

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    Mary - I set my mfp at losing 1 lb a week, to account for that pesky pound that appears from time to time and because I wouldn't mind a bit of a cushion. The cushion never happens, but the pesky pound does disappear, eventually. :grumble: That means I am maintaining on 1200. However I always eat back my exercise calories which are 600 a day from rowing, elliptical, recumbent bike, weights and yoga type stuff. Therefore I very slowly lose at 1800 calories. :D This enables me to have three meals a day, an afternoon snack, an alcoholic drink, and a little something nice in the evening, like cheese. I am more than comfortable with that.
    When I was bigger that allowed me to lose weight.

    Today I went to yoga, but I only burn 238 calories there for 90 minutes. I hate not being able to eat, so I got back on the machines this afternoon and burnt off the rest of my 600. :drinker: I was watching a programme on i player (bbc web) about China and it suddenly cut off in the middle. The whole Internet had gone off. It's only just come back on. They must have been doing some repair work around here. It made me thoroughly miserable for a while, wondering what was going on. :laugh: Our mobile and Internet signals are terrible round here. We live in the countryside.

    All's well now though. B)

    Pat - I do think telling other people how much we appreciate them is essential. I didn't do that with my first husband, but I do it all the time with DH. :love:

    Duck legs tonight. With Ras Al Hanout spice mix. And cabbage. Then off to the W I for life drawing! ! ! I haven't drawn much since school so it should be a good laugh!

    Heather UK

  • char316
    char316 Posts: 72 Member
    I think I may have done this before, but going to try again.

    Feb goals:
    Daily meditation.
    Finish food diary at least 4 days a week.
    Started OA last night. Attend at least one meeting a week.
    Declutter minimum of 15 minutes a day.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I love being in my bed!I am blissfully pain free in that sleep number bed. But reality hits and I know i have to get up. Stormed really bad this morning but my sound machine is loud enough I didn't hear much of it. It is supposed to repeat this afternoon.

    Have a good day internet sisters. Joyce, indiana
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Heather - I remembered!! I second Kim on Carbonite! I use it at both of my workplaces and at home. I love it!
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I haven't read this ams posts yet so please forgive me if I seem to be ignoring anyone.
    Just got up..late..probably needed it as my sleep has been restless w some anxiety about the interview and more.
    And I have to be at dentisit very soon to fix broken tooth before my trip.
    Good news! My daughter got the job! Yay!
    Kind of good news! I didn't ge t supervisor. The young woman w two years experience who is pretty caustic got it. She deserved it but the rest of us have a bit of the dreads about it. The panel went very well. My boss was happy w how I did he just said she had more experience w the company. However, what did upset me was that the additional part time position for supe went to a young girl who has been there two months and is eight months pregnant. She is super nice very pretty. I don't know how much retail experience she had coming into the job so she could've been more experienced than me. But it feels like a slap.
    My boss did say he would like me to consider becoming team trainer which is a dollar more an hour. I don't know if an interview would be necessary. And that I should reapply for supe if another position opens up.
    Determined to look at the positives of the experience. But have to skeddadle.
    Ps thanks for all the good wishes!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Thanks, DJ, for missing me. I have been reading every day, although posting sporadically.

    Today at the gym, we did something new called a ladder. We did 10 reps of everything, then 9, then 8, etc. all the way down to 1. We did seated overhead dumbbell press, biceps curls, dips, push-ups, crunches, and assisted pull-ups. One other girl and I cannot do assisted pull-ups, so the gym manager showed us how to do them with the other three girls in the class helping us. So we did assisted assisted pull-ups, LOL! Then we all got an extra set of exercises in assisting me and Alicia. Well, Alicia and I got one extra set and the other two got two extra sets! I have moved up from 5-lb to 10-lb Dumbbells, so I am making progress.

    Yesterday we walked down to the lake at a nearby park and did steps on the picnic table bench, up and down the regular steps, lunges, side squats, and sprints around the lake where we ran for 30 seconds then walked for 30 seconds. That was really fun, too.

    Welcome, Sapphire! If you like mysteries, you should check out "This Little Pig" by Lisa C. Hannon. It is available on Kindle from Amazon. Lisais a frequent poster in this thread.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
    Hello to all: It is gorgeous and sunny here today in WA a rare event in the winter. The horses are loving it, standing in the pasture sides to the sun. Then after a while they change sides. I did some walking this morning after feeding the horses just because it was so beautiful. I was out there for over an hour.

    I tried to sign up for Medicare eMSMs on the computer. They say I already have an account but I can't sign in because I have no password. According to the site it is in my welcome letter I should have gotten in 2012. I cannot find that letter so I am supposed to re-register, except when I do it tells me I am already registered. Yikes! I hate dealing with government stuff.

    Heather and Barbie - Thanks for the insight. Heather I passed the info on to my DH. He will be glad there is more to read and more coming.

    Katla - Glad you are still able to ride. I hope you are using a mounting block for now. I think your idea for learning to fall is a good one but whenever I have gone down on ice it has always been so fast I am not sure I would react quickly enough. I just always used my YakTrax whenever I was walking in snow or it was icy, cross country runners use them in the winter in the area I used to live in. They just attach to your regular shoes.

    Thanks to all for the birthday well wishes. Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Linda - if you decide to go that route, here is a website where DH sometimes shops for bowling equipment and supplies. Keep in mind that you still must pay someone to drill the balls, and ask a smart coach who is familiar with your DD's technique before buying anything, to make sure it is the correct "performance level" that your DD needs. https://www.bowling.com/ I am on their e-mail list, because they send out discounts, too. Some of the bowlers around here also attend the Storm clinics. They charge $10 and up, let you try out the different balls they are offering, and for an additional fee they will take a video of the bowler and offer suggestions on technique, almost like a private lesson. Good Luck to her (and you) ! ! !
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    well I have my fitbit surge up and going, have to figure it all out.. but it is neat.. will have to figure it out as I go
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Mary- I don't really count calories anymore. I have a meal plan that I follow to the T. No cheats. I plan and prep my meals and snacks. Four to five a day depending on if it is a higher work out day. I walk every day, but some days I add swimming or cardio/strength training. My first week back on this plan after the holidays (yes, I took the month off the plan), I lost 4 pounds, then nothing the following week, then 2 pounds the third week, 0 lost the fourth week; we will see what this week brings. I also haven't weighed myself, but my clothes are fitting more comfortably. LOL! I just got tired of sabotaging myself every time the scale didn't say what I wanted it. SO depressing!
    Sue- You are so lucky to have sunny weather! We had a couple of sunny afternoons earlier this week; and although I love the snow, it has been a winter of ice and sleet, and I am ready for either more snow or summer! Michigan winters! Yuck! Oh, I use my YakTrax nearly every day. God bless the inventor of those things! Gets me out in the winter!
    Katie- Holy cow! That is some work out! And how sore are you today?
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,764 Member
    Cancelled son's Botox appointment. Even though he's had the injections multiple times in the past two years, he couldn't face another series. Anxiety went through the roof. He's 18. I'm not making him do anything he dreads that much just to appease a doctor who doesn't know what else to do ... Especially when we're not seeing much if any benefit. His palpable relief at cancelling was heartbreaking...
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    Hi gals,

    Heather – you are so right about boundaries – and it seems for me just when I think I have it figured out, something else tests me…. But each time is a bit easier… practice makes perfect.

    KJ – I started as a kid too – babysitting, pet sitting…really believing that any income was worth more than no income! It drives me crazy when someone with no income says they will not work for less than x dollars per hour…. It is totally different as you upgrade, but not if you are comparing it to nothing.

    KJ and Alison – skunk – yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as for Tom leaving you with the problem – I would like to spray him!

    Anna – do you skype or face time with your DD – not the same as being there but for free it is darn good.

    Miriam – cute dress on kitty – and actually seems more comfortable than those cones…

    Carol – glad to hear you love carbonite too… it has saved my butt !

    Joyce – I love to see your words!!!!

    Mindy – as we all know age does get in the way sometimes – it should not, but reality sucks – how ever hiring pretty and young often has a reality sucks boomerang to management too – so you never know what will happen in the next few months. I remember being the interviewing manager for a receptionist at the newspaper when I worked there, there was a woman in her 60’s that would have been great – was looking for a job for about 8-10 years until her grandchildren were out of college as her income was going to help them, there was a second applicant that was qualified but 20something and most of the questions were about moving up.. She was beautiful with long long legs. My boss met them both and over ruled me and long legs got the job – after being late repetitively and answering the phone once when the Publisher called (the paper’s version of CEO) she answered with YO! This is the paper what ya need? OH MY the poop hit the fan!!! Legs was gone and Colleen (grandma) was still available she was hired and seamlessly fit in and when I left was still there loved by all. So just wait and see. I would send a nice hand written thank you to the interviewer – they’ll remember that.

    Congrats to your daughter!

    So I had lunch with you all today, thanks for the company! It’s cold here so there is a fire going and 3 bowls of bread dough rising - now is time to sew more !!!

    Kim from N. California
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Lots has happened on this board in 2 days!
    Just stopping in to say hello.
    I'm on track with exercise this week. I had a little overeating episode last night... not too bad. I had a nutritionist tell me that is bound to happen if I don't eat enough during the day. That was probably true for yesterday.

    Stay well,
    Kimses in MA

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth you followed your instincts and his relief was the confirmation you needed. So sorry that the cure to his migraines is so hard to find. Thinking about you and his struggle.

    Mindy I totally agree with Kim, these things often work out and I agree about sending a followup thank you , that can make a positive impression.

    Sadly, a tragedy yesterday among my daughter's friends; one of her close friend's 15 year old brother committed suicide. The circle of friends (about 6 girls in all) spent most of the day in counseling at the high school to process and think of ways they can be there for their friend. As a parent i am speechless thinking about this young man and the family now dealing with such a loss. Hold your dear ones close.

    Karen from NY
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Miriam - I still have tears in my eye from laughing so hard at your cat picture. What a hoot! What a great idea for an alternate to the cone of shame.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mindy - Yay for your daughter. Too bad about your position, but treat every interview as a learning experience, and good things will eventually come you way.

    Drkaitebug - your execise class sounds like fun. The fitness gurus here do fun stuff like that, too.

    The snow has arrived, but it looks very light so far.

    Hugs !
  • Sapphires4me
    Sapphires4me Posts: 93 Member
    DrKatieubg - Thanks for the book recommendation, sounds pretty good.

    - Facetime has been a great help. We try to do it couple times a week. I went up in September and she's hoping to come down in March. counting the days....

    Karen - So awful to hear about daughter's friend committing suicide. What an awful experience. Thoughts and prayers.

    Miriam - The dress on the cat is perfect. I never thought of that for my dog when she has a problem we always use the cone and it certainly is a headache. But we have a Thunderjacket to help her when the weather is bad. I should just use that.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    well the Ogre is home, he flipped out that Fit Bit didn't send a paper receipt.. he needs to have that to take to work. as they will pay for 1/2 since it is something to better your health.. sooo I called fit bit and they are sending out a paper receipt.. problem solved.. staying away and in my room...
    I did take a nap today.. so you know I wasn't feeling well..