When I see this in the GYM it ticks me off ??? lol



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    This isn't something that bothers me as much as it makes me curious... Maybe someone can shed some light....

    I've never understood why people hike their treadmills/ellipticals up to an extremely high incline or fast speed and then hug the top of the treadmill/elliptical for dear life. It just seems like you're not getting the full cardio effect bc your body isn't doing all the work to maintain the movement (you're basically holding yourself up). And certainly the calorie count on the machine won't be accurate. Why not just put the machine at a setting you can manage without holding onto the top? Is the purpose of this, like leg conditioning or something?

    It doesn't really concern me, to each their own. But I'm just curious bc I see so many people do it... Can anyone explain?

    Its a good thing it doesn't concern you .....because its not your business why one decides to hang onto a machine. Who knows and who cares.
    Again, this is the reason new comers are afraid of gyms.
    Again, this is why we see 183736 " I'm afriad to go to the gym " posts

    Thanks for taking the time to type that up and argue w/ a stranger on the internet.

    See this part where I said "it doesn't really concern me" and "to each their own" and that "I'm just curious." I'm honestly...Just Curious.
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    It doesn't really concern me, to each their own. But I'm just curious bc I see so many people do it...

    I thought maybe there's some purpose to it that I don't understand. I find it useful to learn about others' strategies in the gym...especially when it comes to cardio.

    Didn't mean any judgy intention by it, and I tried to phrase the question as kindly as I could (maybe it didn't come across that way...internet tone can be a b*tch to get across).

    I guess curiosity really does kill the cat?

    No, she was just puposely being confrontational. I have often wondered the same thing about that so you are not alone in your curiosity.

    How could you possibly know what I was purposely doing ?

    Mind Reading Powers Activated!
  • iamsharica
    iamsharica Posts: 947 Member
    Workout partners hogging one machine I'm waiting to use, messes up my whole routine