Bulletproof diet



  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I looked into that diet a while back and did my own research on it, basically you would be spending too much money for something you can accomplish on your own. The coffee bean are not anything special and don't promote magic weightloss. Count your calories and stick with that. But if you really want to buy into it, go for it.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Coffee blended with a bit of Kerrygold unsalted butter is actually pretty tasty (used to think it sounded gross too, until I tried it). I use it as a breakfast replacement since I really don't like to eat anything in the mornings. That way, I still consume some calories due to the butter. I wouldn't suggest this diet though, as all you need for weight loss is a deficit of calories. Just do what makes you comfortable and gets you into a calorie deficit.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    As long as we're necroing this thread up:

    I eat buttered coffee and hot chocolate regularly and they're both pretty great.
    So props to the Bulletproof Coffee guy for popularizing the idea. But the special coffee he sells is not special (look it up, people have studied it), so ignore his salesmanship.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I see a lot of criticism here for something that most people just don't understand. The Bulletproof Diet is simply a ketogenic diet which forces your body to use fat for energy instead of storing it away. Keto is not new, and it's not a fad diet either. It's been used to treat epilepsy, and athletes use it to "lean out" before a competition. My personal trainer has also lived exclusively on a keto diet for many years, and she's in excellent health. I have been eating a keto diet for almost two weeks now and I've lost 5 pounds almost effortlessly. Going for one spin class actually gave me a great metabolic boost. The trick is to use healthy fats (like yummy avocado), and teach your body that energy should come from fat, not from carbohydrates and sugars which most packaged foods in the U.S. contain an abundance of. The problem with a keto diet is mostly in how people use it (or abuse it). Loading up on butter is probably not the best idea when considering potential spikes in LDL cholesterol levels. Instead, I use olive oil, avocado and nuts. And by the way...you're not eliminating carbs on this diet. Most vegetables contain carbs, and this diet requires 20% of the calories to come from veggies.

    lol...no it is not simply a keto diet. The 5lb are mostly water weight btw from reduced carbs.

    And +1 for the solid 1st post on a necro thread.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    I tried this diet its by Dave Asprey, basically you get his mold free coffee and mix in grass fed butter, you can eat grass fed beef and
    processed eggs, its like the paleo diet.

    It worked for a couple days but i could not keep eating those high fat foods, Dave Asprey say counting calories is not how you lose weight. You consume alot of calories on this diet.

    has anyone tried this and stuck with it?

    It would seem to me that Dave Asprey is full of crap.

    ETA: poop - this is a necromanced thread!

    Oooo...my prior post - 18 months old, still applicable.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I like butter (will eat Kerrygold's plain) and I like black coffee, but both of them together doesn't sound appealing. Is coffee and butter together really that yummy? Is it used to take away cravings or something?

    It's actually pretty good. I have it one days when I might be a tad bit peckish, but don't want to eat until 2p or later.
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    Thokiz wrote: »
    I tried this diet its by Dave Asprey, basically you get his mold free coffee and mix in grass fed butter, you can eat grass fed beef and
    processed eggs, its like the paleo diet.

    It worked for a couple days but i could not keep eating those high fat foods, Dave Asprey say counting calories is not how you lose weight. You consume alot of calories on this diet.

    has anyone tried this and stuck with it?

    Been drinking coffee for 30 years and have yet to see mold in my coffee grounds. Anytime I see something idiotic like that, I know it's just someone slapping a new name on it just so they can charge more. (and become a millionaire by age 26)

    BTW, starting a new Moon Dust Free Lemonade stand this weekend, only $95.99 a cup. Sorry so expensive, but I'm 45 and have to make up for lost time.

    And if you buy my Stardust glazed breakfast muffins for only $39.99 each, you'll have everything you need!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I thought this was a post about a tequila diet. Never mind.
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    I thought this was a post about a tequila diet. Never mind.

    No, that is the Feel Like You Are Bulletproof Diet
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Am I the only one singing

    You put da lime in da coconut, you drink it all up

  • Turning_Hopes_to_Habits
    All I've got to say is, that coffee is a total waste.

    If I want fat in my coffee, God and his cows provide something called "heavy whipping cream." It's got a lot in common with butter. It's actually the stuff they make butter out of! It's ....less processed butter! Hey, consider it "clean butter". It sure as hell TASTES a lot better in coffee than butter does.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    oh and since this is a necro thread, which should be nuked, but isn't.... allow me to invoke:

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,569 Member
    mfpcopine wrote: »
    I like butter (will eat Kerrygold's plain) and I like black coffee, but both of them together doesn't sound appealing. Is coffee and butter together really that yummy? Is it used to take away cravings or something?

    Some people who do Intermittent Fasting mix a little bit of fat into black coffee. I tried it with coconut oil (1/4 teaspoon?) and it was very satisfying. I with I could find Kerrygold in NYC.

    I drink coffee with heavy whipping cream or hwc and cocont oil (10g). Of course, I am eating a ketogenic "diet" and getting 70-75% of my caloric intake from fat. I have not yet worked up the courage to try butter in my coffee though.

    **Disclaimer: I keto in conjunction with calorie counting. I do not believe I can eat whatever amount I want that is keto-friendly and lose weight. I just find it significantly easier to adhere to my deficit this way and frankly, I could care less if anyone else chooses no carb, low carb or all the carbs.

  • DemetersRest
    When I found out about the bulletproof keto coffee (1 cup coffee, 1Tb Cream, 1Tb Butter, 1Tb Coconut Oil) I was horrified... A normal coffee for me is with skim milk so this transition was going to be a challenge. I put all the ingredients into my Vitamix and blitz for about 30 seconds on high. It's surprisingly good and definitely keeps me satisfied until lunch.

    To be fair I've only been trying the keto diet for 1 week now, however it's showing signs of promise.
  • dhyon06
    dhyon06 Posts: 4 Member
    To All -

    Im new to this app but have recieved positive feedback and so far its been very useful and easy to track calorie & nutritonal data.

    In any event - I have participated in the bulletproof / ketogenic diet overall for 6-7weeks aggressively within the first 2 weeks than have tapered it down on a moderate approach for the remaining 4-5 weeks by having a "Carb" day or two depending on my cravings, appetite, mood, etc (Generally Sat & Sun)

    I started at 226 pounds and down to 206. But now I am having difficulty going below 200 where my target goal is 185pounds by end of Spring ( Noticed the plateau for the past two weeks). I have used a pesonal trainer for the last month and doing full body workouts / HIIT type routines once a week (He does not recommend Keto for his program) while continuing to do compound exercises twice a week using a Pryamid progression specifically by increasing heavier weights. I have divided upper body on one day and lower body for another other.

    Keep in mind I rarely do cardio because I just simply hate it but I'm starting to consider doing HIIT Jumproping by doing 6 sets of 30 seconds intense jumproping followed by a 30 seconds regular jump roping follwed by 1 minute stretching than starting the next set if I don't see any further results from the Bulletproof / Keto plan.

    Upper Body Routine:
    - Incline Bench 5 x 5 sets and reps for 245Pounds
    - Dips 5 x 6-8
    - Lat Pull Downs 4 x 8 or 10 x 140pound
    - Seated Rows 4 x 10 x 140pounds
    - Pull ups 5 x 6 no weights
    - Barbell Milt Press 5x5x 115 Pounds
    - Plate Bus Driver Raises 4x10X45Pound Plate
    - Reverse Lat Raises 4x10x20 Pound Dumbell

    Lower Body Routine:
    - Deadlift 4x6-8x 205pounds
    - Squat 5x6x185 - 205 pounds
    - Kettle Bell Swing 4x15x 40 pound kettle bell
    - Squat Jumps 4x10

    I do not want to go back on full keto / bulletproof dieting because during the aggressive stages I suffered through major gastroic and stomach issues that kept lingering until I refed on Carbs. It was an uncomfortable cycle, keep in mind I have incorporated intermittent fasting below is a general outline of what I would eat Mon-Fri, when I would eat...

    Meal Plan | Aggressive Keto / Bulletproof:
    - 7AM -2PM - Bulletproof Coffee, 1 Tbsp Kerrygold Butter + 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil + 2 cups French Pressed Coffee + 1 TBSP of Heavy Cream
    - 2PM First Meal, 8oz Grassfed Beef or Chicken Thighs (two pieces) + Sauteed Kale or Arugula Salad or Asparagus.
    - Xtend Amino during workout 1 scoop if I'm training
    - 7-8PM Dinner, 8oz Grassfed Beef or Chicken Thighs + Salad or Kale, or Asparagus.
    - Note for all cooking I would use 1TBSP of Kerrygold Butter and 1 TBSP of Coconut Oil alot of sea salt and Olive Oil uncooked just over a salad very liberally 2-4TBSP.

    Meal Plan | Moderate Keto / Bulletproof:
    - 7AM -12PM - Bulletproof Coffee, 1 Tbsp Kerrygold Butter + 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil + 2 cups French Pressed Coffee + 1 TBSP of Heavy Cream.
    - 1PM First Meal, 1 Cups of Total Fage Full Fat Greek Yogurt + 1/2 Cup of Blueberry + 1 TBSP Oraganic Honey + 1 TBSP of Caco Powder + 1 Scoop of Eat the Bear Whey Protein w/ Water.
    - 2-3PM First Meal, 8oz Grassfed Beef or Chicken Thighs (two pieces) + Sauteed Kale or Arugula Salad or Asparagus. Or Chipotle Bowl, No Beans, No Rice, No Sour Cream, Just All Scoops of Meats + Veggies + Guacaomole (Optional depending on mood. very rare I pack a lunch)
    - Xtend Amino during workout 1 scoop if I'm training
    - 7-8PM Dinner, 8oz Grassfed Beef or Chicken Thighs + Salad or Kale, or Asparagus.
    - 9-10PM Optional 1 Scoop of Whey + 1 Cup of Whole Milk + 1 TBSP Almond / Peanut Butter (If I'm hungry)
    - Note for all cooking I would use 1TBSP of Kerrygold Butter and 1 TBSP of Coconut Oil alot of sea salt and Olive Oil uncooked just over a salad very liberally 2-4TBSP.

    Above is a typical meal that I would eat without calculating amount I would use my eye and will be very liberal with veggies and meats - This did lead to alot of stomach and GI problems when I would not have carbs like yogurt, protein shake, whole milk, etc.

    Based on all the info above, what am I do wrong? Am I over-training? Am I not eating enough? Any smart and effective input would be great - I modeled this way of eating while listening to Dom Dagostino, Tim Ferris, Dave Asprey's book, Charles Paloquin... My trainer thinks its a fad diet, I have seen energy levels increase along with congitive function but stomach issues defintely plagued my ability to continue and I can't imagine this being a great protocal for long term use.

    Again my goal is to gain lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, reduce cardio input (I used to do 40minute on stairmaster with minimal results and felt miserable) and be able to eat wihtout cravings and crashes.

    Kindest Regards,

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    dhyon06 wrote: »
    To All -

    Im new to this app but have recieved positive feedback and so far its been very useful and easy to track calorie & nutritonal data.

    In any event - I have participated in the bulletproof / ketogenic diet overall for 6-7weeks aggressively within the first 2 weeks than have tapered it down on a moderate approach for the remaining 4-5 weeks by having a "Carb" day or two depending on my cravings, appetite, mood, etc (Generally Sat & Sun)

    I started at 226 pounds and down to 206. But now I am having difficulty going below 200 where my target goal is 185pounds by end of Spring ( Noticed the plateau for the past two weeks). I have used a pesonal trainer for the last month and doing full body workouts / HIIT type routines once a week (He does not recommend Keto for his program) while continuing to do compound exercises twice a week using a Pryamid progression specifically by increasing heavier weights. I have divided upper body on one day and lower body for another other.

    Keep in mind I rarely do cardio because I just simply hate it but I'm starting to consider doing HIIT Jumproping by doing 6 sets of 30 seconds intense jumproping followed by a 30 seconds regular jump roping follwed by 1 minute stretching than starting the next set if I don't see any further results from the Bulletproof / Keto plan.

    Upper Body Routine:
    - Incline Bench 5 x 5 sets and reps for 245Pounds
    - Dips 5 x 6-8
    - Lat Pull Downs 4 x 8 or 10 x 140pound
    - Seated Rows 4 x 10 x 140pounds
    - Pull ups 5 x 6 no weights
    - Barbell Milt Press 5x5x 115 Pounds
    - Plate Bus Driver Raises 4x10X45Pound Plate
    - Reverse Lat Raises 4x10x20 Pound Dumbell

    Lower Body Routine:
    - Deadlift 4x6-8x 205pounds
    - Squat 5x6x185 - 205 pounds
    - Kettle Bell Swing 4x15x 40 pound kettle bell
    - Squat Jumps 4x10

    I do not want to go back on full keto / bulletproof dieting because during the aggressive stages I suffered through major gastroic and stomach issues that kept lingering until I refed on Carbs. It was an uncomfortable cycle, keep in mind I have incorporated intermittent fasting below is a general outline of what I would eat Mon-Fri, when I would eat...

    Meal Plan | Aggressive Keto / Bulletproof:
    - 7AM -2PM - Bulletproof Coffee, 1 Tbsp Kerrygold Butter + 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil + 2 cups French Pressed Coffee + 1 TBSP of Heavy Cream
    - 2PM First Meal, 8oz Grassfed Beef or Chicken Thighs (two pieces) + Sauteed Kale or Arugula Salad or Asparagus.
    - Xtend Amino during workout 1 scoop if I'm training
    - 7-8PM Dinner, 8oz Grassfed Beef or Chicken Thighs + Salad or Kale, or Asparagus.
    - Note for all cooking I would use 1TBSP of Kerrygold Butter and 1 TBSP of Coconut Oil alot of sea salt and Olive Oil uncooked just over a salad very liberally 2-4TBSP.

    Meal Plan | Moderate Keto / Bulletproof:
    - 7AM -12PM - Bulletproof Coffee, 1 Tbsp Kerrygold Butter + 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil + 2 cups French Pressed Coffee + 1 TBSP of Heavy Cream.
    - 1PM First Meal, 1 Cups of Total Fage Full Fat Greek Yogurt + 1/2 Cup of Blueberry + 1 TBSP Oraganic Honey + 1 TBSP of Caco Powder + 1 Scoop of Eat the Bear Whey Protein w/ Water.
    - 2-3PM First Meal, 8oz Grassfed Beef or Chicken Thighs (two pieces) + Sauteed Kale or Arugula Salad or Asparagus. Or Chipotle Bowl, No Beans, No Rice, No Sour Cream, Just All Scoops of Meats + Veggies + Guacaomole (Optional depending on mood. very rare I pack a lunch)
    - Xtend Amino during workout 1 scoop if I'm training
    - 7-8PM Dinner, 8oz Grassfed Beef or Chicken Thighs + Salad or Kale, or Asparagus.
    - 9-10PM Optional 1 Scoop of Whey + 1 Cup of Whole Milk + 1 TBSP Almond / Peanut Butter (If I'm hungry)
    - Note for all cooking I would use 1TBSP of Kerrygold Butter and 1 TBSP of Coconut Oil alot of sea salt and Olive Oil uncooked just over a salad very liberally 2-4TBSP.

    Above is a typical meal that I would eat without calculating amount I would use my eye and will be very liberal with veggies and meats - This did lead to alot of stomach and GI problems when I would not have carbs like yogurt, protein shake, whole milk, etc.

    Based on all the info above, what am I do wrong? Am I over-training? Am I not eating enough? Any smart and effective input would be great - I modeled this way of eating while listening to Dom Dagostino, Tim Ferris, Dave Asprey's book, Charles Paloquin... My trainer thinks its a fad diet, I have seen energy levels increase along with congitive function but stomach issues defintely plagued my ability to continue and I can't imagine this being a great protocal for long term use.

    Again my goal is to gain lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, reduce cardio input (I used to do 40minute on stairmaster with minimal results and felt miserable) and be able to eat wihtout cravings and crashes.

    Kindest Regards,


    This thread is two years old. If you're looking for advice, you may want to begin a new thread.

    Generally, if you aren't losing weight it is because you aren't in a calorie deficit. What is eat is going to be less important (for weight loss) than the calories you're eating.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Necro thread lives again.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Danny

    Wow that's a long post

    Am I reading right that you don't want to continue with keto or low carb?

    That's fine ...you can adjust to a more rounded diet if that's what you like ...and more balanced macros might actually help with your energy for training

    I would watch my calories across the week ...ensuring I hit my defecit with a goal of no more than 1% of bodyweight loss per week

    I would set my protein at 0.64-0.8g protein per lb bodyweight MINIMUM
    Set fat at 0.35g per lb bodyweight minimum
    Eat carbs at will

    Make sure I'm hitting a wide spread of nutritious foods...vegetables, lean proteins, dairy, carbs and enjoying my food

    Fuel my exercise appropriately

    I think you will have to weather the storm of water weight adjustments when "normalising" your diet

    I like the sound of your trainer TBH ...

    But that's just my take on it, and I must admit I scanned cos that post is way long ...sorry if I misread in any way
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    As for cardio 2-3 sessions of 20 minutes intense cardio a week suffices for cardiovascular health

    Progressive resistance is also important
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member