Paleo, anyone?

Hey there! I just joined MFP and I'm curious to know if anyone on here is using the Paleo approach to losing weight? I've been stuck at the same weight for almost 9 months now..fluctuating about 2 lbs up or down, so I've been researching the Paleo diet and it seems to make a lot of sense. Anyone have any experience with it?


  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I have some friends on here that use it and really like it, I've looked in to it and realized that I could never sustain it.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Apparently, the ones who really follow this believe people should only eat 'wild game.' However, I very much doubt they are running after this game and kiling it themselves with handmade stone weapons! Also, why would anyone want to try to replicate the diet from a time period when the average life expectancy was 40 if you were lucky? I wouldn't ever wreak havoc on my kidneys like that diet does...
  • melatwork
    melatwork Posts: 7
    My husband did it and he dropped weight. However, let me insert this in to the equation. I had to do the shopping and it was a nightmare for the rest of the family. No grains meant no cereal, breads, pastas, baked goods of ANY kind. I had to make two different meals all the time and on weekends our 6 year old was always heard saying, "You can't eat that, huh, Daddy?" It got to the point where our daughter wanted to take me to Dairy Queen for Mother's Day and he wouldn't even go with us because it was dairy and not allowed on his diet. Long story short...if you don't impose it on others, it might work for you. We, however, are getting a divorce because he thought EVERYONE should be doing it. I would consult with your doctor, though, because all I saw on his plate was a lot of cholesterol (eggs and bacon). Good luck! :happy:
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I'm a total fan of Paleo. It just makes sense. I've been a low carber for 25 years, with no adverse health effects. In fact I'm healthier than anyone I know...and I weigh less! Haven't even suffered from a head cold in over 20 years.

    The fear mongers out there will try and steer you away, but don't listen. Read the book. It's fascinating. You can, of course, take it to the extreme....someone just posted that you have to hunt wild game with stones...please.

    You can have tremendous success with just concentrating on lean meats, chicken and fish, and eating fruits and veggies.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    I follow the paleo diet as closely as I can afford to. I can not currently afford to buy all organic, pastured, free range foods...BUT I do keep up with the fat-carb-protein ratios and I don't eat any chemical that I don't have to (nitrates/nitrites/sulfates/sulfites/ MSG/etc.). I have been doing this for 8 months and I'm healthier than I ever have been before. It has cured my severe and wildly out of control asthma and allergies, corrected problems that I've had with endometriosis, corrected blood sugar problems, my cholesterol numbers are great, CURED my fibromyalgia, my lifelong gut troubles (while living on whole grains---'cuz they're SO healthy!) are completely cured. I've lost a lot of fat and I have BICEPS and QUADS...I have MUSCLE definition. Getting through my work outs is easier. I have been able to stop taking all 3 asthma meds, 2 allergy meds, 3 inflammation medications for fibro and endometriosis, and my medication to help my stomach not EXPLODE all the time. But that's just me. It works FOR ME. It has completely changed my entire life and the lives of my children---especially my 11 year old son with Autism.

    It turns out that all these problems stemmed from my inability to properly use gluten, dairy and soy. If you want REAL scientific information about it, check out or read The Paleo Solution.
  • ac924
    ac924 Posts: 7
    OH MY GOD...That's a really sad story! I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through that. I would never impose what I do on anyone else, I figure everyone is the master of their own body and I truly, truly, believe that different things work for different people - for instance, I tried for years and years to be a vegetarian, and I just kept getting sicker and sicker. I came to the realization that I NEED meat. Really. But thank you for sharing your story and I wish you luck on your own journey! :heart:
  • ac924
    ac924 Posts: 7
    Thanks for the encouragement!!! It DOES make sense, right? Just eating whole, natural foods? No processed junk, no food-like substances....I'm ON IT!!!!
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    OH MY GOD...That's a really sad story! I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through that. I would never impose what I do on anyone else, I figure everyone is the master of their own body and I truly, truly, believe that different things work for different people - for instance, I tried for years and years to be a vegetarian, and I just kept getting sicker and sicker. I came to the realization that I NEED meat. Really. But thank you for sharing your story and I wish you luck on your own journey! :heart:

    Like you said, you NEED meat. I'm vegan, have been most my life, and have become violently ill any time I've tried to incorporate non-vegan things into my diet. I truly believe that each path is different, but the paleo path seems a little extreme, like one woman said, her husband took it to the extreme extreme. All diets need a sense of moderation to them to make them an actual lifestyle, and you have to choose the path that's right for you. Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Thanks for the encouragement!!! It DOES make sense, right? Just eating whole, natural foods? No processed junk, no food-like substances....I'm ON IT!!!!

    You're welcome! That's basically all it is. No processed junk, little to no sugar (and only from natural sources), lots of veggies, nuts, GOOD meat, eggs and fish. Some are "primal" and use raw milks and cheese. I can't. My diet is simple, but it's effective and it has changed my life. Good luck to anyone that wants to try it!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Apparently, the ones who really follow this believe people should only eat 'wild game.' However, I very much doubt they are running after this game and kiling it themselves with handmade stone weapons! Also, why would anyone want to try to replicate the diet from a time period when the average life expectancy was 40 if you were lucky? I wouldn't ever wreak havoc on my kidneys like that diet does...

    *****Right on target my friend> >> > > perfect diet to rip up your insides. .. . ****** . .. . years ago I tried atkins and was already sworn off red meat. .. then I took nutrition and found out the real cruxt of the matter, and what it does and doen't supply your body with. .. . My advice. . do some investigation. .. .
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    but the paleo path seems a little extreme,

    This coming from a Vegan,,,, now somehow I find that funny.

    OP, there are a bunch of us weird Paleo people here, come on over and join our support group
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Apparently, the ones who really follow this believe people should only eat 'wild game.' However, I very much doubt they are running after this game and kiling it themselves with handmade stone weapons! Also, why would anyone want to try to replicate the diet from a time period when the average life expectancy was 40 if you were lucky? I wouldn't ever wreak havoc on my kidneys like that diet does...

    *****Right on target my friend> >> > > perfect diet to rip up your insides. .. . ****** . .. . years ago I tried atkins and was already sworn off red meat. .. then I took nutrition and found out the real cruxt of the matter, and what it does and doen't supply your body with. .. . My advice. . do some investigation. .. .

    Atkins encouraged you to eat heavily processed sausages and cheeses---bacons with preservatives---candies that were full of fake sugar and crap. All things that are hard for your organs to handle. Paleo wants you to eat meat/fish with little to NO processing. Just cleaned up and seasoned with good seasonings. Fake sugars and refined sugars are OUT. Colorings---out! Weird chemicals---OUT. I get my blood checked every so often, and I have corrected life long issues. I've never felt better. I suggest that you check out the differences in Atkins and Paleo.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Lean Meat, Veggies, Berries, Nuts, Seeds, Fruit,,,,,,, yeah that there is an extreme diet.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    So many ridiculous, ill-informed anti-Paleo posts on this thread. SMH
  • ac924
    ac924 Posts: 7
    LOL....some differences of opinion, I see!!! Thanks for the link to the Paleo group! I have to agree, I don't see where eating humanely raised meat, natural fruits and veggies and taking out chemicals is extreme!!!
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    LOL....some differences of opinion, I see!!! Thanks for the link to the Paleo group! I have to agree, I don't see where eating humanely raised meat, natural fruits and veggies and taking out chemicals is extreme!!!

    I was referring to the story that another poster posted about getting a divorce over her husband's extreme habits. That is what I meant by taking it to an extreme, so I apologize if this "extreme" vegan didn't get her point across. Wow, I've heard that meat raises your testosterone and your adrenaline, but I had no idea that a tiny misread in what I said could get so many panties in a bunch.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Healthy diet that is no healthier than other healthy diets.

    The end.
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    So many ridiculous, ill-informed anti-Paleo posts on this thread. SMH

    Exactly! "Ill-informed" is the key.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    So many ridiculous, ill-informed anti-Paleo posts on this thread. SMH
    Kind of an interesting statement considering how ill-informed the paleo doctrine seems to be and how it stands on zero science that is remotely relevant to our interests. I mean, Robb Wolf has implicated that his diet is a cure for neurodegenerative disorders.

    I mean, I just laughed out loud when I heard that.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member

    but the paleo path seems a little extreme,

    This coming from a Vegan,,,, now somehow I find that funny.

    OP, there are a bunch of us weird Paleo people here, come on over and join our support group
