treadmill
    Jan 14 - 5.2 miles
    Jan 15 - 5.1 miles; trainer cancelled
    Jan 16 - 4.2 miles
    Jan 17 - 6.02 miles
    Jan 18 - Rest Day
    Jan 19 - 7.4
    Jan 20 - strength training
    Jan 21 - 5.02 miles
    jan 22 - strength training
    Jan 23 - 4.5 miles
    Jan 24 - 10.68 miles - won't make goal this month but I'm thrilled with mileage considering how sick I was earlier this month.


    2/7 HM Daytona Beach
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Kind of a split run today. It was super windy (15-20 gusts) so I took a break at 6 miles for water and figs. Was then engaged in conversation with other runners. Actually, someone I met through PT and was invited to run with the girls Saturday mornings and have coffee after. So happy! She qualified for Boston but didn't get a spot, so I'm in good hands.

    2/1......5.20 walk
    9/1......4.3 treadmill walk.
    11/1.....Travel Dr appt
    18-19/1....I didn't run? No idea where those days went.
    20/1.... Steroid shot #2

    74.16/100+ Miles

    Upcoming races:

    02/06/16 Hot Chocolate 15K Dallas
    03/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    03/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    04/24/16 OKC Memorial undecided distance
    Run the year 2016  74.26/2016
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    @ddmom0811 that sounds like an awesome run!

    @whatang super long run! Congrats on longest distance ever.

    @ceciliaslater congrats on your new distance PR! (I had to convert it to km for it to make sense to me: 27 km is huge)

    You guys are doing great!

    6.16 km this morning @ 7:54 min/km; Av HR 127; max HR 165. Really hard to get moving today. Legs probably still tired from my long run on Saturday. And the humidity this morning! We ran the aircon all night because it has been so stinking hot, and when I went out the door at 5.15am, I could feel the heavy air. Garmin says 26.1C and 84% humidity for my run. Nicest thing about my run this morning was Lady Luna hanging out there in the sky even though it was already light outside.

    1 Jan 13.4 km (long run)
    2 Jan Rest
    3 Jan 6.3 km
    4 Jan 5.4 km
    5 Jan Rest
    6 Jan 8.3 km
    7 Jan 5.3 km
    8 Jan Rest
    9 Jan 15.3 km (long run)
    10 Jan Rest
    11 Jan 6.1 km
    12 Jan 8.3 km
    13 Jan 6.15 km
    14 Jan 6.15 km
    15 Jan Rest
    16 Jan 10.4 km (cutback week)
    17 Jan Rest
    18 Jan 6.16 km
    19 Jan 6.18 km
    20 Jan 10.03 km
    21 Jan 6.15km
    22 Jan Rest
    23 Jan 18.28 km (long run)
    24 Jan Rest
    25 Jan 6.16km

    Total: 144.06 / 150 km

    All my training is slow and easy because increasing mileage for my first marathon in July.

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    In regards to the running while ill (neck and above category of illness that is) I am becoming pretty indifferent about it really. It does help to clear the sinuses and sometimes I feel better because of it. But some times not even that makes me feel better and the runs are real slogs due to being ill and having less energy. If only I could tell what kind of run I would have, that would be great. Usually I just run anyway. There was once that I did a monster long run with a head cold and wound up even more sick for a full week after. That sucked. So not sure how to advise since my results are all over the place in regards to it. I suppose the best suggestion might be that if you need to get those miles in then do it. If you can take the day off, do that instead.

    @whatang - Congrats on the distance PR!! There comes a point where you can do things like that on a whim while out running and surprise yourself with a new distance, and it looks like you are there. The funny thing is when my training plan suggests putting in higher mileage sometimes they are really hard. But then come those days like that where you set out for something not that aggressive but have the ability to crank out something incredible! I really prefer those days. :smile:

    Today was the first back to back long run I have done since last summer. I actually felt better today than yesterday and had a much better pace today. That seems a bit strange to have more energy on tired legs, but it might be due to coming off a head cold. Yesterday was the first day I felt normal again but may not have been back to 100% energy perhaps. That's my theory anyway.

    1/1 - 2.25 miles
    1/3 - 4.1 miles
    1/5 - 6.5 miles
    1/7 - 4 miles
    1/9 - 4 miles
    1/12 - 3.25 miles
    1/14 - 4.6 miles
    1/16 - 11.5 miles
    1/18 - 2.1 miles
    1/20 - 3.1 miles
    1/23 - 12.6 miles
    1/24 - 8.1 miles

    66.1 of 50 miles


    Upcoming races:
    4/9 - Rock the Parkway half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    4/16 - Garmin half marathon (Olathe, KS)
    4/30 - BattleFrog 8k obstacle course run (Kansas City, MO)
    5/14 - Running with the Cows half marathon (Bucyrus, KS)
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Went back and calculated my total distance. I'm at 101.9 for the month (goal is 145.1 miles). Pretty sure this is the first time I've ever run over 100 miles in a month.

    Notes on today's 17 miler: I bought a camelbak yesterday. It's a 1.5 liter model. Ran with it today and am in love. Previously, I had run with a bottle in my hand (hand cramps and awkward when trying to do anything else) or with a fitletic water belt (sometimes upset my stomach from the pressure). The only problem I had with the camelbak is that the model I bought has no front storage, so I'll have to attach something to hold my food . for today, I just put my gummies in my amphipod with my phone. Will probably dump the armband and just put my phone in the camelbak once I get the food thing sorted...

    I put on KT tape before the run. Both knees and my gimpy ankle. I definitely felt less knee aching during the run and am more mobile than I was after my 15 miler a couple weeks back. Felt a shock or snap of some sort in my ankle about the 9 mile mark. My body jerked in response and I thought I was going to fall (the foot was suspended when it happened). My foot ended up coming down normally and there was no unusual pain, so I just went on about my business. No more complaining from the ankle than normal after that. Very weird.

    The run was a little windy (10mph, with stronger gusts, out of the south), but it was a pleasant temperature (upper 30s to upper 40s). And sunshine... How I've missed the sun!

    Sorry for the novel! :smiley:
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    @whatang Great job on your 10 (+) mile PR distance! It always feels so good to just go out and smash it, especially when you're not feeling it to begin with!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats on the mileage @ceciliaslater! What distance are you training for?
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    @WhatMeRunning I'm training for a marathon. The A2A Marathon in Ardmore, OK, on March 20th! Running it with my sister. It'll be the first marathon for both of us!
  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    @whatang Great job on your 10 (+) mile PR distance! It always feels so good to just go out and smash it, especially when you're not feeling it to begin with!
    Thanks! Great job with your miles - 102! Good luck with the marathon training :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Wow congratulations to @whatang ! And @ceciliaslater!
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    1/2 6.5 miles
    1/3 3.5 miles
    1/7 4.0 miles
    1/10 4.0 miles
    1/13 5.0 miles
    1/14 3.0 miles
    1/15 2.0 miles
    1/18 6.0 miles
    1/22 5.0 miles
    1/24 3.0 miles

    42 miles done out of a goal of 55.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @Elise4270 -- I sent you a PM.

    To all others that ordered a shirt. 44 shirts were ordered. Because I estimated less shirts to be ordered, the price of each shirt goes down. There is a $43.12 refund that will be owed back to us. That's almost a dollar per shirt. I need to find out how that refund will be sent back, but I suggest to give it to Elise and use it towards the shipping costs from Elise to everyone else.

    I hope standard delivery (free) is fine with everyone. That means Elise will receive our shirts guaranteed by Monday 2/8/2016.
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Stoshew71 But I thought we're chipping in for the different t-shirts for you, skip, and someone else i cannot remember. so, @Elise4270 can take that money and tell us what more we awe her for shipping and for those well deserved gift t-shirts!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    January goal 70 miles

    1/1 3.69
    1/2 4.15
    1/3 3.12
    1/4 rest
    1/5 3.31
    1/6 5.59
    1/7 rest
    1/8 3.00
    1/9 heavy duty yard work
    1/10 3.27
    1/11 3.38
    1/12 snorkel 3 hours
    1/13 6.39
    1/14 rest
    1/15 3.12 (and some more heavy duty yard work)
    1/16 4.25
    1/17 3.05
    1/18 rest
    1/19 3.00
    1/20 5.51
    1/21 rest
    1/22 3.20
    1/23 the last of eight long work days and I just came home and sat......
    1/24 6.25. On the treadmill. On the lanai. Overlooking the ocean. Watching football. Life is good....

    Total 64.28

    Upcoming races:
    3/20 Big Island International 1/2 marathon
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:


  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Using a foam roller is causing more pain than the pain I bought it to alleviate! Torture device is really what it is. The pain in my hip was pretty severe after my run yesterday so today has been lots of Motrin and "ice ice baby"!! I'm scheduled for 3 miles tomorrow. We'll see how this plays out...
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    11 km Run along the River. The first 3km was plowed, the next 5 was a loose-unstable Boot Pack by all the Walkers/Runners and the last 3km was plowed. What you might call a Tough Slog in the middle. That 5km felt like a Hill Run.

    01/01 –0.0 Km – 140 km – 0.0 Km
    01/01 –6.0 Km – 134 km – 6.0 Km
    01/02 –7.0 Km – 127 km – 13.0 Km
    01/03 –5.0 Km – 122 km – 18.0 Km
    01/04 –10.0 Km – 112 km – 28.0 Km
    01/06 –7.0 Km – 105 km – 35.0 Km
    01/09 –7.0 Km – 98 km – 42.0 Km
    01/10 –5.0 Km – 93 km – 47.0 Km
    01/11 –18.0 Km – 75 km – 65.0 Km
    01/13 –10.0 Km – 65 km – 75.0 Km
    01/16 –8.5 Km – 56.5 km – 83.5 Km
    01/17 –6.5 Km – 50.0 km – 90.0 Km
    01/20 –10.8 Km – 39.2 km – 100.8 Km
    01/24 –11.0 Km – 28.2 km – 111.8 Km

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    edited January 2016
    No run for me today but we did head down to the dog beach where I ran a bit with Hobbes the Vizsla. The storms out in the Pacific are driving high tides, large waves and rough surf our way so no one was sending their pups into the water. I was surprised though that there were not more surfers. We still haven't had much rain, it is all going north and it is supposed to be unseasonably warm this week. Just when I was enjoying my cooler runs! Here are a couple of pics from the beach today - it was in the mid 50's when we were there. Everyone digging out from the snow can dream about being on the beach running with us :)
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    @shanaber beautiful pics! Thanks for posting :)
  • dominichoran
    dominichoran Posts: 18 Member
    7 days to go, how's everyone feeling?