The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I suppose I should mention I'm not using the Galloway method. But I've seen many at half and full marathons running and walking when the beeps sound on their phones. I'm betting it's all logged as one run for them.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited January 2016
    1/1: 6.2 miles
    1/2: 11.6 miles
    1/3: Rest/Travel day
    1/4: 10 miles
    1/5: Rest day
    1/6: 4 miles (am), 8 miles tempo (pm)
    1/7: 4 miles (am), 6 miles with the Thursday crew (pm)
    1/8: Rest day
    1/9: 12.2 miles with the Saturday crew
    1/10: 5 miles
    1/11: 5.8 miles with "Joe-to-Go" crew
    1/12: Rest day
    1/13: 4 miles treadmill (am), 7.1 miles with Wednesday crew (pm)
    1/14: 6 miles (am), no second run :[
    1/15: Rest day
    1/16: 7 miles with Saturday crew
    1/17: 10 miles
    1/18: 6 miles with "Joe-to-Go" crew
    1/19: Rest day/final finals day
    1/20: 4 miles (am), no second run
    1/21: No AM run, 7 miles with Thursday crew (pm)
    1/22: 14 miles
    1/23: SNOW DAY!
    1/24: 9 miles
    1/25: 6 miles
    1/26: Rest day; sample Pure Barre class in evening
    1/27: 5.5 miles (am), 10 miles (pm)

    Really great run this afternoon as well! Was jamming up and down the hills. Stuck to the streets quite a bit since some of the sidewalks were pretty slushy. I meant to take this run easy (8:30-8:45 pace) but ended up pacing 8:16 with a 6:59 mile at the very end (thank you, gigantic down hill to my apartment!). Uphill miles were usually 8:40-8:50, and downhills and flats were 8:10-8:20. Felt really strong. May use this as my speedwork for the week instead of trying to push real hard tomorrow morning -- though if I'm on the treadmill, some kind of speed work is gonna happen a) to beat the 60 min cut off and b) so I'm not bored to death.

    Plus: gotta give props to the Grilled Cheese + Chicken I got at Panera to eat on my walk home; ate that and ran 45 minutes later... then had a fantastic run. I must have a stomach of steel ;)


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney HM
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon
    6/12: Race and Ride Cedar Point HM (maybe)
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    I need advice.
    My IT Band is continuing to act up. My last run was 6.03 miles on Saturday. I skipped Monday's scheduled 3 for the extra rest day. I've been icing it and eating lots of motrin. Tonight is my first night with a running group. I can chose the short loop at 2.5 miles or I can go longer.

    The question is...should I go for the run, skip the run, do a walk instead? (that hurts too, but not as badly) And I am willing to get intervention for it at this point, do I go to my GP or straight to a PT, a massage therapist, or is there someone else I should see?
  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    Beem busy the last few days but I will make sure I hit this goal. Not sure what to do about February. I kind of want to go with 100 to push myself but I'm scared of 25 miles per week.

    1-2: 3 miles
    1-4: 3 miles
    1-6: 3 miles
    1-7: 3 miles - 25 minutes of stairs
    1-8: 4 miles
    1-10: 3 miles - 30 minutes of stairs
    1-12: 3.5 miles
    1-13: 3.5 miles
    1-14: 3.7 miles
    1-15: 5 miles
    1-17: 3.5 miles
    1-18: 3 miles
    1-19: 3.1 miles
    1-22: 6.3 miles
    1-23: 4 miles
    1-25: 3.1 miles
    1-27: 3 miles

    Goal: 62 of 70
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited January 2016
    Virkati wrote: »
    I need advice.
    My IT Band is continuing to act up. My last run was 6.03 miles on Saturday. I skipped Monday's scheduled 3 for the extra rest day. I've been icing it and eating lots of motrin. Tonight is my first night with a running group. I can chose the short loop at 2.5 miles or I can go longer.

    The question is...should I go for the run, skip the run, do a walk instead? (that hurts too, but not as badly) And I am willing to get intervention for it at this point, do I go to my GP or straight to a PT, a massage therapist, or is there someone else I should see?

    @Virkati Go to the run, but don't hesitate to turn around if it hurts. No reason to go through 2.5 miles of agony. I would go to a PT, because they can analyze it and give you rehab exercises on the spot -- unless your insurance requires a GP referral for a PT for coverage.

    With IT band problems, I've always found it useful to do glute work, as IT band problems are rarely a product of a knee problem. I usually do supermans but rather than lift my arms, I put my hands on my butt and do each leg in isolation to make sure my glutes are doing the work instead of my hammies. A bit of rest and a couple days of glute stimulation, and my IT band usually settles down. But IT bands are fickle things and two people rarely have the same underlying cause; just thought I'd throw that out there!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Virkati - Probably no one good answer unless you see a PT (don't bother with GP for these sorts of things). I had IT band issues towards the end of my first HM that persisted into my training a couple months later for a HM series. The root cause is ultimately tied to muscle strength in your hips, glutes, core and upper legs. In later stages of running your form may deteriorate if you do not have enough strength in these areas and case stress on your IT band. Very common these days as almost everyone has desk jobs or sits more than people have done forever and ever (I have a full time desk job, all my life in fact). What cleared it up for me was doing runner specific strength exercises, particularly focusing on glutes, core, and everything legs basically. Originally this was very, very similar to my routine (without the resistance bands though) and it worked wonders.

    As I did these, after a few weeks I noticed that I could tell I was running stronger still at later points in my run and could start to notice when my form shifted due to various muscles getting tired. That also affected my pace in those later miles, particularly uphill. :smile: You'll likely feel yourself pushing off more with your glutes when going uphill. I know I sure noticed it.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    I need advice.
    My IT Band is continuing to act up. My last run was 6.03 miles on Saturday. I skipped Monday's scheduled 3 for the extra rest day. I've been icing it and eating lots of motrin. Tonight is my first night with a running group. I can chose the short loop at 2.5 miles or I can go longer.

    The question is...should I go for the run, skip the run, do a walk instead? (that hurts too, but not as badly) And I am willing to get intervention for it at this point, do I go to my GP or straight to a PT, a massage therapist, or is there someone else I should see?

    If you got sharp pain that makes it impossible to run your normal gait, then stop and proceed to your medical professional. Prefferable someone that is an expert in this area (not a general practictioner) and someone who is runner friendly. Bonus points if they are runners themselves.

    You may want to seek a professional PT or coach, or even running store to analyze your gait to see if it is contributing to IT band issues. Things like shorter quicker cadance and the ole squeeze an imaginary quarter between your butt cheeks (helps you engage your glutes) as you run has seemed to work for many.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Virkati I second the notion that the best thing you can do for your hips is to make them stronger...which happens in the "gym" not on the road. (Figuratively--you can do all sorts of exercises at home). The two things that helped my hip issues were slowing down how quickly I was adding miles (I was always slow, lol) and doing lots of clamshells/donkey kicks/etc. (ETA: I'm noticing residual weakness again in my legs at 10 miles or so--so I need to put more time in there, again).

    On that note, @Ch1psNQueso, you are doing awesomely, and I am amazed at how much you've added and so quickly! I'm assuming you were really fit before. That said, I don't think I'd just tack on 25-30 extra miles in a month. Or I should say--I *did* tack on 25 extra miles and regretted it. @Stoshew71 suggests not adding more than 25% of your miles each week, and I think it's a good point. Now, I'm middle aged, and was never fit, and I'm still 20 lbs heavier than I should be, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt, but I found that the jump from 3 mile runs to 5 mile runs most days has taken a long time to adapt to--both in terms of fitting the running times into my weekly schedule, but also the corresponding increase in my long runs has been really, really, difficult. So, anyway, my two cents...take it slow and you'll be going farther and faster, well...faster than if you hurt yourself discovering the limits of your newfound super powers. :)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Stoshew71 suggests not adding more than 25% of your miles each week

    Actually, the rule of thumb is no more than 10% of weekly miles each week.
    But there are those that say there is no backing behind this. Some can handle more and some can handle less.

    There are also some that add 1 mile each week.

    Jack Daniels goes by, however many days (or workouts) you run each week, add that many miles; but hold that new mileage for at least 4 weeks before attempting adding more mileage.

    Here is another viewpoint on increasing mileage:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    2/1......5.20 walk
    9/1......4.3 treadmill walk.
    11/1.....Travel Dr appt
    18-19/1....I didn't run? No idea where those days went.
    20/1.... Steroid shot #2
    27/1..... 6.26

    84.41/100+ Miles

    Upcoming races:

    02/06/16 Hot Chocolate 15K Dallas
    03/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    03/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    04/24/16 OKC Memorial undecided distance
    Run the year 2016  84.41/2016
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @WhatMeRunning "stomp on the wimp" LOL!
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member
    1/25/16 - Day 1 for me!
    1.28 mi 27 min (Walk 1 min, Jog 1 min)

    Not setting any world records but this was a BIG ACHIEVEMENT for me! Looking forward to the future!

    STG: Jog 1 mile
    LTG: Jog 5K

    Such a wonderful achievment! You will be at your goal before you know it! I started C25k March of last year, I ran my first 5k in June and my second in sept. I'm training for my first 10k in June. Keep up the great work!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 suggests not adding more than 25% of your miles each week

    Actually, the rule of thumb is no more than 10% of weekly miles each week.
    But there are those that say there is no backing behind this. Some can handle more and some can handle less.

    There are also some that add 1 mile each week.

    Jack Daniels goes by, however many days (or workouts) you run each week, add that many miles; but hold that new mileage for at least 4 weeks before attempting adding more mileage.

    Here is another viewpoint on increasing mileage:

    I think my eyes glazed over and I read "don't add too much, too fast" lol! Anyway...what you said.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Virkati I know it may seem counter intuitive, but I read somewhere that women tend to get injured waist down, men feet up. Meaning women's issues tend to originate in the hip area, Q angle thing. So if a woman has calf issues, its prob in the hips. If a man has calf issues, its in the feet to calves.

    Like @WhatMeRunning said, desk jobs,
    And lots of sitting. Focusing on your core might be the answer. I am bias since I have chronic issues though.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    moyer566 wrote: »

    Of course this pup is all over our local FB running site and people are saying how he will run with them for 10 - 15 miles and then go off and run with another group who goes by. What a hoot.

    @karllundy they need to meet and see if either gets a word in. LOL

    This woman here is my hero...full marathon on a treadmill. Can't even begin to imagine. I had to grab the comment on the corral because it cracked me up.


    Does 45,000 steps seem like its 26 miles? 10,000 is suppose to be about 4 miles.?.. Just curious.

    Well maybe that's right with a longer stride... Never mind, mine calculated out to be 48,000 walking... Never mind...
  • bluelove2004
    bluelove2004 Posts: 11 Member
    21st: 1.84
    22nd: 2.79
    23rd: 2.23
    24th: 1.5
    25th: 2.2
    26th: 5.54
    27th: 2.68 (thus far)
  • bluelove2004
    bluelove2004 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone for the welcome!
  • bluelove2004
    bluelove2004 Posts: 11 Member
    21: 1.84
    22: 2.79
    23: 2.23
    24: 1.5
    25: 2.2
    26: 5.54
    27: 2.68


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2016
    My lowest daily step count at any of my few fulls so far was 40,439. My highest was 65,443. I know I walked more before the race on the higher count, but have to wonder why such a huge difference. I was dead after that lower one, might be why.

    ETA - My phone died at mile 20 on that lower step count race. :smile: I forgot about that. I took way too long. Poor phone never had a chance.