Starting 30 Day Shred 5/29/11 who's in?



  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Level 2 Day 1 DONE! There are so many more shoulder exercises in this one. I'm going to have to watch myself on it. I was sucking wind thanks to this cold but I did it :).

    Had a couple of victories over the weekend. I pulled out summer clothes and a bunch that didn't fit me last year fit now :) And the scale this mornng was down 2.2lbs from last week. I'm psyched :)

    Great job with the clothes and scale! Hope you feel 100% soon.
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Finished Level 2, Day 5, which means I'm HALFWAY there! I am really proud of that because I don't think I've ever done a workout video that consistently.

    I'm not taking measurements again until the end, but I do feel like my abs have tightened up a little. I also feel like I can handle the cardio sections better.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    OMG, I can't believe that today will be L2D6! That's so exciting to me!

    I'm noticing that my diastasis is MUCH better, and I've started attempting some of the core work she does (instead of my modified ab work) -- I am beyond ecstatic by the changes in my belly. My core is so improved. I also have been able to complete the military presses the past two days without having my husband spot me - a big change from a few days ago. (It helped that I figured out not to shrug, since that puts the stress on the neck muscles, instead of the delts.)

    Overall, I'm still finding the workout really challenging, but I feel stronger and more able to keep up. Each time, I feel like I can make it a little farther in each circuit before I feel like I can't go on! I'm needing fewer breathers each time.

    I've noticed that my best-fitting jeans are starting to sag on me, and I've lost a couple inches around my belly! Definitely tighter. Woo hoo!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Collinsky that's awesome!

    I was able to get in Level 2 Day 2 today. It wasn't all THAT bad ;)
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Not all that bad... except for the plank jacks. LOL Those are the devil.
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    Not all that bad... except for the plank jacks. LOL Those are the devil.

    so true lol, my arms are achng by the end of the L2
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Not all that bad... except for the plank jacks. LOL Those are the devil.

    I must admit I wimp out on the plank jacks and do the easier option. By the time we get there my shoulders are screaming from the planks and I have to modify them. I keep moving as hard as I can to keep my heart rate up though.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    It's my legs that are dying during the plank jacks... I do as many as I can, then switch to the modified step-out things until I don't feel like my legs are made of lead anymore. I also know that my form is awful when I do them, but that's just going to have to be the case for now. LOL

    That feeling of being able to finally get through one of the exercises without any pauses is amazing. Hopefully I'll get there with the plank jacks one of these days. :-)
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    Nice job ladies! I gave up after Level 2 Day 2. I didn't quit working out completely; I've been doing other types of circuit training(thanks to ExerciseTV). They aren't as intense as Jillian Michaels but they keep me from feeling like a failure! Something about those jumping jacks just kills my knees...and my upper body needs more strength training to even do the plank stuff. I'm proud of all of you who stuck with it. I look forward to your results!
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I did Level 2, Day 6 today and was so proud because I felt really strong and put my all into the workout this morning. Then I BLEW it and ate SIX Pop Tarts this evening!! I don't know why I sabotage myself like this, but I am really upset. It's been a kind of stressful and tiring week teaching Vacation Bible School and still trying to finish up some work from my regular teaching job and I was tired after a loooong appointment with two kids at the asthma doctor, but still, no reason to pig out on Pop Tarts. I know tomorrow is a new day and I finished out my diary for today and I just have get back on track tomorrow, but I can't help but feel kind of down about it.

    **Oh, and I threw the other two down the garbage disposal. Darn those things. The sad thing was the grocery store was giving them away with a purchase of cereal I buy anyway, so I thought, well, these will be nice to take on vacation Saturday... that was stupid thinking!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I felt SO GOOD after my workout today! It was funny, once I got started I started to feel a bit discouraged, like "Isn't this supposed to get easier? Why is it still so stinking hard????" but then I realized bit by bit that I was going further, taking MUCH fewer rests, and just in general doing better. By the end I felt like I rocked!! Still struggling, of course, but just being able to see that there have been improvements in how I can keep up and how much I can do was really rewarding. It's the little things... LOL

    GMGirl, I'm so sorry you're feeling down about the PopTarts -- how did it balance out with the rest of what you ate? Did you end up way over? Hit it hard tomorrow, and just remind yourself that your body doesn't just take one bad day and everything is ruined. Everything is in a bigger picture, so just make sure that tomorrow is full of clean eating, lots of good stuff, and your body will figure it out. :-)
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Feeling much better today and determined to be back on track. I planned my whole day of what I will eat and finished Level 2, Day 7. I am also finding the workout really challenging, but noticing that I barely need to rest or modify the moves. The only part in Level 2 that I can't do fully is the walking pushup part where you actually go down into the pushup. I just stay in the plank pose for a beat and then walk back up. Oh, and I still do single jump rope. I don't think my arms can even move as fast as theirs!

    Thanks for the encouragement! :)
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Level 2 Day 3 done today. I swear I'm sucking wind through half of this and my heart rate stays up for a good 15 minutes after it. I'm glad to have it done though:)
  • believeinmagic
    Took a break from the 30DS for about two days, I was so sore after Level 2. But today I'm back on track my eating the past two days has been slacking also. Does anyone have any tips on snacking? The past two days I've been eating healthy meals but when it comes to, not the best :p
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Level 2 Day 4 done. It's getting easier knowing that I'm actually making progress.
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Did Level 2, Day 8 today and feeling great! I think the main thing that has helped me stay consistent is doing my workout first thing in the morning. I am off for the summer because I'm a teacher, so I won't have time in the mornings to work out once school starts again in August. But I am generally able to work out for a half hour after school then.
  • k3muldoo
    k3muldoo Posts: 24 Member
    Completed L2D6 this morning. I felt victories because I barely modified ANYTHING. The strength training set that I'm have the hardest time with is the seat squat with a V lift. I cannot stay seated the whole time and I CANNOT do those V lifts with 3lb weights!!! Any advice.

    Keep up the good work ladies, can't wait to see everyone's results! :)
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Those V lifts are impossible! I have 5 lb weights, so it's not even in the cards at all. I've been doing it with one weight in one hand, and switching every other lift - so each arm gets half the reps with weight, half the reps without weight. I can complete them if I do it like that. Yesterday I did one full set of them with a weight in each hand -- it was wicked hard but I managed. The second time around there was no way I could repeat it, but I'll take it as a victory.

    And yes, every single time I think: Why didn't I grab some soup cans before I got started???? LOL
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Finished Level 2, Day 9 today! I am going on vacation for a week but bringing the DVD, the mat and my weights with me.
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Well, I did Level 2, Day 10 yesterday and Level 3, Day 1 this morning! I felt like Jillian was trying to scare me with all her talk at the beginning of Level 3 and I found it harder to go to Level 3 than I did to Level 2, but it's do-able. I had to modify some of the moves, but I can tell that I've gotten much more fit already by the fact that I wasn't even fazed by doing jumping jacks WITH weights! How is everyone else doing?