Dogs "sabotaging" weight loss.



  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    My furry friend rarely wants to play ball or anything else when we are soon as I lay down on the floor, every toy he has ends up next to me.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I love this thread! Mostly for all of your adorable puppy photos. In Minnesota we can't always get out for a walk every day due to weather/unsafe street conditions (we have no sidewalks and live on a busy road so after dark makes it difficult) but we do play ball for an hour a day to meet his physical fitness requirements and schedule play dates on the weekends with his puppy friends (yes I'm that kind of puppy mom).

    Chance loves to play exercise DVD with me. He jumps when I jump and often brings the ball to me during floor exercises/burpees. It's adorable and he thinks it's a confusing fun game I'm playing.


  • desiresdestiny
    desiresdestiny Posts: 175 Member

    VegasFit wrote: »
    I crate my puppy; plus when my husband and I work out its early in the morning and she's still sleeping. She's very young and is almost 4 months. So glad we crate trained here for night sleeping. usthkkk1hbd1.jpeg

    Well, that's a lab! Is there any other choice besides a crate! Lol. I have a black one also.

    Nothing wrong with a crate plus she has access to the house when we are home which is most of the time.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    The deal breaker for my fiance and me is that he firmly believes dogs should be outdoor pets and I firmly believe that they are pack animals who should be inside with their pack :(


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    I get the stink eye from my dog when I get on the treadmill. She's pretty sure it's hers. She's even tried running on it with me. We nearly both fell off. :laugh:

    This is hilarious.

    I had an old, broken treadmill that I finally got rid of. My cats are annoyed that they lost a perfectly good bed.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member

    Just thought I'd share this. I don't have a treadmill, but heaven knows I've been tempted for my black lab.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    my dog has helped me in my weight loss. She always wants my food...helps with lowering calories. She loves veggies....makes me eat more veggies. She will never refuse a walk or run. And she loves to lay on me when I do yoga. :)
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Adorable pics everyone :)
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Coley88 wrote: »
    your dogs would probably appreciate going on a walk or run with you.

    my dogs get excited when they see me put my shoes on.....
    My husband and I take them on walks a couple times a week, I can't handle both by myself or I would take them right now. The boy loves it and I always have his leash, my husband has to take the girl because she is easily distracted and tends to pull.

    A couple of times a WEEK?

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Our rescue dog runs with us. She was so over weight when we got her that she was out of breathe just walking for 10 minutes.
    Now she walks 3 times a day (10 mins x 2 and 25 mins) and runs 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes.

    Train your dogs to exercise with you. Although ours still jumps on me when I do sit ups :D
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Coley88 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Coley88 wrote: »
    Coley88 wrote: »
    @Coley88 I need to see a photo of your dogs I'm order to give you advice

    Adorable! If they are anything like mine, they think they are little baby lap dogs instead of the big dogs that they are. Maybe try carrying them around for exercise lol

    They definitely do think they're tiny lap dogs lol. I actually do carry Luna(the white one) around the house and up and down the stairs. In addition to all three of us doing laps around the yard as well as inside the house, which is 3 levels so it gets a decent workout in.

    What breed? How heavy is Luna? She looks so much like my rescue. They labelled her as a 'bull terrier.' She is stubborn and a terror, so it could be close.

    She's muddy from running in the puddles at the dog park here, but you can see the similarities:


    I honestly have no idea what breed Luna is, she was a shelter dog and they said she was coon hound/German Shepard, but she is very obviously not a German Shepard. She weighs about 70lbs, she's long and lanky. Her records at the vet have her listed as "tri-colored mix" :D Mason they have listed as "Cattle dog mix." He's extremely smart and does try and "herd" us at times, so I definitely see that. My poor Luna is extremely sweet, but not very bright.

    They look like staffie cross parsons.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    My german shepherd thinks anyone on the floor is fair game lol. He will drop toys on you, try to pull you up, jump over you, lick your face and bark in it, etc. He carries my kettle bells around and sometimes he'll step his front feet back and forth if I'm doing some kind of march. It's hilarious. When he was smaller he did get in the way when I was walking or jogging through the house and many times I had to catch myself from falling.

    I had a picture on here last year of him laying on my yoga mat but I can't find it now on this computer. Ooo found it LOL

    419.jpg 744.8K
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    ^^ My pups do the same thing. They like to 'help' on pushups, and think yoga is a great game.
    Fortunately if I can tire them out sufficiently (either through doggie daycare several times a week or lots of backyard play) they will sit on the couch and just watch me lift....

    Pups.JPG 125.8K
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »

    Just thought I'd share this. I don't have a treadmill, but heaven knows I've been tempted for my black lab.

    Mom's neighbor puts her Golden Retriever on the treadmill in the winter if they are unable to walk due to snow/ice.
  • Coley88
    Coley88 Posts: 114 Member
    mkwrose wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Coley88 wrote: »
    your dogs would probably appreciate going on a walk or run with you.

    my dogs get excited when they see me put my shoes on.....
    My husband and I take them on walks a couple times a week, I can't handle both by myself or I would take them right now. The boy loves it and I always have his leash, my husband has to take the girl because she is easily distracted and tends to pull.

    I know it's not your question, but a couple of times per week? Dogs should be walked a few times per day for getting rid of waste, getting rid of energy and staying in contact with other dogs in the neighbourhood. And honestly, if your dogs don't listen to you then they need better training, both for staying in their place while you work out and when you go for a walk. Poor beasts.

    The OP has said that she has a big back yard where the dogs go a lot each day and play and do their business. We personally do not take our two doggies on ANY walks. They are much more content to run free and play in the fenced back yard. Plus they are nervous nellies on walks and won't do their business anyway.

    Thank you. By a "couple times per week" is average of 3-4, depending on weather. We do laps around our huge backyard together, as well as all around our 3 story home. I'm sorry, but I personally feel that during the summer if it is too hot for me to go on a walk barefoot, than it is too hot for them as well. Burning their soft pads on paws is more neglect to me. On the same page, since they both have light coats, if it's too cold for me outside during the winter, it's too cold for them to go on a walk as well, especially during snowy/icy conditions.

    In addition to the exercise we do together around the yard/home, they also visit with my grandmother and her two dogs, as well as my mother in law and her two dogs, multiple times as week.

    I would bet they get more exercise, as well as love and attention, than most of the dogs from the owners that are bashing. If we lived in an apartment, I think it would be different, however, we live in a spacious 3 story house(which they chase each other around in addition to thto laps that the three of us do together), a huge backyard, and visit two other homes and yards frequently.
  • Coley88
    Coley88 Posts: 114 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I love this thread! Mostly for all of your adorable puppy photos. In Minnesota we can't always get out for a walk every day due to weather/unsafe street conditions (we have no sidewalks and live on a busy road so after dark makes it difficult) but we do play ball for an hour a day to meet his physical fitness requirements and schedule play dates on the weekends with his puppy friends (yes I'm that kind of puppy mom).

    Chance loves to play exercise DVD with me. He jumps when I jump and often brings the ball to me during floor exercises/burpees. It's adorable and he thinks it's a confusing fun game I'm playing.

    . My dogs have play dates regularly as well. :) Mason's favorite thing is to play fetch up and down the stairs. He's picky though and will only play fetch with green balls, any other color he just chews on/plays with Luna with them. He also loves tug of war.

  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    My dog is very caring and helpful with my weight loss/exercising. If I'm trying to do a push up he'll crawl below me to help me back up, or if I'm doing a side plank, he'll try to knock me over to improve my stability. He even noticed I needed new running shoes so he kindly chewed my old ones to pieces so I had no choice but to buy a new pair. He even tries to eat my food in an attempt to stop me from over eating! And not to mention all the extra steps I get when he breaks out of the house and I have to chase him around the neighborhood. (Who needs a personal trainer when you have a helpful dog like mine!)


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Take them for a walk one at a time.

    Yep! Excuses are easy to find when you look for them.

    100% this!
    Coley88 wrote: »
    mkwrose wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Coley88 wrote: »
    your dogs would probably appreciate going on a walk or run with you.

    my dogs get excited when they see me put my shoes on.....
    My husband and I take them on walks a couple times a week, I can't handle both by myself or I would take them right now. The boy loves it and I always have his leash, my husband has to take the girl because she is easily distracted and tends to pull.

    I know it's not your question, but a couple of times per week? Dogs should be walked a few times per day for getting rid of waste, getting rid of energy and staying in contact with other dogs in the neighbourhood. And honestly, if your dogs don't listen to you then they need better training, both for staying in their place while you work out and when you go for a walk. Poor beasts.

    The OP has said that she has a big back yard where the dogs go a lot each day and play and do their business. We personally do not take our two doggies on ANY walks. They are much more content to run free and play in the fenced back yard. Plus they are nervous nellies on walks and won't do their business anyway.

    Thank you. By a "couple times per week" is average of 3-4, depending on weather. We do laps around our huge backyard together, as well as all around our 3 story home. I'm sorry, but I personally feel that during the summer if it is too hot for me to go on a walk barefoot, than it is too hot for them as well. Burning their soft pads on paws is more neglect to me. On the same page, since they both have light coats, if it's too cold for me outside during the winter, it's too cold for them to go on a walk as well, especially during snowy/icy conditions.

    In addition to the exercise we do together around the yard/home, they also visit with my grandmother and her two dogs, as well as my mother in law and her two dogs, multiple times as week.

    I would bet they get more exercise, as well as love and attention, than most of the dogs from the owners that are bashing. If we lived in an apartment, I think it would be different, however, we live in a spacious 3 story house(which they chase each other around in addition to thto laps that the three of us do together), a huge backyard, and visit two other homes and yards frequently.

    I am sorry, but these are all excuses. So you can only walk the dogs when it is a certain temperature out, and wont walk them by yourself/one by one?

    No one is bashing. They are simply stating that dogs are a commitment that require daily exercise.

    I have a OLD (14 y/o) golden retriever who is blind, has severe arthritis and limited mobility. The vet flat out told me a walk, daily, was the best thing I could do for her to keep her joints from stiffening up. Vet also told me the fact that we walk her every day (even though we also have a large back yard) is one of the reasons she has lived so long even with the medical problems.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited February 2016
    elphie754 wrote: »
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Take them for a walk one at a time.

    Yep! Excuses are easy to find when you look for them.

    100% this!
    Coley88 wrote: »
    mkwrose wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Coley88 wrote: »
    your dogs would probably appreciate going on a walk or run with you.

    my dogs get excited when they see me put my shoes on.....
    My husband and I take them on walks a couple times a week, I can't handle both by myself or I would take them right now. The boy loves it and I always have his leash, my husband has to take the girl because she is easily distracted and tends to pull.

    I know it's not your question, but a couple of times per week? Dogs should be walked a few times per day for getting rid of waste, getting rid of energy and staying in contact with other dogs in the neighbourhood. And honestly, if your dogs don't listen to you then they need better training, both for staying in their place while you work out and when you go for a walk. Poor beasts.

    The OP has said that she has a big back yard where the dogs go a lot each day and play and do their business. We personally do not take our two doggies on ANY walks. They are much more content to run free and play in the fenced back yard. Plus they are nervous nellies on walks and won't do their business anyway.

    Thank you. By a "couple times per week" is average of 3-4, depending on weather. We do laps around our huge backyard together, as well as all around our 3 story home. I'm sorry, but I personally feel that during the summer if it is too hot for me to go on a walk barefoot, than it is too hot for them as well. Burning their soft pads on paws is more neglect to me. On the same page, since they both have light coats, if it's too cold for me outside during the winter, it's too cold for them to go on a walk as well, especially during snowy/icy conditions.

    In addition to the exercise we do together around the yard/home, they also visit with my grandmother and her two dogs, as well as my mother in law and her two dogs, multiple times as week.

    I would bet they get more exercise, as well as love and attention, than most of the dogs from the owners that are bashing. If we lived in an apartment, I think it would be different, however, we live in a spacious 3 story house(which they chase each other around in addition to thto laps that the three of us do together), a huge backyard, and visit two other homes and yards frequently.

    I am sorry, but these are all excuses. So you can only walk the dogs when it is a certain temperature out, and wont walk them by yourself/one by one?

    No one is bashing. They are simply stating that dogs are a commitment that require daily exercise.

    I have a OLD (14 y/o) golden retriever who is blind, has severe arthritis and limited mobility. The vet flat out told me a walk, daily, was the best thing I could do for her to keep her joints from stiffening up. Vet also told me the fact that we walk her every day (even though we also have a large back yard) is one of the reasons she has lived so long even with the medical problems.

    Actually, we recently had quite the canvassing ad campaign by the RSPCA which basically said "If you can't walk barefoot, neither can your dog" after a spate of dogs being treated for burnt pads. I don't live in snow, so can't comment, but the hot pavement thing is totally legit.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    edited February 2016
    elphie754 wrote: »
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Take them for a walk one at a time.

    Yep! Excuses are easy to find when you look for them.

    100% this!
    Coley88 wrote: »
    mkwrose wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Coley88 wrote: »
    your dogs would probably appreciate going on a walk or run with you.

    my dogs get excited when they see me put my shoes on.....
    My husband and I take them on walks a couple times a week, I can't handle both by myself or I would take them right now. The boy loves it and I always have his leash, my husband has to take the girl because she is easily distracted and tends to pull.

    I know it's not your question, but a couple of times per week? Dogs should be walked a few times per day for getting rid of waste, getting rid of energy and staying in contact with other dogs in the neighbourhood. And honestly, if your dogs don't listen to you then they need better training, both for staying in their place while you work out and when you go for a walk. Poor beasts.

    The OP has said that she has a big back yard where the dogs go a lot each day and play and do their business. We personally do not take our two doggies on ANY walks. They are much more content to run free and play in the fenced back yard. Plus they are nervous nellies on walks and won't do their business anyway.

    Thank you. By a "couple times per week" is average of 3-4, depending on weather. We do laps around our huge backyard together, as well as all around our 3 story home. I'm sorry, but I personally feel that during the summer if it is too hot for me to go on a walk barefoot, than it is too hot for them as well. Burning their soft pads on paws is more neglect to me. On the same page, since they both have light coats, if it's too cold for me outside during the winter, it's too cold for them to go on a walk as well, especially during snowy/icy conditions.

    In addition to the exercise we do together around the yard/home, they also visit with my grandmother and her two dogs, as well as my mother in law and her two dogs, multiple times as week.

    I would bet they get more exercise, as well as love and attention, than most of the dogs from the owners that are bashing. If we lived in an apartment, I think it would be different, however, we live in a spacious 3 story house(which they chase each other around in addition to thto laps that the three of us do together), a huge backyard, and visit two other homes and yards frequently.

    I am sorry, but these are all excuses. So you can only walk the dogs when it is a certain temperature out, and wont walk them by yourself/one by one?

    No one is bashing. They are simply stating that dogs are a commitment that require daily exercise.

    I have a OLD (14 y/o) golden retriever who is blind, has severe arthritis and limited mobility. The vet flat out told me a walk, daily, was the best thing I could do for her to keep her joints from stiffening up. Vet also told me the fact that we walk her every day (even though we also have a large back yard) is one of the reasons she has lived so long even with the medical problems.

    Actually, we recently had quite the canvassing ad campaign by the RSPCA which basically said "If you can't walk barefoot, neither can your dog" after a spate of dogs being treated for burnt pads. I don't live in snow, so can't comment, but the hot pavement thing is totally legit.

    They make socks/booties for this exact reason.

    ETA: or walk them somewhere that has no pavement.