Challenge Group (New Members Welcome!!!) 6/13-6/19



  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    MON –Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: N? ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: 30 mins ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: 50 mins ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Golfing tomorrow night, going to try 18 holes. 24 hour sunlight here so playing in a midnight golf tournament. Should be fun!
  • mama_corn
    mama_corn Posts: 24
    MON –Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: N (was not a good day at all)
    TUES – Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: N
    THU – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    I am finally getting the idea on what I can and can't eat to stay under my calories...but it is taking some DISCIPLINE which can be annoying when I'm craving something. :ohwell:
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    MON –Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: N (girl's night out...cals were more in ETOH then food :tongue: )
    THU – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 3/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 3/7
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N? No exercise yes under calorie
    TUES – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N? yes exercise (1 hour) yes under calorie
    WED – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N? Yes exercise (1 hour) yes under calorie
    THU – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N? no exercise yes under calorie
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: #/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: #/7
  • nkrueger1
    nkrueger1 Posts: 129 Member
    Day 4 :happy:

    MON –Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics and 30 minutes Zumba ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 4/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 4/7

    Got all my H2O for the day too!!!
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    MON –Exercise: N (20 minutes, walk) ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: N (30 minutes, walk) ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y (50 minutes, Biggest Loser) ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 2/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 4/7

    I'm combining Monday and Tuesday into a "yes" for one of the exercise days. On Tuesday, my boyfriend and I decided to take the dog for a walk, but about 25 minutes in, he (my dog) broke the leash pulling so hard and we had to turn back. I was fully intending on dropping the dog off and continuing our walk, but the leash had given my boyfriend some pretty nasty rope burn and we had to go to Meijer to get burn cream. I suggested walking there, but his hand hurt too much. By the time we got home, it was too late to finish our walk.
    Long story short, I was totally cheated out of my workout that day. So I'm counting the combined 50 minutes of exercise on Monday and Tuesday as one day of 45+ minutes of exercise.
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y (60 min - rowing, climbing, workout DVD) ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y (55 min - rollerblading + workout DVD) ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y (55 min - climbing + workout DVD) ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y (45 min - workout DVD & yoga) ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 4/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 4/7
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    MON –Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: N
    THU – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 3/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 3/7
  • MON –Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: N
    TUES – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 3/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 3/7
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y walk x45min ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y Walk/Run - Wk 4 D 3 ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y walk X 45min ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y Walk/Run - Wk5 D1 ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 4/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 4/7
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    TUES – Exercise: Yes elliptical and situps ~ Under Calories: Yes
    WED – Exercise: Yes ~ Under Calories: Yes
    THU – Exercise: No ~ Under Calories: Yes
    FRI – Exercise: Yes (walk/jog) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 3/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 4/6
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    MON –Exercise: Y (2 hrs) ~ Under Calories: Y (+640)
    TUES – Exercise: Y (50 mins) ~ Under Calories: N (emphatically!)
    WED – Exercise: Y (50 mins) ~ Under Calories: N...
    THU – Exercise: Y (55 mins)? ~ Under Calories: N
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 4/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 1/7
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    MON –Exercise: 49 mins ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: 67 mins ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: 37 mins ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: 27 ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total mins of exercise: 180/420
    Mins left: 240 minutes
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 4/7
    We had a death in the family so I will not be able to get in my normal workouts. Today I am going to try and kick butt to make up for the lack of exercise this weekend. However, I have a ton to get done today to be ready to leave town first thing tomorrow morning.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes 85 minutes (JM DVD's) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    TUES – Exercise: Yes 85 minutes (JM DVD's) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    WED – Exercise: Yes 54 minutes (JM DVD) ~ Under Calories: Y es
    THU – Exercise: Yes 54 minutes (JM DVD) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    FRI – Exercise: Yes 54 minutes (JM DVD) ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 5/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 4/7

    I forgot to update yesterday!:noway:
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    MON –Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: N
    TUES – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: N
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 3/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 2/7
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y (55min) ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y (60min) ~ Under Calories: Y...but it was close. eek!
    WED – Exercise: Y (40min) ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y (45 min) ~ Under Calories: N
    FRI – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 4/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 3/7
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Still on track so far - buuuttttt totally gonna blow it Saturday - my son's 20th birthday and he chose The Melting Pot (a fondue restaurant) for his birthday dinner....ugggg my favorite and since we only go maybe once a year, I just can't bring myself to not enjoying the dinner - I just hope it doesn't completely ruin my progress!

    MON –Exercise: Y 90 min ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y 45 min ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y 120 min? ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: Y - bad day....went home and went to bed :sad:
    FRI – Exercise: Y 170 min ~ Under Calories: Y
    SAT – Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: N My son's birthday dinner at the lovely and ohhh too tempting Melting Pot! (good thing I only have 1 kid!)
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N? Hopfully I'll be able to work off some of Saturdays birthday dinner on Sunday!

    Total Days of Exercise: 4/5 ~ So Far....
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 5/7 ~ So Far....

    I hope everyone is having a great week so far!!!! Keep up the great work, all you wonderful people!! Thanks for being here to talk to and share with! :flowerforyou:
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    MON –Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: N ~ Under Calories: Y
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 4/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 5/7
  • nkrueger1
    nkrueger1 Posts: 129 Member
    Day 5 :tongue:

    MON –Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics ~ Under Calories: Y
    TUES – Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics and 30 minutes Zumba ~ Under Calories: Y
    WED – Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics ~ Under Calories: Y
    THU – Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics ~ Under Calories: Y
    FRI – Exercise: Y 1 hr water aerobics ~ Under Calories: Y
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 5/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 5/7

    Got all my H2O for the day too!!!
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    MON –Exercise: Yes (60 minutes - stepper) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    TUES – Exercise: Yes (100 min total/60 min - stepper & 40 min - The Firm circuit training) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    WED – Exercise: Yes (70 min total/30 min - stepper & 40 min - The Firm kickboxing) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    THU – Exercise: Yes (95 total: The Firm, Just Dance 2, stepper) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    FRI – Exercise: Yes (100 minutes total: The Firm (40 min) and the stepper (60 minutes) ~ Under Calories: Yes
    SAT – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?
    SUN – Exercise: Y/N? ~ Under Calories: Y/N?

    Total Days of Exercise: 5/5
    Total Days Staying Under Calorie Goal: 5/7