When I see this in the GYM it ticks me off ??? lol

texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
Everyone has one let's just Fan them out !


  • escotech2883
    escotech2883 Posts: 546 Member
    Guys hitting on females. I didn't know it was a bar or club we are there to workout aren't we ?

  • texxaskid77
    texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
    lol !!! Now that's on POINT !!!
  • barkleyjeffl
    barkleyjeffl Posts: 21 Member
    Guys and girls that walk around flexing and looking at people... which I'm glad my gym does not allow that much... It's like we see you and you are not that hot...so move on! I go to the gym to work out... not see how many people can look at me!
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    People who try to fat-shame those of us in the gym who are overweight. There's a reason we're there. The gym isn't just for people who are already fit. How do you think you got to where you are?
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    People who squat a high weight with bad form. It ticks me off because they think they're squatting more than me, but anyone can throw a few plates on the bar and bend their knees a bit.
  • texxaskid77
    texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
    Barkle and clobern! Very good points ! Please keep pushing for your goals ! In today's society it seems like everyone's looking for everyone's approvals !! Crazy ! Be self-motivated
  • schandler1011
    schandler1011 Posts: 83 Member
    other people. lol
  • sammyantics
    sammyantics Posts: 191 Member
    -people who don't put weights/equipment back when they're done.
    -people who don't wipe down cardio machines
    -grunters (excessive.. sometime i get you just can't help it)
    -weight droppers.
    -people resting on weight machines when the gym is crowded.
    -women wearing excessive makeup
  • texxaskid77
    texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
    Other people ? Lol come on...
  • texxaskid77
    texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
    Sammy not holding back ! Love it ....
  • schughes48
    schughes48 Posts: 112 Member
    Women who come in with full makeup and new workout clothes and stand around and do nothing
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I go to a very private gym...there are only a limited number of us (5 I think) who have access to come and go as we please...there is no public access and everyone else who is there is working with either my coach or one of the other 3 trainers...so when I'm there, there might be 2 or 3 other people in the entire place working. Last night I was the only one there until the very end of my workout.

    I love it...no issues.
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    People that constantly check in and tell everyone on Facebook/IG about going to the gym.
    People that take excessive amount of selfies while supposedly working out.

    That one girl in a group class who thinks she looks better than you and is skinnier than you so she can do it all better than you.

  • Nell8i8
    Nell8i8 Posts: 61 Member
    edited January 2016
    I wrote about this yesterday after my I went to the gym.
    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE....for the love of all that's good in this world please don't be the person in the gym that smells like rotting death. Your dead skin cells shed during your workout and create the perfect breeding ground for mildew. THAT is what you smell. The odor is so distracting. And yes we can tell who you are. Please wash your gym clothes. If the odor won't leave your clothes use a little bit of white vinegar in your wash. It will get the smell out and everyone will be ever so thankful!
  • 3AAnn3
    3AAnn3 Posts: 3,054 Member
    People that *kitten* about what everyone else does that they hate and who go in with a scowl waiting for someone to piss them off. Be happy. Be tolerant. Realize that you also do things other people don't like.
  • serenitywsu
    serenitywsu Posts: 22 Member
    When girls wear a thong to the gym so their vagina sweat is more noticeable on the gym equipment...and they DONT wipe it down. Yuck yuck yuck.
  • texxaskid77
    texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
    Curves..... Use that fire to push you to the next level !! You can do it ...
    Nell, I was Running on the Tred next to me smelled like that, I started to call it quits but pushed On! My people when these Dislikes happen, please keep pushing! Never quit because the person next to you ! And if y'all need motivation Get with me!! I'll help you Any way I can!!!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    When people judge other people for doing weird things. You don't know their goals, their injuries, their strengths, or their weaknesses. Sometimes the weird stuff serves a purpose. Even cheating reps.
  • texxaskid77
    texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
    3AAnn3 and serenity.... Dam good points !
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    When people judge other people for doing weird things. You don't know their goals, their injuries, their strengths, or their weaknesses. Sometimes the weird stuff serves a purpose. Even cheating reps.

    So much this. Besides, I like the weird. Life would be pretty damn boring otherwise.