
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Gals,
    Thanks for all the thoughts! Someone can get the broom out for me too please! Stay in the moment and breathe. Excellent advice. Today will be my first day exploring meditation. I woke up at eight after not falling asleep till four bc of anxiety over the interview and finances. Going with the idea to stay up and tackle some of the things that have been in need of doing to a. Get them done and b. Reduce my anxiety level. Fortuitously I was awake this am when my early bird sister who lives next door popped in w jeans for my daughter and we had a lovely visit. Plans for the day...call garage and see about ordering car part on eBay (it's my drivers side window on a 2007 sonata that my kids accidentally broke last year when I was in California)...no I haven't been driving without one..I'm a safety bug..but it has a crack on the outer corner and won't pass my January inspection. And yes..I think about a new car from time to time but don't want anymore debt. I will call dr about Capp eval . Go to Walmart to get my really old glasses straightened..another big expense looming..the bright side of which is that I have vision coverage bc of whole foods..they pay for the exam, 120 off frames, and 20% off lenses so mu usual $500 pair should ring up around $300.. Better. Call the dentist, which whole foods covers my essential dental bc I broke a filled tooth crunching cough drops. I should get it taken care of before my trip to Key West which is mostly paid for by my sisty. Thanks Heather for that reminder about tooth aches while traveling are a drag. Taxes..should be a quickly I'm almost done and am getting $300 back yay! Resume and cover letter review...also a quickie as I just did them in August. A WALK w my pigs (definitely the high point of the day)...mailing an eBay sale...quick already wrapped just needs address and postage...and cooking an awesome lamb shoulder roast. Heather (or anyone w ideas). I originally wanted to make a dish that involved farrow cooked w lamb broth. Pulled lamb, shallots, orzo and a few undecided ingredients but ended up getting a shoulder roast w some fresh rosemary and a new fancy bottle of EVOO. My other possible ideas on ingredients were diced fire roasted tomatoes..fancy canned..canned is not my favorite but this brand is very well liked by customers w red? Cooking wine for a Greek ish kind of dish served w tiny whole fresh green beans...or. Just a simple roast in a Dutch oven w onions potatoes and carrots. Saving the farrow for a leftover dish the next day...and gravy of course..(never been a fan of mint jelly). Could you offer me your opinions? Thanks..oh and it's a three pound roast so 325 F for two hours in a Dutch oven to keep it moist?
    PS. Barbie. You reminded me of a NSV yesterday...Tmi coming...having the flu w this horrible cough I have been suffering some leaks...mostly handled by some protection alas some misses..therefore I ran out of clean undies yesterday BUT at the back of my messy undie draw was a pair of the cutest brand new little pair made of nylon blue bandana print w cotton crotch that I had to buy last summer even though they were too small a size...THEY FIT! And I felt "cute and slinky" all day!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My baby girl, Charro, sleeps most of the time hanging over the edge of the bed. r9irn7w5c1ih.jpg
  • sammysumo
    sammysumo Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone for welcoming me. I look forward to getting advice and helping me keep track of my goals. :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Mindy~ can I make a suggestion? if you belong to AARP when you go to walmart and do need new glasses AARP gives you a 30% discount I saved over 98 bucks on my new glasses.. also yes take care of your tooth before you go on vacation.. and an awesome NSV on the undies..
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks Allie..you know AARP keeps sending me membership cards but I thought it was in error bc I am only 50 but I do receive SSDI so maybe that qualifies me. I will call today! Thanks for the tip!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Mindy it is the best 17.00 you can spend, sign up right away, yes 50 is when they start .. you can get allllll sorts of discounts
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I saw this on facebook and had to share!


  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    oops i started it was morning but now afternoon. So good afternoon. We are having a miserable *kitten* snowy day here. So I won't be going any further than the puter today.

    Go to the people holding your morgage they would prefer to see you. And they are good probably will grant you a pardon for the month.

    Karen and for anyone else who need to dress for work.
    I had a teacher of course I went back to school as an adult. But she was always well put together. One day she told us what she did. When buying clothes always buy a skirt or pants that you can have many matching tops. and one good black blazer.

    Katie and anyone else with loses
    Congrats and Karen 4 lbs for the month is great.

    Well for me all is well i'm feeling somewhat bubblier even with last nights gain at tops it's only a weight gain so be it. Start thinking like my sister. Her favorite saying is It is what it is.. I'm more happy to see my b/s level straighted out. So you all have a great day. I'll be back soon.

    Linda in snowy and white Northern Ontario.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Michele NC, Lowe’s Foods sells beer that you can drink in the store? I never heard of such. Lol

    Linda, congrats to your Sophi on her bowling and you are so right that the most important thing is for her to have fun.

    Allie, so glad you had fun. Your food sounds so yummy. I haven’t had a filet in a while and have noticed that many steak restaurants are now pushing sirloin since meat has gotten so expensive.

    Mindy, so sorry for your financial problems. I know it seems that when it rains, it pours. Hang in there.

    Karen, I often eat the same things just because it’s easier. I think I’ll listen to my own advice and change things up for a week or two and see if it helps. t1822.gif Good luck.

    YourU, what a handsome horse er, ah dog you have. Yes that is getting old for a dog that big. What does he weigh?

    Kay, congrats on your class helping. Maybe I need to find one? My line dancing wears me out but I definitely need to be doing something more than I am.

    Barbie, I still enjoy lunch at Costco but while DH is having his hotdog I have my grilled chicken on the romaine salad and always take my own dressing. I eat what I want and bring the rest home for one or two more meals. This is something I often make at home but for some reason, food tastes better when I don’t have to make it. I love your smiley in the rain.

    Sammy. Welcome. Hang with us and you will get all the support and information you need. It’s great that your hubby is with you all the way. Come often and join right in.

    Patti, welcome to you as well. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. We are happy you joined us.

    Penny, you do have a problem but what a wonderful problem to have. I just hope the jobs will continue and not all dry up at once. Boy that was fast, as I don’t even see evidence of it in the margins. t6011.gif

    Pip, t0434.gif tell the kids “hello”.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    High today only in low 40’s and raining so think I’ll stay in since I don’t really have plans to go anywhere. The rest of the week should be sunny, clear and in the 60’s. Oh Boy! I hope all the snow is gone for those that got blasted.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Good Thursday. Going to be another beautiful day here. Enjoying them while we can as sounds like Sunday it is going to change. I am working short shift today and off at 3. So may just plan on walking home. Last evening DH and I bought a new to us 2010 van. I was not planning on it, but he has been looking and wanted one so we would have more room to take the DGC with us. I have mixed feelings about losing my car and back to having payments, but will figure it out. It is pretty fancy and going to take a while to figure it all out.

    Talked to my sister last evening and they are not coming to my house tonight. We are going to meet in York in the moring and have breakfast and then go to the church. Thats ok with me.

    Linda--Sending Hugs! Hope you feel better soon and good for you going to nap instead of eating.

    Becca--For three years I did all the cards for our motorcycle group. I print them from a program on my computer. I enjoyed it. Congrates on the loss.

    Marti--Welcome, you have come to a great place for support and friendship.

    Mindy--Sending prayers on the job and money problems. I know there are a lot of times I lay awake at night worried about paying the bills. Now we have this van payment and have to come up with 1300 to plate it in the next 30 days. I am trusting God will figure it out, in the mean time I am stressing about it.

    Well ladies I am having a good day and not real busy. So signing off for now. Enjoy the day and stay safe.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Went to Great Clips and had the back of my hair fixed. Just wish I could get it styled at home like they do it. It's really too short, but, it'll grow. :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    Damnit kids said hey there damnit!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi kids!! (your mommy is sounding testy even though y'all look toasty!)

    Mindy - I've never thought about ordering something like a car window from eBay, BUT I have gotten a part from a local junkyard before to replace my daughter's tail light assembly. Good luck with the job!

    I went to my GP for my six-month check up and was amazed to find out that I had lost five pounds since my last visit. I still kept my eyes closed for the weigh in since I'm not weighing until Sunday morning. My blood pressure was 120/80 and my labs were good. We did talk about my thyroid levels--the one test was just below the threshold but, since I've no symptoms, we're leaving it alone and checking again in three months.

    One small vent: "Someone" changed out the stapler cartridge in the copier here and didn't bother to tell me. I don't check inventory of stuff like that because I order another one as soon as I've put the last one it. I know who did it, but he's not volunteering...

    Back to work I go! I'm almost through with the misery of year-end stuff! :smiley:

    Carol in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mtowne002 – If you ‘think’ you might have sleep apnea, going to a MD (Neurologist or Lung Specialist) is the way to go. They’ll run a 2-night (or day) tests on you – first one without a C-pap – which will tell you if you have it and how bad and how many times you stop breathing or how many times you go into that (REM) deep sleep. Somebody listens out for you when you need to get up to go to the bathroom. You have EEG clips on you all during the test. The second is done if you need it and it is the same as they first; but, with a C-pap mask on. I'm a bit claustrophobic, so I wear a wisp that only covers the nose. I had my second (2) series of test done earlier this year and they readjusted the settings on them. I'm entitled to get a 'new' one this year some time. It should be a little smaller in size. A lot of us don’t know we are not breathing at time sometime as long as a minute or so at a time. If you snore – you probably have it. Snoring is a way to wake us up because we are not getting the proper amount of air in our lungs. I could snore in ‘any’ position. I woke up feeling as if I have never gone to sleep. Now I know I am having that good (REM) sleep because of the very vivid dreams I have. Most of the dreams are very pleasant and at times really funny and I can remember a lot of them to tell DH. Miriam is very right about the sleep when using a c-pap and I, too, lost some of my weight since I have gotten one without really trying. I even use mine if I take a nap or am sleepy still when my DH wakes me to have a fresh cup of coffee in the AM. When we were visiting DYS and DDnL#2, everybody had gone to bed but my DDnL#2 and me. I dosed off and she said that I scared her to death when I stopped breathing for one minute. That's what happens when I don't sleep with it. It can cause other health-related ones if you need one and don't have one. Lack of sleep, migraines, heart issues, and lung issues to list a few. I rent my C-pap machine because if something happens to it, it is covered by my insurance. In the 5 years I have had it, I have had to send it back to the company for repairs (or replacement, if needed). My insurance covers the rent and the supplies and I replace them as soon as they start getting soft. They tell you to change the supplies every 3 weeks; but, Medicare will only pay for 6 of them; which means they get soft and I have to wait; I finally paid for 3 out of my pocket so now I can change them every 3 months.

    Youruniverse1 – Nice dog. 11 is old for a ‘big’ dog; they usually have a shorter life span than a smaller dog. You must be doing everything right for him. He looks like a ‘happy’ dog. We had a JRT who was 16 years old when she passed last April. In October we adopted a "Jack Rat". She has long lets like a Rat Terrier and the face of a JRT. He coat is 'broken'. I think I am going to get her a brush. We had her nails clipped, last puppy shots, and a bath. She is the absolutely sweetest and smartest dog I think we have ever had). All of the others were pure breeds. She is the first ‘mixed’ we have ever had. She won my heart the first time I laid eyes on her. She is spoiled, rotten, stinky (not really) puppy you’ve ever seen. Quick to crate change and does a few tricks. She sleeps in some of the weirdest positions and I want to catch her in one; but, the only way I can do that is keep my cell phone on by my chair. If I move in my chair, she opens her eyes with a look of ‘where are you going now’? She walks right behind my left foot. She was only 4 months old when we go her. She’s been a pleasure to have and is a good companion for me because I am home alone all day.

    Barbiecat – I have a lot of clothes now; took about 12 pair of jeans and slacks to have them altered. Yesterday, when I took a pair of jeans to the tailor to hem for short-legged DH; I held out the jeans I had one and asked the tailor if they could be taken up more. He said, ‘good grief, lady, you really are losing weight. He is a flirtatious old Greek man. He used to have a younger woman that he was mentoring; and, she got breast cancer that was really aggressive and was dead in 4 months from the time she was diagnosed. He told me that I needed to wait until I got down to my goal weight before he would alter them (or see if they CAN be altered again). Said I was looking good. Really amazed that they needed something done because it was about 2 months ago when he took them up in the first place. At least I have my skinny jeans and yoga pants to wear until I get down to my goal weight. Or when my BMI is down enough to be considered ‘normal’ size. Three more points and I will be there.

    I was just before cancelling it – took another pass around the house. So happy that I did not have to cancel it and wait to get a new one (10 days later). She told me the last charge on my account and said that nothing had come through that was ‘denied’ from that point. Next time I won’t make the mistake of being at my chair when using it. Our furniture was my Mimi’s furniture – typical ‘30’s – 40’s look with the big rolled armed sofa and chairs. Sort of comfy and DH doesn’t want to replace them; and, I don’t want to cover them again. That costs about as getting 'new'; but, they don't make furniture like they did back then. But, if we ever recover them; I am going to see if they'll put an extra board across the front so that the cushions won't sink so much. My DSY 'plops' down on them from one end of the sofa. Still is a child when it comes to that.

    Sammysuno – My husband is my greatest support person at home. He has really been supportive now that I have lost nearly 40lbas. Getting so much closer to my goal weight (or BMI) that it has been easier than I thought it would be. You can eat just about anything if you measure/weigh what you take in, even those ‘goodies’ at work that are a ‘temptation’ to you. You just need to post them in the MFP food section to let you know where and how you are getting to your goal CICO part of it. Asking your MD how many calories you need to take in to actually lose weight because the numbers they give you for what a woman or a man should be within, is really to ‘maintain’ your weight. You need to try to be at the ‘low’ end (or more – if that is what your MD suggests). I cook or have one meal a day that I can cook and keep under 550 calories – they gave me 5 pages of meals I can cook and I’ve very full when I eat a meal from this menu package. I love Olive Garden’s salad; and their ‘to go’ salad only has about 140 calories. That’s what I am eating today for lunch. I 'think' I got my 'dispute' settled. I received the four (4) necklaces that I was supposed to and they are refunding my money for the full price they charged me for the other three (3); and I used the same redemption code that had been sent to me for that re-order. Hope they don't repeat the order and send me 3 more necklaces. It was hard enough to get them ordered; and the paperwork was really just a way for them to document the shipping of the other three (3) necklaces that was for the greatly reduced price. I've found that groupon.com is a good site to go to when purchasing something they advertise; just need to make sure you understand their redemption code process. They really do have some great deals.

    Mindy – I agree with Beth – stay in contact with your lender – they really would rather work with you than for you to default. Another thing you might check is with your credit card companies. A lot of them will give you a ‘vacation’ break where you don’t have to pay their payment for once a year one month. This isn’t something they normally advertise. Sometimes you get it in the mail; but, it is worth a try to call and find out if they do the ‘vacation’ break from one month’s minimum payment. Especially, if you have been paying them the minimum and doing it ‘on time’. Even utility companies will work with you. I’m sure it is embarrassing to feel like you have to go to them to get help; but, I it might be what it takes to knock you over the hump.

    Hi to all the "newbies"
    ... don't forget to go to barbiecat's post on the last day of this month to follow the 'link' she will post for February (or else you'll miss out on February 1st postings.

    Lenora for cloudy/rainy SW GA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squats-3X7X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-11X10X25, 11X7X30

    I am still in the process of increasing the weight to the 30 pound kettle bell. I am becoming amazed at the tightness and muscle definition in my legs, glutes, abs and arms even since I just switched up to the 30 pound this week I can see a definite difference in body contour. I believe it is from the kettle bell work out and not the StrongLifts because I have deloaded in that workout. Whatever it is I definitely am not going to change anything only continue to increase weight and reps.

    Question for everyone, I woke up this morning with cramp intermittent twinges pain on the left side of my ribs I thought that maybe I was having heart issues. Has anyone experienced something like this?

    Awesome photos of the puppies and kitties!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    forgot to tell you I spoke with my brother this morning... he sounds really really good. he is staying at a residental home with 5 bedrooms and a pool and then they come pick him up and he is in rehab and therapy from 9-3 ,he is really working hard to make this work, and he sounds so much more calm..