40+, WITH 40+ TO LOSE!



  • gailm68
    gailm68 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi 48 had gastric bypass 2004 lost 130 pounds and have kept it off still need to lose about 70 pounds. Was wondering if anyone else here has had gastric bypass. I have 6 children 6- 29 yrs old three still at home have 3 grandchildren.
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member
    edited February 2016
    Welcome @gailm68! I don't know anyone that has. You might start a conversation about it, in the motivation & support.
  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 419 Member
    I'm 44 and 50 pounds to lose! I need to be able to keep up with my kids so trying to get more active. We spend a lot of time camping and I want to feel more comfortable in my swimsuit this summer so that is my goal right now.
  • Sunnflwer
    Sunnflwer Posts: 7 Member

    40 here with 70-75lbs to lose. Been on and off this weight loss roller coaster for longer then I care to remember!! Busy mom and life often gets in the way as everyone else ends up nurtured except me! I've decided I'm no longer last in my life, it's time to be first and 40 is my year to finally rock things!!

    The more adds the merrier, seeing successes and notices on other peoples walls helps to keep me motivated and review my own goals and progress so add, add, add!

  • chocolettebelle
    chocolettebelle Posts: 6 Member

    I am 46 and desire to lose 45lbs. I have been on this weight loss journey for about 7 years. I originally lost 90 lbs but I have gained 28 of that back. I am married with 2 adult children and 1 teen. I work full time and I am also going to school part time. My schedule is crazy!! I did well when I had 3 meals plus 2 snacks a day. The more erratic my schedule....the more erratic my meals...... I have committed to getting back on track with the assistance of MFP. I truly desire to get to my desired weight for my health with a little vanity on the side :)
  • ImWithHer
    ImWithHer Posts: 19 Member
    ImWithHer wrote: »
    First day logging food since coming back. I forgot what a royal pain this is. Ugh!

    Deal with it!

    Ok... Thank you?
  • steveew90
    steveew90 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 43 with 47 pounds to lose. Motivation would be great please add me.
  • Mama_cc
    Mama_cc Posts: 45 Member
    Peeking to wave howdy to the 40s people! One day at a time, y'all!
  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 41, a mother to 3 adult children and grandma of 4! Yikes! I had lost about 80lbs on here 5 years ago. Then I had a bunch of life changes and have gained it all back... I am back on and absolutely determined to do this for good! Again about 80lbs to lose, and down 13 so far.
    Always looking for new friends to motivate and support each other! Feel free to add me!
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    Wow... this thread got big! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing! I've been doing really good during the day but then I want to eat everything in sight at night. I went grocery shopping last night and got some healthy snacks so that should do the trick. Slow and steady!
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member
    @Sunnflwer Totally agree! Good for you! Let's do this!
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome everyone!
  • buxbert
    buxbert Posts: 244 Member
    I got about 45 pounds to lose and I am struggling to get started properly (- again). lost about 17 pounds last spring but gained half of it back when I lost interest in counting calories and I had problems with my knee (old age stuff). knee still in pain but now my back as well for lack of exercise :smiley: I have to lose that weight this year or I fear it will stay on forever! :o
  • Zoomoon
    Zoomoon Posts: 5 Member
    Add me to the group. Will be 45 in a couple of weeks and finding losing weight a lot harder at this age than I did 10 or 20 years ago! Although I only have about 16lbs to lose, I had an eating disorder since I was 18. Thankfully the last 15 years it has more or less been under control, it never goes away...... especially when faced with a buffet!
    I have 2 grown up kids (23 & 21) - My son (the youngest) is a natural fitness freak and loves to do sport and exercise and my daughter (the oldest) is a bit like me with the need to be motivated. Thankfully my daughter and I give each other support - have just started a trampoline exercise class for an hour each week and signed up for a couple of 5k runs in the couple of months. Last year I couldn't run 1km without stopping for a rest, but within 6weeks I managed to get that up to 10km (wasn't capable of a celebratory dance tho!!). We've always tried to set ourselves a challenge each year - this year my daughter has signed up to her first half marathon but I am yet to decide on mine. Wanted to run 2016km for 2016 but January my motivation was still nibbling at the Christmas leftovers.
    I find logging my meals each day really helpful and have now started to take more notice of the nutrients as well as the calories, so making a few better choices. I do allow myself treats as I know how I get if I deny myself things that I like and I try not to beat myself up if I have a less than good day. Have also got a new fitbit HR to track my exercise levels which is helping with the motivation - especially when I get the email to say that I have walked more steps than my daughter this week and when I don't, it motivates me to do more!
    Feel free to add as a friend for encouragement.
  • cmorris30316
    cmorris30316 Posts: 76 Member
    Yes please add me. I'm getting really motivated. Started a great yoga class today. Hiking later in the afternoon. No alcohol for month of February. And going to cut out caffeine and maybe cheese too!
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member
    @buxbert I am the same way....hate counting anything. That's why I love MFP. So much easier to just input your food journal and let it tell you where you're at. I try to stay under 1300 calories a day. So far it's working. Good luck!!
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member
    Hi @Grotti I can relate. Glad to have you in our group! It's so great that you have instilled a respect for health and fitness, in your kids. That is a huge reason I am doing this now, while my son is so young. I want him to grow up active and I want to be able to do activities with him. Thank you for sharing.
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member
    Awesome start @cmorris30316!
  • andriacheever
    andriacheever Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, my name is Andria and I'm 45 years old and working on losing 65 lbs. I'm a former binge eater since childhood and am just becoming happy with eating a high fiber low fat vegetarian diet and starting to lose weight. I have a couple friends that are encouraging on here, but honestly would like a few more! I don't get support or motivation from home so need to look elsewhere! I'm pre-diabetic and hypothyroid so my doctor has told me to follow the diabetic eating plan for vegetarians, since I am one and after only 1 week I'm starting to feel good and be noticed I've had no cravings :)
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi, I'm Derek I'm 14 weeks in and 35lbs down with another 20-25lbs to go. Spent my 30's putting on the pounds, 3 kids and a desk job with lots of travel. Tried to excercise my way out of it over the past 3 years and have finally clued in on diet. Nice to read about others travels and travails.

    Spending tons on veggies and chicken and eggwhite omelettes but it seems to be working. Got to say I just want it to be over though.